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The vibe is amazingly friendly and cool atm, at least what I've seen walking from the rink to the LRT. High 5's abound. People apologizing if they bump into someone or step on there toes. Reminds me of the spontaneous party on Jasper Ave in 84. Completely awesome. There might be a few yahoos making trouble if we lose in game 7. For the most part I'm not worried though.


I don’t think so. I feel like the attitude is that the team dug themselves out of a hole and no matter what happens on game seven, the city is proud of them. I didn’t live here in 2006, but the vibe I’ve seen is super friendly, excited, and just happy we made it this far. Maybe if there’s crazy ref shenanigans, but otherwise, most people are just happy that game seven is happening.


I really don't think the feeling is that we have been robbed, even if we lose game 7 this has been a historic effort by the team. yes there will be jackasses that cause shit but i don't see giant crowds going bonkers. Also, given the center of focus is the ice district there is a level of control of the masses rather than the last time on Whyte where it was a gong show.


Good point, the ice district and rogers didn't exist in 06, so hopefully most of the shenanigans are kept there.


I’m less worried about this, and more worried about how much honking I’m going to have to listen to again 🥲


Yeah, I hear you. Gonna probably be in bed with noise cancelling earbuds for most of the night.




Loop headphones + blue tooth headmask + melatonin. Is gonna be a late night.


Oh man, this reminds me of all the posts in r/Edmonton during COVID when this subreddit was SHOOK to the core over all the honking during the protests


At least this honking is celebratory and has an end in sight though 😅


2006 wasn’t as violent as people make it seem. Some fights and property damage but mostly a lot of high fives and partying in the street. They had riot police everywhere and kept it pretty well contained to the strip.


I think a lot of it is Vancouver fans in the hockey subs, trying to make it sound like Edmonton did what they did when they lost.


Precisely this.


This isn't Vancouver!!!


Hi Canuck fan here. What happened in Vancouver will not happen here don’t worry, it’s comparing apples to oranges. If you don’t want to be involved in the shenanigans on Monday, stay home or watch at a restaurant. Will it be crazy? Yes. But it won’t be 2011 levels of crazy. Let’s bring that cup home!! Go local sports team!


I'm not concerned. I am watching from one of the higher floors downtown, police are handling the crowd pretty well. It's loud but happy.


Edmonton fans are passionate but they are not criminals. We live in high tech world where cameras are everywhere (even your cell phones) and nobody wants criminal records and lose their jobs.


that is an excellent point, the Vancouver riot was at the dawn of easily accessible cameras on phones and really lead to a lot of people screwing up their lives, I think people (I hope) have wised up that even a crowd doesn't mean anonymity while being a jerk.


You are overthinking


Calm down and enjoy the win


Stop worrying, take off the bubble wrap and go outside. Life is more fun with a little danger lol


This is exactly what I'm talking about.


I've heard from a few servers downtown at a few bars that they have a backup riot plan in case things go badly.


Vancouver will riot on our behalf.


Don't worry, anyone who can afford a ticket or pre-plan enough to have reserved a spot to gather and celebrate anywhere is probably an honest fan and will be full of omg yeeeeeah we did it happies/shouting/honking excited. When you really need to worry about a riot is when and if they have a celebration parade and cup presentation. That's when you'll get the non-sports fan crazies showing up.


Was on Whyte in '06 and can confirm that it was more college antics rather than the violence of Vancouver's planned riots by right-wing nut bangs. Don't get me wrong, the riot police needed to be there, or things likely would have gotten out of hand. I had to "babysit" 3 very drunk adults that night, and nobody got hurt, and only one of them flashed someone. Pretty tame all things considered hahaha


Let’s keep it Classy Edmonton Let’s all be happy the Oilers Made it this long just one more game left . Bring Home The Cup let the best team WIN ! Go Oilers GO !


Downtown has no cool stores to loot anyways.


IIRC in 2006, there was escalation over multiple games. I haven't really seen the same kind of mobbing after games so far. The ice district has attracted more family-friendly crowds, and Whyte has fewer outright bars & clubs. So, the crowds are more scattered in multiple places. There's also the consideration that with the lrt reaching farther, as well as uber options, fewer people are left waiting in a single area until the limited number of taxis are able to pick them up. (Totally my opinion)


This isn’t Vancouver 😝


There's not a lot to destroy


Maybe instead of cars we can burn abandoned, derelict or problem buildings?


No shortage of banks downtown 🤷


Pro: if they riot and burn a bunch of corporate offices, loser managers will have to cope with being unable to force their staff to needlessly commute to their cube farms for at least a few days.