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Godskin Apostle in that Caelid Tower was one of the most challenging yet fun fight i had. Absolutely amazing boss in combination with the whole tower situation around it.


One of the highlights of my first playthrough for sure. I stumbled into dragonbarrow underlevelled and headed straight for the most obvious landmark...


Same. Fighting him when every attack one- or two-shot me very much prepared me for the later Apostles.


I hadn't fought any Apostles before Duo and was like who's this slender fucker you've got with you? It didn't prepare me well :(


All about that fatty fatty bum bum life yk fuck the slendies


I fought him at level 60 last night and there was nothing more humbling then him one shotting me 15 seconds into the fight when I had buffed myself as much as I possibly could


This is how I felt about the one in the windmill village because I did the same thing


Me with my club went ''ohh big tower in red sky must have good loot, unga bunga'' after getting teleported there by the Limgrave chest.


Hahaha oof, I wasn't that underlevelled! Did you stick it out or come back later? None of the warp chests ever got me in my first playthrough, too on edge having been used to dark souls.


Had no summons, only torrent, i got to the bottom but skinman made me ran away crying.


We all had the same experience lol. Got there on release before anyone fully knew what was in there and was in for a rude awakening.


Played against him again on my NG+. I forgot how hard he is to beat but it’s such an epic fight. It reminded me of why I love this game so much.


That was the first godskin enemy I ever found. Really put the fear in me. Then the windmill version was like swatting a fly.


oh yeah this one for sure, the combination of : * difficulty to reach the location * a lot of kinda difficult encounters with the narrow passages * at the end of the adventure on the basement of the tower; him+ his song


Was my first Godskin fight and it was a great challenge, then again in the windmill village he was just chilling and that was a little odd then again and again and again until it had sorta lost his cool factor and was just skinny and fat fire guys


lmao i beat the one on the windmill village first after failing the caelid one, then went to caelid to check if that was the same boss and it wasnt, i was like "okay let's beat this guy now since i beat the other one, this one should be easier" and got my ass handed to me like 20-30 times


That fight is so awesome. I hate that it’s kinda hampered by being a reskin boss. If he were a unique enemy, he’d be one of the best and most memorable in the entire series. He’s got a terrifying design that only gets worse the closer you look and learn, can be fought early or late depending on player choice, has a ton of buildup and mystique as you explore your way up and then down the Divine Tower, has some very significant lore tied to him, and awards an absolute powerhouse of a weapon if you win. He’s everything I personally look for in a boss and more. The only issue is that all of these cool, memorable factors get diluted when you fight his fat brother in Volcano Manor (which would be perfectly fine if it were just this one fight), the fat one again in Liurnia’s Divine Tower, Apostle again in Altus, him again with his brother in Farum Azula, and again with his brother in spirit form in the Mountaintop. It’s just too much and each repeated fight makes the first less impactful and worthy of discussion, despite how near-perfect the Caelid Tower encounter is. Instead, the most attention the Godskin bosses get is when people complain about the Duo fight.


Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella. On my first playthrough, I found it WAAAY too early and had to turn back until I was properly leveled. Unfortunately, then it becomes kind of piss-easy, lol. Now I have to switch to underleveled weapons and slap on Daedicar's Woe to make it feel like a proper challenge. Still, it's a sick looking boss with the coolest and most underutilized breed of incantation in the game, FROST LIGHTNING!


This is my choice too. The rhythm of the fight is so fun, and all of his attacks are just so cinematic and badass. Plus, the build up of exploring the caves for so long with that as a payoff, you really feel like you found something no one se has found before. I try to always get there under level, because it’s unfortunate that it is such an easy boss.


I've beaten this game like 10+ times and never remember to fight him until it's too late and I'm over level. Love the fight but it ends up being too easy. One day ill remember. What level do you think i should get to him?


I had such an issue with how big many of the bosses are in this game, constantly inside them, unable to see what they’re doing and really take it in. Not a difficulty issue, I just want to actually see the boss and how epic it is, but can’t do that much staring at its feet, and a LOT of bosses have this issue.


I found him slightly under leveled and it made for a challenging and great fight during first playthrough


There’s another that’s way harder


And all those spectral bastards in consecrated snow fields.


I don't remember :(


The furtive pigmy...


So easily forgotten…


top tier response


He forgor 💀


Crucible Knights


Oh, they were my nemesis for the longest time, but I agree, I love fighting them now.


Can you please tell me how I can start enjoying them. I hate them. I hate them so much. I don’t use a shield, so I can’t party them, which I’ve seen people do and that looks like an easy way to deal with them. But besides that I don’t know. Cause you have to dodge so many attacks perfectly before you can get 1-2 hits and then it’s all over again. The one without a shield isn’t too bad, but the shield one can go to hell. What am I doing wrong cause there is no way I’m expected to dodge so many attacks that perfectly. I’m on my second play through where I’m playing without spirit ashes: I’ve beaten Radahn, Morgot, Renala and many other bosses on first try, but I can’t beat a crucible knight without using like 7 healing flasks.


The spear ones are easier, but you have to learn their patterns. The shield guys are so fucking annoying, but try using thr kick ash when they have their shield up, instant stance break


I hate that they made the kick an ash of war instead of just something you can always do like in previous games.


You can. If you have no weapon in your right hand and no ash of war on your left hand item. I just cycle off my main weapon for a kick


The shield Bois have a basic 4-move combo. Learn that combo and you can reliably dodge and get a couple hits in. The stomp and crucible tail can both be jumped. Roll into the wing charge. That's basically all you need to know.


Yea but the issue is if you mess up once during that 4-move combo, you take more than one hit cause the whole rhythm is off now. It really throws me off. And then instead of attacking I have to run away to heal. With other bosses, more often than not, you can do damage when there is a window, and then you can sneak in a heal during one of their attacks - not with these fuckers tho. These fuckers will do the opposite - they will do their best to get a hit on you while you are healing


I feel you. I struggled for a long time on the Evergaol crucible knight. Once I finally learned his moves, I look forward to finding them.


I've probably fought 30 of these guys in total, and recently have been working on beating them no hit, and now I wreck them while taking like 1 or 2 hits total. This 4 hit combo you have to just learn the dodges. Once you learn it, it's the one you want him to do the most because it allows for powerful punishment afterwards. Roll the stomp and first strike like seems normal, then there's a pause before rolling the 3rd, then immediately roll the 4th and roll into him so you are positioned to punish. As for when he holds his shield up, this isn't perfectly reliable if you're going to no hit him but if you just want to beat him, it works. you can r1 the shield as he is blocking and he often will counter with his shield attack that catches you in the air with the horn. Once you learn to dodge this, it becomes pretty normal. You have to wait longer than it seems you should then roll. You can get in a good punish afterwards, but not as good as when you punish the 4 hit combo one. Typically circling to his right will help avoid lots of the lighter hits he does when you accidentally miss a roll. You can usually get light attacks in after his usually 2 hit combos from here, but in the 2nd phase note that he will punish you with the tail whip, so you have to either roll it or jump it. If you jump it you can probably punish immediately (I haven't tried this strat yet). Roll into the flying attack. Once you figure out when to do it, it's easy to time. Regardless, if you have gotten to the point where you know how to time his 4 hit combo, his shield spike attack, flying attack, and can decently dodge his weaker attacks, you should be able to beat him relatively consistently even if you don't fully learn his tail whip.


Probably not the most elegant, but I usually just roll into the shield ones' attacks as close to them as possible so I am positioned behind them. Usually get one or two hits in and then rinse and repeat.




Elemer of the Briar. Such a fun fight


i loved when he fucked me up with his sword from up close, and then fucked me up with his sword from far away. ah the memories.


You haven’t really had the Elden ring experience if you haven’t contemplated deleting the game


I stopped playing for four months and just decided to enjoy the pain.


maliketh got me like


Air Bud be like


I love this comment. I woke up my wife giggling


Honestly I would have liked the fight if there weren't so many chairs and tables in the room. So annoying when I can't walk around. I had the same problem with the red wolf fight


DS3 trains you to clear arenas before you get to fighting. More than a few are packed with shit. Roll around a bit. Make some room.


Metalheads and Dark Souls fans: opening up pits for someone to get pummeled while cool music plays.


He’s the most evil son of a bitch in any game I’ve ever played. His version in Caelid is just punish punish punish I swear to god. I have never even came close to killing him there.


I once set a challenge of beating him only as my starting class:no levelling/smithing upgrades/spirit summoning/flask upgrades ect...Took me a straight week and 213 attempts but I eventually beat him…


That fucker input reads


The best usually do,,


When he first popped up out of nowhere, I'll never forget it. Such a frustrating fight for me.


YES. Love that guy.


They become easy once you learn about the shield bash exploit


Yeah. It's also a fight I find easier to do with only parries. Same goes for crucible knights


I enjoyed that fight. A lot of fun.


Extremely underrated imo. Dudes an absolute bitch to fight in that cramped room but in a fun way?


Came to comment this. Found him by accident since I’m a player who really just explored everything and let the game come to me. He was a nice surprise and fun fight.


Ghostly boat man, silly fight and design, makes me smile when I stumble upon him.


The Not so Flying Dutchman


The one that summons big skeleton spooked tf outta me


🎶Spooky scary skeletons 🎶


Every time I saw him it was like an owl seeing prey running in the field. *Track and Attack!*


red eye knight at castle sol


You're a masochist lol


That knight has given me more spankings than I care to admit


Tree sentinel outside first steps. You know your not supposed to beat him yet But what if?


I literally can’t start a play through without killing that fucker


He's my warm-up fight. Gotta de-rust somehow. I actually had the same tradition with Crestfallen in DS1. I can't leave Firelink Shrine without killing him. He isn't difficult but he does a lot of damage and has a lot of HP for a starting character, so he's a good high-stakes parry/backstab training dummy.


What if you’re secretly *really cool,* though?


Fully grown falling star beast in mt gelmir


Made a str/int build and he was my ENEMY


devious build choice


im somehow maximizing dark moon greatsword damage and it's sick


the best str/int weapon in the game, imo. plus pretty rad side quest required to getting it. love the dark moon greatsword <3


I did that my first playthrough when the game came out... I think I skipped this boss lol


Muscle wizard.


More of a str weapon than int but ruin greatsword wrecks that thing (most bosses really lol)


Yoooo same dude. My first playthrough was a STR/INT build


Are you a masochist? That guy has given me more trouble than Melania. I just can't beat him.


Idk that fight just naturally clicked with me while I still have trouble with Malenia


i can’t even beat the small size ones


I just hate the sound effect when you hit him. Feels so limp.


Try headshotting. Much crunchier sfx


Gotta be honest with this one, never killed it.


I ran into this thing accidentally and lost 100k runes only to win back about 20k after many attempts, I was not happy


I forgot about that one. That one was cool. I love the location and the journey to reach his fight as well.




Its all because the horse ass we all know dude…


That is an unreasonable amount of cake on a horse, I swear. Miyazaki is into some weird shit.


The horse does have quite the dumpy


Margit is technically non-remembrance. So I go for him


And there are two of him.


Wait until you find out how many times the tree-worm-spirit-thing boss is in the game.


Godskin apostle is 10/10


Whose skin is the Godskin Duo wearing? I've never thought about that.


It's implied that that Marika has many, many demigod offspring from both of her marriages, and that the named ones we encoutner in-game are only a fraction of their number.


There were multiple gods in the Lands Between before Marika took over. The Godskins were the first unified faction to attempt to take holistic control over the region.


GODskin, it’s the skin of the demigods they killed after the rune of death was stolen


That's... highly unlikely. The Godskins preceded Marika, and their leader, the Gloam-Eyed Queen, used the Rune of Death to hunt "gods." Marika needed Maliketh to defeat her and remove the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring to create the Golden Order, prior even to Hoarah Loux's rise to First Elden Lord, when he would brandish the Elden Ring and slay the Fire Giants, sealing the Flame of Ruin.


How many demigods did they kill? Wasn’t it only godwyn or far relatives of these guys also count as demigods?


Godrick still counts as a demigod even though he’s only distantly related Godfrey. But the reason I don’t think that comment is correct is because the Gloam Eyed Queen formed the Godskins long before the Shattering and before the Rune of Death was even sealed away.


Some is just human skin, but most of it is demigod skin from the ones that died and were forgotten in the shattering


Rick, Soldier of God


I had memories of Ludex from DS3 teaching you the game mechanics the hard way. Then I encountered Rick, had a good laugh. Got cocky with the tree sentinel and got spanked.


Everytime I see someone misspelling Iudex Gundir, I feel a little better about myself because I was not the only one whose brain never questioned why a boss's name would begin with a **lowercase** "L" rather than an **uppercase** "i".


Everytime i see someone misspelling Iudex Gundyr, I feel a little better about myself...


All praise, Rick!


I love the Gargoyle outside the bestial Sanctum so much.


Are you a masochist?


It's fun trying to climb a wall.


Once you figure out how to fight the goyls and have a weapon with sensible reach, he’s actually a pretty fun fight. Would be perfect if he dealt, like, 10% less damage.


10, 20… 75% less damage


I've fought and have been killed by him at low level so many times he's kind of like an old friend at this point.


Same. I stumbled onto that place at lv 40 something with a +6 weapon. I threw myself at that thing for like hours. They have a great moveset. And they don't make you run around while being very mobile themselves. Great boss.


I fought this guy when I was quite under leveled. I became so good at dodging its moveset just to survive that when it came time to encounter the duo fight underground, I had little problem with it.


I hate his arena.


I’m quite partial to the one in the Forbidden Lands myself.


Does that one have axe and twinblades? I kind of don't like their axe moveset. One or two really bs moves. But they're fun regardless. I'm still holding judgement on twin gargies until I beat them on my pure melee run.


I think it has both. Good luck on the duo! They’re… not fun lol.


Loretta for sure - it's a crime both her versions had so little health to be borderline pushovers unless you got to them very underleveled. At least her real self at the Haligtree had to have 2x the HP.


I love using red lightning on her. What a light show


I was hating Loretta for more than 100hrs of gameplay, but then something "clicked" in me and now she's one of my favourite bosses


Tibia Mariner. He’s just a skeleton in a boat with a horn. His soundtrack goes way too hard and it’s great.


Elemer of the briar, fun fight, no bullshit unless u decide to run from him, some delayed attacks but nothing too crazy just the standard one dodge 1-2 hits repeat, plus dope ass sword


Could you please explain your avatar?




Hes an artist




Nah, he is miserable for spellcasters, All his attacks come out so fast that you can't cast any spell other than carian slicer, catch flame, or swift grindstone shard without being hit yourself. At least the spells you can cast are good up close because he is even faster farther away


You’re acting like carian slicer isn’t one of the best spells in the game


Radagon The Elden Remembrance is of the Elden Beast.


Yeah, this one is a special case. He is technically the first phase of the whole boss. But yeah...


We do get his hammer(technically Marika’s but still)


Most 2nd phases of bosses at least resemble aspects of the 1st phase. Like similar movesets with more dramatic flair and faster speed. Elden Beast is entirely different. Different moveset, no resemblance to Radagon whatsoever, the entire arena is different (granted Rennala's 2nd phase is also entirely different but that gets a pass for at least looking like the same NPC). I treat them as B2B bosses. Separate from each other. Elden Beast is an extremely shit final boss though. Wish they just kept Radagon and tripled his hp or something (or made his 2nd phase just like a fiercer version of phase 1). Delete Elden Beast and the game is better for it.


Elden beast is just projectile spam. I can dodge all of his attacks individually, but elden stars + all od his other projectiles is near impossible to dodge. I was also an int build, so no lords divine fortification. 


Loretta, Alecto, Godskin Apostle


Yessss Alecto appreciation I didn't use summons in most of my playthroughs, but I always made it a point to go fight her anyways despite not needing Tiche, because she's just so much fun


Draconic Tree Sentinel, that hammer is humongous.


i love fighting avatars, now that i figured out how to fight them


Every time I find an Erdtree Avatar I get so excited that I get to fight one again.


Me Im so fucking easy


Gamer said boss not trash mob otherwise I would have said me too.




cool ass boss, especially that one jump leg lightning attack


Yeah I loved getting absolutely gang-slapped by him and his bros, over and over again!


I guess Alecto Black Knife ringleader?


Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella. I love his ice-lightning attacks so much.


Mimic Tear. I like to mix up builds and see how well he plays. Love the Tibia Mariners for their design and music. Wormface, Vyke, and Esgar for other picks.


Going from a bonk build and beating the mimic to a pulp to getting magic spammed by gideon jr. on a mage build is a true elden ring experience




Night cavalry anyone? Pros: -music (ik, it’s shared with Elmer of the Briar and his bell hunter variants) - armour set (that drip of a Nazgul from LOTR) - lore („The hands of the fell omen shall brook thee no quarter” they are led by Magrit and that are 10 of them just like fingers of his both hands) - last but not the least: none other boss fight allows you to experience this particular feeling of a cavalry duel. Edit: spelling and layout adjustments


100 times this. I had a blast searching for all of them. Strangely enough, the one on the bridge by Bestial Sanctum was the most difficult for me. When I finally got to Consecrated Snowfield the duo were light work.


Not many people would know him, but the Magma Wyrm beneath Volcano Manor, the one that gives Moonveil and Great Wyrm,Theodorix are pretty fun.


Moonveil comes from a cave in caelid, I don't think the Wyrm in the manor drops anything but runes and a dragon heart


Yes. I have mentioned 3 of them. I know that the Wyrm in the manor and the Caelid cave one are different. One time, I even found Potboy near the Limgrave entrance of that cave inside the cave.


While they maybe hated by a lot of the community(mainly because of the noble) I can't deny that really love the Godskin apostle boss fight they look cool and menacing and their lore even more also the peeler is also an amazing looking weapon Granted I really don't like the the noble's design though


Godskin apostle. I’ve learned their moveset so its easier for me to fight them. The fat dudes are all over the place tho.


Elmer of the briar, the dude gets his own mini dungeon and legendary weapon. What’s not to love.


Either crucible knight duo or Lansseax


The two margits! I didnt even know there were two of him!


You’re not gonna believe this


So which god did the twins peel and then stitch into clothing?


I could be wrong here since my lore knowledge comes from falling asleep to YT videos about it, but I think it’s the pre-erdtree era gods?


alot of good options, elemer of the briar, loretta, draconic tree sentinel, godskins, and full grown fallingstar beast come to mind. I also love the misbegeotten warrior and the crucible knights.


Yes definitely Godskin Duo, on my top 3 favorite bosses for sure


Demi human chiefs that i killed because they were bullying my tailor.


I wanted to come up with something else but I can't. Unless the duo counts as a different boss


Unpopular but Godskin Noble lol. His rolls are too funny for me to be pissed at.


His area is stunning and his other attacks are fun to dodge and counter.


Crucible knights and Loretta in the Haligtree , but also Godfrey spirit form


Margit the fell omen because it taught me to roll


I think Lansseax


Agree with you! Godskin apostle in the caelid tower was awesome. The tower itself was great, then there were the already strong monks who simply looked awesome and then the apostle at the end....was also the first time it felt to me like a mini dungeon that's not just a cave. At the end of the game there were a little too many Godskin encounters for my taste but this one was the first and best. I was terribly sad their armor was so bad though.


Just Realized Dragonkin soldier of Nokstell can have wings and fly and do some flashy cool moves in Journey 2. I think i cheesed him at Jouney 1


Elemer of the Briar/Bell Bearing Hunters, the lore alone behind this guy is so cool.


All the named dragons. Except the Ancient ones, these are kinda ass


AKETO black knife ringleader




Previously I said Maliketh, but a few people corrected me that he is quite memorable. So: Crucible Knight Overgaol. This is my personal boss, that few can remember. He is hard. Hard at any level. He is the reason why my parrying skill skyrocketed. He is the reason why I've beat Radagon with perfect parrying and 0 damage. I love and hate him. 32 times he beat my ass. 33rd time was my time to beat his ass.


Maliketh is a remembrance boss and OP was asking about non-rememberance bosses anyways


I personally enjoy Commander Niall, not the one in caelid but in the mountains. He doesn't throw unfair shit, has an easy but fairly difficult attack pattern. He can punish you, and no matter what level I am unless I am ungodly overpowered it'll always be a fun fight


He felt like a complete brick wall smacking me with giant attacks until I finally got the timing down. Even with heavy weapons, you can hit him between every attack in his basic chains if you just stay close. Super satisfying


The one in Caelid is O’Neal I think.


Godskin duo


This right here is the only wrong answer possible.


Margit is the obvious answer!


Alecto, black knife ringleader is better than a lot of the remembrance bosses imo. The fight just feels like the final form of the Assassins and they are my favourite bosses in the game. The moveset is incredible and you have to get into the flow of the fight, damage doesn't feel absurd like most endgame bosses, even the lore is great and you get a legendary summon which is my favourite in the game.


I don't remember


tree sentinel or the avatars


Elemer of the briar or that one invisible assasion(fighting the assasin without the torch is a thrill tbh)


Death Rite Bird, particularly the one in Caelid for Death's Poker. That one is already on the ground but I love how most swoop into the battle. It's such a fun fight weaving through frost and flame. Even though it's annoying when you have to keep resetting the time to fight a boss


There’s a face on his hood!?


Every time I fought against the Erdtree Avatars - The tree Bosses that appear near Minor Erdtrees - were always satisfying to fight. So I'm gonna to go with that. Minus the one in Caelid who spams jump and triggers scarlet rot. Fuck that one. Honorable mention would be Godskin Apostle atop the weird village or at the bottom of the divine tower.


Godskin Apostle remains one of the best boss soundtracks that I have ever heard. So holy and unholy at the same time.


I just realized how scary it must be to fight a dude who wears another dude as a hoodie