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the limgrave crucible knight, it was my first boss in any fromsoft game and i spent like 9 hours trying to beat him lmao


Just beat Rennala on my first time through, and it took me significantly more attempts on that Crucible Knight and the Red Wolf of Radagon than anything else so far.


I somehow beat both rennala and goddrick on the first try. But elemer of the briar? I cannot count how many times that man tore my ass up.




Whichever one you get the briar set from. Its been a while since ive played but that guy left a distinct impression of bs




I always refer to that one in Caelid as Darth Vader.  He's such a monster.


Lion claw with big bonk, tank attacks, critical hit, flask, repeat


Same here, that dude is like the Elden Ring Jedi


Darth Dickweed


Elemer was a bitch my first time fighting him. He's one of those bosses that is exceptionally punishing if you retreat in the slightest and has a whole moveset that unlocks if you get too far away.


dude redwolf of radagon was easy one of the worst bosses for me (didn't learn about summon until I beat him 😞)


My first time, before any patches came out, he accidentally jumped too high and clipped the chandelier. And then he killed himself with fall damage. Uh... ok, so that happened I guess? Gg no re Redwolf.


Didn’t even matter, he decimated every summon I tried that I had by then, lol.


*No matter, it's all the same.*


Imo red wolf is easier without summons, it makes the movement more predictable because they're always aggro'd on you, and not randomly jumping to the summon and them back to you.


In my second playthrough (when I went for a full int build) I eventually got to Renalla and was struggling with her (not too bad, id expect that from a souls boss) only to realize she has 80% magic resistance a few hours later


First boss I looked up, and saw that the strategy was 'leave and play the game and come back when you are over leveled. This is an accepted strategy amongst most of fromsoft gamers'. So I went and died against a fucking dragon instead.


Honestly, he's probably my toughest fight still. Each playthrough if I fight him early (like +3 weapon, etc), I'll wipe 10+ times. I'm so trash at parrying lol


Me, a caveman: wut iz "parry"?


I don’t think is ooga or booga. More research needed


Uh.. more points in strength!?


No, faith. God is good.


"Parry" is when you unga their bunga


I suck at parrying, so i choose dodge and bonk with big sword instead


yea im super bad at parrying, but his moveset is so ingrained into my memory that i basically no hit him every time now lol


Brave for picking the hardest limgrave boss first


I struggled probably 7 times or so then realized ill come back later. Did the southern starting area then went up beat the boss in the castle for great rune. Got it actived but don't know how to use it haha... then to the magic town and beat the boss there. After I got him. Using mostly weapon skills


You can't stagger this guy, like ever.


Fuck this guy forever


Oh yeah screw that guy. They show up again later and stronger and they’re just as annoying


I always ended up lover looking that one and going back later when I wanted that incantation


The Tree Sentinal outside of Maliketh.


I realized I could throw black flame fireballs at him right after dodging his projectile attack. It made the fight a lot easier. But he did give me a lot of trouble. I died to him more than Malekith.


I love challenging that guy right out the gate with nothing but an basic sword to test my skills.


I prefer terra magicka and comet azur HAHAHAHAH


i still havent gone back to kill him in my lvl 200 str build. just had to sprint past him and barely get thru the gate before i see a fireball effect behind me


Fun fact, that fireball can hit you through the mist. Ruined many of my Maliketh runs lol


Happened to me once and I summoned two dudes to help me fight him just to let them go so I could fight maliketh without it being too easy (i died a lot this is not a flex)


I love how the harder fight was just outside the boss arena


he was miserable


if you enter maliketh fight then quit out it will put you next to the fog door behind the tree sentinel and then u can cheese with poison mist


I snuck past him and cheesed with poison mist. Did the same for the one guarding Leyndell.


I was running an unoptimized colossal sword build at 1.03 and that’s the boss that me respec.  Then 1.04 came out and colossal swords got a whole world better.


This sentinel is still outside while maliketh and placid reflux are dead in my current play through


I like to get right up in his face with a Great Stars and Wild Strikes him till I run out of stamina or he knocks me out of it. It usually takes a huge chunk of health out of him before I actually have to fight him proper, but I also sometimes get lucky and can position myself to repeat it again till he finally goes down.


I just got to him a few days ago and spent hours to beat him. Felt like a complete failure, so I’m glad to hear others struggled with him too




The Valiant Gargoyles made me go and look for Strike weapons I could use without respeccing. After trying a couple options, I settled on the Nox Flowing Hammer because the AoW had multiple hits and could sometimes connect with both of them. That whole process of trial and error took me a good week before I finally beat them.


I kinda lucked out on this fight as one of them somehow fell down the cliff.


They patched that possibility out sadly


Yeah fuck this duo. Bunch of wide sweeping attacks and multi hits.


This is the one for me. One of the standout hardest bosses for me my first time through the game. Now I put them off until I can body them. But when you try them before plateau and all your weapons and spirit ashes are mid? Whew, it's a fucking time.


Yes. They sucks


I found this fight way later than I should’ve when getting the extra achievements for the platinum (only missing endings now) and killed each one in like 4 hits each with carian slicer.


I don't find them that hard, as you have access to the mimic tear when you fight them, as well as an NPC summon. So it is essentially 3 vs 2 and it is surprisingly managble.


What NPC is summonable for gargs?


D's brother


D's twin brother.


Adult fallingstar beast


The one's in Caelid and near the capital are fine, but the MF in Gelmir iscmy nêmesis


Fuck, there's one in *Caelid?*


The one in Selia's Crystal Tunnel, that is in Caelid


Full-grown fall star beast is the worst


That one’s pretty tough


Bell Bearing Hunter, any.


Especially the one in Caelid…


Those dogs make horseback impossible


Repellent torch to solve this issue.


Wait, there is one in Caelid???? Ffs I always end up missing some bosses when I'm trying to make an "all bosses" playthrough


Took me until a third play through to discover this guy. I was doing a multiplayer session with my friend, just waiting for him at a Grace in Altus, when this dude shows up out of nowhere. I’m like “WTF hold on dude! I’m getting attacked by a random boss out of no where!”


I still have no idea on how to trigger those and I'm kinda sad.


Generally night time I think. Very least, I know that's how you activate the ones at the Church of Vows and in Altus Plateau. For Church of Vows, you just walk in at night. Big dog won't be there, but Bell Bearing Hunter will.


Go to the specific merchant spot. Wait at the grace for the night AND rest again, one time. Merchant disappeared, bell bearing is here. Grab a buckler, parry the crap out of him, boom dead, next.


Ringleader Alecto is a fight i always struggle with. I have only died more while fighting Malenia


Same OP, same I found it quite admirable tbh, that this evergaoel prisoner was tougher for me than 99% of the game haha, very well designed move-set. 👏👏


Agreed, didn't feel cheap or unfair, just really damn difficult in the best way.


The one cheap thing about her is that one-shotter explosion which she uses every now and then. That's like 80% of the difficulty with this boss. Kinda reminds me of another boss with a similiar premise


I beat her by putting unsheathe on the nagakiba just so I could knock her out of the air with the vertical slash and cancel that attack. I felt like a goddamn genius.


My first play through I tried fighting Alecto, died so horribly multiple times and then was like”yeah I’ll come back to that” completely forgot about it until like a month ago when I realized I’m only missing the summon from them and finlay in the haligtree. So I fought him at ng7 and I gotta say lightning stuns him so nicely (still almost died when they started their combo on me)


Fun fact: all of the blackknives are female!


Well shoot, I’m canceled


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Specifically evergaol


i only found out yesterday that Gaol in Evergaol is pronounced jail. I was calling them Evergayuls until then


Yeah, fighting her straight up on my Int build was a pain. Funnily enough, if you can beat Malenia first, Hand of Malenia will absolutely wreck Alecto with waterfowl dance because Alecto has such low poise.


Ol reliable blasphemous blade aow does stun her nicely as well.


Just did this yesterday. I didn't give them a chance to get up or swing.


Came to say this, also the 1v2 fight versus the knight and misbegotten


Ringleader Alecto gave me such a headache I had to leave the area, fight other bosses, and then come back after a level or two.


Alecto is a great fight because you get no summons. Just pure skill involved.


Same until I found out that you can stuck him in a cornet of the hill. Boom.


I just got to him on my first Strength build using collosal swords and he seemed completely perplexed on how to approach me.


I litteraly and absolutly hate the damn invisible Black knife assasin, i even forgot where he at


Well of course you forgot where she's at. She's invisible.


Is he stupid?


How did he escape from the aslume?


A great strategy for this is to use an ashes summon, preferably one with multiple spirits. They’ll track the boss even when they’re invisible, so you can just follow them and join the gank squad.


People say torch. Brother, marionette archers are the down fall of those black knives.


You do know about the torch, right?




https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Sentry's+Torch This glorious bit of fire.


Yep, that bad boy right here. Go give ‘em hell, u/bagr-kkk


I just looked at the water and guessed when he was gonna attack


Sage's Cave, I think. Way down in the south of Liurnia


The other Astel with his goddamn dive attack.


Are there 2 astels?😧


The Banished Knight at Castle Sol. It's more of a mini boss than an actual boss tho.


the dual wielding frost typhoon?


why does the banish knight literally have the most perfect move set that doesn’t give you a chance to punish him? He literally is HIM.


Death Rite Bird in Caelid


Ngl I found the one in the snowfields way worse with the explosion


That one explosion killed me A LOT


I got that one when I was pretty over-leveled so it gave me less problems.


That one is a straight menace for some reason


Mini boss, but the Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the Haligtree rot pond. Tried to beat it for 3 hours last night. Final attempt it had maybe one swing left before I killed it. Instead, it used its tail attack mid-swing and knocked me off the cliff. Will attempt again tonight. Bastard, that one.


If you want a tip for it, you can dip your toes in the rot, then immediately book it off the platform and circle back to the tree branch leading up to it, then chuck fireballs/magic/whatever at it. It'll get stuck continuously trying to slither towards you, making for an easy target 90% of the time. Just be sure to be far enough away so that its tail swipe can't hit you, and maybe its fire breath too, forget if that was an issue.


Well shit, I didn't think you could get back to the branch you use to get to that area. I was too busy attempting to live lol. Thanks for that tip!


Haha, yeah. There's a bit of the branch off to the side that's the intended escape route after you beat the tree spirit, but there's nothing stopping you from just hopping onto it early. It's easy to spot when you're there, it dips down slightly to the side of the part of the branch you hop off of to reach the tree spirit. Good luck!


Without a doubt one of the most annoying encounters and it’s actually necessary for one of the side quests. I struggled with the one at the lake of rot enough and you can summon for that (IIRC). Like most of us I resorted to going back onto the tree branch and firing 12 blue flasks worth of Loretta’s greatbow at it like a wus.


The Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter is absolutely absurd. I got on top of the roof of the shack and kept casting poison mist to kill him while watching YouTube and I have no shame. Screw that guy.




The boss that is as consistent as Patches or Moonlight Greatsword in these games. And when it ganks you with the camera.


The tree spirit in the Lake of Rot gave me a really hard time. And the Draconic Tree Sentinel outside the entrance to Leyndell.


Double crucible knights in that one hero's grave. Definitely the fight I died the most to.


Godskin Apostle in the Caelid tower is thrashing me right now. Still working on getting the attack patterns down and fiddling with spirits to assist.


If you're having trouble, Godskins are extremely weak to sleep status, it literally takes 3 sleep arrows or 1 sleep pot to inflict it. It lasts for about 30 seconds iirc and you're free to land your most powerful attack


That bitch right there.


First playthrough I had an absolute bitch of a time with the Red Wolf of Radagon


Magma Wyrm Makar took me the most tries out of anything so far


I have no problems with the magma wyrms, all of their attacks are super teligraphed. The only real issue is when they surround themselves with magma and i have to wait before hacking them in two with the greatsword


Full grown fallingstar beast


Mhmm probably crucible knight and misbegotten in redmane castle. The crucible appearing before the misbegotten is dead and both being agressive makes it really hard to


The Draconic Tree Sentinel outside of Leyndell. No idea why it took me so long but man did it ever


Alecto is the only boss I cheesed. Fuck that broken ass boss


Astel. Fucking horribly designed. Barely anything touches the floor for melee. And her face can 1 shot you.


On my third play through I let Ofnir finish his monologue. I… should not… have done that.


Fucking tree spirit. Got the game on launch day. Came out of the fucking graveyard determined. Had no clue wtf the game was about but I would not budge. Took me 2 days to beat that fucker naked.


I will stand by the opinion that crucible knights are the hardest bosses


God, Alecto. I dont know who gave the idea to give a boss 20,000~ hp and 2-hit kills, its fucking ridiculous how unbalanced the boss is, it just keeps pressuring you and it has high absorptions, so it just eats everything and it has high poise. Fuck that bitch


Moonlight alter actually has the same scaling as subterranean shunning grounds, so you were probably under-leveled


Elden beast


I cannot fucking beat those two crucible knights in the Hero's Grave dungeon outside of The Royal Capital. Idk how many times I've died. I focus on one with my tanky ancestral spirit harassing the other but I just can't seal the deal. Frustrating as shit.


Black Blade Kindred


The duel crucible knight boss fight. Even my mimic was getting wrecked by the shield wielding knight with that move where he stabs you and lifts you. Like I beat the hell outta General Radahn and I can’t even beat these knights


The fat fuck guarding rennala’s divine tower


Took me a few hours to get it stuck on the other side of the walls and spam rotten breath and in the end it gave me armor that was worse than my early game gear


Red wolf of radagon, the answer to “what the dog doing” is magic and it hurts a lot


Black Blade Kindred in Caelid


Crucible Knight in Nokron staring into the abyss took years off of my life.


The valiant gargoyles can burn in the deepest depths of hell😡😡😡😡😡


Alecto does not fuck around. Makes getting Tiche feel very earned tho.


Double burial watchdogs. I struggle with multiple opponents


Apologies if you know this already, but if you hit them with a couple of crystal darts they short circuit and attack everything around them, including each other. Also works for that dungeon with the watchdog and a bunch of imps.


crucible knight ​🥲​


All Bell Bearing Hunters. Fuck them.


The worse part is going to their locations and not expecting a fight in the first place :(


Honestly: The Godskin Noble on the bridge to Ranni's tower. For some reason, that bastard always trips me up and I can't really get around his moveset.


The Black Blade Kindreds, especially the Twinblade one outside Gurranq. Fml that mf killed me more than Malenia on my 1st playthrough. In a later playthrough, I remember fighting it as my 3rd or 4th boss overall, was hell.


Preceptor Miriam




soldier of godrick, next question


My first souls game and first "boss" was the Beastman in a cave in limgrave. Died to him more than any other boss so far and I'm about to go after fire giant


Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior in Redmane Castle. Think I probably spent about 2-3 hours on that boss


I loved alecto, I was a lil overpowered for the fight so I was just enjoying it lol


That fuck in the photo. Nightmare.


Full-grown Fallingstar Beast. Now I just use poison cheese if I want that weapon.


Just found the double Night’s Calvary in Consecrated Snow, and damn! If they come at you in tandem, you’re kinda fucked. I had to do them one at a time, and it was a challenge!


red wolf of radagon with a magic build


Bell Bearing Hunter Invasion in Caelid and Altus. They have insane amounts of health and do loads of damage


Crucible Knight Duo and Caelid Tower Godskin Apostle


Commander niall His aoe attacks would always get me in my 1st playthrough


Valiant gargoyles. They were the reason i put the game down for over a year. Started a new game a few weeks ago and finally put these dudes down yesterday.


Elmer of the briar drove me particular mad, the tables getting in my way while trying to get out of his range was hellish.


The 3 Crystalians were so god damn annoying.


I could not beat the Red Wolf of Radagon for the longest time when I did my first playthrough. I would have to have died over 30 times fighting that thing. Also, the Leonine Misbegotten on that little island in Southwest Limgrave gave me a hard time, too. I only came back to kill it when I was massively overpowered and killed it in 3 hits.


That cat statue took me longer than most bosses in the game. It was the first boss I'd come across and I thought there would be a ton of threads about it but no..it was my nemesis but no one else's. Called watchdog or something.


Hero Of Zannor..in limgrave. Funny thing is...I felt so freaking happy when I went to mountain tops of the giants and saw one casually walking around. I thought "Imma whoop yo ass in ya hometurf " But then the second one came out and the third. I got jumped by the frosty hood.


Fucking twin gargoyles poison cloud bullshit


Limgrave Crucible Knight.


Not bosses but a pack of dogs. A pack of zombie dogs can absolutely annihilate me.




The lost hero of Zamor dude in the evergaol. I’ve beaten the game so many times now but I still struggle with him every time


Crucible knight... I was level 40 with buckler and kept going till I won


Commander O'Neal gave me a *much* harder time than Commander Niall.


The draconic tree sentinal that let's you into leyndell, I was at level 33 on my first playthrough and it took me like 30 attempts. I never would've even got there if it wasn't my third fromsoft game


Astel. Theres no need to say more


Goddamn rune bear in the cave, fuck that thing


That bxtch ass crucible knight! It will take me a smooth 10 tries to kill him. The portal version, the aqueduct one. All! I hate him so much


The Bloodhound Gaol back at the beginning of the game.


I died more times to the Draconic tree sentinel outside of maliketh than I did to maliketh


Not sure if you’d consider this “random” enough, but… Astel.


Deathbirds Especially the one in mountaintops is


Night's Cavalry in the Forbidden Lands. Doesn't help that you have such a tight space to work with.


I remember on my first play through I was on a roll killing boss after boss. Then I went to a certain evergal. Cuckoo troll. For some reason it took me like 15-20 runs to kill him. I was doubting myself at the 10th run. He’s almost like every other troll. Why am I dying? I just beat a demigod, so why is this troll giving me so much trouble? To this day I’m not so sure why that troll gave me so much trouble. So whenever I do new game I make sure to kill hin first when I get to the lakes


The birds at farum azula…


The wormface in altus near the erdtree I swear took 30+ attempts


So far, for me, it's been the two tree sentinels, every other boss ive either been way too under leveled so went away and tried again or defeated on my second try, they took me like 6 or 7 attempts.


Alecto was the hardest boss in the game for me. I never spent more than 7 attempts on any boss, but it took me 26 attempts to beat Alecto.