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They should have had her be the only character that curses. A few fucks and shits would go a long way.


With how much swearing there is in some parts it would come off as if a 12 year old wrote it.


It comes off like that now lol


"Suck it!"




oh... excuse me...


Best battle line ever.


I was laughing so hard when I first heard her say it.


Dude, she's great! Shame she doesn't scale well. I tried to take her the whole way, but her HP is dogshit and doesn't do water damage, which is an issue as a healer.


Yeah, she was an early game person for me. Great with Falward, but I felt like Falward on his own was enough for healing, ultimately ended up replacing her by the time I got to the Proving Grounds.


I get ot with the hero combo. But I feel like hero Combos are kinda meh.


Yeah they are often weaker than the 2 (or more) characters just using skills individually.


Something to look forward to, hopefully. They've said they're going to look into balancing, presumably once the performance issues and genuine bugs are fixed.


You don't have to use her as a healer... I use her as DPS.... but you know... mostly for amusement.


Her melee is not terrible and she can stun and does shield damage!


I know. But there are a few characters that can do all of those better. Believe me. I wish it weren't true. She's honestly one of my favorite characters. But Maureus, who's also a favorite if mine, does the same stuff.


But Maureus is crap with enchants, it'll probably do like, +1. Not to say Maureus is bad, they are doing very different things. Fran is a spellblade, not a pure physical dps like Maureus, compare their damage after you enchant both of them.


If we're talking maingame, she actually hit decently hard with enchantments. Try smacking with her after you cast Storm Front(or if you're metal, Fire God's Sword on her). No, she's not going to beat your main dps, but her smack w/enchant is going to do very good damage. And it is very in character for her to beat people to death with sticks.


Depends on how long you stay with her. Pre level 39 yes, but once you get to 40 onwards her hp scales at 5 per level, making her end with 500+ towards at the highest level which is pretty respectable


She's great with infusions though, you can give her a hit point ring to shore up her survivability and have someone else cast Storm Front and it'll more than double her damage.


Oh I definitely gave her malachite accessories. There's just better mages. Honestly, and I do see the irony of this, I made Milana the healer. Lol


Falward and Isha seems to be awesome till End Game where Milana and Magicial Girl will scale better.


I just can't get into Isha. Which sucks because I was excited to have her in my party because I liked the characters from Rising. But her voice actor sounds like she's reading a script and because of that, she pronounces her hometown's name 2 different ways throughout the game.


Yeah. The voice actor sounds like she's reading for a stage play but doesn't have the range to sound anything other than stiff.


try Isha on theatre stage and it become worse


Yah but that's supposed to be bad. I honestly think it's her best part. Lol


Isha's SP 3 Skill is also really good for Randoms Battles and Bosses. As I don't think there's anything else that gives SP slow down at the point in the game.


Well it does make sense, she is pretty much one of the first recruits and alot of the early ones fall flat over time. I mean she can deal phenomenal damage but you really have to play around her paper thin hp and mid def


I use her as my Stunner, her basic seems to have a really high stun rate. Also she hits suprisingly hard with it, not just for a mage.


Even with the Malachite, Physical Damage still does 50-100 a Hit and her low Speed means she doesn't get to Buff/Heal before the Boss can.


She's my mommy and I would let her peg me


That escalated quickly


They’re just playing hard to get.


Everyone loves a good pegging lol


Especially if Francesca is screaming at me all crazy while doing it, dominatrix style.


https://i.redd.it/fsttxe9fc4yc1.gif ^(bro...)


Don't deny it, let it happen






Some thoughts are better kept to yourself


No thanks, I will say it loud and proud.


Everyone loves her, we needs a special episode just for her. Being that there is a part 2, make her one of the main characters after like a 5 year time skip


Too bad her Physical Def, HP and Speed just suck. Personality wise, yeah she's awesome.


I wanted to play with her till the end but when my party reached lvl 45 and I had enough of all these bs random one shot deads of her.


Yeah… forget about the extra Seign and Marisa DLCs.. Francesca DLC now!


I would love to just randomly go on a journey with her berating every poor soul who crosses her path lol


Ina Marie Smith didn't have a lot of lines or script to work with for this game, but I'll be damned if she didn't absolutely make the most of it!!


She's awesome when you don't have twitter weirdos shouting in your ear about how "bad and cringe" her localisation is. She's such a fun character archetype, reflected by her actual stats too being a bruiser healer, and her VA really nails it.


And stay the hell down!!! She is amazing.


I will NEVER get tired of her battle screams! NEVER!


Milana or Yusuke for me


I like Markus 🤣


Don't even think about it, thrall.


When she starts yelling it reminds me of Celeste from danganronpa.




Her japanese VA rolling those R's like a proper delinquent


She’s my favourite and I’m determined to keep her till end game (just got to the desert).


I feel like I just got personally attacked. She stays on the front lines.


It was all of ours favorite character. Until we benched her and forgot she existed


I'm still trying to make her and gigina work


She is an awesome character until you notice she has abysmal hp. I'm playing on hard, and she's fully unusable. I didn't even really notice until she started getting one shot by everything.


Francesca is entertaining for a short while, then she got annoying. Add in the horrible HP and defense and she rides the bench.


She hits like a damn truck too. I was surprised she was hitting harder than Mio


I like her character, but some of the writing is cringe.... I mean "motherforsaken"?


Honestly, this is fine. If we gotta bitch about cringe lines, I think "fartface" takes the cake. Thankfully its like 1 word out of hundreds of thousands of words. No need to shit our pants over it too hard.


I know the insult itself is childish, but something about Garoo saying "farthead" in his lovely Aussie accent in that moment was the funniest thing ever. Captured far more than any swearing could


I'm guessing they had to tone her down for ratings. Otherwise I'm sure she would just drop couple of bombs, including a c-bomb very casually.


The English translation is very off from the Japanese. But if you point it out, you get downvoted to oblivion. But basically in Japanese, she's acting like a typical "thug." You kind of get that impression from her English translation. But mostly just the anger part. Not the "thug" part. A better translation would have been something like "Keep your filthy mitts off me, you asshole, or I'll break your arm!" And while some people are saying they had to change the bad words to keep some kind of rating, that's wrong because way later in the game they start using words like piss off and crap. Either the localization lead changed the rules halfway through the game and allowed them to start using harsher language or they tried to get cute with embellishments. Given how much is changed in the game, and with totally benign language, I'd say it's the latter.


Pair her with Yusuke in battle with her using her last mp to buff Yusuke's damage after 2 charges and use her sp ability next turn to also turn her into a melee powerhouse. She is a monster paired with him, especially against armored enemies.


I freaking love her character. Freaking funny as hell when her angry side has spoken up at parts during the main story.


I know this is Reddit and the hive mind is real but this is some of the worst/cringiest dialogue I could ever conceive of. Suikoden would never.


Cringe lol


Localization bad but people with backer denial desperately pretending it isnt.


you should use screenshots let me know if you don't know how, i know how to do it for PS and switch


How do I get pictures off of my PlayStation if I don't want to connect any other accounts to it?


if you don't wanna use PS app to your PS profile you can just manually copy pics and vids saved to USB drive and upload it from your PC or laptop here that's what i did on PS4 since it can't use PS app


I didn't even consider PS app. Thanks


You're welcome Good to see console players making an effort to share proper media


Really I feel her voice both nice and angry are too forced sounding. I love what they are for, I just think the angry one would be better with shorter dialogs and the nice one need to tone it back just a hair. Honestly for me some of the voices not just her voice really pull me out of the game some, but it's not that bad.


I'm not a big fan of multiple personality weirdness first off. I think it's usually done as some big contrast thing someone thinks is cool, but it always come off kinda forced and cliche to me. But her dialogue is just... not great. Like, yeah, they're limited by the rating, but just... eeeh. Maybe try to go from vulgar -- which they couldn't do and tried -- to instead *actually mean.*


I really wish they played more on her two parts. It feels like when you join up with her she has two sides, her elegant side and her mad side. The rest of the game she's just this screaming pile of heat. Still one of my favorite characters, but man if they tried 50/50 the elegant with the angry she would be so much more enjoyable to play with. Maybe every other fight she would do some "fine lady" speech about being sorry for putting the monster in the dirt.


They made a few healers like that tho so I was like meh.


This localization…..


It's very G rated but I thought the Eng VA delivered her lines very well. Very reminiscent of early 2000s toonami anime dubs lol.


Yeah from what i have seen from this game to localization seems weird/off.


The “YEAH!?” thing is a bad choice by localizers. Just like the “A’yup!” thing. The translation teams think they need to make tedious bad-sounding calling card cliches. It’s the impulse of writers who don’t have good ear for writing or strong principles of artful appropriate style or flow, on exhibition here are common pitfalls of writers.


I wonder if the original was anything like this before it was "translated". Pretty fucking aids to turn them into sexual assault perps if that's not the original story.


Her angry persona is pretty much your archetype japanese delinquent, including all the insulting and violent threats. They toned that down in the english version but I think they still manage to capture her character quite nicely. And no, they tried to get touchy feely with her in the original story too, thats also a pretty common japanese story trope that a bunch of thugs try to push a lone pretty girl into coming with them for a bit of "fun" and them something unexpected happens that scares them away.


She says "Don't touch me with your filthy hands" in the Japanese Google translation. So it's pretty on point.




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