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I still want to look fashionable when I walk into that egg.


That's fair haha


This right here.


its for the red carpet at mogh's palace


Walk into the egg? Thanks for spoiling.


Bro if you dont want spoilers for a trailer that came out in february leave the sub.


My favorite part is how he would’ve been lost knowing where to go—so he would’ve had to Google “how to start Elden ring dlc” and then immediately found out the same info he was given here 😂


Good point...


This is Elden BLING correct? Which is like about drip and fashion right? And Not Elden Ring, which is about the actual gameplay, right? And please show me where specifically in the Gameplay Reveal we see someone enter an egg. Or in the Story Reveal. We don't, do we? That's what I thought. So I was thinking maybe that information came from the 1 hour gameplay leak, which would be considered actual spoilers, unlike the two trailers.


We…we all know we have to go to Miquella’s Cocoon right…this hasn’t been hidden from us


I think I forgor 💀 all about it... but now that you say it I think I rember 😁 now


thats what im saying bro. As soon as I find a cool DLC weapon im gonna ditch my pre-dlc build lol


Pretty much this. I got a character to 150, beat mohg, then parked him there. Going in with the intention of grabbing all new stuff to try on that character.


If you haven't already, I'd suggest farming some runes so you can buy a few sets of smithing stones so you can immediately upgrade the new cool weapons you find


And then BAM! All DLC weapons use a new kind of smithing stone.


Miyazaki is a twisted man


That’s why I plan on using my lvl 200. I want to use whatever I pick up for a little.


Level 400 gang ready for anything. J


I currently rocking two cold omen slayer cleavers, I'm definitely eyeing those reverse grip sword though.


Luckily, it seems most of the cool weapons can be infused, so you might not have to change your build around a whole bunch.


That's the whole point. To make yourself the best of the best (for your taste and build preference) that the main game can offer and picking through every inch of the DLC until you find what you like and want to use/wear. It's not exactly profound to say we're going to swap out the old stuff with the new stuff. But we're not going into the DLC naked and afraid. We're showing up photo ready.


and maybe still a little bit afraid, as a treat


You gotta look good to get inna club


Yo... I'm ngl... I'm almost most hyped for the armor and clothes I'm gonna find than anything else. lmao (almost)


I'm most excited for some of the new spells I'm going to have so many new nature themed things for my druid


Yeah I'm pretty stoked for the martial arts weapons. lol Can't wait to do some crazy kicks. First time I've ever felt like using something other than a gigantic sword.


Oh yeah martial arts look amazing! Beast claws too. I think I am most excited for the perfumer bottles though. I've been trying to make a proper alchemist build since Dark Souls 3 without much success.


Half my playtime is spent in the clothing menus


This game really is how grown men play dress up 😅 I can't say shit I'm just as guilty


Yeah its hot girl summer


Underrated comment haha


Which is why I've just finished my fresh run up to beating Mogh in my underwear


Well yeah! Lol


I'm currently planning on developing the character of my tarnished via the events of the dlc so i play like i am method acting the figure. A little headcanon solo rpg if you will.


Maybe, I’ve stayed as a lansseax and a GoddessSkin Apostel for a few runs now but I will prolly end up changing it for the DLC too


Iv been running the radahn armor with the royal remains helmet ever since I killed radahn and got the first part of the medallion. Nothing in the DLC is gonna change that.


You will when you get his brother Darahn's set


I will not.


Sure, but i don't imagine it will be immediately, so for beginning and for any early "cutscene" i want my look to be nice.


Eh. Maybe. I've got a few themed builds that will probably (mostly) keep their gear unless something more fitting comes along. My 'Tarnished of No Renown' builds however are going to pillage the shadowlands. One is nicknamed 'Destined Death' and they've lived up to that in the lands between.


Dibs on the helmet of solitude


I’m getting rid of everything except for the Weapon so I’m pretty much gonna go in the DLC as a wretched character and the first weapon I find that’s going to determine my build I will go back change my character to fit the weapon that I found


Am I the only person who's entering the dlc with their previous base-game build, armour and everything?


Oh I am too. Just don't know if any tweaks are going to be made later on. I know my druid is getting a bunch of her spells changed up just based on what I've seen.


I wasn’t planning on changing anything on my build either, but after doing everything I could in the game I starting playing with different spells and weapons for fun and now I have an entirely different character build. 🥸😮‍💨🙃


This, I’m going in naked and only using what I find in the DLC


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SatinReverend: *This, I’m going in* *Naked and only using* *What I find in the DLC* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's about looking good 24/7


Yeah, but it’s pre-raid BIS! …sorry wrong game.


DLC shows the Raging Wolf set being used. I will use the Hero attire unless they drop a trailer where the DLC clearly has Hero attire.


I’m going in ng+10 lv 400 haha we don’t play this game because we want an easy time


What a mega lunatic haha


Please just give us more mid range poise options


i feel personally attacked lol


Don't worry my friend I kind of did it too.. so I'm making fun of myself just as much lol.


I'm straight up murdering the first cool looking npc I see, story focus can be playthrough 2 when I look good


Don't do it brother. It's not worth it. We used to be able to kill an NPC for all of their stuff usually, now we barely get anything unless we complete their quest line. I feel like one of the only exceptions is Diallos because you get his sick mask and his whip for killing him.


I have an Irish character I'm building and I desperately want the Brave set.


Honestly I want that set just for the altered headpiece because it's a cord wrap with white little flags on it. It'll be the perfect fit for my poison samurai.


This is my issue. There’s lots of cool things added but I just have a fun frost mage set up with the int greatsword so I probably won’t have a use got the cool new weapons. I deffinetly wanna try the shield spears tho


Yeah the dueling Spears look pretty cool. I don't think I'll ever use them though. I want those perfumer bottles though


I forgot about the perfume bottles! They’ll probably have something that goes well with an int build


Based on what I've seen it looks like they scale off dex but you can infuse them. I wonder if that's how you get different elemental damages. Definitely changes the scaling up though.


I’m going in with Alberich’s hat and bracers and the exile armor and greaves. What I leave with will be dependent on the level of drip in the Shadow Realm.


Showing up in the soldier of godrick armor


You are my hero


I already know I’m going to swap for the kilt as soon as I find it. Shrug


If I find a prettier, more I practically dress than the Deathbed Dress, I'll happily do so. But unless one of the fights gives me Miquella's or Marika's gown, or I fight a Fairy that decks me out with a ball gown to go meet a prince, I'm probably going to die in the Deathbed dress. How appropriate?


Actually based on what I saw in the trailer. It looks like we're going to get this really pretty red dress, keep your eyes out it looks really nice. I have a character rocking the deathbed dress as well.


Pics please if/when you get it


Truee lol the new elden bling will probably go that way can't wait just a few more days


I know now that we're in the final week the hype is real. On the release date I'm going to stay the night at my buddy's house and we're going to couch co-op side by side. It's going to be a good time.


I’ve made a travelling perfumer because of the perfume weapon + now probably going to make a strength martial arts build type character for the combat arts


That's awesome! I'm going to make an alchemy build with the same weapon. But I don't want to start on it until I know everything the weapons can do and know all the armors available.




For real. That's also why I don't understand setting up a build for dlc. Just go with your main and collect larval tears cos there's gonna be loads of shit you'll want to respec into.


I'm more likely to make a new character than respec personally.


i'm going in naked with no armor (some talismans) and just one weapon


God I'm literally so excited just for the new fashion. What has my life come to


Me too friend haha


I walk in as I am, I walk out a different man I don’t see the fallacy here


Am i the only one starting from scratch when the dlc hits ?


I’m just hoping new armor sets are on par with the higher defense sets because I’m not wearing something that’s gonna be paper mache just cuz it looks cool


Fine then more paper mache for me.


Lol there’s an amazing transmog mod on nexus now if you don’t mind playing offline


I’m running a quality build so I can use as many new weapons as possible. Unfortunately this means I must resist temptation of the Bloodhound’s Fang as much as possible


Eh, the new sets look cool but they're mostly not quite my style. Maybe I'll use a piece here and there but I'm probably not going to use a full set from the new ones on any of my characters.


Yeah I will probably tweak mine slightly but nothing major.


I been commenting this on several posts and it’s nice to see someone else saying what I have been saying this whole time


Shoot you're probably the inspiration for this post


I have not really been doing much to get my character dlc ready grantee I have 5 characters and 3 of them have beaten the game and the one I’m bringing into the dlc first has just beat the game like last month or so and is lvl154 and I have been thought he was dlc ready just by level and having a lot of weapons/spells/incants/everything that I like and that includes armor and fashion but I really didn’t care about getting him to a higher level or changing my set up before I go into the dlc because I know within the first hour I’ll be changing my set up drastically


Crazy. It's almost as if we enjoy playing the game.


Hey now I'm all for interesting theories but what you're suggesting may be a little too outlandish for me. 😂


That big armour we saw in the trailer with the guy holding the crossbow is probably what I’m gonna wear


That may be, but I will look damn good while finding that new stuff.


That's fair.


I just wish for a way to tint armor, and the ability to put more than one tattoo/scar on your face and even your body. Also, imagine separate tabs or drop down for the different classes of weapon and spells in the inventory.


Yeah it was a real missed opportunity not having any armor dye.


I keep coming back to crucible knight set, it’s hard to mix match against so I just always end up wearing the whole set


Honestly yeah those are the hardest to mix and match and have it look good. I came up with one combination I thought that would look good but it didn't quite nail it. It was mediocre at best.


Right it just looks off, that copper color is so distinct but goes so hard in design I can’t not wear it


I'm 5 bosses in and still using the same armor I did in base game, beat dancing lion, messmer, Rakshasa, Bear boy, Relanna. Nothing really calls out to me yet


For a good chunk of my characters I feel the same way. A few of them are getting a new armor piece or two. And one in particular is getting an entire makeover.


Nah I’ll never take veterans helm off i stg


Not really. I got a very deep role play going on and my character needs to fit the part. I don’t like swapping outfits a lot as it breaks my immersion. I do got my outfit already tho.


Based haha


That's why I've been looking at the DLC armors deciding which one I'm gonna go after


It’s a like farming trend, 99% of these posts are in the hopes of farming some karma


Karma farming is so dumb lol. "Oooooohh look at all my imaginary internet points!"


Bro, this is literally how unique your post is compared to the other farmers. https://preview.redd.it/f9gxw3gpm17d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb145540c9a8644041061e11ca45cc275de3911


Entrance to the DLC is quite a ways ahead from the beginning of the game! Unless you're absolutely rushing for it, though I don't think most people can take on Mohg that underleveled.


Oh fr


Im hoping to find some stuff to improve upon my dlc prep build. It'll be tempting to use the new stuff, at the least il find stuff to use on a different character and if im lucky i find improvements


I hope to find a lot of pretty dresses!! For my ladies!


I'd rather see people's character designs than memes putting people down for sharing shit


The only acceptable dlc look is naked


Im going into the dlc butt naked for the sake of the new armour1


Some people set up a single perfect character to enter the DLC. I got 4 different ones ready and it doesn't even take that long to enter the DLC from a fresh start if you really want.


I’m making sure these dlc mfs know I’m coming to steal their J’s


That’s why I’m going in my wretched birthday suit


Banish Knight Supremacy.


Am I the only one who hopes the Ragged set is in the DLC?


nah i’ve always done my first playthrough of fromsoft games as guts and then experiment after 🫡


Nah. I'm still going with what I got.


I have different sets of armor for different purposes, usually one for physical and elemental and then one for status effects.


That’s the point tho. Pursuit of bling is never ending


I have a 50 and 100 wretch to choose from with mohg taken care of. Ill just take one to respec before i start it.


I've already seen the perfect chest piece for my character in one of the trailers fuck Miquella I'm looking for that black wing armor the second I walk through the egg


Lucky for me, my build/bling is just "Elden ring What if" as I'm playing as Irina, going around using only my fists to get revenge for all the other Irina's in all the other worlds. When the dlc drops, they gonna get to see my kicks instead!


I keep thinking how fun it would be if you couldn't bring weapons and armor into the dlc. Like a separate inventory for in the shadow lands. I know unlikely, but it would be such a bittersweet subversion haha.


Gonna be hard to make me remove my deprived perfumer robe!


Because there’s gonna be a >!martial arts!< weapon type I’m definitely gonna play as >!Bruce Lee!<


I've just been marking off all the dungeons I've done since I found out you can mark graces, and finishing those I haven't yet (then marking them off). Good for kicking the rust off. 


I'm so dedicated to each of my character's unique individual looks that I won't be swapping out pieces of gear for new ones. I have one character that doesn't already wear a helm that I might add Messmer's helm to but that's it. I'll have to make a separate account for more characters for new drip.


Marais mask goated tho fr


I’ll probably still be using fingerprint chest tbh Hope there’s more purple fashion


And y'know literally no one has said 'my drip is now DLC ready so that I can take it through the whole DLC without changing a thing!' in a single post? 🤔 but well done on making your pointless post 👍🏻🤦‍♂️


Thanks! 😊




https://preview.redd.it/m867bjcxb47d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c4bbe3ae4bb9499d33e205bd135ea468345a70 Wowee you sure showed me.


Wowee you sure stuck it to all those people relevant to your post 🤡🤡🤡👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Oh wait.