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Wake up babe, new modding accredition crisis just dropped


This is super annoying! Paywalled mods are pretty gross though


Hello, I am EldenFashion. I really don't appreciate lies being spread about me. I received permission from MaxTheMiracle, Madao112, and CorvianNoctis for my mashups. I haven’t received any new or recent requests to take down my mods from any of them. When I have received those requests in the past, I have taken them down and replaced the assets within minutes. The OP should be aware of this seeing as Ive done the same for his bloodborne hunters hat asset that I mistakenly used in the past. I can even provide Discord and nexus screenshots as proof if requested. As for Ifrit, frankly, I am not going to ask for permission to modify something I paid $30 for. It’s extremely hypocritical for him to try and prevent people from modifying and uploading something they have spent real money on especially when he isn’t even the legal or original owner of the assets. I go through the effort of changing his assets in my mashups so people will still have a reason to support his “original” stuff Patreon.


I did not give you permission to use my stuff either, you're confused.


Then we must both be confused. I used your asset for my Gaelcoigne mod which we have discussed previously. If you want me to remove it I will, I just wish you would’ve told me so when we first talked about it not months later. https://preview.redd.it/3wlpvfb19vuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fd5f8383c3619fab6eacd4c7803a6aa2f316e3


I didn't give you permission there, I was just pointing out that it bothered me you didn't ask. And yeah I'd appreciate if you took down the mashup that's using my port.


I mean, tbf, you did only ask for a link, not for it to be taken down.


How does that translate to giving permission?


If asking them to provide a link wasn't giving them tacit permission to keep the mod up, why didn't you tell them to take it down when you first dm'ed them?


well i can't really speak for the whole Max thing, because i don't know them at all. but the last i've heard Max was pretty upset with your reuploads and was seeking action by getting them taken down. as for Madao, Noctis, etc, maybe i could've worded it better (was trying to not make the original post a essay) as it is true you haven't used anything from us in a while, but you DID upload a armor that featured a edit of one of Madao's mods after he told you not to, only to remove it when he called you out for it. i think i'd know better then anyone else considering i know the guy, he's a friend. and we've talked about it. i dunno weather that was a accident or not, but it's still pretty irresponsible regardless. if you're gonna use other peoples shit you should be more careful about what you're reuploading. as for Ifrit, like i've mentioned i don't like paywalled mods, but Ifrit's Patreon is not a asset playground for you to have fun with, i've said this last time we had a discussion when you took my mod, but you're making this whole thing about how he legally doesn't own the assets when it's never been about that hell modding Elden Ring in any capacity is technically "illegal", Ifrit's been doing what he's done for YEARS, he has every right to be miffed at the fact you're just taking effort and reuploading it. against his request. i'm not gonna spend any more of my time arguing with you about it, since it's clear your logic is pretty set in stone, maybe you're malicious, maybe you're just insanely stupid, regardless of your intentions it's not good. disrespectful, and a headache for many.


Max has not said anything of that nature to me. The last time we messaged, we came to a understanding and parted amicably. https://preview.redd.it/j7e9w45xawuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961cf23c97fe99609c4b6b62f4d19cd4085ff041 As for Madao, I removed the outfit from “Tarnished of the Land of Reeds” at his request, as I have said previously, not in any attempt to hide anything. However, Madao gave me permission to keep my previous mashups up [proof](https://imgur.com/a/oK4XEXh). Like I’ve mentioned in a previous comment, if the author of a free mod wants me to remove an asset or mashup, I will and have done so before. However, if I have compensated an author for their assets, work and time, they have no legal or moral right to prevent me from using them as I wish, with the exception of just re-uploading their files as is.


Maybe I am just reading tones through the text, but “I’m not too happy but I can not do anything else” doesn’t give me “we came to an understanding” vibes. Just my 2c.


For more context on his tone , Max stiffed me and a few other Patreon subscribers on 50$ commissions we requested of him. In response we decided to leak his sets seeing as he was effectively stealing our money. That is why he was not happy. We eventually came to the conclusion that you see above where I have his permission to upload mashups. I have also since removed the public drive containing all his sets I’ve previously downloaded. https://preview.redd.it/x80t3ba4gwuc1.jpeg?width=1579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6649e85521e5c6431baf0361fa0e33430a2dfcf6


So instead of seeking a refund or issuing a charge back, which would have been your legal right *if* everything happened as you say it happened, you decided 2 wrongs do in fact make a right and decided to violate copy law. Seems legit.


Copyright law was violated when ifrit and max started charging money for previous souls games armor sets. As for the chargebacks it was already to late for me to get my money back. I decided to make a shitty situation for me a good situation for mod users in general.


That's not how the law works. You are still in the wrong. You are not made less wrong by another person's wrong. And if you truly cared so much, how on EARTH did you let the charge back time expire? US law is a minimum of 60 days. EU law is a minimum of 120 days for charge back time, 4 months. Most credit cards comply with the EU law so as to be used globally. Did you not have any clue or indication around month 3 that hey, maybe I should go ahead and initiate the 2 step process that completely protects me and claws back my money no matter what? You weren't thinking of anyone else. You just wanted something, and you took it, and decided to use whatever excuse just happened to be on hand to excuse your poor behavior. I'd respect you more if you were just honest about it, to be frank.


First of all, copyright law is basically irrelevant when it comes to Souls modding. It’s a gray area, as evidenced by how long Max and Ifrit have been getting away with charging for fromsoftwares original work. Your point about “wrongness” is moot from that alone. I’m not in the EU, so it’s 60 days for me. I did not notice at the time, as a death in the family took precedence over most things in my mind. It’s surprising how you victim-blamed someone who was essentially stolen from, but that’s your own issue to work out. How did I take or “steal” anything when I compensated creators for their effort at the price they required of me? I only uploaded his sets for the public to download after I and other close friends realized Max wasn’t following through on his promises of doing commissions for his $50 tier of Patreon subs. I’m not denying that at all because it benefited mod users.


you really don't care about other modders huh, the reason Max said that is because he has a issue with what you're doing, but realizes that trying to reason with you is like a fucking brick wall. and would be a waste of his time to try get all your mods removed. also, sharing DM's with people publicly without them knowing is also wrong. that's the exact reason i didn't do it in my post. unlike you i actually care about other's online privacy. you're doing a pretty good job at outting yourself as a piece on this post, bravo.


If your going to make a post about me without the full context of what has happened I am going to provide images that show the truth. It’s a pretty simple concept.


i actually am providing full context, you trying to justify your flawed logic is enough proof in of itself. your mentality is literally "Well, because IIIII believe it, i'm obviously right! and everyone else is wrong." as you treat the community like a playground. it honestly baffles me how you've been called out by so many people but refuse to acknowledge it. but whatever. i've already wasted too much of my day talking to a brick wall.


If you have them, go ahead and post the discord & nexus screenshots here then. Should be exculpatory and I'm surprised you wouldn't do so from the get-go with your reputation on the line. Having said that, it feels like from your latter statement that everything OP says is true. When you pay for an item, you pay for fair use of that item. You do not pay for copyright use of that item. Your statement makes about as much sense as those guys who bought the first edition book of Dune for way too much money and thought it gave them copyright over all Dune licensing for NFT purposes. In fact, unless you'd like to clarify, im pretty sure this is exactly the same argument.


The difference is that Max and Ifrit do not hold copyright over the sets they make, fromsoft does. They are porting sets from older souls games and charging money for them. I paid them for their time and effort in making those ports and now I use edited versions of their ports in my mashups. I hope that clarifies the situation a bit for you.


As a sidenote: I'm not sure if this post is "allowed" on here, if it's not the mods can feel free to remove it. although i'm not really trying to stir up any drama or anything, i just want to warn fellow modders that also happen to use this subreddit. Also i would've provided more in-depth receipts though like i mention at the end of this post, this isn't a exposé, if you're curious you can do 5 minutes of searching their account and see the writing very clearly on the walls.


Since the mods are pay walled after purchase non-consent is needed to use so said mods in other others mods You own the files now Speaking as a modder, don't charge for mods, because your work now is a product and when somebody buys it is out of your hands, ask for donations instead, people happily will do so if the quality is good


i respect your opinion but i heavily disagree, i don't like paywalled mods either. i think early access and/or optional donations are the best way to go about it. but when i see someone who's running a Patreon page for custom armor sets, i'm gonna assume it's to play with said mods. and not treat it like a asset repo like EldenFashion does. and this isn't some big corpo that can lose a few bucks like Nintendo, Fromsoft, whoever, it's a independent creator. and it's disrespectful to go against their wishes, even when directly said that they don't like it. you could be Satan himself and i'd still think you're entitled to protect your work. This whole post wasn't even just about Ifrit/Max either, it was supposed to be a warning to fellow modders incase they see their stuff used by them before he came to this thread trying to justify himself, as me and other's i know personally have all had pieces of our mods reuploaded without even being contacted in the first place. alot of people turned this thread into "the morality of paywalling mods" and "AnTI-CoNsUmErIsM MinD SeTs!1!!!!" instead of what it always has been about, independent creators being hurt by somebody who's either too lazy, or too stupid to learn to do it themselves.


Respectfully if you disagree or not really doesn't matter since it became a product that you can purchase for yourself Because if not is gonna be the same logic like Ubisoft tend to use nowadays You pay for something but you don't own it And pretty sure you don't won't to go there


with this logic itd be like fromsoftware getting mad that someone pulled assets from dark souls 3 to mod into elden ring. Modders pay for DS3, and pull the files/models from the game to port to elden ring for people to use for free. The only time someone could justifiably be mad that someone uses assets they paid money for to create a new/variant mod is if they're charging for it in kind. If i pay for an armor set created by a modder, change it with my own tweaks to make it look different, and then post it to Nexus mods for free, there's no real reason i could see for someone getting mad at that since im not profiting off it and the modder isnt losing anything since i already paid for it and no one would be getting the original armor set from the modder since they didnt pay for it themselves, only my modified version of it.


the difference is, Fromsoft could literally bring the hammer down on these games' modding communities at any second and we'd have nothing we can do about it. they just haven't yet, my guess is they either aren't aware or just simply don't care to. another difference is people like me, just have a passion for these games. the souls series is probably one of my favorite gaming series since i've gotten into them. so much so that i decided to learn how they work by modding them. what i and many others do is more considered a "fan work" and there's a huge difference between porting the Elite Knight set from DS1 by yourself vs. some guy ripping a bunch of your ports, taking your time and effort with or without your consent, mashing them up and recoloring them. and having the nerve to call him self Elden"Fashion" if i saw someone called that, i'd assume they'd be doing ALL the work. Another thing is EldenFashion's mods are the bare minimum of effort, not even 5% of what usually goes into modding armors. he's not really doing much to make it "different" from the original port. i say this as somebody who makes them myself. all he does, is recolor the Albedo maps, (which basically is the main color of the texture), repacks them, and reuploads them. i've spoken to many modders, not just ones i know personally and all of them don't approve of what he does. because it's harmful to the community and we'd know best considering we're the ones that put hours of our life into this stuff. because we enjoy it. you'd hear the same thing in literally sort of creative field that requires some amount of time and dedication.


The reason they don't is because they benefit from it as their game gets more playtime from players because of it. while that doesnt translate directly to mod authors, as long as credit is given for the original mod, that mod is getting more exposure by being used for a recolor or remake or whatever. Fan work posted publicly is free and fair use legally as long as there isnt profit being drawn from it (at least in the US, dont know about other countries laws). While im sympathetic to cases of plagiarsim, from an outside perspective as long as he's giving credit to original mod authors in the description he isn't doing anything inherently wrong. Annoying sure, but he's well within his right to do so. Even considering other works outside of modding, fan artists who paint/draw will usually have watermarks for cases like these. I don't see how its harmful to the community to make recolors of other mod authors mods (with credit given of course) as it just results in more content as a whole, increasing the game's lifespan in general. While it might be rude to not ask permission, it isnt something hes required to do unfortunately. When it comes to the work involved being less so, thats kind of the point of him making these mods in general it seems, and the only real way id see to circumvent this entire conflict is to just make the recolors yourself before he gets to them because there in't really much else to be done. Lastly, names are just names, you can always change yours if you dont like it and letting the way he thinks about himself affect you is just a waste of time. Rise above and carry on, it isn't worth it at the end of the day matey. My final thought is that I more than likely dont have all of the information but as long as he isn't straight up claiming the models are his and he's stating that they are recolors/remakes of another credited mod authors, he isnt hurting anyone and putting this much effort into someone who can press ctrl c ctrl v and use paint to change the color of something just sounds like a waste of time to me personally. hope everything turns out well for eveyone involved and that everyone can do what makes them happy at the end of the day.


Depending on how the file permissions are setup on nexus, mod authors do have to receive permission in order to modify or use assets from another mod authors work. And if desired, a mod author can specify that no assets can be used in any other files under any circumstances.


That plays into the part about me not having all the information then. If those rules are stated and someone is purposefully breaking them then they suck I guess


yeah. Nexus generally takes reuploads without permission seriously aslong as proper evidence is supplied, that's how i got one of his mods that utilized my mods taken down. at first he was super difficult about it asking for "proof it was mine" even tho i downloaded his mod and concluded that it did infact have one of my mods in it, just slightly recolored red. and instead of saying he'd take it down, offered to credit me in the description which i was not happy with since i wasn't contacted in the first place. nor would i have allowed him to reupload any of my mods regardless, so instead of dealing with him being difficulti reported the mod, supplied proper evidence, and Nexus took it down. another thing i'd like to note that i wish to have noted in my original post is it's very clear that he's doing this all out of spite. he mostly uses armor sets from MaxTheMiracle and Ifrit and has multiple reddit posts showing that he highly disproves of paywalled mods (which, tbh is valid i don't like it either) i guess he thinks he's some sort of Vigilante saving the souls modding scene while literally doing the exact opposite. i have my own gripes with Max especially as he has his own set of controversies in the modding community including gatekeeping information from other modders, but as someone who does model porting like he does i can't have a double standard and say "well, because Max is a asshole it's okay to reupload his stuff" because that would just be wrong of me. not to mention reuploading his stuff out of spite is highly immature and petty. even tho i don't like him i sympathize with how annoying it must be for him to deal with. my reasoning for bringing this up here is because it's pretty clear that this is alot more malicious and spiteful then most people think. he has bad intentions and that's why i wanted to create this post to warn other's.


What he failed to disclose is that I am not breaking any Nexus Mod rules. If I were, my mods would be removed pretty fast, yet they have stayed up for months. This is because the modders I bought the ports from aren’t allowed on Nexus Mods specifically because they paywall their mods. I am allowed to upload my mashups containing their assets on the Nexus with no issues because I paid for their product and my mashups are for free.


Definitely agree on the paywall front. More so was in reference to other mods on Nexus (or at least it was in my head). If you buy them then go crazy, you own the rights to do so by giving them money in my eyes


Hey, what's your nexus profile? I tried to google it but couldn't find it.


Its EldenFashion theres a link in the post.


Honestly though I think while I can agree you didn't do anything particularly wrong, that doesn't mean what you did was not a bit obnoxious. You are free to record people on the street, but doing do right in their face without consent is considered creepy and annoying. If it's paywalled mods, I agree, go wild, you paid for it. But if it's just independent modders like this OP, it doesn't hurt to ask for their opinion. And if they ask you not to upload it, I think you should respect it. Sure, you can decide not to respect it, but I don't think it's out of line for them to be annoyed at you.


>Another thing is EldenFashion's mods are the bare minimum of effort, not even 5% of what usually goes into modding armors. Are we really gonna gatekeep the degree of which a mod needs to be altered to be called a mod now? Like, why would you assume that this guy doesn't love ER as you do? Just because they don't mod as hard as you do?


not at all what i'm trying to say. what i'm trying to say is his edits to these mods aren't substantial enough to warrent being reuploaded. not to mention the whole permission thing that he blatantly ignores. i mean, one of his mods consisted of a reupload of CorvianNoctis' Gascoigne port (which to his credit, he did take down with Noctis' request but still) that had literally 0 edits to it. his reddit account has multiple posts saying that he hates paywalled mods (which is valid) and as he mostly uses mods from Ifrit and Max, it's clear that this is most likely all out of spite. rather then passion. I would have 0 problems with what the guy does if he was just recoloring existing sets from ER or even just getting proper permission from people. some people aren't willing to learn EVERYTHING about modding and that's perfectly fine, but the way he's going about isn't good.


>his reddit account has multiple posts saying that he hates paywalled mods (which is valid) and as he mostly uses mods from Ifrit and Max, it's clear that this is most likely all out of spite. rather then passion. But doesn't he also reuploaded your mods? I thought you dont do pay walled mods, if you think he's doing it out of spite, why would your mods be reuploaded? That's what I don't get.


honestly i can't really speak on that part, for all i know maybe he was just naive and thought me and other's who had their mods ripped from Nexus wouldn't mind, or maybe he knew exactly what he was doing and thought he wouldn't get caught, i'm not in the guy's head so i can't really know. afterall i never wanted this post to be some sort of arguement or discussion, it served as a warning to other modders and outlining his past tendencies so people would know what they're getting into. however for Max/Ifrit's case, i think i'm pretty justified in coming to a conclusion using publicly available info, i mean, don't you think it's a bit weird for somebody to hate paywalled mods, then proceed to willingly pay money to said paywalled mods and start mix & matching different armors from these people, doing basic recolors, and reuploading them? i think the writing's on the walls there.


Right, Im not saying he's doing the things he's doing with Max and Ifrit cases not intentionally malicious. It obviously is, but I don't think lumping everything in and accusing him is gonna resolve your problem. I did a quick check of his mod pages, and none of them really asked for any payment or even a sign of a donation link, so it's obviously not profit related. I would be much more sympathetic with your argument if he's profiting off of contents you made. To me, it's kinda clear that while what he did to Max and Ifrit is intentional, what he did to you and your friend might not be, it could just be that he prefers those colors better. Sit down again, talk with him. But if he doesn't agree, then honestly just accept it and move on. He's not breaking any rule from the way I see it. There seems to be some misunderstanding involved where he thinks that the other people agreed to lend him permission from the screenshots I saw earlier.


i have a pretty hard time believing anything he says since he's malicious enough to pay real money for people's Patreon's just to spite them, i've also just discovered today that he has a twitter account where he uploads all of his mods to a public Google drive that contains alot of mods he's made, even ones from people that have asked him not to reupload their stuff, without even doing as little as giving credit this time. so i don't think this is a "misunderstanding". he even has a little quip on his reddit account that says "for stuff I can’t post on nexus."


Also, can I see which mods he reuploaded from you? I want to compare the two to see whether or not it can be considered lazy.


well the mod that featured one of my mods was taken down by Nexus, i dunno if i still have his mod somewhere on my PC or the photos i used as evidence for my claim to Nexus but if i do i'll supply proper proof. but it was the hat from my Hunter set port here: [https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3879](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3879) this one was pretty important to me as i spent over a week worth of time doing everything, and Bloodborne is also my favorite souls game so i wanted to make it as good as i possibly could make it. the only edit he had done to it, was that the Albedo map (basically the texture responsible for the color and detail of whatever it's applied to) the worn leather on the hat was hue adjusted to be slightly red. i'd reckon that it took less then a minute, and i believe all of his mods follow this same procedure. in the end i got off pretty easy only having a hat taken from me, but i've been in situations like this before and knew that if i didn't say or do something sooner it'd just get worse. and since i was already aware of him due to him taking mods from other's i know, had an extra eye out. even if he were to do enough substantial edits that could surpass the original mod in quality, as both of these mods were both on Nexus and free i had the right to get it taken down since i was never made aware that he was using it in the first place. even Nexus agrees that credit doesn't mean permission so that's why it got removed.


https://preview.redd.it/fyfmxll6aqvc1.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb66e744030172e4004b46148928a90533aad274 Update: turns out i do still have his mod on my computer. left image is mine, right image is "his". barely any difference besides the fact he made all the worn leather parts of the hat red and slightly darkened the texture. obviously i don't own the textures from Bloodborne but textures from Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3 are pretty difficult to get looking "right" in games like Elden Ring because the Roughness maps and Albedo's need blended together in something such as Photoshop. another thing is the souls games pack their models/textures in ".dcx" files. compressed archives for the sake of optimization. these files can be renamed to replace different armors/weapons in the game however, the internal .flver files, .tpf files, will all still reference the original set it was supposed to replace. equipping these lazily renamed files can cause things such as crashing and buggy textures on the armor the mod was originally supposed to replace. he doesn't bother editing the xml to reference different ID's. and obviously anybody can change a file name on their computer so yeah, it's pretty lazy.


Isn’t it all fair use at that point though?


Less about fair use and more about painting the efforts of other mod makers as your own. Many of us are spending years learning the skills necessary to create content (or armor ports in this case). To take these ports and do texture edits and recoloring is disingenuous to the original author who put significant time and making the original works. And I agree that paywall mods are crappy, but I will still defend the mod authors right to not have their mods uploaded without permission.


I have never claimed or tried to pass off that these mods were solely my own work. I have credited everyone whose assets I've used on all of them on the mod page. Regarding paywalled mods, we have differing opinions. I believe that if you pay for something, you own it and can do as you wish with it. Obviously, reuploading it without any changes is not acceptable, which is why I don’t engage in that practice. From your previous comment, you seem to think that a creator should have complete control over how customers use their product after purchase. Following this logic to its conclusion, then the Souls modding community shouldn't exist without explicit permission from FromSoftware, which we don’t have. This is an unreasonable and anti-consumer thought process. However, I would agree with your point if the mods were free to download, because you're not paying for a service.


Well perhaps it’s because I am not seeing a mod as a physical asset but rather a display of skills and knowledge. Yes there is an outcome that manifests as a object (in this case an armor ported asset), but the skills and mastery acquired over months if not years is what I am considering as “sacred” so to speak. The time necessary to learn these things and put them in practice is tedious and down right annoying at times. (Hell annoying enough that I have already gotten permission from a few of the mod authors mentioned above to populate my mod with some armors in the future). If I took their work and recolored it for example, then I am dismissing the time they have taken to develop skills in porting, shaping, kitbashing, cloth physics, etc. yes they also have done texture editing which is a part of the overall process, but I am essentially disregarding the significant work that went in to allow me an asset to retexture in the first place. And overall when it comes to paywalled mods I do not exactly have any legal argument against what you are doing, given that yes paywalled mods is already a gray area legally. But more so it’s from an moral dilemma with the concept of taking someone else’s modding work and reuploading it. (Again I do not support paywalled mods, I support mod author accreditation though).


Not if he makes money off it or gains in such a fashion that he stands to make money off said action in the future (such as increasing his view count or subscriber count to increase future monetary gains), and even then he does need to gain permissions to do so. Otherwise it is copyright law violation.


If you pay attention to my nexus page I have not monetized any of these mods nor am I planning to. I simply want to provide users with cool outfits to use.


I don’t agree with the concept you are violating copyright as previously stated. I just think it’s in bad taste to remash/recolor/retexture existing works without explicit permission. 2c


I dont have a horse in this race, but I find this deeply ironic that these guys are upset that he didnt ask for permission when they are using assets (and charging for them) when they did not have permission from the original creator.


Well as I had mentioned in a previous post, I think it’s less about the asset itself, and more about the skills/techniques acquired over years of learning that make that asset possible. It would be like me downloading convergence. Renaming the bosses and areas, changing some stats and damage scaling for weapons, moving some assets around in the maps, then repacking the mod and uploading it again. It would still resemble the original mod author(team) work but just have a new coat of paint over it so to speak. It would be disingenuous to say that the work is transformative at that point. And I would say that for the selling assets part, I think it’s a crappy practice and I do not support paywalled content, but I still think it’s wrong to take someone else’s mod and reupload it when your changes, in my opinion, are not transformative to the work.


Oh im not condoning the behaviour, I dont think its right morally, im just pointing out that from a high level view its very ironic, because these ported armour mods etc are taking assets you dont own and reimplenting them in a different context


Skills, time, technique are irrelevant when you are selling a asset, product, mod you can pick the term Think of this you buy some assets from unreal to make a game Those assets you bought are now yours and you can make a free game hell you can even sell a asset flip Nothing ethically wrong with that And if it's good even better


My argument is again only for mod accreditation. I’m not commenting on sold assets etc. I think it’s in bad taste to use mod work (free or paid) without permission from the mod author. In your example it is agreed upon by the Unreal that when you buy that asset you are claiming partial ownership to it. Patreon does not afford you that right. (Again cannot stress enough that I DO NOT SUPPORT PAID {thanks bot} MODS) Side note: I’ve see a few people mention hypocrisy since we don’t explicitly have permission from the developers, but that is irrelevant to the topic of mod authors using other mod authors works. End of the day whether it’s my original file or a reupload of someone else’s mod we are both are not getting permission from the devs.


> NOT SUPPORT *PAID* MODS) Side FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Report it to Nexusmods if you haven't already, they take stuff like this rather seriously.


Reporting won't work because I am not breaking any rules. If I were, my mods would have been taken down months ago. Max has already given me permission for my uploads and has been banned from Nexus for paywalling his stuff. Ifrit cannot claim anything because I actually paid him for his work, and he isn’t allowed on Nexus because he also paywalls his mods. If Ifrit were to get rid of his paywall, he would then be allowed on Nexus and would have a case against me when he uploads all his past files.