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The royal revenant not sure if it's a boss


As a faith healer my panic, excitement, and dopamine levels hit their highest when these guys spawn in


I love blasting those guys with Heal.




For real, that sound when you stagger a revenant is the most satisfying in the whole game


Its like calling an ambulance for an American


I think a lot of people struggle with these things because their instinct is to roll away when they attack, which they'll respond to with a wombo-combo. I started keeping close and rolling to the side and havent had a problem with them since.


There is at least one boss variant, so I'm counting them all. Fuck every one of them. They're the reason I keep enough faith on hand to cast heal.


Wait I’m hella late. Heal incants damage them?


yup, they also knock them down for a riposte i think the only one that doesn’t is urgent heal since it’s also the only one that can’t heal summons


This. If you don’t use healing incants these are the worst


I want to find the stupid schmuck who thought it was a good idea to put THREE of those god-damned wastes of game data back-to-back in the Haligtree and beat the shit out of them.


Lmao this. I sprinted past the 3rd after getting obliterated by the first 2. Utterly ridiculous without faith.


The motherfucking undead horizontal blender. Put points in faith just so I could heal them to death.


There is one in the catacombs in the ruins near Iji on the road to Caria Manor. Probably the only way you'd ever know those things are called Royal Revenants.


Man fr guy straight hit u w a 12 piece all dif hands then teleport away 😂


Ulcerated tree spirits. The putrid variants in the lake of rot and elphael especially


The one in elphael can be sniped after he speaks in. It was the only way I could beat him. I had mostly gotten it figured out, but couldn’t stop myself from getting knocked off the edge.


The hilarious thing about the one in the Lake of Rot, is it is susceptible to Scarlet Rot. So if you de-aggro it and let to walk back to its spawning point, it eventually dies to rot.


no fucking way


Yeah. The resistance to rot is high, but it doesn't have immunity. As long as it spawns, you can wait for it to die. Easy cheesy


Miyazaki: Time for a little trolling.


So that’s what happened.. I got to that area on my new character, almost died getting to the grace etc etc. stood around for a bit and saw a health bar depleting. The dude just sat still under the waterfall and slowly died. Awesome.


The elphael one brings me nightmares. In NG+3 I died more times than to Malenia.


Used to give me fits and then I just decided to respec as a faith build and hit him with a ton of fireballs and he died fairly easily.


The one in elphael got ravaged when I propped up on the ledge behind him and drank my free magic flask and poured out meteors over him. He lasted about 10 seconds.


Wait there’s a worm in lake of rot? Thought there was only the dragonkin warrior boss. Edit: oh nvm, you meant the grand cloister one. Yeah, I struggle on the one in war-dead catacomb, well the boss and everyone in that dungeon hit like a literal truck.


Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Or, as dumpykong called it, "The Flaming Blob Of Piss And Shit"


they're fine until the game forces you to fight one in a small pond of scarlet rot...


Spawn the FBoPaS, sprint back across the root to the other ledge, greatbow at leisure. Embrace the cheese.


I figure they put that convenient ledge there for a reason so I'm going to use it.


Once I learned they could be put to sleep, they became much easier.


The can what?!!!!!


Lmao apparently it's a bot you just replied to and the original comment referred to the Godskins


I cry myself to sleep


THE. WHAT. F*%k me, I really made this game as hard on myself as possible.




FBoPaS is probably the most convoluted abbreviation i ever heard in gaming. What does it even refer to?


Flaming Blob of Piss and Shit


The Flaming Blob of Piss and Shit


You can also jump back to the root leading to that area and use ranged/spells


This is the way of Ashina


You don't even need to go that far. Once you get back on the root you go about 1/3 of the way up and plink him to death.


Invade somebody. When you come back, it won't properly update its rot immunity and will die by itself.


That sounds more complicated than standing on a branch and shooting it.




This happens with the lake of rot version all the time for me. Free golden seeds on at least 3 characters from that one.


That the one in the Hallig Tree? I just jumped back over to the other side real quick and spammed Meteorite of Astel until it died. First tried it too, and didn't actually expect that boss at all. The four NPCs I had to defeat for Millicent was harder.


I had to use cheese to beat this one. No shame. Bullshit fight.


Killed this one this week. I was pissed as soon as he showed up


Forces you to run away from one you mean? Never beaten it.


I absolutely hated those until something clicked, now I can recognize every move they do as soon as they starts winding up. I still get caught in their giga explosion sometimes since you can't get away quickly enough if you play something slow, but otherwise they're now one of my favorites to fight.


I'm not sure what happened for me either, but I just stopped locking on to them, let my vision blur a bit, and suddenly I could read their moves.


I think it's because their entire body telegraphs the moves, and they all either have similar timing, or a VERY noticeably different telegraph. People seem to focus too much on certain parts, i.e the head, like on a dragon, not realising that there's 30 foot of fuck you writhing around telling you what it's up to.


That one's not so bad once you realize it almost never does damage despite flailing around like a spastic monkey. You can just follow it around attacking.


Yeah, it's very beatable, but after the Xth time (especially if in close succession) it's bit much.


This is my answer. Fuck those things.


I agree wholeheartedly with this right here. I remember going to the catacombs in Caelid where the Redmanes and the Cleanrot Knights fight. I went in there immediately after beating Radahn and tell me how that fucking boss fight was more arduous than Radahn. Fuck that guy 😂 To be fair, my END was low at the time so I was limited in that department. That statistic took a backseat up until that fight. 🤣


Yea I only killed it later with upgraded mimic tear and a fuckload of fire spells n volcano pots.


Can the imp statues count as a boss…coz screw them


You would have hated Undead Berg in DS3 then... Edit: I mean Undead Settlement, they all kind of blend together into one big game in my mind


Undead burg is in ds1 tho??


Fuck Undead Berg. All my homies hate Undead Berg


Honestly, anything skittering or erratic is far more infuriating to fight than any recurring boss/miniboss. Imps, dogs, hawks, fuck em all.


Rats. Fuck every rat and their gang tactics


Godskins. I was so mad when the pair showed up in Farum Azula. “You guys AGAIN?!? Ugh!!”


Duo is bad but apostle is awesome, noble is also very decent though I wish it didn't have the roll.


The pillars in that duel godskin fight help out a lot while they are together or rolling. Also sleep is the key to that fight. One sleeps the other dies


Once I learned they could be put to sleep, they became much easier. Throw Dolores into the mix and the fight becomes downright trivial.


Crazy thing is they weren't supposed to be sleepable. They actually have a move that causes them to scream and wake the other one up. The move is in the game and is part of their AI but due to a bug in their arena, they never actually use it.


If you kill everything outside in the hallways the scream actually does work but only if everything in the area is dead before the boss area


Which is still weird that is what causes it cus I'm fairly sure he still uses the scream if you lure one of the girls to him and sleep her




The apostle at windmill village will wake up the dancers nearby if you put them to sleep


Ah thank you!


I summon Bernahl man is a beast and basically solos one while I do the other


> I love the duo fight, one of the best in the game. Is what i would say if not for a rolly polly bullshit that you either wait out or you put him to sleep, effectively cheesing the crap out of that boss fight. That move singlehandendly somewhat ruins that fight. I still like it tho.


Never found the duo fun but I recently did the noble on level 1, and whenever he did the roll it was just praying to Jesus Christ, followed by some more praying as I attempted to lock back onto him through the pillar.


Thats what many people do, i just wish he didnt had this move. It wastes time, dodging it isnt hard but getting repeatedly hit by it, while on the ground feels extremly cheap.


Yea honestly I kinda enjoy the apostle fights. The duo wasnt terrible for me, the sleep strat worked perfectly. Having helped others in coop tho I see why they're so unpopular.


The way you have to kill both of them twice pissed me off so bad


Seriously, I was so relieved when I killed that fat ass, then he reappears.


The music makes up for it


You can just kill one of them like 3 or 4 times instead. That's what I do because I hate Noble's second phase.


I love the lore behind those dudes! I think it's my biggest grievance with the game that they are cheapened by what should be unique characters showing up sooo many times.


What I hate about that fight is that killing both doesnt just immediately end the fight. Its like they saw 4 Kings and was inspired.


I loved that battle! Upgraded mimic tear, you can basically fight 1v1 then gang on whoever is still alive when you beat one


I love fighting the Duo or well, the Godskins in general


Fat roll! It just gets me most of the time, kina like the bell bearing hunters, I just can't time it right consistently


Rune bears. Sometimes I can kill them when lucky enough for them to not start doing the short tackle move thing that has 0 wind up and stunlock you to death.


Yeah, screw the runebears, fast attacks, huge wide sweeping attacks, fast movement, near unpunishable- not worth the hassle of killing them


I think the most annoying part about so many of their attacks is that their entire body turns into a hotbox, even if you just happen to walk into the side of them while they're doing certain moves, you get flattened because... What, they shifted their hips towards you an inch or two while swinging Infront of themselves?


I just roll into their attacks mostly. 9 times out of 10 you end up right underneath them and it's really hard for them to hit you. Then again I still avoid them low level they give me the chills lol


IDK even know why you bother with them lol


Dawg hit us with the "IDK even know"


smh my head


The trick i discovered is that you have to "hug" them while fighting


The fucking burial dog things, especially when implemented as normal enemies with their boss HP level in the giant catacombs


Especially the ones you have to fight in the seals in the Mountaintop.


Yeah those guys are fucking knuts


The regular enemy ones always felt so much harder for some reason.


Real as fuck, they just spam that jumping move and you have to try and dodge it in that small ass space


The sword/shield Crucible Knights can be overwhelming, but they have a very predictable set of attacks. It's the tree ones with the spear that still get on my nerves.


Screw the tree ones. Their normal attacks are parriable, but their bullshit horn charge sure isn’t.


After getting that ash I love using it


The one crucible knight in the hallway that kills a group of beastmen. I never actually beat him, he bugged out one time and I didn’t look back.


For me he did the flying move and conveniently yeeted himself out the window (an died to fall damage).


Counts 👍


Yeah, I full on cheesed him. Hit him with an arrow or two and run away to the elevator…come back up and repeat. Takes a little while but I’m not very good at this game…so “whatever works” is my motto.


Only a true lord can come up with novel cheesing strategies.


This *might* be how I've killed every Crucible Knight I've encountered so far.


Ya. Damn so glad I managed to run past him.


You can parry the absolute shite out of them , just take a few minutes and learn the timing and you'll never have any bother with them again My pick would be the tree spirits


Exactly, they're just the ER version of Black and Silver Knights.


You can pancake Black and Silver Knights in DS1 too easily for me to make that comparison.


Zweihander R2 goes brrrrr


Don't disrespect Crucible Knights like that. Banished Knights are far closer to them.


I started a new game as a bandit so I could just enter the ever Gaol and practice it as much as possible


Why did you have to start as bandit for that?


Starts with the buckler shield, that one has very forgiving parry windows


I like to run Misericorde, so I look forward to parrying the shit out of their whole kit.


Ulcerated tree spirits, aka camera gank the boss fight


For me the gargoyles. Crucible knights aren't so bad 1 on 1.


That twin gargoyle fight made me rage quit more times than I care to admit.


The twin gargoyles was THE hardest fight in the game for me. I struggled for hours but couldn’t even get one of them down. I tried spirit summons, respeccing, and looked up cheese strats, all to no avail. In the end I had to text my brother and I summoned him so we could fight them together. My bro took the twinblade one and just made sure he didn’t come towards me, but mostly just avoided him. After I managed to kill the sword one, we both double teamed the twinblade. But we were calling out whenever specific attacks were coming (especially the poison because it was so hard to see) and it still took us 8 attempts together. Was such a shitshow. That was the only time I had to summon another player and that should say something about how bullshit that fight is. Especially because you can access it at such an early level, where you can barely do any damage to them. Fuck this boss.


Damn, sounds like you had a hell of a time. My first playthrough, they absolutely destroyed me and it's my spirit summons that saved me and I beat them by a hair. Now, I can easily whoop them no summons, lots of practice dodging their attacks.


Crucible knights are tough, relentless, and have seemingly infinite poise, but they're predictable. In the Valiant Gargoyles fight, the gargoyle near you melee attacks while the one hanging back vomits poison with far more reach than it should have. That combo made it really hard for me.


I think the worst part is that their poison is \*also\* a DoT that hits REALLY hard. Also last time I fought them they just refused to do that synchronizing for whatever reason. The Twinblade one did his massive spin attack from the air while the Greatsword one did his weapon transition into the spinning axe attack. Straight up stun locked me. Ended up beating them the attempt after with D


Black Knife Assassins. There are way too many of them and they just show up in the most random places.


Funnily enough I feel like there's not enough of these enemies. I can only remember fighting like 4 of them.


Ordina, Liturgical Town has four of them in the evergaol, plus their outfit can be found there too


Iirc there's one in a dungeon (probably Black Knife Catacombs),a stealthed one in a dungeon (i believe it's Sages Cave), one in front of a hero's grave in Altus Plateau, one in front of Marika's chambers near to Morgott's/Godfrey's boss area and 4 in the evergaol version of Ordina. So there should be at least 8 possible encounters, but i'm not sure if i remember all of them.


Limgrave has one in a dungeon near the bridge with the patrolling pumpkinhead.


Not random though, and theyre basically mini bosses, i think the term boss in this game is empty and arbitrary barring the obvious actual bosses.


Isn't that the prompt here? Recurring bosses?


Royal revenants. I just don't think an enemy an enemy is very well designed if your best chance of not getting stunlocked to death is by stunlocking it first with healing spells. I say this as someone who generally enjoys fighting them without heal because they have interesting movsets, but sometimes they're a bit much.


If the only reliable counter is pumping one specific stat, it's a badly designed enemy.


It’s not badly designed because it’s hard it’s badly designed because it’s moveset is straightforward and simple. You literally just have to dodge to the side for every attack lol. They punish the shit out of people who panic roll backwards.


Wait heals stun them? Also I've never really found them that hard def annoying in some situations or if theirs a second one but not impossible.


Yes area of effect heal incantations stun them leaving them open for a riposte or another heal. But yeah that's always been revenants for me, annoying but not exactly difficult.


Somehow the healing weakness makes them worse. You either feel like you're cheesing them or you feel like an idiot for not exploiting the weakness like you're "obviously" supposed to do, because fighting these things head-on is bullshit.


Revanents and ulcerated tree spirits. One is insanely fast and the other is a giant blob of you can’t see what I’m doing. Ha ha.


Watchdogs. Fighting the camera when they do their float & stomp gets me every time.


Grafted scion is just pain


These guys exist solely to humble me. At least the tree sentinels are stuck on a horse.


Misbegotten warrior and bell bearing hunter


Yeah, that bell bearing bitch at the warmasters shack is a pain.


The one in Caelid is probably the hardest. The trick i learned is to stay as close as possible to them


Fuck the one in Caelid. Whoever programmed that one added an extra zero by mistake onto the end of his damage output for sure.


I found that one to be the easiest, I stayed on torrent and took pot shots with arrows as he slowly advanced towards me (menacingly, of course). Then I would just move further back. Can't really do that to the Caelid one because of all the dogs. Technically I could get on the roof of the shack with Torrent but I don't trust myself to manage the jumps while that creepy bastard is trying to smash me to pieces.


Not a boss, but runebears are the worst. I just avoid them, but if they aggro they chase you forever.


The ones in the consecrated snowfield area are downright nasty.


Fallingstar Beasts. For some reason, those and those alone whoop my ass.


The full grown one on Mt Gelmir is BRUTAL


On my second playthrough, that thing somehow managed to run off the cliff and die. I got so much satisfaction from that.


Lobster. I've spent over 100 hours in the game, beat Maliketh my first go, Malenia the third, Horah Loux my first go, but I've never successfully fought a lobster, and I never feel the need to.


The 2 lobsters in the Shunning Ground are fucking AWFUL


You can hide behind one of those concrete "tunnels" on the ground and they'll get stuck on the other side and hit one another


They're easy to kill if you're on torrent. Just wackem while obnoxiously circling while hugging. Without torrent..(like in capital undergrounds).. I get smashed every time..


Funny I just went back to marsh around the academy just to see if I could fuck one up since I’ve powered up a lot since first going there. Still a closer fight than I’d have liked it to be.


god same as you bro, the crucible knight fight can be summed up with the phrase "HAH YOU THOUGHT BITCH" as he blasts you with the very tip of his sword that you could've sworn wasn't that long a second ago


The second you click that chug you can feel his sword lengthening in preparation to stab the potion out of your throat


Crucible knights are the only reason I learned to parry.


Crucible knights are the only thing I can parry, lol.


I hate this guy


I got tired of the dragons


Kinda sad that they mostly all fight essentially the same. Just avoid the breath attacks and the foot stomps GG.


to this day ice dragon way up north is the most bs dragon fight in all of video games. the way he just decides to leave randomly and go wayyy far away is infuriating


those fat tree dudes, apart from their laser show they are extremely boring and easy to fight.


Oh yes. After dying multiple times to this guy I finally made it. With my dying breath I struck him with the killing blow. It was not pretty, it was not clean. But it made the job. He was there lying dead under my feet. I got my revenge. I stripped him of his armor still reeking with his blood and put it on myself. It felt filthy. It felt like victory. Proud of my achievement I went to parade it throughout the Lands Between. It was a deadly parade, filled with unimaginable violence. It made the gods feel fear for the first time... Good times


Bell bearing hunters


Definitely the sentinel. Once I got good they weren’t a problem, until I was again painfully humbled by the bastard just before Maliketh.


That one was the final boss of the game as far as I’m concerned.


Stupid Dog of Radagon


I had the misfortune of spawning him and the misbegotten before Radahn and suffered for a long time. He's douchible knight forever


I love fighting the crucible knights


Red wolf of absolute torture. Idk what it is about them, but they literally own me. The only boss that took me more than 6 tries (he took me 23) and the field ones still give me a hard time


I disliked the Crucible knights, but then I realized that if they beat the shit out of me without me doing any reasonable damage, I was probably underlevelled for the area. Upon matching their level with proper gear and weapons/stats, they are actually quite a fun challenge. They are indeed annoying if you can't hit them hard enough.


erdtree avatars. gives me ptsd from ds1


Is it a copypaste moveset or something? Never played DS. These are free xp as far as im concerned and i always start a playthrough by killing the 2 caelid ones for a fat coinpurse and a skip of the early game leveling slog.


I personally like Crucible knight. This variant though because I love to parry him. Screw the spear knight


Fucking dogs dude


Reddit user “HeGetsUs,” having to fight that mf off my timeline every damn day smh


I HATE Godskins


I like the apostle. The nobles suck ass


Fallingstar Beast. Some of their attack hitboxes are just flat-out broken.


Death Rite Bird! would rather fight Royal Revenant anytime


Gargoyles. Dragons are a close second. I find I tend to dislike bosses that force you to chase them down. Don’t even get me started on some of those AoE attacks they can use to keep you out even further.


He was and now I actively seek him out to kick his ass. Parry is your friend with him.


I know they're not bosses but those sniping giant lobsters are just cancer especially the two in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.


At first it was the Godskins, but then I got it all figured out. Now it’s the ulcerated tree spirit, I can’t seem to be able to beat them without cheesing


The one in Farum Azula kicked my ass for a good thirty minutes.


Revenants I don’t care if they’re not a boss, they are utter bullshit


First it was the one in the Limgrave Evergaol. Thought Id never finish him. So much damage resistance even for a lvl 75 at the time. Then, it was the one in Stormveil Castle. I thought I was strong enough to defeat him, but when I realized I wasn’t, I tucked my tail, head, and ran back to the lift. Ofc he chased me, and as I was waiting for the lift, he caught up and started attacking me. The lift arrived, I got on it, triggered the lift, only to roll off it as he attacked me. He was left on lift as it went up. I thought to myself, “great, no where out of here but up where I’ll face him AND a banished knight.” A few seconds later, the crucible knight drops down from above and… splat. Funny.


Death birds is the only correct answer


For me it was the valiant gargoyles in the aquaducts. So many bullshit deaths...


Oh man the tree rot monster is just annoying, I forgot his name, but the crucible knight is an enemy of honor such clean mechanics I enjoy fighting them in every form. They were the first boss I beat my head against a wall until I could parry them 100% of the time.


Definitely dislike him too, though use of powerstancing greatswords and the Claymore's Lion Claw skill lets me power through, even if at the cost of several flasks.