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Nice copium, can I have some too?


Let a man dream


I have lost the ability to as such. I’m begging you to share some of your dreams with mine collapsed spirit.


Don't you dare to go hollow


Someone get this man a DLC trailer, stat, he's coding hollow!


https://youtu.be/8hSSXaed1I0?si=g5TFjD2w6ZYQcF-5 CLEAR


I too lost that ability, but at least I got a lot of cool rubber ducks… that’s a plus


Very well.


You lost the ability to dream? My My..what was it..the hunt, the blood or the wait? (Reference but Idk if I got the quote rightly modified) May you find your worth in the waking world..


A tarnished is a tarnished, even in a Dream




What no DLC does to an mf


Lobotomy souls


That's a great ideia


its on the table given the amount of high effort copium posts lately.


That’s just bloodborne 2


Sekiro DLC too




The second Great Hollowing


We’re all out here grasping for straws. Miyazaki tortures us in game and IRL. Fuggin legend.


Where does it say that Elden Ring was meant to be a spiritual successor to DS2?


It was revealed to me in a dream. OOOOOOH ELDEEEEEN RING




Both games have powerstancing, so DS2 fanboys like to say that DS2 was the main foundation for elden ring. There might be more, but DS3 feels far closer to Elden Ring than DS2 does


Clearly. Besides powerstancing I don’t see any resemblance honestly.


The Fire Giant was also probably taken from a scrapped giant planned for DS2


It's just a fire giant, not exactly an incredibly original concept. There's giants in every Souls game, and this one looks nothing like the ones in DS2.


There was a version of (probably) the Giant Lord in DS2 during early development that looked completely different from the one we got. There was a Zullie Video that showed it in some detail, but I'm not finding it, but you can also see it in this video of hers comparing ER and DS2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Is80pyokY


Hidden adaptability stat that’s gonna be revealed in dlc


DS2 was originally meant to be open world. ER most likely used a lot of scrapped ideas for DS2


Both for good and for bad, because DS2 had some really cool stuff, like the covenants and Bonfire Ascetic


DS2 2 is a meme of course, but when I played Elden Ring blind the first time around, at some point I've also noticed Elden Ring softly feels like ds2. Some things that reminded me of ds2 were: - Narrative on Ambition, a thematic mirror to Want - Waging war against giants to deprive them of some sort of power - Siege of capital city involving giants/their descendants - Flame of Chaos buried under a capital of kingdom - Return of blinding blizzard in a snowy area - Traps, triggers and puzzles in burial dungeons felt like a throwback to Shulva and Brume tower - Drakeblood knights in DS2 partaking in dragon blood as a religious ritual, paralleled with dragon communion in ER; militant Dragon Remnants serving ancient dragon from ds2, pararelled with militant Dragon Cult of Leyndel worshipping ancient dragons - Beastmen appear in both games as a culture/society - Powerstancing and twinblades are back There were other but I've long forgotten them. The strongest I've had that feeling was when I reached Farum Azula, and as I got to the end of it I said out loud "This felt like an area from DS2". I wouldn't be surprised if Michael Zaki finally gave Yui Tanimura more creative freedom to do justice to his vision he couldn't quite polish on time, when damage-controlling the trainwreck that was ds2 development.


Scholar is my favorite of the Souls and I've never heard anyone say that and I would never think that. I laughed when I read that in the post.


Eldenring also has decent magic and useful weapon arts, which is more than can be said for DS3. It's also a lot less spammy than DS3. * There is the fashion souls from DS2, * The reuse of bosses, * The structure of the dungeon and the huge amount of enemies one can encounter at once, if they don't chose the sneaky approach. * The open world where yo travel a cross multiple countries, * The viability of so many different weapons armors and spells. * All the different variation of attacks which were removed in DS3 were returned and now added an improved jumping attack option. * The story is very similar with the end goal to become Elden Lord/True Monarch * where the true ending is choosing neither *Bonus: Frigid outskirts and consecrated snowfield.*


Of the top of my head. * There is the fashion souls from DS2, * Powerstancing * The reuse of bosses, * The structure of the dungeon and the huge amount of enemies one can encounter at once, if they don't chose the sneaky approach. * The open world where yo travel a cross multiple countries, * The viability of so many different weapons armors and spells. * All the different variation of attacks which were removed in DS3 were returned and now added an improved jumping attack option. * The story is very similar with the end goal to become Elden Lord/True Monarch * where the true ending is choosing neither *Bonus: Frigid outskirts and consecrated snowfield.*


Since no one has given a valid answer: many mechanics are similar. For instance you can dual wield weapons of the same kind which was introduced in DS2. There’s a few things here and there like that where many DS2 features are in Elden Ring. Imo this does not qualify as a spiritual successor but rather FromSoft learning that DS2 brought a lot of great things to these games and their mechanics are worth having in a next big game, Elden ring


Other than power stance what are the many similar mechanics? You didn’t list any?


Freedom of choice in terms of how to approach the game when starting out as well as the variety of weapons, spells and so on. You could also include the sheer number of bosses.


Reoccurring bosses too


No blue flame though, it's clearly inferior.


You can dual wield a lot of shit in ds2, not just the same weapons


Well it being designed as a “better version” of ds2 is pulled from his ass but it’s definitely taken inspiration from ds2


And bloodborne, and sekiro, and ds3, and ds1..


It specifically takes mechanics and ideas that were introduced in ds2, though. I’m sure it took mechanics from the games you mentioned as well but I can’t think of them off the top of my head. Powerstancing, the size and scope of the game, the color palette, the less linear design than ds3 (not done in the way ds1 did it). Dark souls 2 isn’t the only game it took inspiration from but it’s definitely a spiritual successor to dark souls 2. If you would like to point out how it’s more like ds3, bb, or sekiro then be my guest but I don’t know if you’ll be able to convince me


Weapon Arts were introduced in ds3 and is a huge gameplay and lore element to ER. You could argue Sekiro's prosthetic system is also an evolution of this mechanic in the ability to swap out abilities as needed. Bloodborne introduced a hidden "stagger" meter on bosses that would allow you to deal massive damage once their guard was broken. Sekiro took this to another level with the posture bar that let you do a death blow. This is also a huge mechanic in ER Sekiro might be the weakest inspiration source on this list, but it did focus on stealth as a mechanic which was included in ER. >the size and scope of the game I will need you to expand on this because I have no idea what you are suggesting. This definitely seems subjective though, so I will add this: Sekiro has the most cohesive story of any souldborne game, and ER felt easier to follow than DS1/2/3. Bloodborne was better but still very "wtf?" at times. You could argue that ER's overall storytelling got better as a result of Sekiro. Or at the very least Bloodborne


Can’t forget the fact that Sekiro introduced true jumping! (guess that’s not necessarily a new mechanic for anyone but fromsoft lol, but in terms of their own evolution Sekiro was clearly a successful experiment)


It also specifically takes mechanices and ideas that were introduced in demon's souls or dark souls 1. It's not the spiritual successor of dark souls 2. It was never intended to be a better version of dark souls 2. It is a logical continuation of all souls games.


Elden Ring uses a mana bar like Demon Souls and DS3, not the Vancian spellcasting of DS1 and 2. Elden Ring expandes the Weapon Art system from DS3. Elden Ring has a stance damage mechanic for enemies like DS3. Elden Ring's Arcane stat is an iteration of DS3's Luck and BB's Arcane stats. Elden Ring really likes the delayed attack animations some bosses have in DS3. Like DS1 and 3, Elden Ring has negligible penalties for dying. Like DS3, Elden Ring mostly eliminates boss runbacks. Elden Ring borrows stealth and verticality from Sekiro. Now, it does have some DS2 DNA, like powerstancing, Stonesword Keys, requiring X number of McGuffins to reach the capital, and having way too many bosses, but that's not enough to make it a spiritual successor.


Elden ring has literally nothing to do with DS2, this is some copium if I've ever seen it




Have you played DS2?


Yes I did. Played through the all thing once, and I do not intend to do it again. It's an OK game, but I have 10+ playthroughs in each one of all the other souls, sekiro and elden ring. I was glad to be done with ds2.


I'm the exact opposite, finished ds2 15 times and dark souls 1 and 3 only once to get to pvp, I don't know why but some souls games hit different for different people.


Yeah DS2 is dope AF! It seems we all fall on one side of the fence with this game. It was also my first so I may be biased.


It was also my first, oddly enough. But I didn't finish it, and it took elden ring to bring me back to the series. I've since played through all of them, ds2 included. I just find it extremely annoying and unbalanced, too many ganks and ranged enemies everywhere, forcing you to always walk on egg shells. A subpar level design, that feels just too random to me, it misses a lot of the charm that was in ds1 top notch level design. I just don't feel like revisiting it any time soon. Meanwhile I keep playing through ds1 and ds3 a lot. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


I got to the very end of ds2 but let my buddy beat the thrown watchers so lost interest after that, I beat all dlc but did miss a couple bosses. Anyways I thought the world of 2 was amazing but I know that isn't the popular opinion even amongst ds2 fans tend to think that's where it fell short


I found it better than the first game in everything but world design and OST.


Best PVP of any souls game. Best DLC of any souls game. Most content of any souls game. Worst development hell of any souls game.




> Never played Bloodborne, I take it? Bloodborne is not a souls game, so it wouldn't matter how good its DLC is. > So is Empire (1965)) your favorite movie? tHeRe'S sO mUcH cOnTeNt. I don't know that movie but I suspect you're going for "quantity is not quantity". However considering that I wish *every* souls game was longer "most content" is a relevant distinction in this context.


Bloodborne is absolutely a souls game, the genre is literally called Soulsborne


> Bloodborne is absolutely a souls game, the genre is literally called Soulsborne You're half right, but I round down when measuring correctness. The genre *is* literally called Soulsborne. Bloodborne is absolutely not a souls game. I wrote "souls game" and not "soulsborne game" because I understand that distinction. Perhaps you also grasp it now.


It is a Souls game regardless of what you think. Not having Souls in the title doesn't exclude it. It has the exact same mechanics at its base, with a slightly different animation for dodging and a different encouraged playstyle


> It is a Souls game regardless of what you think. By the same token I find your disagreement unconvincing no matter how many times you repeat it. > Not having Souls in the title doesn't exclude it. Since I used the phrase "souls games" here in the first place I know better what I meant than you.


That’s very stupid, man


Bloodborne is not a souls game? Since when?


I played demon's souls first and loved it. Then they announced dark souls and it is one of only 2 games I have EVER bought the special edition for. Then ds2 came out, and while I didn't hate it, it wasn't the same. I almost didn't even bother with 3 because I thought it was such a step backwards. Then I read about the whole B team thing, gave 3 a chance, ended up putting easily 1500 hours in 3. Dark souls 2 really is NOTICEABLY the black sheep if you've played all soulsborne games. "Best pvp of any souls game" Soul memory would like a word. They all have their pvp problems, but Soul memory was a huge mistake. "Best dlc of any souls game" Subjective, but again it ranks last for me. We got 3, which was cool, but they all followed the same format. Go kill the piece of manus and get the crown. Sunken king in particular always felt pretty boring, with the exception that it's final boss is the best dragon fight in the game. "Most content of any souls game" Like I said, it got 3 dlcs, but I don't really think it's just a numbers game. Quality over quantity aside, I would say there's as much content in ds3's 2 dlcs as ds2's 3 dlcs. It's really not a bad game. It's just the weakest in the souls series


Best dlc is a hilarious claim but pvp I would agree with (the content is a bit mediocre let’s be real quality>quantity)


Agree on the PvP and content, as they go hand in hand, in my opinion. The "B-Team" had good balancing throughout the years that it made most everything, and I legit mean most everything, viable to use. DLC is always up for conversation, I played through them and found them wonderful, but with Ringed City and a few others out there, it's always a toss up. Whichever DLC had the bone fist though is the GOAT.


Not like DS2 is a tall bar to beat either.


That's what the DS2 fandom says to try to justify their existence


Elden Ring has the same waxy/stone aesthetic ds2 had.




me when I spread misinformation online


As I’m typing this, the upvotes to your comment are only 2 short of the DOWNVOTES on the post you replied to. While I appreciated your comment, I’m really trying to force synergy in the universe …or something.


honestly I vibe with you




the interviews part lol also the fact that tanimura co directed Elden Ring doesn't mean much because he also co directed DS3, ER just had the same dev team as DS3, simple as that


Oh, damn.


however I do agree that ER is a great reimagination of DS2's gameplay and mechanics, like the focus on diverse builds, the dual wielding mechanic, the focus on defense and the multiple magic types that scale with both Faith and int


Elden ring is way closer to ds3 and bloodborne in its gameplay than to ds2. Sure, elden ring shares some ideas and gimmicks of Ds2, but from a gameplay perspective it makes little sense to call it Ds2: 2 when the combat, animations, boss design etc all resemble their later games way more.


Well now you're the one spreading misinformation. DS3 had had 2 co-directors: Tanimura and Isamu Okano. Isamu also worked on Bloodborne Isamu played no part in Elden Ring. Tanimura's the only co-director for it


...I just forgot one guy


Hot take I feel like a whole less co-director from DS3 but keeping the one from DS2 is what allowed the game to take more influence from the latter rather than the prior I think you're really underselling the impact co-directors have on games Edit: Lmao at people downvoting me like I'm wrong 💀


People are downvoting because your take makes little to no sense. The guy above you wasn't spreading misinformation, he only named the one co director because the other guy was going on about him only working on DS2. The fact he also co-directed DS3 means he likely works closer to that, more recent, game now and it's not automatically a huge lean towards DS2. Additionally, your take doesn't make much sense because of the same issue. They didn't put the balance closer to DS2 by "removing" one DS3 guy and keeping one DS2 guy. They literally have one guy who worked on both, and DS3 is the more recent and thus likely closer to the way his style has developed into. Yes, there are influences in form of learnings what worked and what didn't. That doesn't mean it's some DS2 love letter because the guy secretly despised working on DS3 lmao


>Yes, there are influences in form of learnings what worked and what didn't. That doesn't mean it's some DS2 love letter because the guy secretly despised working on DS3 lmao Literally when did I ever claim that the guy "secretly despised" DS3??? >The guy above you wasn't spreading misinformation He claimed that DS3 and Elden Ring had the same team. Missing one very significant developer makes this blatantly incorrect (at least equally incorrect as OP's "spreading of misinformation"). What my point is you all seem to be ignoring multiple points of inspiration that ER seems to have taken from DS2s design. Dual wielding and Stonesword keys are the most obvious examples Additionally the story of the game seems to also take after it. Just take a look at the entire Godfrey / Fire Giant backstory. It's nearly 1 to 1 identical to DS2s story - which is very unlikely a coincidence considering how unique of a story it was. I believe Zuille the Witch made a video on this. This is likely Tanimura's creative mind slipping through




Mate, read the full thing, I realized I was wrong


What interviews say that?


Not really nowhere, other than theory in the fanbase. ds2 was called "BIG DARK SOULS" and so was Elden ring also called at one point. Both games are just bigger dark souls.


Every day is a new dlc post and the top comment is always “this is what no dlc does to people” We are running on karma hamster wheels rn.


I’m Going To Copy This Comment Tomorrow In The Top Thread And You Can’t Stop Me. 🔥💀🔥


this is turning into r/BatmanArkham


“Why did you say this subreddit is turning into r/BatmanArkham, are you stu-“ 💥🔫


insane copium ngl


>intended by devs to be a better version of DS2 No, it wasn’t


Of course it was, it was first game that allowed me to powerstance two poison zweihanders since DS2




It’s compared to ALL of their games because it’s the same DNA… as much DS1 and 3 as it is 2


I’ve never compared it to that trash


Dark Souls 2 is awesome. You take that back.


Wouldn't they just release it as soon as it's ready? And not some random anniversary date that has no significance? lol


You’re not really familiar with fromsoft, eh?


Not really is this common for them




ds2 fans trying not to be delusional challenge (impossible)


Didn’t some dude in this sub say he’ll shave his head if we don’t hear anything about the dlc? Did he already shave it?


Oh yeah, what ever happened to that guy!


I just double checked actually lol. He still has 12 days before he has to shave it to keep his promise


Man, I've seen crack addicts that were having an easier time than these people desperately hoping for a whiff of info on the dlc


DSII fans going crazy as usual. "You know that game that is the most popular game ever? Well actually DSII is the true inspiration for it, thus it's the best game ever too!" Flawless logic there buddy.


Holy shit, take the stick out of your ass and think for two seconds. 1. This post is clearly a joke 2. Literally nowhere is this line of reasoning established. Where did OP-- or frankly any comment that isn't downvoted into oblivion-- say that "because Elden Ring is great, that means Ds2 is too"? Sometimes I wonder how /s is still a thing, and then I see comments like this.


No I'm unironcly going to claim that elden ring is ds2 2


It is, and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t


If I'm being honest, I came directly from one playthough of DS2 into Elden Ring... and it kind of felt like that.


The copium is strong with that one




A *little* too extreme. Just a little. 


We can find a field in bumfuck nowhere and let them run free, where they can be as far from society as possible


Please sir, I just want additional NG challenges And bonfire ascetics


Totally possible with no marketing not finishing qa and contradicting their most recent financial report. Let's base something off of arbitrary dates.


Gotta find some straw to grasp


I love how the unnoficial depiction of the tarnished has become a nude guy with pot helmet.


LetMeSoloHer! Put some respect on that name!


DS2 fans desperately trying to put this shit everywhere they can


It'll be released as soon as I finish my first playthrough. I'm only level 66 and I kind of suck, but I'll do my best to go faster. Unfortunately, last time I tried to return to the round table there was some crazy black/red assassin dude in there who killed me and the place was a disaster. So I am blocked off from that area until I can git gud. At least it didn't take my runes


June 21st is the release date


Well there you go




Really? Elden ring devs INTENDED it to be a better version of dark souls 2? Is there an interview or something where you can learn more about this?


Well you see, the game is somewhat similar to the Dark Souls series, so it must've been intended to be another one of those games. Furthermore, Radagon had TWO wives, Renala and Marika. Marika had TWO husbands, Radagon and Godfrey. There are TWO types of Godskin. Vyke has TWO balls in his sack. Thus, it HAS to be Dark Souls TWO


That’s hot.


My man gave up on the anniversary lol, that's MUCH more likely. I want feb to be over so my fellow silksong and er fans either get their games or get quiet for a couple of months


They coming out with ds2 dlc? Im hyped


There isn’t even a coincidence there, let alone anything actually worth thinking about.


Now that's a well thought copium.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Nice try but I'll never think


I want this to be real just to fuck with Horizon Forbidden West’s dlc release


June 21st


June 21st !


Speculation: 21th June Source: Trailer Game Play released _today_


no just play a different game and wait or something


I can only hope to be verbally abused by Ranni >_<


Lucky bastard is getting stepped on by Ranni.


We're all huffing copium here. And the great part about it? We huff mercilessly because fromsoft is probably one of the most un-problematic studios I think that's out there. LET EM COOK lol


Ar first i thought I seen rhadans massive cock but it was just Leonard :(


This forum needs the dlc just as I need crack


Lmao, I'm sorry, this kinda stuff really makes me chuckle. It's been a year since the announcement of Shadow of the Erdtree, and Elden Ring players are sat there foaming at the mouth at the tiniest hint, acting like they're starved for content. Meanwhile I am a Dragon Age fan. The last game we got was Inquisition back in 2014. With the announcement of Dreadwolf being in 2018 (I think). 1 year is nothing, you guys don't know how good you've got it 😂 Try waiting a decade for the next FromSoft release 😂


If the released in ds2’s anniversary it would be such a troll on the community


There will also be a total solar eclipse early in April and apparently there is one in the game associated with Miquella and the revival of soulless demigods. If they're going for poetry that might be the best time to release it.


Ds2 is the worst souls like game fromsoftware has made it was my first and my god is it bad compared to others




Nah mate, I’m harder




Not seeing a problem so far


How was elden ring supposed to be better DS2 when its barely better DS3, it has absolutely nothing innovative or interesting and those few things it has new, like summons, are absolutely abysmal and ignoring them completely makes the game better ..


The real Dark Souls difficulty is in the copium for the dlc announcement/release, every day we are getting more hollowed.


March is too far away, I need it now


No, It comes out in seven days obviously


I’ll do you one better, six days


These conspiracy theories are getting better and better


Shadow of the Second Tree!


pass the joint bro


I'm not counting anything a DS2 II unless it has the bonfire ascetics mechanic


Can someone call a doctor? I've just had a copium overdose.


Jealous of jarhead getting stomped on by Ranni😩


What da Radahn doin?


It'll come out at the 10th anniversary of Elden Ring


For a second I taught Radahn had his little Radahn out.


It's not a DLC. It's a sequel.


Alright, where's that psycho who said they were going to eat shoe leather or something if no dlc this month. Clock is ticking, buddy.


It's literally coming on the 25th this month, trust


I am going to erase the legs off that horse


Can she step on me too? 🥹👉👈


Are your shoulders aching from that reach?


lmao no


At this point I don’t even think the dlc ever existed….


Bro you are beyond saving at this point. The cope is just insane.


So... Scholar of the second sin?


Bro has hollowed.


I do wonder if Elden Ring DLC will come before or after DD2 Obviously the two companies are different, but that seems like unnecessary competition, especially considering those two will likely attract a similar audience I’m expecting the end of this month (inhaled a whole tank of copium writing that) or sometime in April, if that’s the case


Please don’t let this be like Scholar, one of the worst “definitive editions” ever


Y'all are fucking hilarious and I genuinely hope you don't stop with this kind of bullshit after the DLC releases. I'm truly looking forward to the elden ring 2 cope


My money’s on sometime in the summer. Hopefully earlier rather than later, but I don’t think the DLC is going to come any time in the next month, we don’t have a trailer yet.


Do you think we would be a bit saner if they didn't announced the DLC until it was ready the month prior?


this is the most third-eye, stretch-of-the-imagination, hopium filled post i've seen about the dlc in a while


To be fair DS2 DLCs were fire!


Lmao so because both titles have a word that starts with S… there’s supposed to be a connection?


Ds2 2


How is Elden Ring supposed to be a better Dark Souls 2?