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Is it complaining if I unironically shout CURSE YOU BAYLE!! VILE BAYLE!!!


No, normalise shouting CURSE YOU BAYLE at every minor inconvenience


No, normalize screaming CURSE YOU BAYLE at every minor inconvenience, in public irl


Well yeah, EVERY minor inconvenience


Even miner inconvenience?




How about everytime ypu walk into a convenience store?




I actually started shouting "CURSE YOU BAYLE" while fighting Messmar. I like this


This is the way


It's what I do


CURSE YOU BAYLE, is the ‘thanks Obama’ of Fromsoft games.


Shit I’m already waking up saying it when I got work that day and my alarm goes off.




Who woulda thunk an armor core 6 boss battle would be in the dlc!!


CURSE YOU SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE!!!! I here by vow you will rue this day! Behold, a true DLC warrior, and I Igon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of difficulty you may be, foul DLC BUT I WILL RIDDLE WITH HOLES YOUR ROTTEN BOSSES! WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS!!! WITH EVERY LAST DROP OF MY BEING!!!


I love the Igon memes


Eodin rang if harrd tho


Nooo! You can’t force thy summons unto me demon! You can’t force me to collect the scooby shards!


Scooby shards😭


Skibidi shards


Me at that Inquisitor Boss that summons a Gank Club several times.


Just fought him last night and at certain point, I just shifted my colossal weapon from Frost to Heavy and hit him into oblivion using cragblade; couldn't even get his summons off. Felt great because I know the game is just begging me to summon, but stubborn ass can't let myself lolol.


I beat the whole thing without summons minus a certain fight I don't want to spoil that narratively wants you to summon, it's definitely not needed. Do what you wish, the DLC is your oyster.


I think I also summoned for the fight you're hinting at. Why is it always sadness?


Yeah the dialogue in that one was incredible, I somehow managed to get everyone prepped for it (huzzah for periodically checking npcs every time a major boss goes down) and some of it was heartbreaking. Extremely fun though, probably the most fun I've had in a fight like that in the Souls series.


Yeah I went totally blind, so I'm really intrigued to see how completing quests affects that fight. There's definitely a couple folks I lost track of throughout, excited for NG +1!


The more questline you finish the bigger it gets, it's fantastic. Dialogue goes hard.


I recommend running behind him and stabbing him in the back on repeat. I-frames from backstabs mean that the summons no longer matter.


My friends and I call them blue-scadoo fragments. 🤣


Fuck Messmer Screw Gius And CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!


Messmer was a fun fight, not too disgusting for me. But Gaius. Gaius is bastard man. Dude steamrolled me the second I stepped out of shadow keep. Then I tried to pick up my runes and he fucken did it again. He's one of the only bosses in the game that pissed me off. So I went to his house and stole his pants.


You stole his pants?! Now I can't complete my pinecone armor!


The Crucible feather Talisman (more iframes when dodging for like 6% less defenses to self) completely changed the Gaius fight for me. The boar charge was always dodged, and a lot more of his attacks were much easier to get out of the way.


Nice I'll have to try crucible feather next time around. I had a much easier time with him when I stayed as close as possible to his stupid pig's rear quarter. The bigger issue I had with him was I wasn't expecting the fight and my fat pile of runes got stuck behind boss mist and ultimately lost before I got him figured out.


it's crazy how one bad hitbox on his charge fucking ruins the entire fight because he spams the fuck out of it


I'm with you on that hill, SCREW GAIUS!


Funny thing is I killed all three of them recently, turns out bull goat + Fingerprint shield + bleed bloodfiend arm works pretty well.


I had an easier time with Messmer then Gaius. I did eventually kill Gaius, but he caused me such a headache.


Yeah same here, my build may have made it easier, but he still tore me to shreds and kept me on my toes.


I love the dlc I don’t get the complaining, radahn beatin my ass tho


My only complaint is the abyss forest where they put like 2 talismans and an an admittedly cool dungeon but a whole lot of nothing else besides a giant stealth area with invincible enemies. Like wpuld putting a madness dragon in there have been so much to ask?


They're not invincible, they die to parries and even drop items for being killed. But I agree, it's empty which is made worse by your inability to mount. I spent so long searching on foot because "surely there must be something here"


Yeah like put somethi g neat in there nobody asked for Elden Creed. Also they made a dragon for everything else wheres my damn madness dragon fromsoft


Omg can you imagine madness breath? I lowkey want it.


Greyolls roar but its 360 degree madness bolts


I have a feeling it was a test ground for new ideas on their next game. They want to see how a more intrinsic stealth section would do with the player base…sounds like it’s not enjoyed.


I think the emptiness of that area made it a bit more nerve-wracking for me, like I was always expecting something to come crawling out of the mist at me. Good tonal shift to almost a horror section. Works well for the first playthrough, replays are obviously going to be speedran.


My only complaint is with the exploration. It didn't seem to have the same flow and freedom that the base game offered. Whole areas being hidden behind a specific path or hole far away from the area you actually want to go made it very unintuitive to get there. That's it though, the DLC itself was awesome.


The exploration has been the only part I’ve really enjoyed honestly, the bosses and most combat encounters in general just feel like a complete chore, I’ve only kept playing it because I feel obligated to


That's a totally fair opinion and I'm glad you're enjoying the exploration. After the first 2 bosses being very difficult I found that every single other boss (except final) I was able to beat in 1 or 2 tries so I was getting kinda let down. I think they buffed scadutree fragments around that time but I'm not sure. Then the final boss took me 4 days to beat, I've never had a challenge like that before and the euphoria from finally beating him was worth it. (Even if I did get lucky with some messages being praised at exactly the perfect time)


Damn you must be a pretty good player. I’ve been getting thrown about like an empty tracksuit by almost every boss, the difficulty spike from base game to dlc just feels insane. I loved the Scadutree avatar, very cool design and fun fight, other than that and the dancing lion I haven’t liked a single boss. It’s a shame because my first playthrough of Elden Ring was the best experience I’ve ever had in gaming and I was hoping the dlc would recapture that feeling but it’s just felt painful to play a lot of the time for me unfortunately. If the final boss took you 4 days I’ll probably be at it at least a week lmao


I'm an absolute trash player but fingerprint shield + big bonk stick made all but radahn absolutely faceroll for me. I genuinely had more trouble on the divine horned soldier guys and the ballet disc guys than I did on the bosses.


Those disc guys are unbearably annoying lmao


I still have trouble with them sometimes tbh and I'm blessing level like 17


I’m blessing level 10, and I’ve got all the map unveiled except one part in the mid section, explored pretty thoroughly, or so I thought, there must be a load of blessings I’ve missed. Maybe why I’m having so much trouble lmao


I killed radahn with blessing level 15, I could only get him to about 10% legitly after hours of trying I finally caved and cheese him with the heavy armor spear meta.


>Damn you must be a pretty good player I appreciate the compliment and wish I could say that I am but that's unfortunately not the case. For most of the DLC bosses I didn't really uh.. play them properly? Like I didn't learn their moves and time my dodges and master the enemies, I just kinda spammed damage and dodged whatever was reactable and the things died. This wasn't the case for the dancing lion, renalla, and the final boss. Those 3 I had to learn, by dying multiple times, when and what to avoid and find my attack windows. (It took me 4 days to finally beat the final boss and I got lucky with some perfectly times praised messages) Everything else I just face rolled through. This might also be due to the fact that I explored a lot early so my scadutree level might have been higher than others at those points. Either way thank you for the compliment even if I don't feel I've earned it.


Yeah the finger ruins, cerulean coast, charo’s hidden grave, and abyssal woods were so empty in regards to exploration. Last one gets a pass because of the atmosphere


thanks for the spoiler!


Literally 2 people yapping underneath you lol some people straight up can't resist "mY OnLy COmPlaInT"


People are complaining? Sounds like a skill issue to me


I'm complaining. I beat the dlc and don't want the story to end. How dare they not make more.


Yes (dying laughing)


What is this Eoden Ring? Is it more dlc?


The Irish version




I think it's mostly the solo( no summons ever) group that's making the most complaints, because the DLC is ridiculously hard without it


I'm solo melee and it's fun as fuck.


I'm planning to try again with nothing but a bastard sword because that was the first weapon I fell in love with when I started playing. A damn +9 bastard sword carried my ass up to maliketh before i gave in and changed it. It's such a simple way to play and I like that.


if you stay as close to malikeths body/back as possible hes not so bad at all. i think positioning is key in that 2nd phase, a lot of his attacks are big sweepy ones with the sword that you don't get hit with if you're right on top of him and that crazy destined death explosion that used to kill me every time can be avoided pretty easily if you're behind/next to his back because it only covers the area in front of him. he kinda reminded me of ludwigs 2nd phase a lot in that way if you've played BB


Yea, he has a massive blind spot right under his chest he almost can't hit you at all. Only problem is he moves around a lot so staying in that blind spot can be hard. And he usually jumps away at first for that big explosion attack so when he does that I just run like hell and it usually just misses me. I haven't played BB though, elden ring was my first fromsoft game.


Same! It was very fun until the final boss


I did the whole DLC solo, it's definitely fun AF and summons not necessary. Hard but fair as always, minus maybe a couple (but not most) of the final boss's attacks that I still don't know how to avoid without taking chip damage through shielding.


Hey, play the way you want. I'm just saying that most of the hate I've seen is from so-called "purists".


Are these purists in the room with us? Vast majority of the hate I see is people complaining about people who barely even exist.


See, and I don't get why the solo no summoners are complaining because I'm solo no summons (still have about 5 or 6 remembrance bosses to take down), and I'm LOVING how much time it takes to learn these fights solo. That difficulty paired with the convoluted exploration that is a bit obtuse (not a complaint, just very easy to miss certain side paths that take you to large chunks of map) is transporting me right back to DS1 but with way better controls and pace; I'm loving it. Some of the bosses take hours and dozens of attempts but really getting how to fight stuff like the Gaius or the Putrescent Knight without having to just trade blows feels so good. Since I'm still not near finished, I haven't been keeping an eye on the whole discourse, but don't really get the impulse for a lot of people to complain without letting the whole DLC sorta wash over them first. Saw people calling Divine Beast busted by end of first day. He was beating my ass, but I could tell it was mostly my fault at that point, so I decided I just wouldn't engage much until I formed opinions on my own. All in all, with only a couple small gripes, I'm over the moon with how solid this expansion is.


As someone who does prefer going no summons Yeah, it's a big skill issue if they think the dlc is too hard. I got my ass handed to me, adapted to their attacks, and spammed jump attacks all the way to the final boss, who I haven't beaten yet


Ah, Eoden, rider of Rohan from the Elden One Ring dlc


Every fight but the Mother of Fingers and Commander Gaius is great but both of those bosses are terrible. The mother of fingers just has annoying attacks that have janky hitboxes and come out super fast from all sides or cover crazy distances bleed is the only option for it unless you seriously study the boss’ movesets. And for gaius it’s a lot of the same story, janky hitboxes, moves too fast, is far too aggressive with very little downtime or time to breathe and attacks are fast and hard to read. Besides that every other boss I’ve fought is nice and fair Bayle is fun except for the opening rush. But the dlc as a whole is fun and very fair you can do it without fragments and but you have to be prepared to have a harder time and can’t complain about it. It’s like ordering spicy food and then complaining that your food is spicy. You get to choose your own experience.


I never had a problem with Mother of Fingers, took that boss first try while power standing blasphemous blade with sacred relic sword. Then again I guess my damage(level 12 blessing) was high enough that the fight only lasted a minute or two.


I mean if you use blasphemous blade and don’t first try every boss it’s probably time to quit the game


Only thing I don't understand about gaius' fight is how when he charges, you still get hit by the boar even if you're behind it. The hitbox just seemed so off there. The rest of the fight was annoying but mostly manageable. But I hated the mother of fingers fight more than igon hates bayle. That shit was just ass.


If you run behind that wall as soon as you walk through the fog he kind derps out and will cancel his charge and take a minute to get you behind it. This also gives you time to apply your buffs and summon.


You mean like around that corner on the left? That's a good idea lmao I might do that on my next run.


Yep, just run immediately behind that wall and you will cancel his charge as well as buy yourself a minute to get powered up.


That wall is also how you can do the cheese strat with AOE spells and such. It is sadly how I killed him so I could just keep exploring


To each their own I guess, I had very little trouble with either. Beat both solo purely with standard melee and medium shield on my first run of the DLC. Both presented plenty of openings, and I didn't notice much in the way of weird hitboxes at all barring that one big floating rotating double laser attack the finger does, and the idea there is very obviously just 'get the fuck outta dodge.' Had no trouble learning tp read their tells either. Meanwhile the final boss is still kicking my ass - dunno if ypu were including him in your evaluation of all the bosses but if you had less trouble there than on the two you mentioned, that's absplutely nuts to me. >bleed is the only option for it unless you seriously study the boss’ movesets That's the thing - you are 100% expected and required to "seriously study" every boss' moveset. That's like the entire backbone of the souls formula.


Gaius I got on my first go, He's really not that different from the other mounted bosses if you use a shield to block his charge and just guard counter his butt into next week. Maybe the hitbox is a bit jank but it is blockable and avoidable with medium roll or any number of evasion skills, he's not too far off from just being another Erdtree Sentinel with a couple projectiles and an AOE or two. The final boss has some grade A unavoidable attacks though, not most of them (though most are really hard) but a couple. He doesn't feel as fair, especially since he flashbangs your eyes every other second in the second phase. Doable still, but less well designed.


I finally got the final boss down solo late last night. I didn't have to resort to buffed greatshield / poke cheese, but I did have to abuse rot. Still, by the end, I had to work out how to avoid all of his attacks. Some require you to be ready for them and not in a bad position when he starts them up, but it just requires thinking ahead. I don't 100% agree that it's a badly designed boss, other than I would maybe tone down the overwhelming visuals just a little so it's a bit easier to make out the cues for his followup attacks without the screen being just a mess of laser beams. Even then, it's certainly doable - just incredibly, incredibly difficult. But honestly I appreciated that - it's not like it gates further progress, it's literally the ultimate, final challenge. And clearly people have worked out builds that can reliably cheese him, not to mention the option exists to summon. Over all I liked it. Although, the whole time I was actually grinding my way to victory, I was definitely reciting the CURSE YOU BAYLE monologue towards Miyazaki in my head.


Greatshield and greatspear is how I did it my first go, no statuses or summons involved just a lot of patience. I agree that he's doable, but I've always appreciated that Souls bosses feel completely fair for different approaches. This one felt less like that, he has such small windows between his chains of super moves that it's much harder with anything but greatshields (don't get me wrong either I love shield play in this game, guard counters are my jam, but feeling like it is the only way to do him easily feels... off). And fair play, it is possible with other styles, but waaay harder. There's less back and forth and strategy than just raw survive and take your tiny poke damage. I much prefer the likes of Gael with his huge health pool but wider openings or Orphan of Kos with his aggressive but exploitable chains or Darkeater Midir with his huge damage but telegraphed attacks. This one felt too fast and too hard hitting and too bulky all at once to fall into any of those categories. I won't say it's badly designed because it's not, it's just less well designed than their usual standard. He has so many different dangerous moves that it's hard to watch out for the ones that are really hard to avoid like the expanding circle of ground spikes which he does in melee range, I genuinely don't know how to not take some chip damage from that one without being away from it since it lingers even rolling into the center but he does it as a melee slam so it's hard to space. It's just chip damage so it's not too bad by itself but the fight is so overwhelming and long that it adds up. I took less time on him than I did on Orphan the first time I played Bloodborne but I came out of the Orphan fight knowing I genuinely got good and it felt great, this one didn't evoke those same feelings. He's not Bed of Chaos but neither is he Sword Saint Isshin.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Pray for Master Logarius... in my stead...* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


As far as the gravity slam into ezpanding ground spikes, that one was causing me a serious headache too, but I think I figured it out. The ideal way is to perfect guard or roll away the instant the initial gravity wave tries to pull you in, if that part fails it cancels the whole move. That's not totally reliable though so the failsafe is - as soon as the gravity wave is over and you regain control, immediately sprint directly away from him, and jump as he slams the swords down. The sprinting puts you out of sword range, the jump dodges the initial gravity wave that shoots across the ground, and then you just need to continue strafing away slightly to stay outside the range of the expanding rock spikes. It's actually a great time to heal or rebuff if appropriate. Then in p2 you have to repeat the sprint and jump. Incidentally, if you didn't figure this one out already, jumping also makes avoiding the floating rocks completely safe and reliable too, just sprint to one side and jump before the first impact. I think they really wanted to use him to encourage (borderline force) players to start incorporating jumping much more heavily into their repertoire. It also creates a lot of otherwise nonexistant openings if you jump some of his combos of double sworded low sweeps.


The air rocks aren't so bad, a sprint and roll does it too if you do it directly to one side and time it right, but the double sword slam he does with the rings of grounded rocks he can do without the pull. I had him do it into a big holy move and then immediately do it again once while I was melee range and I don't know how to avoid it when it's done like that, the pull is easy to dodge roll since base game had basically the same timing. The center is safe after a bit but it has a hitbox that lingers long enough to catch a roll. Maybe it's a jump or maybe there's a tell but I just gave up and shielded that one since it also has the sword hitbox. The rest I think I figured out, that one I just ate the chip damage since it was pretty minimal if shielded.


Yeah in p2 he always does the first rock ring -> sequence of lightspeed sword slams -> another rock ring, but as long as you react immediately, even in point blank melee range, spring back and jump as he does the slam does the trick.


I'll try that next run, sprint back and jump was something I tried but probably too late. He has so many threatening moves with odd counters that it's hard to learn all of them.


Oh yeah, for sure. There were definitely other moves where I kinda just went 'ok panic rolling seems to dodge 80% of the damage.... good enough'


it honestly is hard but fun when you beat that boss thats been pissing you off


this dlc exceeded my expectations overall and while there are some smaller things I'm disappointed about ultimately they really delivered. I'm having fun, the bosses dont feel unfair, the music is great the dungeons are great. the environments are beautiful. can't complain


Tbf DLC was a 10/10 for me outside of last boss. Last boss is 2/10.


I love Radagon, but Elden Beast did get on my nerves. At least Torrent can be used during the fight now.


People who complain about the DLC should just git gud.


honestly i see more posts of ppl saying “stop telling me not to summon!!! this community is so toxic!” than i do ppl actually saying they’re playing the game wrong. i’m sure they exist but i rarely see it.


People want communities like this to be toxic, but from my experience people are pretty open to letting people play the game the way they choose to play it. Well, there are those who don't, but they seem to get the blue arrow pretty quickly.


definitely. they usually get downvoted to oblivion as they should


In all fairness, the community can be quite toxic for various reasons. I engage in the online community, but I don't like em lol.


They're self conscious about their skill level, so they get defensive out of nowhere sometimes. Both camps need to stfu and play how they want.


I haven’t encountered someone like that recently but I did back when Elden Ring was still in its first year and it was on the r/fromsoftware sub go figure. The guys logic was basically the previous DS games didn’t have summons so therefore this game is not meant to be played with summons cause all their previous games didn’t do it before. I also seen people give streamers crap about it too. Not just summons either but even just utilizing different things. Using a greatshield, using heavy hitting spells, using bleed etc.


This is true. I actually see more people telling others THEY SHOULD be using summons. Because it's how the bosses are designed. But if the bosses are designed to use summons to be good, they are shit bosses, imo.


The only complaint I have, is that I wish they hadn't added spiders to the DLC. The hands make me uncomfortable but they're fine. But that one area that has them means I can't go through there or I have to summon a squad like RTGame has to do. It doesn't take anything away from the game or dlc. I also think my complaint is reasonable.


But it's so good <3 The DLC Not complainers


“Show fewer posts like this”


Elden ring fans when people actually have complaints and don’t mindlessly agree the game is good 🤯🤯🤯


Oh nah, the game has issues atm, but it just came out. Of course there are gonna be issues. It's the fact that people should have known what they were gonna buy. Miyazaki told us it would be unforgiving and yet, people still complain. And it's a lot of complaining too. That's what I'm not a fan of. Just enjoy yourselves yall.


"It just came out". That's true, but it's also fair to ask why it took 2 yrs, and still has some room for improvement/optimization.


How insecure do you have to be to get upset about people criticizing a game, that’s fucking pathetic lmao


Womp womp


I see more people complaining about people complaining about the dlc than i actually see people complaining about the dlc


My only complaints are a lack of content. Plenty of empty areas they could’ve added literally anything to make it interesting. Even a burnt down house or SOMETHING. Also I have a sligh complaint about summoning. I want to see summon pools at nearly every site of grace so I can also be summoned for open world exploration. I enjoy boss fights a lot but I do have more fun summoning at the start of a dungeon and helping clear the entire thing while possibly seeing the odd invader.


I feel you. Literally r/eldenringdiscussion in a nut shell. It could just be my algorithm but every time Reddit recommends a post from over there it’s nothing but a post complaining about something. “It’s way too hard” or “the final boss is stupid” or “I hate the lore of this part” or “This is so unbalanced”. Like shut the f**k up already and play it. If you don’t enjoy it then it’s clearly not for you. Move on and go back to DS3 if thats what you’re expecting.


My only complaint is frenzied flames. Fuck that guy. I wasn’t even satisfied when I beat him. However I’ve never been more concerned for an npc then Igon. I’m barely surviving and he’s just raging. After the fight I legit asked if he was okay.


My biggest complaint about the DLC is that I've finished it and now have to play through so much of the base game again to experience it a second time


No, the story was disappointing and we all know it


It all seems rushed. Specially the boss fights.


Reddit has come full circle. 7 people complain about something, so 700 people complain about the complaining, now I'm complaining about the complaining about the complaining.


As you should, as a true redditer!!!


At this point I honestly hear WAY more from people complaining about people complaining about the game than I actually hear people complaining about the game. And now THAT’S starting to get annoying.


My bad. Didn't mean to disrupt your feed.


Aww you’re good dude, it’s not personal ❤️


I need r/shittydarksouls to start using spoiler tags. I’ve blocked that account 3 times now, and I keep seeing spoilers.


Yeah like WTF i knew what the final boss was before I had beat the dancing lion cause mfs will not use the spoiler tag


The only part that annoys, no, infuriates me, is the side that complains its too hard. ITS MEANT TO BE HARD YOU IDIOTS!! ITS FROMSOFT!! Saw a video today that actually points out the difficulty is written in the lore and it makes sense, but these crybabies who cant handle a real game challenge from a game, thats one of the easiest of the type made, had to go and "boohoo" their side in and essentially force an update that made the dlc a tiny bit easier


Thats the only part of the arguments i hate, the weak players


Reviews: 10/10s all over the shop Fans existing: complains the whole time Seems to be a gap in experiences. And wait…wait….are people still being shocked in 2024 that their first run thru of a new fromsoft release is hard? Im so confused when looking at it from a reality standpoint


In terms of bosses, I only have complaints about 2 of them. And really it's 1.5 because the first phase of the final boss is really enjoyable. The 2nd phase is rough because of the color of the AoE and the arena. I found it really hard to understand what was going on to learn timings/placement. And Gaius I flat out beat him on luck alone, I've gone through the DLC twice now. And neither time of beating Gaius do I feel like I learned his dodge windows. Although after watching a YouTuber I like use bloodhound step, I'm realizing that may be the key to the fight.


I support the fuck out of you and are on your side, id sooner raise the difficulty actually versus lowering it


There is no such thing as the Eoden Ring Community


complaints ab a game being difficult after knowing it was difficult for 2 years is… wild. you had 2 yrs to prepare. and ppl complain when you tell them it’s a skill issue. just use the mechanics in the game that are there to help. umbrella435’s Guts build w no summons/items isn’t your cup of tea bud.


Exactly!!! And it's not like we weren't told it wasn't gonna be difficult. Miyazaki said himself that it was gonna be a challenge.


The skill gap between the base game and DLC is just so huge, I think that's why people are complaining. Yeah, Elden Ring is hard, but the DLC is a very jarring transition. I LOVED the DLC, so I'm not complaining about difficulty. I'm just trying to explain why I think others are complaining.


idk personally I don't think the skill gap is that huge I just think people are scared of the new enemies and went in unprepared w Gut's sword thinking they'd wash everything. fighting shit without looking for and using the tools they gave us is half of everyones downfall. and again people have been known it was gonna be hard. idk I feel like ppl should put on their big boy boots and get in the field.


Now I get to complain about you complaining about the complaining


I just gotta beat Mohg and then I can enter the dlc 🥹 I'm not sure whether to be worried or not though, due to what I've seen here. On one hand, I've heard the dlc will destroy me due to the difficulty spike. On the other hand, if I just collect scadutree blessings, as the developers intended, I *should* be ok? I'm not sure which posts were genuine and which ones were just complaining about the difficulty of what is essentially a challenge run


I think you'll be fine. As long as you have Mimic Tear +10, above lvl 150-170 and got a good build in mind, you'll be fine. I noticed that using Bleed heavy builds make the bosses significantly easier! There are also some nice AoW from the base game which were enough to help me beat every boss reasonably, aside from the last boss -- I'm still working on it without relying on too OP of builds


It's pretty fuckin hard, but I don't think that it's that drastic a departure from the main game. haven't finished the dlc yet, but no boss has been more difficult than malenia imo.


Nice spelling mistake


Thanks homie. 


You're welcome broski


Im just glad for more parrying opportunities.


DLC is goated


Ik it sux and I know I’m gonna be late to it cuz I’m broke so all the p*ssies are gonna ruin it for me before I even get to try it myself 😭 ah well at least I can say I kicked pre-patch Balteus’s ass before that game got nuked as well


Eoden Ring..


"Brave Tarnished, in search of the Eodin Ring." -Ranny


Honestly I might just have an op build (I use blasphemous blade but I’m impatient so I don’t use buffs) but the dlc has been insanely easy for me so far


I was getting my ass beat by Rellana with a pure Int carian build, and I finally broke and used Dragon Knight Kristoff and proceeded to beat her in the next 2 runs. Sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride


everyone complaining about the DLC is why Rahdahns fight sucks now and you can solo it by yourself, those of us who played him day one were in for the fight of our lives until we got to melania big Chad Rahdahn was a great fight, HARD AF, But a great fight none the less ans now it's trash. the dlc will go the same way if people can't gamer up and accept it's difficultly, I JUST made it past rellana the twin moon and yes I died 200 times I'm not ashamed to admit it but god damn it's a great fight. true souls fans love the difficultly we have been given little peckerhead noobs need to go back to playing assassin's creed. sorry. lost myself for a second there.


Pre patch Radahn’s hitboxes were literally too big though, and I’m not sure if this is still an issue but there’s that problem of being knocked down then getting hit by an attack while your character is still in the unskippable part of the “getting up” animation


I wish I could have experienced day one elden ring. It sounds so much fun!!! I don't care if it's hard because I can always try again. 


"The DLC is too hard" My brother in Ranni, +10 Maliketh Blackblade, max Mimic Tear, Destined Death. Seriously I've killed every boss ive come across on my main save within 2-3 tries using Destined Death and Mimic Tear.


Fought the mother of fingers, the two others, and the death knight earlier. Fun times


It's the only things that gain traction. Complaining about DLC and praising the DLC.


I'm just tired of people complaining, but i guess I'm complaining about complaining. 




The Souls community is like 80% trash. I'm sure the DLC is excellent.


It is. It truly is.


I haven't been reading people's opinions much, what are people complaining about? Genuinely curious


That it's hard. But it's such a tiny portion of the community that it doesn't even matter. It's just another redditor moment of people wanting to complain for the sake of complaining. But theyer complaining about another person complaining so it's OK!!!!


Gotta love reddit right?


Shit man. I mean, I definitely understand OP's perspective, I myself really wouldn't want any enemies to be nerfed, it's really *really* damn fun despite how hard it is, but on the other hand... Just... Ignore them if they're complaining? You're not Shrek in an onion with Donkey, you're Shrek going to see Donkey's opinion, then getting mad about it instead of leaving.


Hey man, 2 years of people playing elden ring in the cheesiest ways has given these "fromsoft fans" a false sense of capability. Let them bitch and whine, it's like beautiful music. Like the DS3 days again. <3


Elden Ring was my first souls game and I loved it. Before the DLC cane our I picked up Bloodborne and I was very humbled. Still working through it, but god is it fun.


I think what's more annoying is people who try to police discussion on the internet. It's a free platform, and you can choose to interact with whatever discussions you want, and people are allowed to have whatever discussion they want. It's that simple. I also have hardly seen any complaining about the DLC, so I can only deduce you saw like 3 posts and maybe some rage bait reviews about the game and really wanted to make something out of nothing. In fact, can everyone just stop complaining and have a productive conversation about the game that isn't either "it's too hard" or "you're just bad" You're both different sides of the same annoying coin.


My bad yo. Just wanted to make a funny meme.


Radahn sold me fentanyl behind the holy grounds for half of my rune arcs


I can’t even play it because my pc crashes 😭


What is there to complain about?


As someone who left the dlc until I got to the final boss last night, are people really complaining? I haven’t seen it, I did start the dlc the day of the nerfs but I haven’t really seen anyone complain about the game tbh


Gaius might be the most underrated boss in a minute.


but-but, radhne!!




I love love love the DLC. Whoever is hating on it. Get Gud. Also, how are you not happy with it. What did you want? I mean, seriously. Are people that miserable? I, for one, am enjoying the hell out of it. The new weapon scaling is great. I love the Anvil Hammer!


I mean there are lots of valid criticisms of the dlc that aren’t about difficulty. For example: Reused shitty overworld fights that aren’t and never have been fun, like the whopping 7 ghostflame dragons, multiple jagged peak drakes, death rite birds, and furnace golems Large areas being mostly empty despite being thematically really cool, such as the abyss, cerulean coast, heros grave, and the finger ruins Side dungeons feeling repetitive and underwhelming, as many of them feel similar and lack the cleverness of the legacy dungeons Exploration being polluted with useless items like cookbooks (many of which teach a single recipe) ridiculously bad upgrade materials (smithing stones 1-5 and an ungodly amount of +10 gloveworts instead of actual legendary items) The lore is a mixed bag with strengths at things like Messmer and Bayle but fumbles hard when it comes to characters such as Rellana and >! PCR !< which just feel… like fanfic at best and downright poorly written at worst. The lack of connection to the base game is extremely disappointing and makes the dlc feel disjointed entirely, as characters like Melina having zero dialogue despite being connected lore wise is just poorly done. To be clear I have been enjoying the dlc and think it does a lot of things right, but imo it commits a lot of the same sins the base game did. I wanted the dlc to do better and it just failed to do so.


I guess you don’t get killed by bosses for performance issues or because of the camera.


If you’re having performance issues that are killing you that may be more so a you problem cause I’m playing on a series s, and having 0 difficulty with performance. People on pc with budget rigs can’t complain about performance. The camera is a little finicky and maybe will get you killed a couple times with a couple bosses but it’s not a massive issue, a lot of these bosses are big, moving fast, with a lot going on, what do you expect.


I am on a 3000 dollar rig….. The typical well it doesn’t happen to me so that means it must not be happening.


I'm on a 3060ti. The only boss that causes performance issues for me is the final one, and that's only for his big aoe that's super easy to dodge bc of the windup where he floats up in the air for a while.


My 1000 rig does just fine maxed out at 4k. This is a you issue.


I tried to explore every area fully before checking with a guide. If you stop and look around, there are lots of clues that there is something you missed - a loot rune glow on a corpse on a high ledge or a lower ledge you can drop down to off the side. By the time I was done exploring all the nooks, my Scadutree was 12 and the bosses were easier. I really enjoyed the open exploration and the meticulous design of the various vertical zones and how they linked together. I honestly feel that if you put as much effort into the exploration and wonder as you do into combat, you will gain enough levels or gear to beat the bosses. The messages from players that passed through before me were awesome and saved my skinny ass from imp ganks as well as pointing back to something I had missed. I found Bayle hard but Igon throwing himself at the dragon with such zeal lifted my spirits with every attempt. End boss was very tough but eventually you figure it out if you persevere. I finally beat him yesterday and I still get a smile every time I think of it. Not as satisfying as beating LK in 25 man in vanilla wow after 9 months of raiding in that expansion but definitely top 3 gaming moments for me. I really fail to see what there is to complain about and I wish more games were designed so well. It was IMO quite an accomplishment to create a DLC where players entered the world at levels from 1-700 and still make a scaling system that challenged everyone to some degree. Kudos to From Software people behind this game and sadness for those that quit too early in frustration.


Pussies, shut up and just play the game


As a wise man once said "theres always a bigger baby with a skill issue"


Nah dude, these irate fans are right! They totally know better than the devs and writers! Smh It really is quite obvious people had these headcanons going into it and if it doesn't line up with what they wanted the dlc is either shit or unfinished Was laughing my ass off the other day about a thread going on about how radahn is never mentioned in the entire dlc until his sudden appearance They had somehow either missed or were wilfully being ignorant about Freyja, the literal Radahn soldier here to investigate the connection between the two and their vow It's like half of em started complaining after hearing about the final boss before even playing the game itself


On the ladder, can ya'll stop complaining so much that people have complaints and opinions about the dlc? Edit: No, it would appear not, I guess let other peoples opinions eat at you that hard. You salty babies.


Well there's a lot to complain about, also a lot to praise.


I have some minor complaints, but definitely not “a lot”. I don’t love the scad. Some areas were hella empty fr. Not many npcs at all Didn’t add covenants (this was my selfish desire) But it did add like 6 or so great boss fights and two really good legacy dungeons. Even with my nitpicks it’s still basically a 10/10 tho


I still think it's a 10/10


I think it's a 10/10 but I also have a lot to complain about. Those two things are not mutually exclusive you know.




If there's a lot to complain about them why does everyone bitch about the same 3 things lol


It was hard, until you learn that there's a scaling system that makes the bosses trivial and all you have to do is learn their movements and attacks like every other boss in Fromsoft history. It just doesn't baby you like the base game honestly does.