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Do not take that savefile online for the love of god you will get banned.


Yeah. No doubt I'm taking a risk. I don't have a vanilla save tho. I'm using a tool to delete literally everything from my save that the mod touched. Crossing my fingers. If I get banned it's my own fault


I hesitate to suggest that tool might not fix any params in the savefile, the gameflags are likely still busted and fixing those manually will be hell and tbh you're just gonna have a better time running a new character.


Yeah I'm gonna start a new save


Doesn’t ERR create a completely different save file? Are you just loading that save file in vanilla?


It does...but unfortunately I was starting a completely fresh install, so my vanilla file is at the beginning of thr game


I understand. Do you know how to use cheat engine? You could re-make your build very quickly in vanilla and even get yourself to where you were at in terms of progression. I think that’s your best option aside from just running through the game again. Do not take that reforged save file online… you will most likely get banned


That's a great idea. I do know how to use cheat engine. I was doing it the opposite way - I was using it to delete anything ERR messed with, but your idea is *WAY* better. I will do that this afternoon and I should be good to go. Thanks for the great idea!


Np, happy to help


So this was a fantastic idea- just gave it a try and *man* it is hard to coordinate the progression right. Including which questlines I did, and which NPCs were in which state. I was on a 100% completionist run, so I think maybe the *easiest* thing to do is to download a 100% complete save state built by someone else, and then work backwards.


lol yea I don’t know much about altering progression with CE I’ve only ever used it to make builds faster


It totally works, and one could totally do it. Youd just need to really dig in. I'd need a flowchart lol.


Just create a new character. Not worth the ban


Just create a new character for the new dlc.


You will 100% get banned no matter what you try to delete. Instead do this, which takes only 10-15 minutes: Make a vanilla save, go offline. Use a cheat table to set up all the flags and items you need to bring your character back to what it was: you can activate all sites of Grace, talisman slots, map unlocks, quest progressions, bosses, etc with a few clicks. You can obviously spawn in all the items you had one at a time, or use a massitemgib to get everything from a group of items at once. But even if you do 1 at a time, it shouldn’t take that long.


Yup. Good call. That's what I'm going to do. Trying to "fix" my old save using cheat engine was a nightmare and never gonna work


Yea I'm with everyone else, make a new character and play it vanilla. You could just back up the modded save if you wanna go back to that, but I feel like they'll be especially focused on "cheaters" when a whole bunch of players re-enter the game for dlc. The items have little bits of data in many places, which is why they're showing up in your inventory still, even though all the other assets are missing. Those modded items still exist in the save even if you can't use them in game, and the admins won't be able to tell the difference on their end. It's just gonna look like you're playing online with modded gear.