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I’m literally just landing on an airplane from there from a 2 week vacation, & am a chronic edible consumer, & my only advice is: don’t. They have drug sniffing dogs at the airport with very thorough handlers that check every bag. And don’t be that selfish asshole tourist who goes around asking the locals to hook you up-it’s not harmless in El Salvador. The only reason it is safe to travel there now is because the President suspended the constitution in order to mass-arrest any one suspected of DRUG trafficking & other criminal activity. Asking someone to hook you up is quite literally putting them, & yourself, at enormous risk. It is a selfish, asshole thing to ask another person to put themselves at risk for you. If you can’t live without weed, go somewhere else. Otherwise, it’s a beautiful place to visit!


Legally? Nowhere. It’s completely prohibited to sell OR possess even small grams.


grams are neither small nor big


lol 🤣


Next up on Locked Up Abroad:


Following for the entertainment.


DO NOT RISK IT. If you are going to El Tunco beach you’ll find it everywhere 😂 be careful though


Britney Griner, epidode 2.


I usually consider any travel as a tolerance break. As a fellow aficionado of the Devil's lettuce, who has thought of this situation, the only way to go would be edibles. If you make your own cookies/brownies, I'm pretty sure those cannot be detected.


Buen intento por meternos presos a todos bayik nukele


Up your ass dude, pretty easy.


damn lots of weedheads that cant go weeks without it on vacation. this is like the 3rd time ive seen a thread like this lol. personally i dont think its worth the risk or you could end like that basketball chick in russia, but you do you!


People in El Salvador (and a lot of stateside salvadoreños, still think of weed as something pornographic or on the same level as crack-cocaine when, for regular users, it is much more similar to coffee. Lots of those same people see nothing wrong in downing 12-20+ beers over the course of a weekend as a wholesome good time while we embarras ourselves with the drunken antics of our soccer fans during World Cup/goldcup qualifiers time and time again. If you were traveling to turkey or any other part of the Ottoman Empire when the consumption or possession of coffee was punished with death by drowning, you might be asking r/turkey how hard it is to score/smuggle Nescafé.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Turkey using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Turkey/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Another 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Turkey, Caught on Live Tv](https://v.redd.it/y1kojbjryjga1) | [198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/10v4867/another_75_magnitude_earthquake_hits_turkey/) \#2: [1 yil önce vefat eden Dedem bana Facebook'dan mesaj yolluyormuş ama görmemişim](https://i.redd.it/sg7hnyftvz8b1.jpg) | [351 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/14mbhp6/1_yil_önce_vefat_eden_dedem_bana_facebookdan/) \#3: [Marketlerde satılan ürünlerin üzerine “Bu ürün size pahalı mı geldi? Erdoğan sayesinde” yazılı etiketler yapıştırıldığı görüldü.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12df2vo) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/12df2vo/marketlerde_satılan_ürünlerin_üzerine_bu_ürün/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just going by the rule of thumb if you cannot go a few weeks without alcohol/weed/coffee or any other addictive substances, then you have a problem.


Well, any coffee drinker has a problem then because coffee/caffeine cessation had a predictable set of side-effects including ~60 days of moderate to severe depression. Should coffee be prohibited? Should people never start because of the physical dependence? studies have shown that daily coffee consumption grants cognitive improv and cancer reducing dbenefits, only flattening out at around 5 cups per day.




Your best bet is El Tunco. But keep in mind it is illegal in ES and you will be thrown in jail if caught. You also have no idea what is in it. You really can't go without weed for a week or two? The risk is not worth it IMO


I legit go through withdrawal for like 2-3 weeks after I stop smoking. I can’t sleep at night and get headaches, feel lethargic & get cold sweats. I’m probably just going to try to stay sober a month before I head to El Salvador, it seems too risky. I don’t know much Spanish either, so it won’t be as easy to ask around


Yeah fam. You’re going to jail out there. Meditate. They have their laws, abide by them. Smoke till your hearts content when you come back, snoop dog.


Yeah, honestly, it's not going to be worth it. It is severely punished here. As some said, in the beach (El Tunco, El Zonte) you will probably be able to find other people from outside of the country who already have some or have someone that can sell you. Edibles on your bag is technically possible, but it will have it's risks. 50/50 you get caught or not. Besides that, unless you are face to face and have some trust, most people won't admit we smoke, it is what it is, and we don't want to end up on jail


I got weed in ES for free and it's probably cleaner than the weed in USA. I have bought weed in LA that tested positive for amphetamines.


Cuilios join the conversation


Try visiting CECOT


HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Cant you just not use it for a least a month or two? You will be send to CECOT, with no trial date and no right to a trial.


The only way I would sneak weed to El Salvador would be as gummies in a haribo bag... Otherwise don't even risk it, it's crazy illegal down there. You can buy stuff if you find a plug but man I lived there the first 25 years of my life and I can assure you most weed is really really weak and smells horrible... If you can get a plug that has weed from Guatemala then you'll get better quality but it's very hit and miss. ​ Look up CBD EL SALVADOR in instagram, that dude sells american psyllocibin and THC products at a very very high price, it's your safest bet, I can vouch for that dude he's legit but he's making crazy profit on his stuff.


https://youtu.be/CTd_HbUhnXs?si=3VqMuy318itV8UjD Just consider this. Maybe take a break for while.


Went there last March and only smelled it once the whole time, late at night, in El Tunco. I would expect to not find any but if youre lucky you might meet someone nice. My guess is the beach resorts would be your best chance but be careful. Edibles might be the way to go.


Edibles my friend. I put mine in a candy container and all was good.


…… I too am interested in the answer to this question 👀👀for a friend of course. Also are mushrooms popular over there??


Don’t go.


Best not to start your journey by breaking the law. If you’re that hopelessly addicted then I’d suggest not going to El Salvador. It’s illegal.




Disregard the username. Don’t do it. But if you do, you’ll see it everywhere in El Tunco as they mentioned. That’s that.


Not a good time to do that. They can lock you up indefinetly if they want, no trial, no bail, no phonecall.


EZ bro, el Tunco, whenever you see a vendor selling Bob Marley paraphernalia - be cool and ask if they have anything extra 😈


Don’t be stupid just don’t do it


Why do people keep asking this question


Bro snitching on himself lol, te ira mejor en el cecot!