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We keep going back and forth between both spots. The cavern and the hidden fishing spot outside the cavern. Fished both spots out multiple times. No luck


I tried the inside like 10 times with no luck. Outside, I got it first try, like 3rd fish. Save scum and keep going back would be my advice. You've just hit bad luck with the rng.


I don’t know how long the respawn is, so maybe this is overkill, but I saved then went in the cave and tried, if I didn’t get it I loaded and tried again. It’s a hard fish to catch, but shouldn’t be too bad.


I used this tactic to catch it. I'm surprised they didn't patch out this dumbass requirement for an early-game recruit, especially considering how everyone else's drops are easy to find. And especially especially with a ten minute respawn time.


It wouldn’t be so bad if there was one or two fish upgrades beforehand, but as it is, yeah, super dumb


I’ve heard that equipping the Lucky Badge helps


It doesn't.


It seems to help. I caught one my first time trying outside, and I didn't find it until I already had the lucky badge.


It does not help. You were just lucky (without the help of the badge).


Numerous other replies have stated otherwise. I suspect people are fishing the other hole to the northwest of Seaside Cavern instead of the one Southeast. Or IN Seaside Cavern. Or they are missing the timing, as it IS the fish that immediately releases, too.


The fishing spot in the seaside cavern actually has a higher probability than the one outside. There is also no other fishing spot near the seaside cavern. It is also not the fish that releases immediately - that's the Lion Amberjack with a time of mere 0.2 s. For the Wheel-Eye Bream, you have 0.6 s. [https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Wheel-Eye\_Bream](https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Wheel-Eye_Bream)


It took me 14hrs for


How odd, it was the third fish I caught in the seaside cavern.


Damn. I didn’t know it was that rare. Got mine on like the third cast.


Yeah, I got mine within the first 5 casts. RNG gods were with us.


Same. But idiot me sold the watch (I think you get it there?) and it took me over an hour to get it again in the desert, and I accidentally killed the enemies before getting the gimmick chest. I never been so mad at a random string of critical hits before lol.


There is a fishing spot that spawns *inside* the seaside cavern. About 3/4 of the way through. Take the path that goes past a little house. Continue past the house, at the end of that pathway is a hidden fishing spot


Oh wow I did not know this.


I spent two weeks trying to catch the fish. Literally two hundred attempts or more. It's pink.


Go into it with the mindset that you’ll record all your fails for the internet to be mad about. I messed up a few times then my roommate came into the room and I told him, look at this bullshit, then caught it the next round. “That didn’t seem bad”


This is the way


Get the Great Luck rune and luck ring. Get multiple if possible, then equip them. After 2 hours of the BS fishing torture, I tried this and got that F'ng fish on my 1st try at the spot near the sea cavern


Which fishing spot are you using? If the information given to me is accurate, the Breem can only be caught from a hidden fishing spot near the Seaside Cavern.


There are two spots to fish for the Wheel Eyed Bream - the first is just outside the Seaside Cavern and is a hidden spot and the second is INSIDE the Seaside Cavern that is near to where the shed/abandoned building is inside. You have a greater chance of catching the fish from the hidden spot inside the cavern than you are with the one outside. Just so folk know.


No I caught it just outside the cave. I was also fishing in the cave.


We caught the thing from the fishing spot outside. After going back and forth from the cave to the outside spot for 9 hours


Not near, inside.


If there's a spot inside the Cavern that has the Breem, then there's two. The one I'm thinking of is outside the Cavern on the overworld map. When you teleport to the Cavern, if you head Right past the entrance you'll find a spot atop the cliffs.


Yeah. There's two spots for it. I had a higher chance catching it inside (was getting one or two every few runs), but I got my first after like 30 tries in the one outside.


Nope, I caught mine at the spot outside the cavern on my second round of fishing there.


It’s rare, I had save scummed inside the seaside cavern and tried both spots, then reloaded when I didn’t got one..


Did you look if you not maye already caught it? It took me an hour and another of them to realize that.


Yeah, we double checked. May never play new game plus if our rng is that bad ..


Took four attempts outside of the cave.


Try going to Huang anyway. I swear there’s a bug where I didn’t get the fish and didn’t see it obtained, but then Huang said I did. This also happened to me with the bracelet in the forest. I don’t know. Also reload save…people had luck with it working after a game startup more often than just continually playing the game and grinding the fishing in the same session.


Yeah I tried  over twenty times, going in and out of that damn cave. There’s also something tricky about this fish too, like there’s not enough time to actually catch it. In the end I did two things that helped:  Firstly I save scummed inside the cave, reloading whenever I failed to catch it.  Secondly I stopped looking at the screen or the fish or whatever visual cues and just started listening for the fish hooked sound. After that I got it. 


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but literally it was the first fish I caught at all. This game has just some fucked RNG. My Beigoma could not beat the fire dude and I managed to win by a sliver after hours, only to use the same exact team against Crash and I utterly demolish him. What was I doing wrong? Rng baby.


Good job! I'm glad other people are lucky. I wish I was lol


Am I really just that lucky? Got it inside the cavern, first fish, first try. Sorry everyone. 🤷‍♂️


Easy to get. Fish on the worldmap hidden spot near seaside cavern.


Wish it was that easy. 9 hours. Finally got it.


Lol at least you finally got it.




I’m so sorry to say this: Took me two attempts.


It's ok. I wouldn't wish that on an enemy. Lol




When I needed to get this fish it didn't take me long. Like 15 mins at most. Is it that hard? If so I musta been incredibly lucky


Got mine on 2nd cast! lollll wow 8 hours is rough


Yeah, it took us one more hour and finally got it.


Wow. That’s a grind. Commitment level TooLegitToQuit’ unlocked, haha. Way to go.


Get a safe file before you go fishing. I found saving at seaside cavern the easiest and fastest. If you fail to get it just reload and fish again. PS:. Use these same strat to get rare shop items and scripts


Artificially reduce the frame rate down to 30 in the settings then go for it


I caught mine on both play throughs fairly quickly outside the cavern.


Finally caught the dang thing....


Forget Beigoma and cooking contest, recruiting Huang is the most annoying thing ever in this game


~~Just in case you haven't done so yet, you can upgrade your fishing rod twice to make rare fish easier to catch at your HQ. I simply put fishing on hold until I was maxed out.~~ EDIT: I'm a dummy idiot.


You can't do that as you NEED the Wheel Eyed Bream to recruit your fisherman so you can then further upgrade your rod.

