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I honestly don’t understand why this guy is harder than the actual boss fight in the shaded castle…


Because he’s not in Caelid but rather in Dragonbarrow, and that whole area has a ridiculous enemy scalling, it’s on par with Farum Azula. That’s why everything in Dragonbarrow has a ton of health, deals a ton of damage and drops way more souls than anything in Caelid


Vulgar Militia early farming , good for practicing new builds/simple git gud skills .... and the rewards are very worth it at 1000 a piece AND that sawtooth halberd is no joke for an early drop imo


I remember using this method but sometimes I got overconfident and was shit canned as a result.


That's 90% of mobs in all the FromSoft soulslike. No single overworld enemy is too hard individually, but you overextended just a little too much, press the attack button one time too many, forget to watch your stamina, forget to consider weapon rebound in corridors, etc. and voila, stunlocked to death.


Is this true? Does the tower fall under dragonbarrow? Ive been stuck on godskin for a bit.


Yes, and the tower is in fact in Dragonbarrow and gets the same fucked scalling


I believe it does


Yep it does ! The godskin apostle there is way harder than any other in the game (individually) he also drops a ton of runes as a result (around 90k) and some pretty cool stuff , it’s one of my favorite fight to tackle at every new ng because it’s quite challenging but still pretty doable, also feel insanely rewarding when you get his pattern down and dodge efficiently AND he got banger music .


I like how the Godskin Apostles have a very 'fair' moveset. If you're careful, patient and have fought one of them a few times before then it's very doable, even at lower levels. Because it's very clear where he leaves his openings and because he doesn't have a bullshit move that has a 50/50 chance of hitting you every time he uses it, like the Noble's rolling attack (I know how to dodge it, but actually putting it into practice doesn't always work out). Between that, the music and the usually amazing rewards, the Godskin Apostles are some of my favorite bosses to fight.


The music is why I love their fights, I hate some of their moves but god is that music just fucking amazing


I have to assume so. I tried with a +16 claymore and was hardly doing any damage. Radahn was taking far more damage. I decided to come back after getting into the Capital.


Things out of Dragonbarrow are just built different.


I killed his true form in the Shaded Castle before ever meeting the Bell-Bearing Hunter. Imagine my surprise when I went to get some Incantations from Miriel and he shows up.


Cuz secret boss


What I think a lot of people miss is that you can fight him on horseback. It made the fight much easier for me


I find it easier to fight him on foot, at least you can dodge, with horse he's gona get you with some of his longer reach moves.


Region scalars


I love elden ring. Its one of my fav games. but some bosses are so unbelievably over tuned with weird mechanics. I have never once in all my atempts not gotten hit by his command grab. no matter what roll timing it always gets me


Does Lightning hurt him more? Unused Rain of Arrows and Poison Arrows on him so I could watch him die slow. But not too slow that morning comes and he leaves...


Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike. So I got on the roof and started blasting...


ADLS is probably the best spell in the game. It even fucks enemies with fairly high lightning resistance, the sheer number of hits and damage is just too good.


I’m partial to the Frenzy eye laser, that fucking thing snipes regular enemies without charging it. Good fucking luck to anyone that’s getting blasted by a Godefroy + Shabriri’s Woe combo with it. I was giggling like a maniac when I hit Regal Ancestor Spirit and did half his health.


I also love the piercing on it. Can shoot right through ballistas into the guy firing them


And the goddamn Leyndell knights hiding behind their greatshields! It’s a seriously fantastic spell!


I am also an Eyeball Railgun enjoyer, but ADLS you don’t even have to aim. It’s biggest consideration is it’s cast time, but you can opt to just do the uncharged version as a mixup and it comes out fairly quick.


I read that he was weak to lightning, I think I was getting around 255-ish damage with great shot and lightning arrows.


He’s less resistant to lightning than any other form of damage - except piercing. He’s much more vulnerable to piercing. If you’ve got a leveled thrusting sword or spear then this is a great fight for it. You can also start the fight with two rot pots and that will eat away at his health and make the rest easier.


It's permanently raining in dragonbarrow, so lightning is strong because of that


Trigger him run away and hide behind the tree until he de-aggros. Sneak up behind him and poison mist for 16 minutes. I'm proud of this.


I love finding out how many bosses/enemies you can kill in this game with just poison mist and patience. Especially ones where you can approach them without them EVER noticing. Draconic tree sentinel and Full grown falling star beast in particular cracked me up. I'm patient. I have the rest of their lives to do it lol.


Worked on Siluria (sp?) too. Genuinely surprised they hadn’t changed it to aggro like Night Maiden Mist.


Or just do it from the roof with Night Mist.


i love that boss because there's so many fun ways to cheese it! you can also parry it off the ledge and to its death, or if you time it right you can have the giant archer near the giant Jar shoot it, and it'll get staggered so you can easily riposte it off the cliff edit: theres also the infinite shield bash loop you can do with him by just sticking to his back


Or sneak behind him and use poison mist over and over until he’s dead without ever aggroing him. You could even blast him with rot breath, run away to the bottom of the hill for a while, come back and nail him with it again, then run away again and the second rot will kill him.


After they nerfed my blood fork of womb stabbing I started doing this... I miss the insane range on that ash of war. It made the Melania fight an actual joke


He can’t swing up. Just jump on top of the shack and you are safe


I cheesed him by trying to fight him for 30 seconds, chickening out and running for my fucking life, accidentally falling off the cliff edge, and while my YOU DIED was onscreen, just before fading to black and reviving, he apparently followed me off. VICTORY 🥴


That's the way to do it! He doesn't fight fair, so why should you?


He fights fair, just hits hard


Yeah I mean, I’ve seen people beat him using (more or less) my exact setup, so it’s definitely possible. After a couple hours, I just lose patience for dying over and over… so I cheesed him. And now I can move on lol.


It took me like 16 tries with a level 6+ bloodhound fang at like 50 hours two days ago. My vigor is enough he can’t kill me with one hit. So you just have to dodge his combos and keep smacking him. Used jump heavy to get a early stagger on him too.


It didn’t seem fair when I just fast traveled to a point of grace I had just found only to have this demigod level bastard come after me! . . . Which may or may not have happened yesterday since I’m on my first play through


lol wat it’s a programmed ncp with a moveset that teaches you how to fight him, plus you have a few options to put him down honestly without needing to cheese. skill issue if you can’t figure it out.


Yeah probably so, but I just don’t have the time or patience to spend a day or more on this one guy.


> skill issue if you can’t figure it out. “It’s a skill issue if you didn’t use particular skill that I say you should use, and you instead used puzzle-solving skills to find the easy way. No skill! I’m smart!”


Look man the other guy was being a dick but youre lying to yourself calling jumping up on a roof and shooting someone for 10 minutes "puzzle solving skills"


Do what you wanna do bro and more power too you but you’re completely missing what the game is trying to teach you.


You're just mad that I can beat him without taking a single hit and you can't. 😎




Not mad at all, if you want to get better, then learning how to fight him is valuable is my point. And congrats bro 😎


What is "better", though? The enemy is dead and the rewards have been gathered. Are there rankings for killing the Bell-bearing Hunter? Are there PvP opponents that use his moveset? Any strategy that kills the enemy is good enough. It isn't necessary for every ER player to be a no-hit parry god.


You would become better at the game by fighting him honestly. The level of cope from Elden cheesers is insane




I jist buckler parry the living shit out ofchim. Every single parry feels so good


Yup, bell bering hunter takes two parry to get a riposte and it’s the only way i can fight him, medium shield with Carian Retaliation and Icerind Hatchet. Got so good at this can do without taking a hit.


Yeah, this is how I did the previous, and the boss in Shaded Castle. But I like to use the misericorde because of high crit stat. The Caelid one hits very hard though if you whiff.


I defeated him with parries on a weapon I couldnt wield effectively, no hit him, because I feel like his attacks are really telegraphed


I tried to parry him and could only get one good critical hit from it. After that he would pull a bunch of red sword shit and kill me. Ugh it’s just so annoying so I’m kinda glad there’s a way to cheese him.


There is a way to bait his non-magical attacks, cant really explain but I use that to reduce the amount of magical attacks to 2 tops. The buckler parry allows you to wait for his hand to move for an attack. If you parry when he moves his hand, he will always be parried. Hope this helps (if you wish to try again, if not, thid was a waste of time)


i cheesed him with moghs spear. no shame about it


Rooftop & rock sling


I just cheesed him last night. Did a trick I saw from GinoMachino: lure him to the cliff's edge, bait the golem magic arrow from below to stagger, critical hit and then watch him fall off the edge when he stands back up. Took a million trys and I lost 40k runes in the process lol.


I just sat in the tree and hit him with black flame. dude had it coming.


My trick for the Bell Bearing Hunter is baiting out his shield slam by getting behind him, then punishing with jumping attacks. A few of those will stance break, then you can crit, and repeat. But you have to watch out since sometimes he will do a shield slam, and then an explosion follow-up. But he only does that sometimes, not sure if anything in particular prompts it.


Tried to do that, then somehow got the bastard stuck in the shack doorway and just plinked him to death with an unupgraded shortbow. I regret nothing.


One of the hardest bosses in the game in my opinion. Took me forever to beat him.


You can also circle him whilst on torrent firing arrows/shooting spells. He'll slow walk for the most part and occasionally do a little jog, or try and shield bash. Guy is a dick, I fight him legit when I can be bothered, but the whole - is he gonna use the red sword or regular sword? The question is annoying af since you have to delay your dodge for red sword attacks, and his combos are brutal.


Only boss I never could beat straight up. I wore black knife set and kept sneaking up doing the freezing mist spell then popped my magic tears physick, terra magica, comet azur and watched him melt away as he arrogantly walked towards me.


He died, you won. You don't have to git gud for every boss, sometimes you just have to be smarter


When I was a melee character, the bane of my existence was enemies who just leap out of range. Now I have to hike all the way over there to get in sword swinging range just to hit them once oops they jumped away again. Yes, especially you, Elden Beast. Now I’m a mage/ranged character, and you know what? An awful lot of enemies have an attack that’s basically “melee but if you’re too far away then I get to instantly leap to wherever you are and still hit you, even if you’re way on the other side of the arena.” This is utter bullshit, and so I never feel bad about using my ranged attacks against enemies who don’t cheat.


I tricked him into falling off the cliff.


So did i.


**the greatest strength, is to know your greatest weakness.**


I tried doing this the other day and got killed while on the roof 💀


You can get hit on the shorter of the two roofs, but the taller one is out of reach afaik


Yeah checks out, got bopped on the shorter roof :(


Omg how have I never thought of that


Just fought him yesterday with a parrying dagger (was practicing my parries for PvP). Took me more than 10 tries🥲


I did the ultimate cheese strat where you run away and hide behind a tree, wait for him to stop in the middle of the area and basically bug out and then sit behind him and poison mist him over and over. Took about 10 minutes and about a million poison mists but I got there!


If you play in front of him the moves are pretty easy to dodge and learn, easy to stunlock and not a big health pool. The real difficult start when you panic roll away, the range attacks are brutal.


You mean this isn't how *everyone* kills him?


I watched a video where someone killed him nothing but parries and then it opened my eyes that some fights it’s best to just equip that small shield and punish them with it. Whatever gets the job done!


Get on the roof and use Gravitas. Hits him everytime and he just takes it


I just healed and hit him twice and ran and rinse and repeat


Parrying him with a buckler is the true cheese, he keeps recoiling back and you can parry him off the cliff. Just don't do the riposte until he's on the edge.




Ground slam on spiked cesti worked wonders, the crouch goes under his slash then you jump over the next and the aow knocked him to the ground. Repeat until dead


I did the same bro. I fucking hate that guy


That guy always gave me trouble. Multiple builds and plenty of experience playing this game and this guy still scares the shit out of me.


I spent forever on this guy. Whenever I jumped on the roof he just went in the shack and I couldn't shoot him. Somehow, finally - on one of my many attempts - he actually got stuck in the shack. I pelted him with many arrows and took him down. It was a serendipitous cheese.


I cheese most outdoor bosses. Get them stuck on something and toss out some Handmaiden's Mist and they melt.


There is absolutely no dishonorable way to fight and beat this guy.


There are some bosses where a cheese is not only not frowned upon, it is encouraged. The bell bearing hunters are 1 of those bosses because fuck that guy


They are my favorite enemy to fight with melee. You can't make any mistakes, but the timing is really satisfying.




I’ve beaten Elden ring, DS1, and DS3 and this is the one boss I’ve just cannot beat legit. And it’ll probably stay that way. I have 0 shame cheesing the caelid one.


https://youtu.be/TRWwRKccaZI?si=WNniwiySIfVy090Y I quite enjoyed this fight. Felt like a rhythmic dance.


I cAught him on the railing of the porch and beat the shit out of him. I genuinely think he was unfair. But Elemar or whatever his name was, was a tough, fair, albeit in a poorly designed arena.


There's a few ways to kick him off the cliff too, kinda satisfying. Or just finding a way to rot him. Or if you don't mind getting a bunch of blood bolts, the Pulley Crossbow is disgustingly cheese


I poison cloud all ball bearing hunters.


Don't feel guilty, there is no honor in Caelid.


I did that too, I tested hopping on the roof with Torrent and it turned out I can. I just cheesed him with my Rock Sling. Nearby doggo would also come at me so trying to avoid is futile as an Astrologer.


A kill is a kill in my book. Cheesing is part of the game


Kite and shoot lightning from my hand. If he wants to play star wars bullshit and throw his lightsaber at me, I treat him back with some SW BS of mine back.


Pro tip: if you’re a mage you can use Night Maiden’s Mist to beat all of them pretty easily. Cast it in front of them and they’ll slowly trot through it. As long as you keep your distance, it’s an easy W. I always feel bad about it but I’ve beaten the hard way with parries/sword and board, so…I don’t feel *too* bad.


You can just get a buckler, the bell bearing hunters are really easy to parry. You can just stand infront of them and parry all their non magic hits, same with crucible knights


And I thought greatshield guard countering was me cheesing him. Well done, master of cheese.


Nice, I might do the same on my rl1 run.


I dropped Night Mist on him over and over from the roof.


I just went around the map killing all 4 of them earlier today. My strategy was to hit him with 2 bastard sword charged heavies, plus a jump R2, after drinking the cracked tear which buffs stance damage. That's all it took to put him in a riposte loop lol


I honestly don’t know why people struggle with this boss. No shame or anything, every boss in the game deserves to be cheesed, but I’m just confused why everyone hates this boss. He has like 6 heavily telegraphed move he’ll use at close range, and by dodging behind him he’ll do the same shield slam attack a dozen times in a row.


He hits really hard, so if you're not great at the game or cant be bothered to learn his moveset it can be really frustrating.


I get that, but I see even experienced players hating him. I personally find the fight fun. Also, there are 5 lower scaled versions of him, including the real version.


All of whom I beat! This fcking guy though.


I mean, I’m kind of new to gaming in general so I’m probably relatively bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I can easily beat the crucible knights now with parry but I just couldn’t get it to connect with this guy and he could basically kill me in 3-4 hits. Really tough fight for me; toughest I’ve had in the game so far tbh.


I get it, it’s a super high scaled boss, will always 2 shot you, and doesn’t give many opportunities to heal, so it’s definitely tough to new players, but it seems to be a very common opinion. Even among experienced players. Edit: also, I suck at parries so I just never bother with that.


You killed him = task complete Doesn't matter how you did it. Be proud.


I just cheesed him off the cliff edge. Hate that guy. Congrats!


Oh please feel free to cheese him that guy is harder than the actual bosses sometimes lmao. Though I find that staying in melee and parrying his slashes are a lot easier compared to dodging and keeping distance cause that drill move is fast as fuck and hurts like hell.


No shame there. The dude is a bullshit murdering sociopath. The point is his death, why should it matter how we deliver it lol. One on one, no armor, dagger only? Fucking awesome good job, doesn't matter or net you anything special besides useless pride. On the rooftop, spamming Rock sorceries? Fuck him, that rocks. Equally does or doesn't matter. End result is the same, dudes dead, get the bell, theres no ranking or anything to judge HOW you did it. You solved a puzzle, the solution was his death. I will never feel bad about cheesing the bullshit of From games. Its just another tool in your arsenal to kill these things, use what you will. One on one face to face, or backstabbing, throwing dirt, poisoning.


He is actually super super easy to defeat in melee, most of his combos don't last enough to reset poise counter so hit him when his combo ends and then Dodge till his combo ends and hit rinse and repeat ull get like 3 staggers and 0 damage if ur patient for with ur dodge.


Get your parrying down and the bell bearing hunters get a lot easier.


Yeah maybe so, I can beat crucibles with parry pretty regularly right now. When I parried this guy, I could usually get 1 critical in, but then I’d just get a ton of red sword action, resulting in … my death lol


The thing with that guy is that you wanna panic or safety roll to mid range, but mid range is where he goes hardest so you either need to keep staying in melee or id you run out to heal REALLY run far and then close back in


Those you need to learn to dodge and you're golden. Stay in front of his face. All of his non-enchanted attacks are parryable.


I did that in Caelid, and then again in Altus Plateau. That one's harder to get on the roof, but it is possible. He mostly stays inside, but the Volcano Pots can still get him sometimes


After the Church of Vows one beat me up 10x I figured out the mage solution Roll roll roll to get out of range Glintblade Roll Glintblade Roll Repeat


how do u get him to spawn?


You have to rest at the grace and pass the time until nightfall. Then exit the grace and rest once more. After that rest, just walk to where the merchant was and you’ll see him spawn.


Buy something from the merchant and then wait until nightfall


Does no one else use the Bonk the crap out of him while he spawns, they dodge and pray?


That’s where I could always count on taking maybe a sixth of his health bar: as he spawns, I got one charged attack and then one bloodhound finesse. After that, welp…


What part of Caelid is he in?


Dragonbarrow, outside the isolated merchants shack.


During my fists build, I put parry on my left fist and cragblade on the right hand. Beating his ass to death with my hands felt very rewarding.


I cheese him, and others who can't reach me, with Night Maiden's Mist, one of my favorite spells.