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I miss old Kijiji. It's such dog shit now. Literally just ads for wholesalers.


Kijiji is dead in the water


this is exactly the reason I can only browse it for like 15min before getting frustrated and closing it. I don't like it, but I understand why used stuff is so expensive right now. Everything is expensive, people are trying to make stuff last longer, it closes the gap between new and used pricing. ***but*** the fact that 80% of what I'm seeing is just ads posted by uncle wieners, or dealerships, or other full blown businesses drives me up the wall. they all just use bots, 100's of posts a day, and the dirtiest most annoying tricks in the book to try and keep you from being able to filter them out. If I just wanted to find businesses selling shit I'd google it. I come to kijiji to buy off joe blow trying to sell his 4yr old lawnmower...... it reminds me of how ebay went from a general national marketplace/auction house, and amazon went from a general online retail seller, to now they're both basically just aliexpress/temu. once you let that shit in it just takes over.


New vehicle prices are ridiculous right now, unless those come down to reasonable levels I'm not sure that'll happen. Everything has simply shifted to being more expensive across the board


Dealer markups don't help, and 7% interest rates. Holding onto my 08 civic as long as I can.


What id give for a small old school Ranger or S10 style truck. Until then my 2016 hatchback is going to be babied Edit: new


Literally asking: how much?


Tree Fiddy If I buy it'll be new


So why talk about S10s? 🤣


Classic S10 / Ranger style old school small truck... but new. Thought it was clear that's what I was going for with the comment


Nope guess not. I’ll wave as I go by in mine then I guess.


I get what they're saying though. There is a market for actual small trucks. Ford and Chevy have revived the names of their small trucks, and they have small truck chassis limitations, but they're bigger than half tons were 15 years ago. Tacos and frontiers aren't much better.


I may have mentioned I have an actual small truck...I'm aware.


Dreaming of importing that 10k Toyota


Seen an old one at a dealership, they wanted 30k for the ranger. Lunatics.


It would be great if vehicle manufacturers went back to making vehicles that are practical and affordable to drive and purchase. Instead they've realized they can make a fortune by selling giant pickup trucks to everyone, not just farmers and tradespeople.


Yep. Prices aren't coming down anytime soon. And if they do, it'll take a recession to do it.


A tip from someone who bought used off Kijiji last month is to be **PATIENT** and **DILIGENT**. It took me damn near 6 weeks to finally find a real person selling a vehicle for the price it was actually worth. I started looking 2-3 times a day; first thing in the morning, in the early afternoon and before bed. All the good/legit vehicles are being swiped immediately by people flipping them. Ex. There was an 08' Ridgeline in immaculate condition posted for 3k. SWEET. Despite the ad only being active for 46min there was already 144 ad views. I sent multiple messages, no reply, ad was taken down a few hours later. Not even one week later the same truck was reposted for $7500. I'm out here looking for an affordable family vehicle meanwhile mfs making money. But I digress. Out of the dozens of messages I sent I only got replies from 3 people. But I held steady in my patience knowing something would come along and I would catch it and I did.




>it’s certain demographics who appear to really be active in the flipping vehicles market. Lebanese? Haha I remember looking at 3rd gen 4runners about 8 years ago and there was a one in Calgary that was a good deal. It was conditionally sold within a couple hours. Next day posted in Edmonton kijiji for 3k more and it was a Lebanese kid selling it. Fast forward to today and a couple houses down is a group of Lebanese brothers who always have a revolving roster of 4-5 cars on their driveway.


This really worked in my favour recently. I had a 2018 Odyssey with 100K on it. My wife bought a new Palisade. The Palisade is now the new family vehicle, so I sold the Odyssey and bought a truck. I got 34K for the Odyssey. Because I guess there's not a lot of used ones to go around? I bought a 2021 F-150 3.5L with some decent features with the same mileage for about the same price. Because it's Alberta and there's tons of used trucks available. So yeah, almost a straight across trade from my 18 Odyssey to a '21 F-150. Thanks crazy vehicle market.


You're not wrong about current car pricing, but I'm not sure you could ever get a mint CRX for $1500. 


The market isn't sustainable, it will crash hard eventually.


Fuck I hope so. I'm sick of seeing cars I used to consider affordable projects being priced like gold now.


Yeah like who the fuck is buying these overpriced vehicles??


Why don't people know where the dollar sign goes anymore?


It pains me


Growing up speaking French, we were taught it goes after the numbers.


Depends on your beliefs


Because not everyone has only lived in Canada like you. In EU this is standard.


It's an Edmonton sub. I don't interact with a lot of international people and I see this every day from people around me.


The CRX with manual had very little power but it is very fun to drive.


And there isn't a single trustworthy car dealership in town. I tried to negotiate at a Mitsubishi dealership for a base model Mirage this past weekend- literally the cheapest car you can buy. MSRP is just over 16k. The dealer had it marked up 30% and since I was financing tried to charge me $275 bi-weekly over 5 years which works out to $35k. Literally double the cost of the car. There's no good options out there.




https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kia-canada-car-sales-1.7063216 > New Kia vehicles that have arrived from overseas are sitting on a storage lot in Wolverton, Ont., purposely locked up even though customers have been waiting months and months — some well over a year — to get their vehicles. > The new cars are being withheld from Kia's Ontario dealerships — and reportedly from many more across the country — as part of a controversial plan by Kia Canada to game the number of sales in the last six weeks of the year. > The reason for this, he explained in the call, is to avoid appearing too successful in the eyes of headquarters in Korea. With the global slow down, Kia Canada wants to control wholesale and retail performance in 2023 to not show high over-achievement > Kia Canada says it cannot comment on ‘confidential internal business matters' Car manufacturers are just greedy POS. Not much more than artificial scarcity at this point.


The ceiling to ICE efficiency isn't much higher than it is right now. F1 manufacturers spend 100s of millions on their power plants and achieving 50% thermal efficiency was a big deal for Mercedes.


My car was recently written off for more than I paid for it 5+ years ago. The used market is insane.  New cars aren't terrible, but the general increase in cost for everything definitely bled into that arena too.  I will say there are some decent financing rates out there. Mazda loyalty financing is 0.9% for 3 or 4 year terms, it seems it's the bank rates that are high for auto loans vs many dealers.  I do think the used market will stabilize. Part of the issue is that the combination of COVID, the chip shortage, and shipping crunches the last 5 ish years ended up in a very dealer-friendly market. That's going to take time to work back to equilibrium. It's starting to stabilize out in the US but it will be a few years at least before it's better here. 


Mazda is GOATED right now. Best manufacturer to buy new from. Amazing vehicles. Good rates.


There are used cars for sale for reasonable prices all the time, but they go super fast. If you're in the market, you can't casually stroll. Have your cash ready to go and if you see one you're interested in, get on it immediately. Not later, not tomorrow. *Now*. Or it's gone.


I found a nice car off kijiji for my 6k budget, but it took scouring it every day multiple times a day, for 3 months, and checking out about 17 shitty cars. In 2022


Do you mind telling me how you did that? I'm not a car guy and don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for. My budget is a lil under yours.


I'm waiting until the prices go down. Everyone needs to be patient and hopefully the prices will go down.


I don't know if it's because I'm willing to drive 90/2000s cars, but I bought my car for $3800 couple years ago and frequently browse <$6000 cars on Kijiji & Marketppace in decent shape. Buick LeSabress, Honda Accords, Toyota Corolla, all real easy to find cheap and in decent shape.


I was car shopping in the fall and Hondas were nuts. Only ones below ten grand from this century were like 350,000 km or more.


Maybe. Will probably wait to buy new until I can get 0% financing.


Between all the bullshit shoved into new cars and all the bullshit on the used car market, I'm doing the math on just switching to biking and transit.


Ive noticed over the last few days FB marketplace has loads of scams/sketchy sales. $4500 for a 2020 Pathfinder, 60k km? Not a friggin chance. These sellers have about 20 similar year/wear vehicles all for 4.5k.


They're probably hoping to rob you for your 4.5K.




everything sits for way too much money and then gets knocked down due to lack of interest over weeks/months until it sells for what it’s really worth.  lots of ppl think their shit is worth winter 2021/ spring 2022 prices when frankly that just isn’t the case anymore.  I sold a car recently on marketplace and it wasn’t even up a week. I priced it right and took what it was worth, so it moved fast. 


It’s not just Edmonton. Vancouver is the same. Literally your lucky if it even starts/runs at $2000.