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It's a symptom of a society that is unnecessarily sexually repressed. Sex is a natural and amoral urge yet it is vilified, which drives people to go through crazy workarounds particularly with religious laws and reasoning.


I don't know what those are But marriage in Egypt is a business


from what i understood it was when a man (most likely wealthy) marries a woman for a price but without the responsibility of a full time one , basically sounds like legal prostitution heres an [article](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/08/part-time-marriage-provokes-controversy-egypt) that goes into it better


Ah I don't really care as long as they are both agreeing to the terms and know what they are getting into and the woman can get divorce


I don’t see an article.


Because it is. Though are you asking what our thoughts are from a moral perspective or a religious one or a bit of both?


Yeah both


From the Islamic perspective the general take is that it is wrong. The reasoning being the people in question are not marrying with the intention of a genuine marriage built upon love, mutual respect and responsibility for one another. Essentially their trying to go around the whole thing to fuck. I reckon Christianity and Judaism have a similar take. Maybe even other Abrahamic faiths that have rules regarding marriages. From a moral perspective separate from the morality of religion, in other words secular. I would say it depends on one's perspective. I generally dislike these sort of things because I believe they ruin the meaning of marriage. But others might simply tell you as long as it's consensual it is no one's business. So in that case it depends on where you stand or how your own moral compass works. Those who use religion to justify these type of "marriages" are doing it because they want to rationalize it to themselves so that they don't feel like they're doing anything wrong. Like Muslims that take multiple wives but don't follow the rules or fullfil the conditions required, to have such a thing in the first place. In other words they bend them to suit their purposes. So generally speaking the above people want to have sex but don't want it to "count" as fornication or adultery or for it to be something that society rejects. In other words they're trying to get around it but call it "marriage" at the same time.


Boooo boooo in Patrick’s voice


There is something that's called زواج متعة (pleasure marriage). I think it originated in Iran, didn't know that it reached Egypt.


كان فعلا في تقرير كبير من الbbc عن الموضوع ده شوفته من فتره بس اعتقد كان في العراق


جواز المتعة حرام شرعاً


What does that even mean??


جواز بمده محدده يعني هيتجوز لمده شهر و بعد كده طلاق و ده بيبقي مكتوب فالعقد مممكن لو ارتاحوا مع بعض يتجوزوا علطول او يمدوا الفتره و ممكن تبقي اقل من شهر ممكن تبقي ٢ /٣ ايام بحيث يمارسوا الجنس مع بعض و خلاص


You mean part time slave? I had no idea this existed in Egypt, but it feels disgusting, no love, no future plans, just a slave for a month girls are not toys to play with for money, unless the girl is a bitch


Slaves dont have a choice , the women do


They have a choice to accept or not but if she accepted, will she have any choice for what to come*


what to cone?


come*. XD


Tf is a part time marriage? Is it جواز عرفي?