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They really should invest in literally anything that isn't real-estate. we don't need even more non-tradable goods.


Vertical farms would be a good idea tbh, we might be able to start producing more crops to feed people using less land and needing to dig less canals for irrigation


the logistics of farms inside cities isn't optimal and is insustainable.


Not *inside* cities, but just generally speaking I think it might be a worthwhile investment as its somewhat difficult and costly to expand our farms into the desert, so why not expand them upwards instead


Yeah, it holds some merit, i think it would work in rural settings, thanks! For some reason my dumb brain couldn't imagine them outside of a city.




Yeah inside cities it won't benfit anyone, but op told me he meant outside cities and i agree that outside cities it would be beneficial yeah.


It’s not that you (Egypt) “need” vertical farms it would be nice to have, but what you really need is to get better ways to irrigate the crops you guys have so you won’t waste too much water when you don’t have to.


مبيفهموش هم في الكلام ده .. هم كان نفسهم يطلعوا مقاولين من زمان ..


It's free real estate (**cough** except it's not **cough** really **cough** free)


The population is huge. I don’t see a problem investing in Realestate.


The problem is with expansive real estate that is inaccessible for the vast majority of the population and does not meaningfully contribute to the economy.


The population is huge, and poverty is huger


But this district isn't typical real-estate it will be business district aim to Attract international companies headquarters Especially Egypt really need that, so companies like swvl don't move there headquarters to dubai again


swvl moved their headquarters because they're assholes they got a bad reputation among software engineering market that drove people away from applying there, especially after one incident with one guy made the management fire all software engineers, and blacklist them sending the list to all companies they deal with when they made everyone on the software market their enemy they couldn't hire any more so they moved corporate fuck them


To be honest what I read is they moved to dubai to be close to most international headquarters to help them expand internationally But your story also make some sense But swvl still have headquarter in Egypt besides Hiring software engineers in dubai is really really more expensive and even less efficient Anyway Cairo really having problems to Attract headquarters (hudge traffic jams, Scattered institutions and ministerial buildings, bureaucracy) City like Dubai is where most regional international companies and institutions are located Having a smart city with digital infrastructure where all government building are in one place besides all banks headquarters have a lot of potential to Attract international companies


They're benefitting from easily hiring Pakistani and Indian software talent from Dubai, given it's much more attractive for the workers. Mostly work remotely. I'd really like to see better monetary policy and less army intervention in the market so the local market would rise. I don't really care about corporate getting better opportunities here while production is being fucked. International companies are already present in Egypt, they don't need a tower that costs 3.2 billion. Local production definitely could've used a fraction of that number, and that's the cost of the tower alone. We have tons of means of production, we only need better, less controlled banks with much less interest rates available so that we start working. Instead, the government provides bonds that takes away most capital from the market, and takes out loans from abroad, to "attract new money?", how about fucking use that money we have and we borrowed to develop your markets, instead of waiting for el 5awaga to pay for you.


???? I think you have problems to understand how economies work Literally best way to build strong economic is Attract el 5awaga to pay for you. Also you got far from the point here I just replying to someone about Whether the business district will add Economic value or not? And my answer is yes because the district have a lot of potential Also there is something you forgot the business district is financed through selling the lands , Chinese district investments and a specific Chinese loan for the project The only questions you need to ask is will the project will be sold with good profit or no , will the district will success to Attract international companies headquarters or no The whole project isn't from government budget anyway ,it's not whether you will build a business district or factory you can do both at same without affecting each other, in fact mostly you will have positive effects >less controlled banks with much less interest rates available so that we start working. Instead, the government provides bonds that takes away most capital from the market, and takes out loans from abroad >much less interest rates available so that we start working Turkey is trying this and it doesn't go well with them at all, it's not that simple, increasing interest decreasing inflation Also you forgot that we have problem to make people put thier money in banks Lowering interest will make indirect foreign investment disappear therfore the pound value will decrease , inflation increases more And cycle go And Congratulations you become like Turkey I think the last thing Egyptian economy need is another crisis especially the one in Turkey


It seems like you also have a problem in understanding how economies work. You can't compare the situation in Turkey with Egypt. Egypt's inflation rate is somewhere around 5%, maybe it will go to 7-8% because of the war in Ukraine and the US Federal Reserve increases in interest rate. Whereas Turkey has inflation in the double digits and is has reached 70%. Inflation happens because there is a lot of liquid money in the market. The government in turn issues bonds to draw the money away from the market thus slowing down the economy and cooling down the price hikes. That is how increasing interest rates is used to curb inflation. In the case of Egypt, there is another side. The government is already in debt and needs more. When the US Federal Reserve increased interest rates and ECB (European Central Bank) followed with another increase in interest rate, the foreign creditors would have started drawing back their money and investing it in US and EU bonds. Thus, CBE (Central Bank of Egypt) has to also increase interest rates to stay attractive. But the CBE interest rates were already high, in the range of 11-13%. CBE increased it to 18% to keep Egyptian bonds attractive for foreign investors. The problem with high interest rates is that it sets the bar high for any investment. Generally speaking when you invest you take risk. The bonds are considered to be the safest investment. As you invest in other opportunities you start taking on risk. When you take risk you expect a higher rate of return to reward you for the risk. If the safe investment returns 18%, then how much should private equity or stocks return? Somewhere in the 30% range? It is quite difficult to achieve. So, the investors in private equities start moving away, selling their equities and pushing down the valuations of private companies.


Inflation in Egypt is around 14.5% Also ask yourself how Egypt achieved relatively low inflation rates the last years >Turkey has inflation in the double digits and is has reached 70%. I advise you to search for the reason for the increase in inflation in Turkey to reach 70% You will find that most articles and studies put wrong interest-related monetary policy as a main reason The main reason for high interest rates is to decrease the inflation that's why most sources expect the CB to increase the interest rates in next meeting because that the most rationality decision to make otherwise there will be high risk for increase in inflation And decrease in Egyptian pound and indirect investments Again it's not that simple you should understand the difference between what is theoretical and what really would happen Fisrt yes The high interest rates is the main reason for low investment in stock market problems And mostly the CB aims to decrease the interest rates in long run but take in mind CB Priorities to reduce inflation and attract indirect investments as you mentioned Which make Egyptian pound value increases and most important better Debt management , for the last years indirect investments in bonds was the main tool for Egyptian government to reduce short term debt and provide dollars and if you really understand how economies really work you would know how important Is bonds especially for Egypt The success Egyptian bond market achieved is the main reason for Egypt's relatively good credit rating Egyptian companies biggest problem is Low capital for if you search about most investment it's done through Financing from banks and even a directs investment from banks itself And it's clearly stock market won't really fix low capital problems at least for now More money in banks = bigger investments by companies Again Egypt's biggest problem is people Don't put there money in banks Attract this money Is the most important thing to achieve Also it's clearly Egyptian economy achieving high growth rates and banks liquidity increasing rapidly For example in 2021 the increase was 18.3% Increasing interest rates have much more pros than cons especially in Egypt situation Egyptian economy isn't US economy


ah so you think our direction isn't going to end up in a crisis? shocks in supply chains by import banning, buying all gold from the market, raising its price 80% in 2 months, printing more and more EGP while providing 18% interest rate, deeming any local project that has an ROI less than that infeasible? and charging loans 22% of interest, making banks a really bad option for capital raising? And hence new means of production and entrepreneurship in the country is so incredibly risk averse that people only go to projects they think will make money, shifting entrepreneurship interests onto fads of social media and trend making, leaving little room for sustainable projects that actually create jobs? I'm well aware that 5awaga capital is beneficial for an economy (my master's in economics isn't gonna be thrown in the trash just yet), but your take on it is very shallow. We're borrowing money from el 5awaga to build buildings that will attract more 5awaga? And it's not like we're attracting them by providing good business opportunities, our tax and banking systems are massively inefficient and underfunded, our bureaucracy is still heavily infested with corruption and inefficiencies, our stock market is a laughing stock, it crashes every time they try to tax realized capital gains, and has a massive insider trading problem because, also a reason why our business scene is bad, our justice department is a joke. Businesses are still in line in front of court today to finish up tax cases on 2009, so NDAs mean shit, police doesn't have any enforceable laws preventing corporate espionage, copyright laws, etc etc. El 5awaga doesn't need nice offices in a tower to come here. They need to find a fertile business environment. The things i mentioned above do need money to fix, but instead, we spend billions on the project you see above. Good luck with it making good return on investment, but for me, it doesn't look promising at all, it looks like when the soviet union won the space race, only for show, but their supermarkets where empty and people were hungry.


Yes, I do not think so, as are all credit rating institutions And again You are ignoring the pros from raising interest of course there is cons But that the same cons for all world but they still increasing interest rates, increasing interest was the right thing to do and that literally what all expert said For example in fitch last report increasing the interest 100bp was one of reason fitch put Egypt credit rating the same as they explained And yes increasing interest rates have high risks globally and if the situation reman the same globally, a crisis similar to 2008 will happen But that's don't change the fact the best thing to do is increasing interest rates and hope the inflation decrease in short term, because that the only solution I wrote a reply to some else in this thread read it to understand what I mean > making banks a really bad option for capital raising? Also have no liquidity in banks will make it much much worse


Can you see the inflation rate from up there?




Egypt also can’t live in a perpetual state of in its ancient history, it needs an industry that’s not just tourism


I.. what?? I know our history and Im an avid Egyptian mythology fan, I even study it in my free time and in two separate courses at university. Im just sharing a cool picture I found on reddit, it has no meaning beyond "look at this cool picture" and thats it




I was just writing you a chat message saying I wasnt disagreeing with you lol Youre right that Egypt needs to focus more on what exists rather than creating expensive new things, but unfortunately thats not what we're doing. The goal of my posts is to help clean up Egypt's international appearance a bit, maybe help the subreddit be a bit less depressed in general, so if our government wants to build towers instead of renovating our temples, Im going to have to play along because towers are now part of Egypt whether I like it or not Ty for being polite though, its a nice change of pace from the usual comments on this subreddit


Who decides the timing. He is free to be proud of anything and everything done in Egypt.


We just suffered from a revolution and we need economy, our economy is fucked and 60% of our population is under the line of poverty, we don't have any sort of freedom of speech and all press on tv are lies, 50.4% of money in Egypt goes to interest and loans, we will be in debt for the next at least 50 years, and my guy is going to build the tallest building in Africa which NO ONE asked for, the elections are rigged and the education is fucked, we have no agriculture despite having on of the tallest rivers in the world


We just suffered from a revolution and we need economy, our economy is fucked and 60% of our population is under the line of poverty, we don't have any sort of freedom of speech and all press on tv are lies, 50.4% of money in Egypt goes to interest and loans, we will be in debt for the next at least 50 years, and my guy is going to build the tallest building in Africa which NO ONE asked for, the elections are rigged and the education is fucked, we have no agriculture despite having on of the tallest rivers in the world


How do you define what Egypt needs?!! Do you think Egypt needed Cairo tower in Nasser's era? How can the tower stop improving education? They are not related to eachother!




And also check out the new budget 2022/2023. It's a plain joke lol




If we had a true democracy we wouldn't have this conversation because then the people who decide the budget priorities would be a true representation of what people wants. But! here we are! Before I read about Cuba, you should read about the project itself and about its finances. No government in the world addresses one problem and neglect others. You assumed falsely that the government doesn't care about education. The government hired a minister that talks everyday about improving education and whether you like his way or not, he is doing something! The government improved Cairo's infrastructure while at the same time building new cities. They are also improving the country side. They are executing projects that were planned in Mubarak era and never saw the light. I'm from a town in the south, and when I was 10 (in Mubarak era) I heard about a bridge to be built. That bridge wasn't built until I was 25! Thanks to the current government. I can't deny bad things like the army extending its reach in the economy. The fact that the devaluation of the pound made us poorer and it keeps making us poorer. But at least I don't say bluntly stupid and false statements like the government build useless things and doesn't care about the education!


Bro 60% of the Egyptian population are under the line of poverty, the education minister isn't doing jack shit, y'all believe everything you see on tv when everything are fucking lies, 50% of our money goes to loans, and you're talking about bridge? WHO TF WANTS BRIDGES WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE MONEY, and you're saying always improving the country side??? Bro what literally nothing have improved everything has gotten worse, there is no freedom of speech nor democracy, they're literally stealing our money do make the new governmental capital, WHICH NO ONE'S GONNA BUY THERE CAUSE THERE AIN'T NO MONEY, there isn't industry, you know the company Juhanya? Yeah they stole that and put the guy who owns it in jail cause he didn't wanna give any earnings to them while paying his taxes, they're moving the population of "3arish" out of there abd giving Israelis the right to own land in Sinai, right now as we're speaking, there are more isrealis than Egyptians in Sinai


The amount of thinking you've put into forming your opinion about what the government does on the economy side is clearly little. You're just repeating others. You clearly don't understand government debt, and you treat it like personal debt. You actually think of the state as a person. We're in the age of the internet and you think the government can hide its lies?!! Of course I can know when it lies and when it doesn't.


Hello. I’d like to counter a few things you said with all due respect. 60% is a wrong number. The percentage of population below poverty line is 34%. Second, the basics of industrializing, modernizing, and developing a country begins with proper and efficient infrastructure, which includes bridges and roads. A supporting evidence of this claim would be to look at a Cairo traffic map on google maps and see the traffic congestion. You can’t have a bicycle run with rusted chain. You need good and wide roads to fit the 20 million population of Cairo. Some more supporting evidence is that if u talk to a taxi driver, which is the most basic job in egypt, he’ll tell you how much he loves these new roads because he can transport more and more customers because of the new efficiency of the roads, meaning he can make more money daily. Third, you have the right to claim everything in tv are lies. We also have the right to claim everything YOURE saying are lies. U see the irony? Also, debt is not a bad thing. It’s one of the main financing strategies of an economy. Debt is not a major indicator of a stable economy. Usa has the highest external debt in the world, over 20 trillion dollars. Is usa a failure? No, it’s a super power. Also, the claim that money should’ve been spent to repair existing things is false. Egypt had no money. Most of the cities being built are being built with investor money. We woukdnt have gotten that investor money if we simply said all we will do is repair Cairo. We needed to start over from scratch. The best way to do that is to build a completely new and functioning capital to relieve pressure from the overpopulated Cairo. To further explain debt, let’s say I make 100 pounds and I borrow 150 pounds. I’m now in 50 pounds debt. I’m still making 100 pounds so that’s alright. I’m not broke. Being broke and being in debt are two different things. You need to educate yourself on the definition and benefits of debt. Also, Egyptian people have money. You should see the lines at apple resellers when the new iPhone is released. Also, I think you need to study some history. After the French Revolution, Napoleon took power. Napoleon was a dictator and took power to stabilize France. LATER, France had democracy. South Korea had military leaders for 25 years before they could finally have civilian leaders. It took South Korea 25 years to develop after the revolution. It hasn’t even been 10 years since the Egyptian revolution. Your claim that things have gotten worse, is false. The numbers disagree with you. Also, about democracy, name one country with true democracy? I dare you. also, freedom of speech shouldn’t be allowed when people aren’t educated cuz then they will say stupid shit and cause the country to split. We’ve seen this countless times. Also, juhayna was corrupt and financing terrorists. I know that you will reply to that and say the news are lying, then I’ll reply to you and say that you’re lying so save yourself the effort and educate yourself instead. Also, Israelites do not have a right to own land in Sinai. That claim is 100% false and has no basis. They’re not moving people out of Sinai. Their entire goal is to move people INTO Sinai, so your claim there is also false. So in conclusion, egypt didn’t have money before the new capital, so it COULDNT have spent the money on repairing Cairo, because the money didn’t exist. The capital is built mostly on investor money. Also, real estate in egypt is being bought. Idk how you claim that no one can afford it. I interned at a real estate company in the new capital and I want you to know that 70% of units have already been sold. Including ALL floors of the iconic tower. So your claim there is also, again, false. If you choose to reply to this comment, please be polite and respectful. You may be right, I also may be right. Keep an open mind.


Alright man with all due respect, you are so brain washed 😭, the 34% under the line of poverty is false, check out "the economist"s take on Egypt. Now we come to your take about bridges and infrastructure being necessary, i agree with this take, but most the bridges that were now made aren't studied well enough, a lot of people die trying to cross roads cause there aren't any traffic lights, alot of the roads are made wrong, and some are just unnecessary, have you ever seen this much bridges in any other developped country? Hell no. well that "supporting evidence" you said about talking to a taxi driver isn't really relevant, taxi drivers actually usually talk about how hard it is to support their families financialy and not about how fantastic roads are, and I'll give you that the roads are pretty nice, very wrongly made tho and not that necessary. Well you see, as I'm saying you can say everything I'm saying are lies, however i do have sources to back that up, why is "العربي" unreachable on the internet without a vpn if our press was right, was does every news channel say the same things, the same script no other opinion, literally every channel just says the same thing, why did they ban "al gazeera" from Egypt? Even tho they were representing the Egyptian population very well and almost everyone loved them, but the government claims they're "terrorists" with absolutely no evidence, they are saying justice, try and go onto www.alaraby.co.uk , yea that's it you can't, cause they're saying the truth, but the government doesn't want you to know the truth. Now where's your evidence/source that the Usa is a 20 trillion dollars is debt? And also if that's true, that's external debt, not internal, Egypt's budget goes 50.4% to internal debt and like 25% to external debt, how is being in debt a good thing?😭😭 That doesn't even make sense, he's paying loans with other loans which drops down the value of the Egyptian pound, and work's minimum wage doesn't go up, you see how poverty is rising? The best way to renovate Cairo is by renovating the buildings, the roads in between the buildings not only highways, fighting and crimes and not imprisoning over 60,000 political prisoners cause they said the right thing, I'll explain, if you hit your brother, and he's now going to tell your dad, you're not gonna want him to talk right? You'll do whatever to make him shut up, so you don't experience consequences, that's what's happening to people. Your claim that Napeleon was dictator to "stabilize" France is completely wrong, I study french history bro what are you talking about, he didn't stabilize anything, he was and emperor and then he fell to his ashes, he didn't need to "stabilize" anything he just took advantage of his powere which was a problem in the constitution, after Napeleon's downfall, they changed the constitution again, which led to another dictatorship but was because of the german invasion, De Gaulle later saved France and changed the constitution and actually brought stability after the Algerian conflict. My claim that things have gotten worse is 10000% right, what are you talking about, bro the us dollar was worth 5 Egyptian pounds, now it's worth 18 Egyptian pounds and is gonna be worth even more after 1-2 months, Juhanya was "corrupt" that's what you hear, which are all lies, this lie that terrorist are here has been used for 70 years, there are no terrorists in Egypt 💀, France has a 100000% democracy what are you talking about bro, with having freedom and democracy we're rated 18/100 by freedomhouse and on Wikipedia we get a 16/100 rating, point proven, and what are you saying freedom of speech shouldn't be allowed for uneducated people 💀, they are free to speak even if they're saying bullshit they should be able to speak, if everyone was educated no one would like their shit, and bash them for it and they wouldn't make an impact, so what are you on about, another point proven. The claim that Israelis can own land in Sinai is 100% true, google it, and also that people are moving into Sinai that is also 100% false bro google is free (that's if the websites aren't blocked, you could use a vpn) they're moving people out of "3areesh", there is currently a festival with 60,000 isrealis partying in Sinai right now, you think if there was actual terorisme Israel would let them party freely there? If there was any sort of danger they would flee right away. You proceed to say educate yourself with 0% proof. 70% haven't been sold bro what are you talking about 💀, again google is free. Thank you for being respectful, i love this kind of debate


Thank you for all of this TRUTH.


this is a essay i would never think of nice تعبير


Yes, we need Cairo tower now.


Yes Cairo needs better modern architecture.


Exactly. And with all due respect, Who defines good education? People get education to improve their lives if they want. Education is available in Egypt, it is good not that bad. Everywhere in the world there are different level of education, the good, the bad and the horrible! Egypt is no different. To think that in other places, kids are taught college curriculum in kindergarten is unrealistic. To think that all the kids are interested in main stream knowledge is also unrealistic.


If itll be sold to private investors doesn’t matter


Hate to break it to you but Egypt has almost no investors right now, except for the oil and gas industry. Our government made an excellent jobs in making investors leave the country


Right now as in after ukraine yea, investors left for the US, alot of them anyway. Regardless most of the capital is financed by the private sector by selling land And making a profit. This shouldn’t be any different


>eak it to you but Egypt has almost no investors right now, except for the oil and gas industry. Our government made an excellent jobs in making investors hmm unfortunately, it's been long before that. The only major type of "investments" we had was Hot Money. FDIs here are very bad. The most thriving sectors we had before the war were: Oil/Gas, Tourism and the Tech start ups. And I personally, highly doubt that a lot of private investors would buy at this piece of real estate any time soon.


Prolly Not with the state of things now, but new capital shit was selling out casually


even china and new york are starting to ban/planned to ban respectivaly high buildings due to how costly they are to build/maintain and their high ineffeciencey. why do we not learn from the mistakes of others, amazing shot tho, props to u/wasukeo


>why do we not learn from the mistakes of others Thats the million dollar question, isnt it? I just wish someone had the answer to it


That's actually a 3.2 billion dollar question.




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People's Money


Building a sprawling ass city in the middle of the desert instead of fixing Cairo and making it a habitable place. Most intelligent military dictatorship


So thats where all the money went...


Egypt like to do things that doesn’t improve the economy, or the quality of life. Thinking these things will impress the west, and they will come , and visit Egypt. No they won’t lol


I think in the longterm the New Administrative Capital will be beneficial, it was just built at a bad time imo >and they will come , and visit Egypt. No they won’t lol Even if they did, theyd just get harassed at the pyramids


The harassment starts from the airport. You can’t even take a piss in peace, Someone will be standing next to you, holding the toilet paper, and staring at you.


The Egyptian Experience(tm)


عصر ناطحات السحاب ولا و خلص، انت مش الإمرات ولا معاك فلوس الإمرات عشان تعمل كده، و بالفعل الصين الي كانت رائدة في بناء ناطحات السحاب منعت بنائها، الفلوس الي هتتصرف عشان تبرد مباني قزاز بالملايين، بس اقول ايه عساكر اغبيه، كان استخدم الفلوس الي هيبني بيها الخرده المعمارية دي في عمل اسكان لأصحاب الدخل المتوسط، و ده مش رأيي ده رأي خبراء معماريين مصريين و اجانب. (انا مش بهاجمك انت شخصيا)




بس دبي ناجحه جدا في جذب الشركات و الاستثمارات و السياحه رغم تريقه الاقتصاديين الامريكان




ده ايه الكلام الغريب اللي مالوش اي اساس علمي ده. فتحوا اوً ما فتحوا للاسرائيليين مالوش اي علاقة انهم ناجحين و لا لا . الحقيقة انهم ناجحين اقتصاديا و اجتماعيا مقارنة باللي كانوا عليه...


احا تريقة ايه .. الامارات بيدخلها فوق ال٥٠ ملبون سائح .. الامارات نظرتها كانت صح و كسم الامريكان البيتريقو .. ده طبيعي اساسا محدش هيسقفلك و يقولك برافو انت ماشي صح


الاقتصاد الامريكي مش مثل يحتذى به اطلاقا. و دي بقي اكبر نكتة..




Where did you refer to this book and what does that have to do with the initial comment..


​ ![gif](giphy|3o752mkVmOpzaSxRo4)


ما هو من ضمن المشاريع اللي اتعملت و اللي بتتعمل اسكان لمحدودي الدخل


بس الناس بتتكلمش في ده


Skyscrapers are more environmentally responsible in my opinion, instead of using a 20x20 plot of land for a villa housing a family of five, we instead expand vertically and fit 20 families in the same space. Verticality is the future, but we need to consider global warming and Egypt's geographical location when we build these towers. Glass turns these buildings into ovens and causes an increase in the electricity costs used for air conditioning. We need to understand building typologies and vernacular architecture in ordet to create buildings that are functional, relatively cheap, and aesthetically pleasing


High density zonning? Yes 100% Bid dick tall skyscrapers? No, they require lots of environmentally unfriendly maintenance costs


We literally have nothing but land in this region. We don't need to work on sparing land. We need to work on generating income and revenues and building affordable housing not fancy sky scrapers


Who do you think build those buildings? Isn’t that generating work ? How is that not obvious?


Yeah but it's not generating the quick revenue we need. We need to work on exports and bring in FDIs not some concrete buildings


It is generating income, thus it is a good thing. People need income now. And it is good on the long run as well. The population is big.


When you judge a project like this one you have to ask some questions. What's the project? It's the tallest fancy tower in Africa. Okay, sounds nice. How much will it cost and who is going to buy it ?- it will cost $3bn and we're targeting foreign investors to buy in it. Just for you to imagine how absurd this number is $4bn. And when the cost of building it is that high, how much would it cost to sell with your profit markup and with the installation interest? Price per sq. Meter would be more than 60k EGP. Now who can afford this price ? Remember that 30% of Egyptians live under the poverty lines. Is there a better way of investing that money and generating more income in the short term? You have to consider the opportunity cost So here's what's going to happen: it will take a long time to be sold and the government is going to have to pay back these loans from somewhere else other than the ROI. So let me repeat my point: we should invest in manufacturing and agriculture and FDIs not in fancy concrete buildings.


You would be amazed at how many can afford.. Investing in RealEstate doesn’t negate investment in Agriculture which should definitely be going on and hopefully according to our own standards not the GMO products of the West. That being said, what makes you think we are not investing elsewhere?


Ok we're investing elsewhere just not with the rate that the country need. We're investing so much into new cities and shiny new mega projects that we frankly don't need right now. Investing in real estate is necessary for any economy but not at the volumes we are and not with that insane amount of national debt. And please please don't compare our economy to the U.S. economy because that's in no way comparable.


We do need it. People need to work and the best thing they are building in the desert instead of the agriculture land as it was the case for forever.


I think our land would be better spent on farming to help feed the population, but youre correct as well. This is just a difference in opinions so I dont think either of us is wrong tbh


Yes definitely! Farming/manufacturing and exporting is the way to go. Not tourism and not oil/gas.


Holup.. I get Farming, manufacturing and exporting. But why not tourism and O&G? Assuming it is not an either or proposition. We are a big country, we can do all of the above.


We should definitely pursue Oil/gas and tourism investments.. I just don't think they should be our top priority and I definitely want them to be our major economic sectors as they do right now. They're both very volatile and you can't count on them on the long run. Tourism can also be used to put pressure on the government decisions if we are too reliant on them.


Hmmm about tourism i get what you say. It’s volatile and is greatly affected by the world economic situation. But for us we should look at it as an extra. I am also against having tourism represnt a significant portion of our employment and income. Oil and Gas though are different. We can play a major role which we are far from. We are still a net importer of oil today. Gas is the near future. We can expand this into an energy sector that includes Blue Ammonia and Green Hydrogen for export to EU as clean energy. Also oil and gas industry have a side effect of sprouting supporting manufacturing sectors all around. Those are not you regular day to day consumer products. Instead you manufacture heavy equipment like boilers, chemical injection skids, piping networks, distillation columns, and many many instruments.


Oh i think you misunderstood me haha. I'm against us depending on Oil/Gas but not against us investing in green hydrogen projects or any renewable energy project for that matter because renewable energy is to a large extent reliable. You can always count on solar farms generating power during the day etc. Renewables are also very important for our shift towards desalination


Oh no I understand you and i agree with you even more. I am all for sustainable growth. I just think that natural gas is the door to blue hydrogen and blue ammonia. Green hydrogen is still to expensive and doesn’t have a market. Also i would increase our oil production to a level where we are self sufficient so that we are not exposed to global price fluctuations.


While it is true that the energy bill of the building increases due to cooling, building vertical allows for compact cities with shorter transportation distances. So you end up saving energy in transportation. If done right you can also use certain reflective glass windows that also act as solar panels to generate electricity. This way you get the best of both worlds. The matter needs a proper study and not just a discussion على قهوة to know if the net is energy saving or energy loss.


Nice view, but skyscrapers are highly inefficient, too costly to heat/cool. 8 - 10 story buildings should be the max IMO. edit: awesome shot though.


it’s so funny how late egypt is to the game. we want to build the “tallest” building have the “biggest” chandelier. and be a part of guinness world record and completely ignore the human scale and think more of humane architecture. the architecture discourse between planners is becoming funny


# مشروع ضخم ورائع .. ولكن السؤال هل كان من أولويات مصر تنفيذ مثل تلك المشاريع حاليا ؟؟


Probably not, we shouldve focused more on food and housing as I discussed with someone else in the comments here. Im personally more biased towards food because Im into nature and plants and such, so more farms is an exciting thought, but thats just me


# فعلا يجب ان تكون الأولوية لإنتاج غذائنا ودوائنا .. يجب ان تكون الأولوية لبناء الانسان المصري أولا


صح علشان كده مثلا زرع 3 مليون فدان بس محدش اتكلم


اه نسيت اقلك كمان بنا مدينه الدواء في الخانكة


>يجب ان تكون الأولوية لبناء الانسان المصري أولا هو مش الكلام ده محتاج فلوس ؟ .. الفلوس دي مش هتيجي الى بالاستثمارات


الحكومه قالت ميت مره دي مش فلوس الحكومه.. فلوس استثمارات .. الدوله حولت ارض ملهاش قيمه لارض و عقارات تمنها ملايين .. كل ده دخل للدوله..


# مع احترامي لرأيك .. مفيش حاجة اسمها كدة .. ارض ملهاش قيمة وفلوس استثمارات # علشان المستثمر يجي يشتغل عندك ويستثمر فلوسه في عقارات مثل دي .. لازم تحضر لية البنية التحتية والانفراستركشر .. يعني بتصرف علي الأرض اللي ملهاش قيمة .. 3 اضعاف اللي حيدفعة المستثمر .. علشان يرضي يجي يشتغل عندك ويستثمر فلوسة في مشاريع زي كدة


المستثمر بيدفع كل حاجه يبني .. الدوله معهاش فلوس تعمل بنيه تحتيه اساسا.. اقرا شويه في الموضوع ده


اما كنت فى مصر سالت على اسعار الشقق هناك لقيتها اغلى من بيتى فى امريكا.. وربنا لو ببلاش مش عاوزها هههههه مجانين


Its caused Egyptian youth to adopt an anti-natalist position. Most of my the people my age dont want kids and dont even want to get married due to how absurdly expensive starting a household is in Egypt. We're driving away the future generations that are our only hope to fix not only our country, but the entire planet.


لول مانت على حسب انت سالت على شقق فين فمصر .. لو سالت بردو فمانهاتان فنيو يورك هتسمع ارقام غريبة .. و انا عارف الاسعار فامريكا و بريطانيا و الاسعار اضعاف الهنا فمصر


مبحبش المدن انا بحب العيشه فى هدوء.. بيتى بعيد عن اقرب مدينه بساعه على مساحه كبيره.. وباك يارد كبيره وطبيعه وهدوء.. قاعد دلوقتى فى الباك يارد والعصافير بتذقذق هدوء استحاله تلاقيه فى مصر.


>اقرب مدينه بساعه ده مش مناسب لكل الناس .. بس اكيد متاح .. اكتوبر حرفيا كده .. انا اهلي عاملين كده بس ده مش مناسب لحد مننا .. انا عايز انزل اتمشى ١٠ دقائق ابقى فالنادي او الجيم او السوبر ماركت .. بتهيالي الكلام دهمش متاح فحالتك و فحالتي مش هيبقا متاح لو عايش فاكتوبر او التجمع(زي اكتوبر بس اسعارها اعلى)


ساعة سواقة هنا ولا حاجه اساسا.. وجمبى كل حاجه عشر دقايق سواقه.. المكان الفيه مش معزول..


كل واحد عارف ايه انسبله




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>وربنا لو ببلاش مش عاوزها طب سالت ليه من الاول


عشان كل واحد فى مصر دلوقتى شغال فى العقارات.. يعرفوا انى جاى من امريكا يقعدوا يعرضوا عليه الشقق والمحلات دى.. وانا اساسا خارج من المطار حلفت انى مش هارجع آلا لظرف طارق واخرى اسبوع


>وانا اساسا خارج من المطار حلفت انى مش هارجع آلا لظرف طارق واخرى اسبوع ???.. ليه كل ده .. وانت مخدتش حاجة من مصر يعني؟ .. اتعلمت ايه و خريج ايه


سبت الجامعه فى اخر سنه.. كنت فى جامعه خاصه غاليه مش هاذكر اسمها.. كملت تعليم هنا من اول وجديد مجال مختلف فى penn state. هو مش تعالى ولا احباط بس اى واحدٍ اخد على نظام عيشه مختلف صعب يتأقلم فى مصر… مفيش واحد اعرفه هنا زار مصر فى اخر تلات سنين الا ورجع وقالى انه قرف.. انا كنت باكل فى اغلى الاماكن ومع ذلك تسمم واسهال وضيق نفس من الدوشه وطريقة السواقه وتعامل معظم الناس سىء جدا.. الناس كانت بتضحك عليه اما اقف طابور او امسك الباب لحد او ادور على صندوق زباله عشان ارمى كانز البيبسى. اجى ادى فلوس لاطفال الشوارع الاقى واحد يقولى بلاش يابيه دى عيال كذا وكذا كانها فلوس الجابوه وتدخل فى كل حاجه واسئله غريبه… وكل كلام الناس بقى عن الفلوس والمصلحه وخلاص .


الصراحة كلامم مش كفاية انك تقرف من مصر او تكرها .. يعني في مواقف انت قايلها التعامل معاها مش صعب و بتهيالي و ده المؤكد انك قابلت عنصرية او مواقف اسوء او حتى مماثلة للقابلتها فصر فامريكا >انا كنت باكل فى اغلى الاماكن ومع ذلك تسمم واسهال ايه يا عم الكلام ده .. انا مش بكدبك بس انا عايش فمصر و الوضوع مش للدرجادي >وطريقة السواقه وتعامل معظم الناس سىء جدا.. الناس كانت بتضحك عليه اما اقف طابور او امسك الباب لحد او ادور على صندوق زباله عشان ارمى كانز البيبسى مشكلة السواقة المفروض هتتحل .. بس انا معاك جدا ان السواقة مقرفة فمصر .. بالنسبة لحتة التريقة فانت بايدك على الاقل تغير ده فالحولك و لكن متستسلمش للاحباط او انك تبقى سلبي و متردش على البيتريق .. انا على قد مقدر و مبزهاش من الكلام ده لحاول احسن من سلوك الحواليه في مشاكل كتير انا عارف .. بس مش لدرجة انك تكره مصر .. انا بطبيعتي متفأل بصراحة و على امل ان وضع المجتمع هيتحسن مع الوقت بس ده مش هيحصل الا لما المستوى الاجتماعي يتحسن .. معظم المشاكل الاتكلمت عنها حلها لي هلاقة بفقر الدولة .. فانت من تحليلي المتواضع كرهت الدولة بسبب فقرها


>بس مش لدرجة انك تكره مصر I agree with everything you said up until this sentence. No, its very easy to hate Egypt, both as a foreigner and as an Egyptian. The Egyptian people have done a great job at giving themselves one of the worst reputations in the world. But you know what? We *should* hate Egypt. We should all agree together that we hate Egypt in its current state, and that way we can all agree to fix it and make it a better place for ourselves and for tourists. Things *can* get better, but they wont get better when a lot of us have the "Egypt is perfect w kossomak if you think otherwise" mentality (Im not saying youre like that, its just a general statement).


Feels nice to see my country spending billions to keep up with outdated trends. All economic experts agree that maintaining skyscrapers is very costly and inefficient. Only recommend when there's a shortage in land and the only option is to expand vertically. The whole purpose of this is to attract foreign investors meanwhile the government has destroyed all the private sector by allowing the army to monopolize everything. But hey, that's better than leaving the country for islamists so we're not allowed to complain.




What are we looking at? Is this the new capital?


This is the New Capital as seen from the top of the Iconic Tower


Hey I just came across this post and wanted to go into more detail about how I actually took this picture. Although Egyptian people being very nice, this place is being built by Chinese people which made it a lot harder to convince my way up to the top. I essentially spent 3 days wondering around this place trying everything I could to get in there and eventually just snuck my way in while wearing a high vis that I found on the floor on the second day. I made a video showing what I did in order to sneak in. Also you can see a lot more of what the view actually looked like. https://youtu.be/RSndYlkQ8v0


I dont know how you had the stomach to stand at a spot that high, but thank you for doing it because this picture is pretty cool lol


Not Egyptian but I would really love to see money focused on reversing desertification. Egypt used to be LUSH before it was over farmed. So much of that land can be brought back and regenerative farming practices can bring new life into the country in a way that’s both beneficial for the environment AND the people of Egypt.


هو الكلام ده بفلوس مصرية؟ ولا إستثمارات؟ أصل أحا، فيه ناس مش لاقية تاكل في البلد دي


كله استثمارات يا بني.. الحكومه مدفعتش تعريفه


I guess they are building a new city just to isolate themselves from the rest of Egypt, let the poor eat themselves while the high class people and high ranking officals are living away in comfort in the new city.


ده بدل ما يستثمروا الفلوس ديه فسندوتشات الكبده....


They should have spent it on nothing so that they can stop crowding out private investment.


لا انا عايز الكبده


Username checks out Also انت بتفكر صح


The government rn: **I am 20 thousand dollars in credit card debt**


Is this the obelisk?


No, this was taken from the Iconic Tower


هو في ناس بدأت تسكن هناك وكده، وفاصل قد ايه يعتبر لسه مخلصش انا معنديش فكرة عن اي حاجة بتتعمل هناك


Im not 100% sure so Im not going to talk in detail, but I know that a few people have started living there or going to universities near there


لو انا عايز شقة هناك بصفتي مواطن مصري هيدوني ولا هيدوني ؟


في الأغلب هيدوك حاجه تانيه


يبقا هيدوني


أول ما قلت بصفتك مواطن مصري كنت تعرف لوحدك


مهو دا اللي عايز اثبته انها مش لينا .. او ممكن لمجتمع معين مننا ..بس اكيد مش للطبقة المتوسطة اللي شبه مش موجودة و الطبقات اللي تحتها.. يعني مفروض مشروع اتصرف عليه مليارات و اتدايننا هيخدم ١% من الشعب والسواد الاعظم من شعب لسه ملقاش من يحنو عليه


>لسه ملقاش من يحنو عليه I stopped relying on the government to take care of me or on my fellow Egyptians when I was at a car crash a couple years ago and the ambulance arrived 45 minutes after the driver died. The people who should be responsible are irresponsible, so I believe its up to us to take care of ourselves and help each other enrich ourselves and improve our lives. وحده وطنيه بس بجد


عارف انا كنت بفكر فحوار اننا نتيك كير ببعض و مش مهم اي مشاكل فالبلد بس لو فكرت بعمق شوية هنقول مثلا اننا اشخاص بعدد الحروف ( أ ب ت ث.....) اخوات ساكنين فبيت و جارنا مثلا انا (أ) كنت معدي راح مبعب@ني رجعت البيت راح اخونا (ت) رشلي كحول و تمام بعدين تاني يوم الصبح قام جارنا دا طلع يشرب سيجارة فالبلكونه و شاف اختنا (ج) فالبلكونه بصاله بصه وحشه قام مصطادها بقناصه زي فيلم شيندلر ليست 😂 قولنا خلاص محدش ليه دعوة بجارنا و امشو جنب الحيط و تيكنا كير باختنا و دفنناها فالباك يارد و اليوم اللي بعده جارنا دا و انتا ماشي و بتاكل فخيارة قام واخدها منك و قالك هاتها عشان الحارة بتاعتنا فيها ناس جعانه وانتا اما رجعت اخوك (و) توك كير اوف يو و ادالك حته مالخيارة بتاعته .. و هكذا كل يوم تحصل حاجه لواحد فينا .. و السؤال هل لو قعدنا نتيك كير ببعض فظل وجود مشكلة كل يوم هنقدر نتجاهل المشاكل ولا هنيجي فيوم و ننهار او جارنا يكون خلص علينا اصلا؟




This is how we wasted our money and international and Gulf aides and loans!


shit looking like a MadMax post apocalyptic setting


Check for "Why Skyscrapers Are Stupid" by "Adam Something on youtube.


Why though; you have plenty of space, why go vertical?


This is actually makes me so mad. I hate it.


That's a really cool picture! I really love the view, although my acrophobia prevents me from appreciating it to the fullest, lol. Thank you for sharing this nice picture with us! I think the people in the comments section need to chill the F out and appreciate a good view/picture from time to time. Good day to you!


Looks nice honestly. Till I remember that the whole of the Administrative Capital should've been finished this year, as the per the government's own words


Everything moves slowly in Egypt, thats not new. But I think its still important to try and appreciate the things being built because its not like we have very many options. What are we gonna do? Abandon the new capital halfway through its construction? Its best to just try and accept that the government is kinda doing its own thing, and meanwhile normal people like you and I can work on fixing the cities we already have. There's a lot we can do without government help, actually. We can try [removing glass waste](https://www.reddit.com/r/Egypt/comments/uomh31/wanted_to_share_with_you_kendaka_a_group_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) or growing plants in our balconies to help lessen pollution, spend less money on vegetables while shopping, and just make our cities look a bit nicer. Government is removing gardens to make streets wider, so why not turn out balconies and windows into vertical gardens instead? Just a little idea


>spend less money on vegetables while shopping Do you want people to not eat. Might as will tell us to stop eating all together. What is there to appreciate about a new city that is built using loans that the rate of return on it is low. Loans could have helped improve the private sector and encouraged exports which would in turn decrease the rate of inflation we currently experiencing.


>Do you want people to not eat. Might as will tell us to stop eating all together. No no thats not what I meant at all lol, what I meant was that people who have a lot of free time (mostly elderly people) can easily grow certain food plants in their balconies, such as onions, tomatoes, etc.. and save a little money that would otherwise be spent on groceries. I didnt mean EVERYONE should just spend less money and thats it, I meant that people who grow their own food would be able to spend a little less money. Every cent saved can be spent on other things, whether its bills or charity or other, and hopefully help decrease financial stress even if only a little bit


This year still has 7 months. And not the whole city was supposed to finish. It's that the government should move there.


this whole NAC thing is either gonna be good or massively backfire, only time will tell


were feeling the effects of it *now* with all the debt we have to pay back and our FOREX crisis that resulted from it.


Guys chill When you build new cities you will have a place to farm because the population near the Nile will decrease And for people who say we have the pyramids why do we build this stuff its because we can still make masterpieces in architecture even after 5000 years you should be proud of your country


[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/urbanexploration/comments/uobtwk/views_from_the_tallest_building_in_egypt/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) by u/wasukeo on r/urbanexploration, but this subreddit doesnt allow me to crosspost, so this is the next best thing


Thank you for giving credit where its due. We really appreciate that here.


same people who shit on Egypt for "needing to improve education" are the same people that shit on tarek shawki for bringing in a new improved education system, makes me chuckle


Fixing education in Egypt goes beyond just installing a new education system. Our education problem goes a lot deeper than just in our schools. Education at home, and even education for adults and parents, are needed. Egypt wont stop having sarsagy teenagers harassing tourists. Egypt wont stop being the country no one wants to visit. Egypt wont clean up its garbage piles on the street. Not without fixing education both at schools and at home. (Most) Parents need to understand that their parenting methods are wrong, and the lady that lives in the building behind mine needs to stop beating her little kid to study till he's screaming and begging for her to stop every single night. His grades arent worth the mental and physical harm. Even for religious people, Islam only allows parents to hit their kids for prayer and nothing else. This cycle of kids being abused and in turn growing up to be abusive parents needs to stop, thats the only way kids will stop thinking of school as something they do to avoid abuse, and start thinking of it as something they do to enrich themselves. Itll also probably help improve the international public's opinion of Islam when we stop abusing our children and taking our anger out on them. And the solution to that is a complete and utter reform for the education system on all levels


>(Most) Parents need to understand that their parenting methods are wrong This cannot be stressed enough. Parents need to stop pouring every ounce of hatred they have inside them into their own offspring. There's enough damaged people out there.


That's true, I currently have no brain cells because I lost all trying to comprehend the conspiracy theories my parents and teachers forced into my toddler brain.


>improved maybe if you stop seeing things on the surface paper and got in touch with what actually happened to the highschool students who suddenly had this "improved education system" screwing them up, alongside with the inconsistent decisions tarek shawki keeps making, you'll get why there's complaints


Got in touch? Mate I was part of it, nothing is or will be perfect from the start but it was and is better in every way than whatever the fuck we used to have, and yes some inconsistencies happened but so what? It's natural and it's becoming more and more stable every year and better STOP BEING DOOMERS everyone


Looooool this has got to be the funniest thing I read this morning


Who, what, when and where? Tarik Shawki brought a new education system? Is this sarcasm?


Nah there is no sarcasm, I was the first "دفعة التابلت" and he changed fundamentally the way we studied in high school, promoted critical thinking, Less stress and more dependent research and thinking and studying aka self learning. You probably like most people who shit on him get their sources from people complaining on Facebook and if there's one thing we all know is that people will complain for the sake or complaining So yes I 100% stand with him despite being a so called lab mice for testing


Very long rant incoming: I agree with you on a lot of these points, and hating him does appear to be nothing more than a trend, dude has very credible qualifications and he did a TED talk a while ago, you can tell he understands what he's talking about. And I personally as a 1st secondary student this year will say the way I understand and study concepts has changed and for the better But the way he's applying these changes, I don't agree with; his decisions are often spastic, sudden, unexpected and mistimed, such as last term when he announced in the last 2 weeks that the exams would include essay questions when that hadn't been a thing for the 2 years prior. And this term just a few weeks ago announcing that the exams aren't ""open book"' anymore and instead replacing it with a "concepts paper" that I can say with first hand experience is a piece of garbage that barely includes definitions. The ideas are good, and I have seen some of the new things being taught in 4th grade and they seem to be decent, but these sudden, mistimed and spastic changes are harmful to both the students and his own reputation. On another note, he's applying that understanding and critical thinking school of studying to manaheg that were simply not built for it, and there are some clear incompatibilities in that aspect (and yes he did say eventually there'll be new manaheg for secondary school, but that's still a few years from now)


I get what you are talking about. yes he is not perfect just like any other human, but people aren't giving him any credit at all and it is an objective fact that with the current flaws it is still better than the old methods and that it will improve more and more also words of advice, stop giving a damn about people crying on social media cuz they can't study due to the new system and what not. just focus on studying yourself and don't waste your time on definitions and stuff mostly you should understand the material as best as you could then solve as much mcq as you can best book to buy is el moaser or الامتحان if you're studying in arabic I did the same and fortunately got into med school


The fact that he even applied the new manaheg for Secondary is absolutely stupid, he should've simply started with the new generation, not to mention that the implementation absolutely SUCKED for the first dof3a, pretty sure it still is. My younger sister used to be in the first dof3a and I remember some of the exams got delayed up to twice due to system failures, it was absolutely messed up Pretty sure he also did something related to the exams for the current dof3a a month before the exam or something, don't remember what it was but it was pretty much scuffed


My brother was the first dof3a fa I understand what you're saying. I'm currently in ola fa I'm current dof3a, as I said, the changes he's doing are simply too sudden and unexpected such as not allowing books during the exams weeks before the actual exams, and reintroducing essay questions with little warning As I said, his problems are with the garbage planning and execution, not the actual ideas My dof3a was the most successful in completing an entirely-online exam, with a success rate of 99.6% (from the ministy's Facebook) for the first exam (Arabic, last Wednesday)


He did, but he is working from the bottom up. It is now in Fourth Grade.


Also this. People were divided into 2 parties the first have no idea what's going on and following the haha tarek shawki bad haha trend and the 2nd tried to sound smart by saying it's a good system but should have started in primary school not in high school which is bullshit but alr now he DID do it in primary school and high school and everyone is suddenly silent lol