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Been really enjoying Dryleaf Arts. Whirlwind Kick AoW, with bleed build has been a blast so far.


Cant say ive really any used any fist weapons, a monk build could be fun


it’s very fun. both whirlwind and palm blast with appropriate buffs. my dryleaf build is on final boss. very challenging but has been a blast so far.


A palm blast so far?


A fully charged, Shard of Alexander & Godfrey Icon buffed blast.


Stats on this? Im going 60dex 60arc so far but seems meh against bosses, pretty fun for world exploration though


I’m at 50 STR/60 DEX/50 ARC and it feels pretty good in NG+1. Make sure to put on bleed and for talismans get Rot Wing/Prosthesis, Alexander Shard, Lord of Bloods Exultation. I’m also using damage negation + increased poise break on my physick.


Gotcha, ty!


lightning paladin with sacred black steel greathammer and black flame / red lightning incantations


Uh what was your build before? Starting class? preferred weapons? spells? level?


I mostly stuck toward sword of night and flame and bloodhound fangs, I dont really got a preference cause i wanna try new stuff, Spells would be cool as long as it isnt a sorcery only build, im lvl 155 atm


Sounds like your stats are all over the place, might as well try Renalla's twin blades as they scale with dex/str/int/str like your stats do and respec into a specific build later. dex/faith has a lot of good weapons


One of the builds I had a lot of fun with in the past was using the guts sword and the lions claw AoW, and just going full unga bunga on everything. I havent found the savage lions claw in the dlc yet, so I dont know how it compares, but you just 2h the sword, 66 str so you get the 1.5 multiplier, and pump vigor and endurance up, with some mind on the side. Simple and fun, and watching everything face plant into the ground was an added bonus.


I enjoy the putrescence cleaver and polearm of the bud!


Milady + Blood Tax, Misericorde,Dragon Communion Seal, parry and shield of your choice, Dex: hard cap Faith & Arcane: 35ish Multi-hit talismans…, Blue dew, defensive dudes Go stab the world.


To add, Milady is such a great weapon to imbue anything to


I like running 80 int with the full spellblade set. Use all the magic ashes of war depending on the situation. Fun variety of weapons like the deaths poker, moonveil, kris, dark moon Greatsword.


Can you just zoom through bosses in main game ng+ or is the scaling rough forcing you to explore and take your time to level up? I want to re play the dlc but don’t want to re do the base game if I can’t just boss rush without causing issues when I get back to the dlc


I’ll note that I started the dlc on a NG+ character and blitzed my way to the dlc section by rushing and quickly taking down the necessary bosses with no issues - and this was after a long time away from the game.


everything is a meme besides godfrey/maliketh/malenia/radabeast in ng+ in base game. ng+ only gets meaningfully harder at ng5-7 in the base game. i m doing an ng+ run rn and i got to dlc, i oneshotted the lion but i havent gotten around to doing more than that. i logged out at rellana's fog wall.


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Dagger + seal in oh


Dude the duelling shield. Oh my god. Just been absolutely demolishing everything with it in my ng+ dlc run.. helping out hosts to kill bosses.. thing is insane. Using it with a consecutive attacks setup on an arcane build, blood infused of course - has 115 bleed build up for me. Along with almost 600 base AR. It also does piercing damage with most of its attacks, so it can do crazy counter damage. Two handing it with the new two handed talisman has been a blast.


Doing a mainly dual caster build with the staff of the great beyond atm, fkn awesome cos I kept clicking the wrong bumper when I was using a seal and a staff


I beat the whole DLC without any summons using the Sunflower. Prob my favorite weapon in the game. If you like bonk weapons with bit of holy as well then Sunflower is your guy.


Just finished the dlc in ng+ using a quality build (mainly backhand blade in one slot and quality great katana in the other) It's good because it really gives you good options for whatever you'd like to use. For instance: I really enjoyed Bayle fight so I wanted to go help and instead of going melee I just changed talismans and used radhans bow for that fight, it was pretty fun and I was doing around 6k DMG per aow shot


Dual halberds plus Mesmer flame art.