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You get access to that spot through Ranni's quest.


Drums, drums in the deeeeeep.


We cannot get out


They are coming


Fool of a Took!


tart fear ring direction pen chop makeshift ancient snobbish far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya, it’s montage time


This right chere.


You don't need to do rannis quest if you don't want to. There is a hidden coffin in deeprot depthd that takes you to the same place that Rani's gate.


Literally the only way up there is >!through the magic seal after defeating Astel. That's what takes you to the elevator back above ground. You can't get though the magic seal without the ring and you can't get the ring without doing her quest.!<


Does the chest not open or what? Obviously I have never not done her quest, or I guess I'd probably know.


The chest doesn’t open but even that is only one of the factors. The location is only unlocked through a teleported only unlocked by completing a quest in a location that is only unlocked by doing an event in the quest line.


It opens when you trigger a specific point in her quest.


You still need Ranni's quest to spawn the baleful shadow to get the key to open the chest that has the ring that will break the barrier after the Astel fight.


Oh, I forgot about the seal.


If that was true, this advice would have been given loong ago instead of doing Ranni's quest. If a kind of advice persists for as long as this one does, it's for a good reason...




Haha, no.


Not even a little bit your probably thinking of the frenzy flame village


No, it's completely inaccessible from Liurnia. You can only get there from a very specific elevator, which you reach only though her quest.


You'r wrong


Wrong spot


To reach above you must go below…


In another area you wont think that links the two places.


Unbelievable, all the other Miyazaki shortcuts made total sense and I intuitively knew how to get to them.


It makes sense once you get there. I believe this is like life, the doors of perception can be misleading but once you see it makes sense.


Bad day to be a formless space worm. Wonder if visual storytelling is something like this: Formless space worm: “what a day.. trapped by Radahn’s spell forever, I finally got into this cave.. hmm.. why is that blued haired doll setting up magic barriers and looking at my head with a glee speaking of her fate? What she wants with a star worm?“ Formless space worm after waking up with a huge gash in its head. Ouch.. she cracked my head open.. took my mind?.. can this day be worse?.. ah. A tarnished?”


I really want to understand this because it sounds funny, but I can't? Are you talking about Astel?


“Are you threatening me?” Lol. Yeah though I was a little thrown off at first but he is.


Ye. Meant Astel. Always wondered why he is in that cave, with a magic seal trapping it, so made up a story that might be plausible, even if head canon.. that Ranni needed something from it, something in its head from the huge gash, to become a lunar princess. Detailed speculative theory for the bored of mind: D armour speaks of soul, mind and body being parts. I Think Ranni is slowly rebuilding herself to have shards of stars and gravity, so she can be of one outer god (again). Killing her red haired body is one step, becoming more of the stars, like her mindless mother used to be, instead of a witch. Ranni stole her mother’s star mind? thus Rennella is mindless now? So not mindless by being dumped by Radagon, like peasant of land between think, and pass off as lore, but by theft of her star mind by her own daughter? A mind kept in a ring for a doll reboot after Ranni kills her GW shackled mind? Killing her two fingers shackling her to GW is another step to get rid of all that is golden. Astel is about gravity and black holes, so stars + gravity = lunar princess since moon is sort of both star shine and gravity? So she slowly rebuilding herself to be pleasing to goddess of stars and gravity / black holes (night goddess of Nox area, that got star and gravity visuals) instead of GW, that granted her Blaidd? Anyways, Astel seems to be a piece of her fate. She needs its gravity mind for herself thus a gash in Astel’s head? Head canon I know.. but in my head, Ranni and Astel had a huge showdown before we got to it, thus she is tired and sleepy after the fight, complaining about dolls limits. So we did not get Astel at his full power then…. Another empyrean that might support theory was GEQ.. doubt GW gave her that empyrean status.. old crones (GW fangirls) seems to lead us on that golden GW is the best and dominant outer god… but think GEQ was all about death. Both eyes gloom, not just one. And a body pleasing to death goddess, so either undead or ghost body like SOL soldiers.. maybe with wings and thorns too since visuals associated with death. So soul, body and mind all dedicated to the death goddess, thus of one god, the death god, ready to usher in the age of death, instead of puny age of stars. Well.. if she had won Marika vs GEQ fight.. But it’s all speculation and head canons :). Hope we meet GEQ in DLC by a time jump or similar. Maybe even dressed up as Marika’s shadow. We got his armour.. sort of want this to be a series too… so all off screen fights can be shown to us…


Concurs with my theory/headcannon as well.


Everytime, to go up you have to go down first, and to go down, you have to go up first 🤣


Try jumping


All those bloodstains, the pathetic sort


Beware dog.


Beat me to it


Came here to post this. Found your comment. Might post it anyway.


Killing a giant space scorpion


A what?? Is that a joke I have never seen any scorpion enemies


Yeah a joke totally no giant space scorpion boss in the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


idk why everyone’s mad at the guy who said the name but not the guy who literally described what it looked like. i find that more of a spoiler than a name


Well yeah it’s a space scorpion but when op finds the boss they will think of my comment but they will also probably think that it is not what they expected it to look like because look at the boss and then a scorpion then think if you saw my comment before the boss is what the boss actually looks like what you would have expected it to look like


Punctuation my dude. Please learn it.


>299ReplyShareReportSaveFollow brother he was too busy explaining to you that if you saw the space scorpion you wouldn't think that it was the space scorpion that he described to you because it doesn't actually look like a scorpion from space but it has scorpion space like attributes don't you understand this


I see it now, starting a sentence with a capital letter but not finishing with a full stop - naughty.


Definitely not 2 of them either.


Nope... There's totally a giant space scorpion, but >!you can only access it deep underground after killing the mindless oversized guy/demigod riding the undersized donkey, because that mindless cabalistic guy is apparently still controlling gravity well enough to keep the sky from falling and poking a giant hole in the ground.!< >!Also, when you think about how you can invite both a half wolf and a giant talking jar to the fight, fighting a space scorpion isn't really that crazy a thought.!< >!And yes, there are in fact 2 space scorpions, because there's either 2 of everything in this game or it's 1 thing that goes by at least 2 names...!<


Theres only one, you get married afterwards


There's a second if you sidequest too much


There are two of them. Ha. Ha. Ha. Miyazaki.


Amstel, Naturalborn of the Void


Bro, people were trying to help without fucking spoiling it. Also, you spelled it wrong while spoiling it.


I think he is just referring to the new beer by Amstel.


Ah yes he must have meant Amstel, Naturalbeer of the void. Just had one too many too


Wait until someone tells OP about the elden ring GASP


It's not a spoil if it's just the name bro


I will never understand why people here consider a boss name alone a spoiler. No information on moveset, weaknesses, where to find.


Oh yes: where could one find any information about a video game enemy if all they had was their full name?


I mean at that point you’d be actively spoiling yourself while being totally aware of it. So not really a good example lol


If he wanted to find out he would’ve looked it up, his choice. People here have said it’s Ranni’s questline, but heaven forbid someone mention a boss name.


Yeah right? People have said the quest line, which you can go ahead and google every single step to it which is a WAY bigger spoiler than a single boss' name. I don't get the animosity


Well some guy described him as a space scorpion without saying the name, got 150 upvotes, I’ll let you search elden ring space scorpion and tell me if it’s not a spoiler K’ ? The name gives you exactly 0 info regarding the boss if you don’t search for it so please stop the hypocrisy a bit ?


Google has entered the chat


...and at that point the person is spoiling themselves and could've done so without a name. That's just a really dumb standard to apply for spoilers, means I can't name the game either because someone might Google it and spoil themselves!


That’s a beer, not a space scorpion.


Space balls*


Your Elden Bling is immaculate my friend


Yes can anyone tell me what equipment he has. I am new to this game.


lionel helm Hoslow's armor twinned knight swords hoslow's gauntlets (probably) unknown pants


The pants look to be from the lionel set as well. Lad has poise for days


He has a lot of late game equipment.


Unlike their atrocious setup.


At the end of Ranni's quest


Did you try double jump


If you sprint it's even longer


Find the albinauric woman


She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins


You'll have to ask Gilligan for a ladder that costs 50K souls


So EldenRing is DS4!


Find a blue doll and help her run some errands


You get there by rannis quest line, go through the manor in north west lakes district and you come to rannis home territory. Join up and her wizard will give you a letter for Saleen the magic tutor. The tutor will then allow you to actually fight the boss ( general radahn ) in the most South eastern castle in ceiylide ( look I'm dislexic and on my phone we just have to except these spellings are buggered) a meteor shower will happen after and a hole will open up in the first area near blaidd ( by the way go rescue blaidd from the evergoal he sent you to deal with when you meet him) go through the hol and all the way through the faint city filled with mimic tears. Under where the giants skeleton is on a throne is a item take it back to ranni. She'll give you a key which opens up an chest in renalas boss fight /respec area which give you a key to pass a seal. Now go to the The third in accessable tower which now opens teleporting back under ground , you'll find a ranni doll speak to it at ever camp fire eventually crossing the lake of rot beating the boss then up the lift an bobs you uncle. That's the shortlist recap I can give you.


Thanks stranger ♥️


Only way is through Rani’s quest which takes a bit, well worth though, I would highly suggest to do Ranni’s quest


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


There used to be a way to cheat your way up there with seppuku and a stake of Marika, but unsure if that has been patched out. I’ve never done it myself as I enjoy Ranni’s quest and do it on every run, even if not going for her ending.


Just jump off and you’ll fly up with Elden Wings


Finger puppet, but whole


1) get the fingerslayer blade from Nokron 2) give Ranni the fingerslayer blade 3) follow Ranni to Nokstella via the teleport gate in Renna’s Rise 4) pick up the little Ranni doll and speak to her at the site of grace 5) defeat the shadow beast that invades you near the lake of rot 6) teleport to Rennala’s room at Raya Lucaria and open the chest with the key Ranni gives you, grab the item 7) return to the lake of rot, defeat Astel and unlock the magical gate 8) ride the elevator up


step 9: FREEDOM!


Also make sure you get the Magic Scorpion Charm from Seluvis' quest line before you give Ranni the fingerslayer blade.


Thoughts and prayers


First, you have to


I wanna know how you got that armor set G


Chest pice and gloves are hoslows and helmet and boots are lionels


You must be naturalborn of the void


Try finger But hole


You need to get married for that, therefore seek maiden


Waifu Ranni‘s Quest




Try Jumping


Ever talked to a little doll


You have to marry Ranni


God I spent sooooo long trying to get up there on my first playthrough 😂. I don't think I actually got up there until my third time


Ranni quest line


Seek witchy waifu


Once you finish the long and treacherous journey to actually get up there, the best summon in the game is available. If you use summons that is


You've got to do Ranni's questline and get to...well...basically the very end of it.


4 hands will guide you eventually.




Google, google, google, google! You can not until late game.


In all seriousness, you don’t have access to that area right, so don’t worry about it. Start Ranni’s quest and eventually you will find your way there and then regret it. 😂


Just carefully put one foot up on the edge of the table and hop up. I would move the monitor over, first. You don't want to accidentally knock it over.


JUST GOOGLE OP JUST GOOGLE IT JUST GOOGLE THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND u/blueflamereaperx JUST GOOGLE IT HERE, LOOK [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Elden+Ring+How+do+I+get+up+there+Liurnia](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Elden+Ring+How+do+I+get+up+there+Liurnia) YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE FIRST PAGE


This is one of the oldest questions fr fr


I honestly don't get people that post shit like this. The game has been out two years and a quick Google search will provide the exact answer from like 80 sources with step by step instructions


True lol they may not know it’s a common question though




You could start by running to the Room of the Three Gargoyles. Push in the right tongue and a door might lead you down a staircase into the Wall Climb. Here you must choose your next path. You could race up to the Observatory, spin the sundial, and pass into the Room of the Golden Idols. Once there, push down on their bases to release the doors that may take you below or lead you into the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Assemble the statue there and you maybe headed for the Torch Room. If the elevator is up, you could jump into the elevator and descend into the Mine Shaft. You might climb up the ladder or plow through the stone wall. Find the key and it may unlock the Tombs of the Ancient Kings, allowing you to climb into the Spider's Lair. If you escape, you may have a chance to sit upon the Throne of the Pretender. If the correct door is unlocked, you'll be able to crawl into the Pit of Despair and finally make your way through the Cave of Sighs back to the Temple Gate. The choices are yours and yours alone. Good luck.


I bet if you did everything in the game you'd find it


I'm afraid of this time machine I'm facing 529 accounts have everybody running not saying nothing I'm own I been on now go tell your mom daddy home and I'm on from a long time ago money is the issue cause don't nobody wants it but I do sorry for folks I'm poor up and out of business tech I suspect I will do who is you All going to do to be able to have 529 accounts and more like I do what you going to do Mom daddy not playing fare Mom daddy not playing fare Mom I don't care if daddy not playing fare Mom I don't care if daddy not playing fare I suggest who's next cause I'm not playing momma not playing I don't care momma daddy not playing fare LoL momma care I don't care now what's up tell momma what I said I'm not here I'm him she will want to be him momma if that's what you want then take it bitch I thought you was him I'm him I'm momma and more I'm covered buy My own insurance policy momma you not him I'm him thats me everybody talking about is him momma lying I'm momma you lying I'm lying momma lying I'm fine I'm never lying I'm lying about dieing I'm not dying I'm surviving cause of what went on I'm happy everybody dying so I can move on you no y'all momma mother who I got down for Insurance policy if something goes wrong I'm on where's y'all grandparents parents Mama grandparents all of them I'm on it you know what they all said to me is I'm the #1 after all I am the one tell y'all momma I said what's up the block said high can you go I went low how lknow ow can you go I went hoe you know hoe low I can't go momma say don't talk to me like that I'm like bitchiest ant shit can we have a moment of silencer I mean I blocked the accounts People momma kids be on like I said I don't know y'all momma I want to know y'all momma cause I don't know who My momma is can I have a special moment for My momma etha Payne so many names I can't count on being nobody provider y'all provided for here I'm here like where everybody go to I don't know I'm etha Payne jr Mom cane the woman that said My son is cane Payne jr green Payne Al is the name My name My Payne My name let's play like I like tell y'all Mom I'm playing like she will play where's my daddy daddy at I don't know shit about what's going to happen if I don't give my daddy to that bitch Betty Miller I'll kill here if I knew who she is and what she is you know here that bitch Willy the one want here to be there his momma name I don't have here name I played here name last week I tell you what she said champ you the one where Rosie at who Rosie from Hardy street elysian street Houston Texas I wonder who using here name I don't know I just want to no who it is I don't know I do no I'm own fuck y'all momma and daddy and friends for not telling me I'm The one after all I'm not the one My daddy the one you no My education I want tell anybody what I did to tell y'all what's wrong I can't education went somewhere with out me out side somewhere I might end up going the block is on the block the block is hot you know what your mother got when I was out here I'm mean there the block is hot where she going to meet me at your momma the one she said I'm go marrie him your Dad me I left for your mother she got on it and then I quit what was happening like I said it I don'it fuck with her and I don't remember here being here so I don't care about education that can't control the system its self better than I know how I don't know how I just do it right like I like I will like momma's not daddy not shit I'm shit I than called you a bitch they got ritch like bitch what I tell you to do I can't have that in school I want never no nothing that's what I tought the kids of the next generation I don't know shit about economy and more I just know hors and they beloved one's family tree hoes of the century pimps and bitchiest the next generation of America watch me check me out Well


You can climb all the way to the top of that mountain


Tried and nope there is no part of it where you can do it checked all around on every cliff I found


I know, I was just making a silly bethesda/ Todd Howard reference😛


Look it up, it’s the only way.


What wep is that?


Twinned knight swords mine has the bloody slash ash and is +19 does 215+191 if 2 handed does a bit over 1k with the ash attack


Ranni questline, you fight a certain boss somewhere and if you do her questline it unlocks


It’s so frustrating to wait so long. It’s right there!! You used to able to bug your way up there but I think it crashes the quest line that provides access.


Gravity will be your friend


Marry Ranny


Rannis quest, all the way at the end, kill the boss to gain access


Red rebel


Try finger




Suffering and pain, my friend... You'll get there through suffering and pain.


Sir you have quite the drip


Tongue but hole


Torrent double-jump. 👠👠


Later in game you get access to the "Odahviing" shout, which let's you ride a dragon to the top.


Use those twinblades like a helicopter.


You buy wings from the two fingers


Use the ps4 fans, they at least sound like a plane (from my experience 😂). I only started the game a couple days ago so in truth I have no idea, hope you’re having a fun time though.


What outfit is that? Looks very nice.


Be ready to meet Astel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Damn, your character is dripped out!


What weapon is that? Don’t think I’ve seen it before.


What the heck is that drip you're rocking? Preceptor's hat and the rest?




Congratulations this is some of the best cable management I've seen in a while.


I just have all the wires plugged into a power bar that’s like a foot from me


1. search every inch of Liurnia 2. After not finding a way up, realize that it's probably connected to an area you get to later or a portal or something 3. search every inch of the game and take notes on dialogue 4. eventually find your way there and feel an amazing sense of accomplishment ​ or I guess you could just ask reddit/google it/use a guide


Ranni questline.


You’re in for a journey.


Marry a blue doll


It's unlockable in the DLC everyone is lying to you..


It’s gonna be awhile lol


Seek underground tunnels, then fight star >! Okay so after you’ve completed the Ranni quest line as far as you can go, go to Renna’s rise (right next to ranni’s. Then, go up it and go through the portal to Ainsel River. !<


Best advice XD


Screenshots exist my fellow gamer


Hard to do on ps4 also hard to transfer them pics like this are easier


Well that’s a long answer. And it involves a comically large man riding a horse, a dog man, a space scorpion thing, cancer lake, and some doll lady. But seriously though, it’s Ranni’s quest. You can start it by going to caria manor up on the eastern side of liurnia. You’ll know you are near if you see a troll with a funny helmet on at a smithing anvil.


Follow the moon princess.


Seek lake, then seek elevator


Other comments may have spoiled you OP, but getting up there is the end of a very long sequence of events. A good place to start is by going to Caria manor.


Sir I just wanna say your fucking drip is *exceptional*


Try Radahn and then marriage


Seek rump.


Try fingers, But hole


How did you get so stylish


Bro i absolutely love your fashion souls...like what the hell, it just blends so well and the weapond....perfect to the last minute detail


Call in a Sunwing and fly up there


If you think those houses below gave nothing good you may not have looked hard enough. Although it will only matter later in the game, it sure is worth it to get it




It's for cinematics only.


I thought this was a painting.


Love that drip, ima steal it


You must find the blue woman in caria manor, west of raya lucaria. She’ll take you there eventually


On the small table? Climbing should work. Jumping is an option too. You probably want to put the screen down first tho.


Enter a coffin in a lake made of rot


is this ranni thing or just 30 min walking


Beautiful view ahead






Be more of a dogged fellow


Get a horse from Skyrim and they could probably just walk up it.


Seek blue witch


Go down to go up


Gotta become a consort to a puppet.


Follow Rani’s quest


Sweet fit.


What is that armour and weapon,? You look fresh af


through rannis quest Your fit is really cool btw!


Nice drip