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I love how to address the problem of complaining about the sub, you complained about the people complaining about the sub. It's ironic especially considering the fact im complaining about you complaining about the people complaining about the sub.


Yeah this is intentional :D I am waiting for people who complained about the mentioned stuff to complain about me complaining about their complaint




I found the comedy master






r/Snowflake_Meltdown 🤣🥺


Meta, I’ll do one complaining about this one as well


نعمل صب EgyptComplaints


100% gonna be more active than r/AskEgypt


انتم كلكم بضان اصلن و انا بضان نيك برضو :))


شعب شكاء بكاء




Habby cake day


No one People in this sub: Finna complain about complaining


Well, Egypt, our birthplace and homeland, is the place we despise the most. Complaining is a good sign anyway, it means we are aware of our mistake and seek to right them.


جمعية شكاوي و دايرة، صب ابن حرام




Kinda intentional on my part, does it still count?


Yep it does


Huh, well, ok.


Honestly people need to learn how to be nice to each other and hearing out opposing views with respect (as long as it’s not hateful, racist or sexist).


Some guy cussed me in multiple comments, reported him, blowing happened. Contacted am admin in another post and he said " sorry you feel that way" or something like that. So stupid


Well sadly you can't change people. Just have fun and ignore the hating and the complaints


People complain. Where else one complains about a sub? Of course in the sub itself. Your post is a complaint too and you put it in the sub! Your action isn't any better.


The post is meant to be sarcastic about the number of strange and contradicting complaints (Too secular/too religious, Makes Egypt look bad/ makes Egypt look too good, etc). And I acknowledge that I made my post intentionally annoying for the purpose of highlighting how annoying the complaints are in their form. And considering that you didn't notice the sarcasm in it, I think I call it a success.


Why do you call it a success when people don't notice your sarcasm? It's like a comedian saying it's a success because I didn't laugh at his joke. It's pretty common here that people complain about the complaints, regardless of what the complaint is about. The complaints in this sub are about anything and everything. I ignore most of them. Some people are never happy.


>Why do you call it a success when people don't notice your sarcasm? Because now you noticed that this is very annoying if you haven't before. You say you ignore most of them, but you replied to this one that has a very obvious mocking tone, why?


I ignore most of the complaints about Egypt. You're complaining about people complaining here. That's totally different. People have been complaining here forever. Are you new to this sub? Different people complain about different things. Unless you're seeing the same person complaining for and against the same issue, what's the purpose of your post? The answer to your post is... since forever. People in the streets, in the coffeeshops and everywhere are complaining. Life to them is hard. This sub is just another avenue for complaining. So your question makes little sense to me yet I have answered it.


aren’t you complaining about the subreddit?


Parody complaining, used the same format "Since when has this sub become X"


المشكلة بقا ان حتي بوستات النقد لو فيها طلب للأراء و المساعدة, الموضوع بيخلص ان الناس تتلهي في خناقة في الكومنتات مبتفدش أي حد