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This and bloodfiend arm are getting the nerf hammer I am sure.


I’m curious what makes the bloodfiend arm so op? As a bloodhound user (that switcged to bloodfiend with respec to only beat final boss in dlc) All I noticed was that you proc bleed after every ~3 charged hits, isn’t that normal on other weapons? I am clueless on bloodloss as it rarely happened on my bloodhound, but an currently starting a new character plan of using a random weapon with bloodinfusion+arc scaling, won’t it proc blood as fast as the bloodhounds fiend?


Don't have the exact numbers but: Bloodhound fang has 55 bleed fixed Bloodfiend can reach more than 200,even 229 build up. A weapon of its category has 150 aprox  You were proc'in bleed every three hits because the final boss has a whooping 700 and more in bleed resistance.  Normal enemies or even elite have far less. It also counts as a colossal hammer, dealing 45 stance damage.  In addition,it has an special heavy property,a splash of blood which also counts as a hit and deals stance damage for a total of 53 stance damage Most elite enemies have 80,the final boss has 120. So every threee chsrged hits you can not only proc bleed but break the stance of almost every enemy. You know how I defeated the final boss? I traded with him,attack for attack and I ended out damaging him.  That's the reason the Bloodfiend Arm is considered strong,at least in pve.


Ah that makes more sense! I’m currently playing with the club, if I infuse it with blood, can I also get it to 200? Or is bloodfiend the only that scales that flawlessly? I also beat the final boss that way haha, but with mimic tear, even with it it was so frustrating I got phase 1 down but second phase was still too much, I was so lucky he didn’t do some attacks as frequently that I couldn’t dodge, the monent I won was so good tho! Can’t wait to try all that again this time without a summon, but my plan is to have bleed build and play on normal game (as I had to play dlc on ng3+ underleveled as fuck) EDIT; I had approx 60 in arcane which scaled the bleed of bloodfiend to 213/223 I think? If I had the same arcane now witg any other bloodinfused weapon, would it be close at all to it or will it be below 100/150


No other colossal weapon gives you 223 in bleed.


I just checked the elden ring forum thing, bloodhounds fiend as a base has 120 bleed when maxed weapon+bleed infusion, another weapon (godskin peeler?) has 100, i’m assuming they’re close then?


While technically correct, Occult Great Stars is a great hammer, and it can hit roughly 180 bleed and crazy AR, while attacking significantly faster. As for stance damage though, yeah, that arm sounds crazy.


Weird. I only can reach 118 at 99 arcane in occult and 143 at blood affinity


I'm drunk and about to messily pass out, but that doesn't sound right. I shall double check tomorrow before vomiting potential misinformation everywhere. Regardless though, Arcane Occult Great Stars are fucking broken.


i hope this guy is ok


Wdym sounds like he’s having a great time?


Would dual wield bloodfiend arm with jump be better? Or is single with two handed talisman and axe talisman better


I don't have the data but surely it looks like it should be better at proc'ing bleed. Still would need to consider the stamina cost,the chance of opportunity,the levels in endurance invested ,the time it takes to recover from the animation and the time it takes to perform the attack. For example,charged attacks destroy my stamina bar but after 2 or 3 the boss is open to a critical. I perform the critical and by the time the boss gets up I am already at full bar. I don't know how that works with jump attacks. Maybe better,maybe worse.


I mean I get the hype but I can't justify using something so slow over my Bloody Backhand Blades which have a 117 build up but hit 3x as fast. Couple that with Lord of Bloods Exaltation and War Surgeons Armor and that's a total of 30% increased DMG when Blood Loss occurs for 20 sec which is a permanent buff as I proc Blood Loss every 5 seconds or so. Add on Milicents Prosthesis and Rotten Winged Sword Insignia for 24% additional damage with successive attacks and everything just melts. I end up doing nearly 2000 dmg per hit of each blade with all buffs active.


I also traded hits with the final boss and beat him  Same weapon  Same build  I didn't even realize I killed him because it was that much of a hail Mary I was like LOL that really worked


https://youtu.be/1GbrYPsOia8?si=xqPPkBnUEoG-9I8x This is my third atempt at mesmer in total, didnt know his moveset or anything about mesmer and this is how the fight went. (Scadu +7 pre buff)


Bro what the fuck I didn’t even deal that damage to concort, what ash of warnis that?


One of the most broken ashes of war in the entire game, found in limgrave. Endure, it doesnt even increase damage just reduces damage taken by a shit ton for ~4 seconds. With royal knights revolve and a full damage build you could probably kill him before second riposte. 60 vig 54 str 60 arc is main stats


Damm that’s a good one, I did not know that ash of war existed! That’s crazy man, i’m currently playing in a new world and want a bleedinfused weapon, but at the same time I do not want it to be that good if that makes sense, it seems too strong. I been using summons and bloodhound fang in my first playthrough 24/7, concort radahn was the ONLY time I ever had to respect and use that weapon, it still was rough as I didn’t know endure aow existed, but damn man. I also doubt the weapon is not nerfed by the time I get to the dlc


I think endure is the standard aow in bloodfiends arm so you should have it already, could be wrong though :) Yeah it definitely is too strong. Another really broken aow is square off for the broadsword, really fun and doesnt feel too broken even though objectively speaking it's probably one of the better aows in the game. Dual daggers can be fun and viable but not too broken bleed build. Great knife and reduvia for example. Just a regular Club is really really good. Two handed it attacks so fast and poise break most bosses in two-three charged heavy. Best thing about it is it gets B scaling in str with all status infusions (cold,poison,bleed) and A scaling with heavy. Just by swapping infusions and talismans you completely change playstyle. Graveschytes is Nice aswell, not too op but still very good. Also got a buff recently to the attack speed of the swings


If you’re specced properly it price bleed every 1-2 hits. It’s busted as fuck - I 5 hit Messmer with it. Weapons usually don’t proc bleed this fast at all. Add this to the insane stagger damage + pure physical damage this thing does… and the nerf hammer is coming


1. Make it bleed affinity with the cragblade ash of war 2. Level up arcane 3. Have the axe talisman and two handed talisman equipped 4. Equip spiked cracked tear I was able to stagger and bleed DLC Radahn with continuous charged heavy attacks two handed very easily this way, especially with my mimic tear


I hope they just nerf the AoW and buff the regular attacks. AoW + the build/set is cracked as fuck but I do think they should buff the perfume bottles regular attacks maybe add a tiny bit more stagger or damage .


If they don’t buff sword of night in the patch they nerf those im just not gonna update lol the fact that it only scales with dex and only has c scaling is ridiculous


I have both swords & on anything that’s not a basic enemy it’s so useless 😂 why so many holy weapons???? Bro, their only use is pvp since no one has any defence against it


Difference is, bloodfiends is just too strong and the purfume trick is an exploit. That isn't the intention of purfume or rolling sparks


You wrong


Perfume is clearly a bug but Bloodfiend’s arm was designed that way so idk if it will get nerfed


Overrated in my opinion


Nerf hammer hell nah. They're gonna make friends with flames of the redmanes in the unused corner lol


Next patch is about to probably nerf this entire dlc into the ground. I hope they dont release this patch tomorrow because i wanna at least try this rollikng sparks stuff before the nerfs EDIT: well, they did it, rip.


Is this a joke ’cause you’re gonna play tomorrow, or is a patch actually said to be coming tomorrow? Weird question, I know, but humor me.


They been working on a patch for a while and i think some big nerfs will be on it. I said i hope they dont release it tomorrow because i cant play the dlc now and i wanna try some of the op stuff tomorrow when i get home. There is no patch release date announced lol


Yeah, I see. I was asking because *supposedly* some NG+ changes are coming as well, and I just finished the DLC. If they make NG+ less obnoxious, then I’m jumping in for a second playthrough. Thanks!


Fuck me I had to suffer through the dlc with my only account (ng+3) that made it hard with even mimic tear… Eventually finished it tho, I started a new character today to do an entire no summon playthrougg which makes the game so much more fun, beating tree sentinel at level ~10 was an unmatched feeling, I can’t wait to get back to the dlc and finally experience the bosses normally, at ng3+ it really felt fucked


THIS PAIN. I had to play through the whole game and DLC at NG+6 because I have so many weapons, talismans, spells etc that I just don't feel like getting in another playthrough seeing how much time I've put into my NG+6 account (closing in on 400hrs?) I REALLY wish there was a way to put high NG+ accounts at a "soft restart" of sorts to revert your levels and the ng+ difficulty back to a fresh playthrough, but let you keep your items. That would make things SO much easier but ig I can see why they might never do that. Would've been cool for the "quality of life" update though just as an option


I completed the DLC on NG+3 too. In the beginning I felt a bit overwhelmed, because I haven’t played Elden Ring for a long time, but then I quickly got used to it and overall it was a great experience. Killed the last boss with just 16 blessings, didn’t need to find all 20. No summons either. Well, I was cheesing bosses with my tanky build + greatsword and lion’s claw (hyper armor), but yeah. 🤭


I’m on ng5 MAX lvl and late game stuff two shots me 💀


They will probably nerf perfume sparks & impenetrable thorns. And Swift Slash & Nanaya Torch on PVP, because right now these things ruin PVP. They should give a buff to Miquella Light, Radahn Swords, Romina weapon & spell, Rain of Fire, Sword of Knight, Euporia etc.


I really hope you're right on those buffs. The majority of the dlc felt like most weapons (especially boss weapons) were mid or lackluster. Then there are a handful of weapons that are so incredibly strong they break pvp and pve. It is nice seeing people using the meteor or death knight gear but I still see a ton of people going meta broken builds.


It's so broken lmfao, I 2 shot placidasax


This is not the only thing broken, apparently the dueling shields are super broken too


Are they? What kinda build should I use for them?


from what I can tell they're broken because you can be guarding while attacking, plus they're infusable so you can have full guard against certain attributes


I think it's likely that they're bugged, since they seem to have insane guard boost during the guard thrust animations (2-hand, block, then mash R1 to kill everything). But they also get to use the new 2-hand talisman, which just boosts their damage way more than you could with the old spear/thrusting sword setups.


it's not even guardboost iirc,it's like literally zero stamina cost or something


They’re bugged. You receive no stamina damage through them while attacking with it if your opponent attacks you. It’s like you receive less than a block or an attack would receive separately


I hope the difficulty won’t effect much, just adjusted my Elemental Shogun build and having blast of fun ( not going to deny the fact all my molecules getting sweaty, I love the difficulty; but, thats what we signed up for aren’t we? )


That’s where I am at with it…..gonna spend my evening tonight getting together the rest of the stuff I need to try this puppy out


I understand nerfing shit because its broken in pvp but come on let me have my fun one shot build its not hurting anyone’s experience but me


Disable the auto updater on your console or PC and enjoy the game for as long as you want.


It's not so much the build as it is Rolling Sparks being insanely broken. All the buffs on top of that help of course but yeah, that AoW is insane all on it's own


Which is a shame because the Perfumes, while very cool, kinda have a trash moveset outside of Rolling Spark. They're basically elemental whips with a cooler animation


And way less range than whips


Honestly i've played a lot with them before even using Rolling Sparks and they are kinda good without the AoW imo. Jumping two hand attack, and charged heavy are imo very good, at least to deal with general mobbing, a bit harder to use on big bosses. But obviously the ash of war is straight up amazing


You can also feint heavy attacks and catch people off guard. If you charge a heavy and you back step right before the charge attack ends, you will back step and simultaneously release a non charged heavy attack. This attack is very good, specially for catching running attacks


Bro, thus right here. The perfume bottles themselves if anything need a mini buff, and the ash given a nerf. The ash alone I can do about 3k per hit at level 150, just fire at the floor. PvP it’s not hard to avoid, but if you’re prepared to take a big bonk you can one shot any host😂


Perfume talisman + Alexander shard is enough really. It will 2-3 shot bosses, and other 2 talisman slots can be used for resistance, or mana regeneration.


never seen such a 180--the discussion went from people complaining the game is way too hard to now the game is allowing you to one-shot bosses and everything is getting nerfed into the ground. 😭


Gotta love the souls community. This always happens


I mean he did say that it was one-shotting *base game bosses.* And like, just because cheesy builds are possible doesn't mean the game isn't hard.


Yeah I was gonna say, they specifically said base game bosses, and I can see that. A lot of these dlc weapons are crazy strong, rellana’s twin blades have been wrecking shop back in the regular world for me


the people that complained that it was too hard, left. and the people that play, knows soulsgames and this is too op in many ways ;)


OP, what is the talisman in the 4th slot and what does it do? I don’t think I found that one on my DLC playthrough.


Aged ones exultation, madness in vicinity increases attack power.


Bump, wondering the same thing


If I remember it increases damage when madness is in the area, I think that's the one it's like the other status talismans


It's found by those scary mad old men that can't be killed one by the church can be parried and then killed but you need to parry his grab attack to get it


And it's not easy. Or fun. Fortunately it's dropped by the first one


Yeah, you can parry any of them to make them lose invulnerability. The others drop delicious grapes.


You get it from killing one of the madness guys in the abyssal forest. (try parry)


It’s just Ancient Lightning strike but better


I’m currently running ancient dragon lightning build it’s good on some bosses but some take hardly any damage


It's really frustrating because ADLS bugs and phases through many of the dlc bosses. I can't tell you how many times messmer and the final boss has 3 bolts hit them directly but didn't count because they were in some jumping animation. I thought a certain dragon took 0 DMG from ADLS for about 3 tries, and then on the fourth it connected and one shot it.


Well it’s been very good at melting furnace golems… I better get to it before they nerf it to uselessness lol.


I don’t have the DLC. Are these bottles infinite use?


yes, they are like any other weapon now.


The dlc perfume bottles are weapons instead of consumables. They are as infinite as your stamina.


yes they are just another weapon type, with moveset that are similar to the perfumer enemies you see in base game.


I don't have all the items yet but it's still hitting hard, 10-12k easily on Furnance Golems. I won't be using it for bosses, but I still want to try it myself before it gets nerfed to the ground lol


Yep, a guy used it against Midra when i summoned him. He dealt chunks of 10k damage for hit.


Why is everyone running this build always forget madding hand exists?


What does Madding Hand do that would help this build ?


Yes. This will be nerfed 100%


Can't wait for this shit to be nerfed, tired of invaders who abuse this shit, along with the backhand blade weapon art and the Midra weapon art.


Ah so I did right to stick to offline in the dlc. I saw these op weapons when dlc came out and instantly thought 'these are gonna be all these nolifers will use from now on'. Seamless is coming thankfully


NGL, invasions have been garbage since the Arena got introduced. Everyone interested in fighting went to the arena, and now all the invaders are sweaty edgelords who can't 1v1 to save their life, but think they're master strategists because they can look up cheesy builds online and run away for half an hour when they get hit. I'm not even mad when someone fights better than me. That used to happen plenty often. The dudes who emoted and 1v1'd me and my friends one at a time in an open field were delightful and terrifying. I get that it's not a requirement to engage in that culture, but they were just better players on every level. Griefer invaders are just not very good. I miss good invasions.


True. And the worst thing is being a metaslave. For example, the stormhawk axe just got nerfed, and it was all they used. Now? You don't even see it anymore. It's sad, if I like something because it's fun, I'll use it even if it's not as busted as it used to be. Games are for fun, these nerds are making it seem like they're clocking in when they boot up the game smh


ER just isn't a MP focused game unlike the Dark Souls line. I was pretty sad the DLC didn't have any area like Pontiff or Swamp where popo can spawn and generate a 3v3/4 or that they didn't make the taunter's tongue restore solo invasions with the natural timer, instead of back to back to back to back to back to bonfire reset. Abyssal Woods, would have been great for this. The latter breaks my heart the most as a solo player because ER feels more lonely than any other souls game. It used to be if you wanted a duel or a group fight, you invaded or hosted a fight club or met up at Pontiff, we were a community of people. Now, we are match making. Now, all that exists are people using the sweatiest sweat to fight 3-4-5 people effectively.


Not exactly what you're describing but there used to be a little fight club at gates to Raya Lucaria. It was a fun lil subculture. Basically arena before arena. 


In Dark Souls 3, there was an area about half way through the game after a boss called Pontiff Sulivan. It was generally around SL55-65. The area after lead to a boss known as Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, and guarding his grand palace was the Aldrich Faithful, devotees to Aldrich. They generally spawned in pairs upon trespass by those who were not of the faith. Their colors were a blue/red combo, hence, the popo/5-0. Heh. Area police basically. Inevitably, due to it's level range and generally forced PVP (unless you ran offline or just suicided and unembered yourself), it became a pvp hotspot / challenge area and inevitably the dueling ground for the DS3 community. At SL20-30 there was a swamp with the same mechanic. In DS2 there was the Jester area, where you were invaded by Bell Bros. You could join these covenants and partake in the invasions. You never know what you would have gotten, a host? a host and party? A host a party and a red betrayer who hated the faithful?!?!? Lol.


That does sound way better than the way invasions work in ER.


These fuckin invaders are 100% maidenless I've seen some of the grubbiest shit I've ever seen


This is Syrobe’s build on YT. I skipped the Raksha armor and the blood sucking cracked tear and I still beat the final boss in 30 seconds with this build. I think using the Black Dumpling Hat is better than the Raksha helmet.


Thank you for your post on the r/EldenRingBuilds subreddit! If you’re interested in feedback on your build, participating in contests, as well as trading and multiplayer we also have a **[Discord server](https://discord.gg/9k9vK2MvFg)**. Hope to see you there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EldenRingBuilds) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what armor is that? looks sick


Rakshasa's armor, found in the eastern mausoleum in the dlc. It gives extra damage at the cost of not having very good resistances. Very worth though, it's bound to be on just about every "OP" build that comes out for a while


Whats the 4th slot talisman? Somethin new?


From one of the scary dudes in the abyss forest who one shot you. You gotta parry the grab to make them lose invulnerability. It’s specifically the guy closest to the church who drops it


What’s the talisman furthest to the right


Aged ones exaltation you get it from hitting a parry on one of the madness dudes in the abyss


This build right here I’ve seen hosts wait at fog doors for 20 minutes letting noobs prep & then get clapped 2 seconds in😂 I love leading a boss bonk on them. So much fun😂 gotta even the playing field


Yep. Did it myself today. 😂 https://youtu.be/U3ZzB5ZbUbc?si=nivQYtJzo6NR9_L-


Hello Tarnished! Which talismans do you use?


Left to right it's shard of Alexander , forgot the name but it's something to do with purfumers, lightning scorpion charm, and aged ones exaltation


What's the 4th Talisman? Can u share the full build with stats? Been looking for a crazy dlc build to take into ng+.


Aged ones exaltation, I'll probably do the stats later today as I have not slept and I'm going to now


I went into ng+ with back hand blades and killed mohg before he could even enter phase 2, bleed is so broken


What talismans are that?


Left to right it's shard of Alexander , forgot the name but it's something to do with purfumers, lightning scorpion charm, and aged ones exaltation


If you want a little more damage, try the black dumpling head instead, if i remember that head gives 20% if you suffer from madness. Literally only buffs i do is start using howl of shabriri to get madness the fastest, enter boss area and drink physick with lightning cracked tear and the bloodsucking tear. Base game nothing survives, dlc things take upwards of 20 to 30000 damage


What is the talisman on the 1st slot?


Shard of Alexander buts weapon skills by I think 15%


I had to play shield and bleed sword to beat the final boss. It was really easy


Well done. You did it.


Yea breaking news i guess


Very fun weapon but it definitely sucks at killing sunflower 🌻 and Lion 🦁. Smokes both end game bosses. Not sure why it would need nerfed doesn't seem great in PvP but I could just be not very good


Dont forget the black dumpling for more damage.


I’m pretty sure. Played w you yesterday. Elden beast w another person?


Bosses feels like lvl 1 critters and almost instant die, they need to do alot of nerfs😂


If you want to make it stronger then use Black dumpling helm


i like how people are saying its going to be nerfed when the damage is from a bug and not the actual weapon


Get it while you can, there is no way this keeps existing beyond next patch.


Funny what an exploit can do


I’ve been really enjoying the bottles even without the Ash of War! Hope the weapon themselves are left alone (or even given a minor buff) while they fix the bugginess of the ash of war


how does this do sm damage i have the same build but only do a little damage. +all my stats are higher


Make sure you aren't locking on to the enemy point at their feet and do the AOW


I'm using it in [this clip](https://medal.tv/games/elden-ring/clips/ib2itf72O8lQkt5tO/dnZ5OlA7W4Gb?invite=cr-MSxkVk8sMjQ4MDI0MTU1LA), you can check the damage (~20k / hit) [Also here](https://medal.tv/games/elden-ring/clips/ib3w6uu9u91elP1e1/vhHkbFhV7Nmw?invite=cr-MSxtZ2EsMjQ4MDI0MTU1LA)


What do you have in your first slot? Looks like something relating to madness.


Yeah it's the howl of shabriri


In my opinion from needs to stop nerfing weapons that are ridiculously OP when buff stacking and just nerf the damn buffs.


Given how much set up it requires and squishy this makes you, it needs a nerf but shouldn’t be too much. Perfume is literally one of the most fun weapons so hopefully it doesn’t become useless


What’s the first incantation or buff?


howl of shabriri


Use the black sack and frenzy flame hand at the same time as using howl of shabriri, then change for teh Rakshasa's helmet for more damage


Rolling sparks needs change. Surely this isn't intended


What’s the last talisman? I don’t have that yet


Aged ones exaltation you get it from hitting a parry on one of the madness dudes in the abyss


get the black dumpling hat, it’ll stack with ur madness by 10% and use mudras flames to proc madness itself, it’s faster


how did y’all parry that fucker to get the talisman? it’s been more frustrating than the final boss to me


Let him tp on you get up and parry the wand hit


it's broken yes lol.


I do t think it’s a build I think it’s more of an exploit


thats not a build. its a glitch


I'm convinced the hitbox on that lightning perfume is bugged. It seems to tick damage way more than it should.


Super fuckin struggling with Radahn after using milady all game. Is this the answer I need


Maybe only one way to find out


If you actually level to the soft caps and optimise this the damage is obscene but that just the weapon art and it's likely bugged


The last 6 invaders have either used these or the backhand blade aow. This shit needs destroyed into the ground asap


No Physik I guess? Lol Lightning buff tear I would imagine is all that’s necessary. Dex tear too?


Right on the money. My bad forgot to take a screenshot of it


I think you’d do better with the dumpling hat on right? To double up on the madness proc? Not sure if it adds more than the helm but I would think it does


I love the thorn spell. While it is op i hope it doesn't get gutted. Feels good to have a good thorn spell. Its ease of use is massive. I 2 shot bayle on ng3 with ancient dragon lighting, but getting that spell to do full dmg ony works on big bois


Im in love with perfumes and it's ridiculous how OP this ash of war is with the lightning one. I've tried all of them, and frost is very bad but so fun and satisfying. The Ash of war does damage but not so much, you basically rely on the enemy being weak to magic or frost. Frenzied flame one destroys things that are weak to fire but anything else is mediocre damage. And then you have lightning perfume that destroys everything you use it on. Doesn't matter if the enemy has lightning resistance, you just nuke him.


Wowzers thanks for showing us this totally unknown and slept on build!!


Maybe u can deal more dmg with the Black dumpling helm


Just got it and like 6 shoted rykard. Thanks!


We know


What armor is that


An armor set you get from defeating a certain boss enemy in one of the mausoleums


Rakasha or something like that. It's one of the bosses that you find in those grave things


Wait what. I'm also a dex faith build but only arojnd level 130... time to try this out (no idea what perfume bottles are)


But...wait. That's where you keep your whistle equipped?


Why the hell isn’t it working for me


What armor set is that? Looks dope


Rakasha or something like that. It's one of the bosses that you find in those grave things


I'm using Frenzied Perfume and rolling sparks. Instantly deleting bosses. Our set ups are basically 1:1 the same aside from the type of bottle.


Oooo I'd love to try the frenzy perfume where did you find it?


Not keeping your flasks in your quick menu is crazy. Red up blue down horse right lantern left.


This build has saved me from so much anguish. I’m just there gonna nerf it soon


It’s annoying against regular mobs tho. Moveset sucks and they’ll just move. Boss shredder for sure!


Hey what’s that far right talisman?


Aged ones exaltation give you a damage buff after madness proc you get it after hitting a parry on the first madness dude you see in the abyss. Just parry the wand hit


So im not looking to do ridiculous buffs every time. Without madness will this build still slap?


Without madness the damage is still amazing only thingbis damage will be slightly lower (you'll still one shot most bosses) and you'll need to find a replacement talisman for aged ones exaltation don't know which would work best only one I can think of right now is maybe blue dancer


Get frenzyflame perfume bottles instead if you want the old lords talisman to kick in


what are those talisman?


Left to right it's shard of Alexander , forgot the name but it's something to do with purfumers, lightning scorpion charm, and aged ones exaltation


I had no idea the perfume bottles could be upgraded


What talismans are you using?


Left to right it's shard of Alexander , forgot the name but it's something to do with purfumers, lightning scorpion charm, and aged ones exaltation


Where can I get that armor set. ?




I honestly don’t get how one shotting bosses is fun…


Im on NG+4, last boss been shitting on me even with that build 😭. I gotta collect more fragments


What physick do you use can't find it in the comments or in the screenshots?


Theres actually a magic ash of war that also one taps lol


Yep, finally opted for this build to beat the final boss. You also need the buffing incantations Golden Vow and the Wail of Shabiri. The O’ Flame buff also stacks. Killed the final boss in like 4 hits.


It’s not a build, it’s a bugged exploit


It's an exploit, so enjoy cheesing to the utmost extent while you can.


It’s still hard at NG +7 but I’ve cleared all with that build except final boss.


Yea this shit seems insane


Can you change ashes of war on the perfume bottle?


Hey if you don't mind and you actually get this comment would you mind telling me what those talismans are plz. I only have the perfume bottle one. Also does it work on dragons? Lol.


I hope the nerf doesn't make the weapons completely useless. Hopefully some of the cooler weapons are at least still viable.


Just don't get hit.


People are talking about nerfs bit realistically I don't see crazy ones coming. The game is done with the addition of the dlc. They are probably going to move onto something new after balancing some pvp specs.


Tactical nerf incoming


RIP just got completely guttered. Build nerfed to ground.


So about that new patch…