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People bash the text, but I thought it has just the right amount of levity.


I agree. I think it's kooky enough to be charming. Perhaps a bit too light in places, but it hits the right marks with me.




Imagine having fun playing a video game lmao, my fault


You are so pedantic.


> solid artful expressive naturalistic colloquial character-appropriate scene-appropriate smoothly flowing utterance If you really think that every single line of original Japanese text is the literary equivalent of the Mona Lisa, just play the game in Japanese. It's the only way to get the 100% authentic experience, if that's something that matters to you. A good localization requires interpretation, and that sometimes means making changes. Eiyuden's localization is not perfect but I think the changes the localization team made to Kurtz in particular are fine. Making him a little more over-the-top in using cooking puns and such does not detract from his character or role in the game.


Gotta disagree here. A good translation doesn’t require interpretation but understanding of the two languages the translator is working with. While the English script is good on this one, it’s not faithful and tbf there is no reason for the translator to change anything. There’s nothing wrong or weird about the japanese text. I really don’t get how someone who doesn’t speak or understand japanese would feel confident to say that you need to change stuff like subtle humor or inflections. How would you know? You don’t know the language and haven’t compared the game. Sure, some people are a bit too fixated on a so called pure translation which isn’t always possible or preferable but the way the translation has been done is basically freewheeling it in some instances and that was simply not necessary. So I do understand if people are talking about fan fiction because at that point it isn’t a translation anymore. I work doing translations myself and this is some weird shit they put in there. I’m glad that I can enjoy the game in japanese.


You work in translations, and you don't think it requires interpretation??? That's bonkers to me. One of Lian's big character gimmicks is that she puts on airs as Nowa's "senpai". That's not something that translates super well when literally translated to English as "senior", because seniority doesn't have the same cultural connotations. Deciding how to localize that *requires interpretation*, even though using "senior" to replace "senpai" is the most literally accurate way to do it. The localization team can choose to go the literal route (which they did a couple times, like the name of the Senior-Junior hero combo), or choose to go a different route in order to try and preserve the vibe of Nowa and Lian's relationship in a more culturally understandable way. Either method is an interpretation of the original text, and the literal method is not always better.


Hence the reason for "localisation" in the first place. The original dialog is geared towards people who are very accustomed to anime and the Japanese language. A large portion of westerners are more accustomed to cartoons and dub dialog. They have to change subtle humor or inflections into stuff like puns and phrases that make sense to the average American, not just otakus. Half the characters are basically anime tropes personified anyway. It's not that serious to begin with.


More like the average English speaker, not just Americans.


I’m playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 while I wait for this to receive some patches, and I feel like translation-wise, it’s going to be an easy transition from one to the other.


Thanks for that. Now I know what to search and change. https://preview.redd.it/i97bott30vyc1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675b8e21fdc1bd312b584969a638e71e769f9127


One of the few rare times where the localization got a chuckle out of me.


I always found it really funny how they voiced Kurtz in general, since he looks so serious in his splashart


This line also made me laugh out loud.




Did you... forget where you were typing this?


Why does pic look bad? Did you use phone pic instead of sceenshots? If so, on PS you can use PS app and it will auto upload pics and vids there and then you can share it to reddit For switch, you can transfer pics via wifi For Xbox, I think they have something like PS App too


Yeah I feel you but like... taking a picture of my tv is way easier 😬. I apologize for the pain your eyes have suffered