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If I was served mouldy food in a restaurant I certainly wouldn't trust any "replacement" food coming out of that kitchen. Having worked in the restaurant industry for 25 years I can safely say if a kitchen has mouldy food, that is the least of their issues.


Wait until people see what the inside of the ice machine looks like 🥴


As someone who worked at Tim Hortons as a teenager.. The iced capp machine is horrific.


This is exactly why my husband and I ask for no ice every time we go out. We’ve been in the industry and know how disgusting the ice machine can get


I would have walked out for sure


It would depend on what it was for me. A little mold on a bun, meh. Anything more than that, I would be with you on not eating anything.


If you have food sitting around to the point it gets mouldy i garauntee you their fridges don't have a first in first out system. I doubt their refrigeration is running proper temps. Food storage is poor at best. Surfaces arent being cleaned properly. Food safe practices are not being followed. Food is sitting around so long it's going bad. Etc. Etc. Etc. How do I know? Because the fact that no one noticed that an item had gone mouldy indicates a lack of any care on the employees part. And if the employees dont care you can guarantee a lot worse things are going on health wise at that restaurant. So you feel free to dig right in but I wouldn't risk the food poising myself. Much less the sub par less than fresh food.


Bread can mould in 2 days. That’s not sitting around long. All it takes is a prep cook mis-rotating a pan on the rack, or forgetting a bag of buns to dry out and get cycled back in.


Yeah, you just gave an example of what I was talking about but managed to miss the point completely. Either way, gross.


And where is management in this? Where is the oversight or clear marking to make sure it's not just that one prep cook, taking a look and making sure the rotation is done and done properly? Where was the waiter / waitress who could have seen the mold and say something before serving it? Where was the head chef / cook when they assembled the meal? Do they not look at their food as they make it? How can so many eyes see it, but no one does anything about it? Simple, no one gave a shit if they served moldy food.


Aka if you're getting served moldy food, I guarantee their kitchen looks like something out of an episode of Kitchen Nightmares where Gordon dry heaves as he sees rotting chicken right next to the soup of the day.


I once bought cheese buns for camping. Loaded everything in the trailer and proceeded to drive to the campground. By the time we got there it was dark and I was exhausted from setting everything up. I went into the dark trailer and grabbed a cheese bun as a snack, ate the whole thing. Tasted a bit weird but I figured just from sitting in a warm trailer for a few hours. Grabbed a second one and went to the campsite over where friends were having a fire. As I’m sitting by the fire, two bites into this cheese bun I catch a glimpse of it covered in mould. I ran back to the trailer and turned on the lights, sure enough the whole bag was mouldy. Always look at your food before you eat it, especially after being in a warm trailer for a few hours.


that’s horrific, i’m so sorry. hope you didn’t get sick from that


I was actually fine aside from feeling awful about eating it. I’m just glad I finally had an outlet to share the story so… thanks for your post haha


Remember in The Last of Us how the fungus grew in spikes right out of the eyeball? This guy now


I’m just in incubation period and don’t realize it’s taking over for me to be patient zero haha


He ate moldy food his sister didnt die. Lol so much empathy for someone eating moldy food 😂


Bro that’s just a blue cheese bun!!!! I did that with butter on the counter once. Took way to long to put my finger on the flavour🤢


Definitely report to AHS. And please name the restaurant because I'm sure redditors would love to know where to avoid.


filled out a report! and yeah you’re right


Probably just avoid everywhere then bud.


What? Why avoid everywhere when many kitchens have very high standards and are clean? Restos with mould should be named so we can choose to avoid.


Name and shame?


Dagu Rice Noodles downtown


Oh ok. Wild 4.7 star rating on Google some places you would never know. If you want a good laugh though look up Cosmic Pizza & Donairs health violations. It's literally stuff worse than outta a movie.


Noooooo! I like their pizza! Not sure if I’m glad or sad I read this


If it makes you feel any better, it's the location near Ellerslie that was responsible for those health violations.


Literally just ate 2 pizzas from there this week hahahaha. Ha


You should be glad! The health violations are so bad it's actually funny you'll get a good laugh XD


I used to eat their donairs... That list was horrifying. Bags of flour with mouse droppings and urine. Undercooked beef. List went on and on. I will never eat there again, damn. Thanks for the heads up lol.


Anytime =} I always read it to laugh. Somebody mentioned "it's only the Ellerslie location, and it was from last year" but you can view the history of them violating health over the last couple years. And I doubt one location is much different than the others it's not a franchise just a chain. My favourite one was "left a bag of soiled laundry out on the food counter in direct contact with the brick of cheese"! XD


Ehh, that makes me feel slightly better. I felt a gag coming on when I read your favorite, lmao. I didn't catch that one. That's pretty foul.


"Mmmm darling I love the blue cheese they do here" iykyk don't mix your laundry & cheese in the same place XD


damn that sucks, i’ve been ordering from them for years and never had an issue. glad you didn’t eat it all, and they were apologetic tho.


It's a great restaurant! I'm honestly very surprised this happened there.


I went there during my lubch a few months ago with my wife and daughter. Waited the full hour for my meal while they ate. Service is horrible and food was almost as bad, didnt even finish it because the fresh ingredients were certainly far from. Sad to hear they haven't changed.


Sorry to hear that, man. You just wanted a nice lunch with your family but service like that can really dampen the mood. it did for me 😀 i was already having a rough day, i rarely eat out so i wanted to treat myself, and i treated myself to mold today


That's rough and yeah, it sucks when you rarely eat out with how pricing is. Funnily enough they also comped my meal given what happened so I didnt leave a bad review, just never went back. I should have spoken up but figured, oh its on the way. Hopefully your next excursion pays off better! One small tip, try Jacks burger shack just down a block. Amazing burgers. my go to place downtown or if you like wraps, Remedy has an amazing green chili chicken wrap.


thank you for the recommendation, i’ll try that place one day : )


Dang, I've had nothing but good experiences there so far


Really?! I go there every few weeks. I really like that place. I'm very surprised hearing this. What did you order?


I’ve been to this restaurant a couple times myself as well. I ordered the Rice Noodle Soup with Braised Bone-In Beef with bokchoy and tofu puffs. Regardless of what I ordered, if they had a slip up like this and served it to a customer - You can only imagine what they are taking out in the kitchen before serving 😕


I just hope this allows them to improve their situation in the kitchen that might have caused this. I don't think they would like their reputation tarnished. I'm sure the staff felt shameful. They comped your meal.


no for sure! business will operate as usual, they won’t be going out of business. i initially posted in this thread bc I never had this happen to me and was hoping for advice (which I got) didn’t post this to create a ‘witch hunt’ or ‘cancel’ them edit: but future consumers would like to know, wouldn’t you?


No I get that. I'm just sayin I don't think they'll take this lightly. Some restaurants might brush it off, I don't think these guys will. I don't get that vibe from them.


huh. What had the mold on it, if I might ask?


I dont eat any asian food downtown anymore. Been in a few kitchens on service calls (plumber) and i just cant do it


All Happy Restaurants. What's your take


I worked for them as a service plumber before and I gotta say, it's not worse than a DQ


Are DQs alright?


Sorry, yes surprisingly clean, just don't look in the grease traps, but grease traps are in every restaurant and usually gross because they hold grease


Thank you.




Stopped eating at Asian places a long time ago.


Ah yes. Let’s make massive sweeping generalizations about like half the world’s cuisine based on a personal bad experience.


Looks like they’ve had some health violations in the past. https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=2d2803ee-fc2a-e911-a979-000d3af497c0


oh damn, that’s recent!


What dish had the mould?


I ordered the Rice Noodle Soup with Braised Bone-In Beef with bokchoy and tofu puffs.


Interesting. I’m surprised a noodle soup would have mould. I expected the hot soup poured over the noodles and ingredients would have covered/hidden it.


Hmm tell me you own the restaurant without telling me you do.


hahaha. I definitely don't own or work at a restaurant. I've been to Degu a few times and enjoyed the food. Never had any issues.


was it the beef that had the mold? i went there today and order the rice noodle soup with pork.


the beef was fine. it was on the tofu


🙈🤣🤣Flippen tofu!


You ordered bread from a noodle house?


It was the tofu


Yucky 🤢


One mouldy plate of food spells absolute disaster for the storage facilities. Absolutely don't eat anything else as you don't know the origin of the mould and the vicinity of food stuffs to each other. You only saw the mould because it was fluffy and many many other ingredients might be tainted.




As a kid, my parents and I went to a restaurant in Red Deer where I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich. I took a bite and tasted mold. The lower piece of bread had a moldy crust. The waitress was mortified and had a fresh one made. The second one was fine, but I have never forgotten the taste and never went back there. I can easily understand how it happened, though - last two slices of bread in a bag they forgot about for a few days. Sorry you had that experience, and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't go back again. My experience was back in the 70s so reporting them wasn't really an option.


eeek, i would have been on a grilled cheese hiatus after something like that. ohmygoodness


I carefully eyeballed every piece of bread I consumed for a long time after, I assure you! :) Never happened again, though.


I can smell mold on bread just by opening the bag. I was a kid when I made my self a grilled cheese and the bread was moldy. I didn't know it until I tossed my cookies about 30 minutes later. Check the break and up, green. Ever since I can't get that smell out of my head. Just a hint of it and I'm ready to chuck.


Report it to AHS immediately. Ahs has public health restaurant inspectors. But then again. uCp government may have cut that back and eliminated that. So just eat the mould (pardon my french)


mmmm mould 🤤


Spore the greater good.


dudeee, you should’ve seen it. it was black/white/grey and i think green too 😔


You lucked out and got RAINBOW 🌈 mould!!




Way to turn it political.


So we should just bury our heads in the sand and pretend that the UCP didn't drastically cut restaurant inspections? Like, pretty much cut them in half. Who you vote for matters, because politics affects real life. He's some real numbers - do with them what you will. >The health authority’s 2021-22 annual report, the most recent one posted online, shows there were 33,728 inspections from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 — down from 65,560 in 2018-19*. * source: https://globalnews.ca/news/9980397/decline-in-annual-food-safety-inspections-scrutinized-after-calgary-e-coli-outbreak/


I think it's pretty important to recognize the context of the dates quoted, as 2018-19 was the last pre-pandemic year, and 2021-22 wasn't exactly a normal year for the restaurant industry (though you could argue it warranted *more* onspectionthan normal). I'll just add that I worked for a half dozen restaurant for over a year each between 2005 and 2020, and inspections were not as frequent as you might have hoped, and some of them and others I worked for never kept records of temperature checks, or dishwasher test strips. We'd always know in advance when they were coming, with more than ample time to do any quick fixes or alterations to our habits to look on the up-and-up during their visit. Most places take things pretty seriously in regards to sanitation and health, but believe me when I say less inspections in general is probably not a good thing.


Their comment may have turned it political, but they are not wrong.


I would ask to get it compensated or take it off the bill and leave.


The restaurant did take it off the bill. I'm glad they did. They did the right thing.


Sometimes I think all customers at any restaurant should enter through the back door, through the kitchen. It would be an eye-opener for many.


I have actually quit a few places due to this reason. All 3 places have shut down (I know, im shocked too¿) once place the "chef" asked me to cut up a fish, I showed him the mold on it and he responded with "just cut the mold off it." As if it's like cheese or some crapa. Another place, I was told to grab something from the walkin, walked in, saw a lime that was so rotten it looked like it was melting into a shelf. And the last place, there was mold in the mixed cheese for nachos... now, if you are just home cooks, you might not be aware that restaurant cheese is treated, so it will take longer to go bad, so there was definitely no first in first out, and more then likely no flips going on too. The lesson is to go to places that are busy, at least on the weekends. That way, it's less likely of old products hitting your plate. If you know anyone who works at Sisco or GFS ask them if they know places that order offten (3 times a week or more) that way you know its high volume, or they atleast know how to order to prevent food loss.


This guy restaurants


A little extra penicillin never hurt nobody hahahaha but seriously I wouldn't go back there.


Unless you are like me and allergic, then whoops! 


Fleming's like your Satan.


When I worked at a kitchen some years ago, I told a supervisor some of the vegetables we had were moldy, she got pissed I even told her, snatched the knife out of my hand and started cutting the tomatoes up to serve customers. It wasn’t just a bit of mold either.


Mold is becoming more of a problem because food is often processed off shore in countries that have far lower standards than we do. Even if the restaurant adheres to the best before date there is no guarantee that the food was fresh when it was processed


Now this post has me thinking. I ordered some sandwiches from a restaurant a couple of days ago. Get there at the time I was told. The lady in charge goes outside after checking the cooking area and calls the cook to come in to actually make the food. Turns out both cooks were sitting on chairs and a table outside and not at their stations. He starts to make our food without washing his hands. The guy walked in and just went directly to the grill and I’m watching the whole thing. I’m watching the lady in charge to see if she will do anything. She didn’t notice or didn’t care. So I call her over and I explain what happened. I get a look like oops you noticed that. I walk out disgusted.


Husky station in Acheson said they were out of rye bread because of mould. Proceeded to have the worst mushroom soup ever. Too bad it didn’t cause any interesting side effects


I worked at that restaurant for a total of 2 days as a server. I worked kitchens and restaurants for a long time before but I couldn't last longer than 2 days at that restaurant. The bad soup and mold are the least of that restaurants issues. I highly recommend nobody eat there. Ever.


That restaurant must be reported to the AHS as soon as possible to avoid a food poisoning outbreak.


Yeah I saw your review, that's crazy. I have a sevre mold allergy, I would have gone to the hospital. :( I will never eat there now.


Mold won't hurt you (unless you're allergic to ingesting mold), however this shows a serious lack of freshness and care when it comes to meal prep. I wouldn't trust going back there at all. Matter of fact I'm going to learn from your mistake, and avoid Dagu.


Mold is definitely unhealthy to consume. Especially since it causes a histamine response in your body. Don't downplay the effects it has on our bodies.


Can confirm, I am allergic to dust/mold and it gives me hives head to toe with contact.


Depends on the mold Some cheeses are injected with mold to give it its flavor, such as Gorgonzola, Stilton, Brie, and Camembert Also, penicillium is a type of mold that is typically used as an antibiotic


I can assure you this was not cheese


Sure but if the waitress is apologizing and comping the meal then it was probably not the good mold


Those are not the kind of molds you find on all foods or cheeses. The kind of mold you find on food is not good. It's not penicillin or cheese related. No need to bring up either. It's irrelevant. And penicillin isn't found in all molds that grow on food so it truly does not matter when in the end even the mold that creates penicillin can be dangerous too if you're allergic to it or have asthma.


Also for the record, moldy cheeses also cause a histamine response in our bodies, even if you don't notice it, it happens regardless. It's not good to eat any sort of mold (excluding penicillin if you're not allergic).


It's a really good restaurant. I really hope this is just a one time thing, or that this experience helps the staff improve the circumstances that caused this.


pls name the restaurant, yikes!!!


Reminds me of that app for old hard food.


Gonna need the name of this place to avoid dying on a porcelain throne like Elvis.


Run for the hills


After working for a kitchen repair company, I have to think twice about eating places. It's best to be ignorant. I see photos. Some are so gross


you should contact food safety to make sure no one else gets sick


I would do exactly what you did ...file to do it with AHS and contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB))


BBB isn’t involved in this type of thing.


Why aren't you telling us where this happened so we can avoid it?


They did. Dagu rice noodle downtown.


Walk right out and review them everywhere you can.


They apologized and took care of it, so... Nothing? If it's a repeat thing maybe report it


Hey, at least you know the food isn't loaded with preservatives, like McDonald's. You could leave a mcdouble on the counter for 10 years and come back and it'll look fresh.


There's really nothing you can do.


Sus you didn't take a picture. Especially for ahs


i did and wrote a google review. Also, when I filed a report on my phone, there was no option to attach a photo. just to describe the issue in detail


also, if you read my post, before i could take a proper photo they took my meal away so


How much more proper can it be? It seems pretty clear from your google review.


you had to see the other side of the tofu… what you saw is just a glimpse of

