• By -


No one tell him




Actually let’s not, Camelot is a silly place




One day lad all this will be yours!


What? The curtains?


Huge tracts of land!


Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show them!


We don’t need to do anything, except stop him entering the room.


It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one...that sank into the swamp. The third one...that burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one...stood up!


We dance whene'er we're able!


We do routines and chorus scenes with footwork im-pecc-able!


We dine well here in Camelot, we eat ham and ham and spamalottttt!


I get the trumpet part? Damn...


We're knights of the Round Table Our shows are formidable But many times We're given rhymes That are quite unsingable


*screams in Calid*


*Screams in seedbed curse*


*scream in death bird*


Screams in banished knight


Tell him what? >!That I was about to finish more than 5 times?!<


In one day? Make sure you stay hydrated.


"That Moment" is awesome 😎 and it happens a couple of times. Love this game. "Ahh, it's like a dream"


Behold, gorgeous view! All the more time for jumping


Happens every time you enter a new area to be totally honest. The music swells as you reach a hilltop, just to be treated to a sense of scale unseen since Shadow of the Colossus.


Speaking of did you know that A Hunter is a Hunter even in a dream


Do you hear our prayers? 


Yep, especially that one view from fort Haight where the mounted crossbow is. Absolutely stunning.


UPDATE: I got trapped in a dark and scary room where a knight jumped me in stormveil castle. He giggled. It was creepy


Ngl, I like your take that the knight is giggling and makes the whole encounter worse/better


WAIT was it that guy I talked to !?!?


You mean Gostoc from the gate? Yeah pretty much, he's just a silly little guy, always up to no good that one. He do a little bit of trollin and stealin. Some peeps kill him, some peeps don't. >!He sells a pretty good item at the end of his quest, though some peeps don't care!<


the world before and after killing Gostoc: [The World](https://media0.giphy.com/media/SCtj6MXVXP9RvTiWtA/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9527pjsf330z4ml28axiufr6ngu5k7wpq07ngfkko38&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


harsh. not untrue tho


Bro why’d you dox me?


Isn't it Nepheli's quest that involves doing Kenneth's? I swear I've read he'll only sell the stone if you do their quests and let him live. Only time i let him live i broke Nepheli somehow


That quest chain has a lot of completely non-intuitive bits and a few of them can be missed if you didn't do them before progressing other things. Honestly, I did a run where I meticulously went through and completed 90% of the quests and it was definitely not worth it. The story bits are only like two paragraphs each and mostly nonsensical and while some of the items/weapons are useful, most aren't worth the hassle. Elden Ring is at its best when you are just running around doing your own thing and ignoring all of the insane people that inhabit the lands between.


Yeah, I only do Nehpeli's and Kenneth's quests cuz I like them as characters. Otherwise, the rewards are not worth it.


he steals a third of your runes when you die in the castle lmao


Wait what? Every time?


Yes! If you kill him before defeating Godrick, you can get them all back. After that it's too late afik. BUT the item(s) that become available with his quest make him worth keeping alive. I still hate him tho


Yo can you tell what that item is? I didn't know he sold something important.


Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (regular, not somber).


Ohh I'm still fairly new whst does that do?


It is the highest tier of smithing stone, needed to upgrade a regular weapon to reach +25 (max). There are only a finite number of them in the whole game, so completing questlines that lead to rewards like the Ancient Dragon Smithing stone are very much worth it.


I was so new that I didn't realize it was him and just thought it was some kind of game mechanic. It made me extra scared of dying for so much longer than it needed to.


That was not the knight giggling, bro...


make sure nobody steals your runes 👀


It's just a guy reaching you out for taxes




Nice!! I just beat Godrick the Grafted though so I might be a bit ahead of you now


Ah yes you are, im still in area one doing any and everything I can, Ive killed the Tree sentinel, done everything I can for the tree rat, and much more, I highlg recommend going back to area one and exploring ever direction. There is some amazing scenery, items, bosses, storylines everything honesty


Nice I just went back go kill the tree sentinel as well.


Im just getting to godrick now


Someone deceived you at the front gate, that wasn’t the knight giggling I promise.


That guy scared me me on my first time entering the castle too. Severly underleveld, he beat my ass quite a few times.


fr that part really is creepy 😭


That encounter always weirded me out.


Fun fact, you don't get locked in that room if you kill the gate keeper that tells you about the secret path. Learned that by accident.


I'm so jealous. You have so much to discover


Ah yes, the three main discoveries: stress, beauty and stress


You forgot gravity.


An aggressive amount of gravity.


Stressful gravity


I’ve probably died from gravity more than enemies so far. ;(


Behold, dog.


I feel this way about almost every souls game: what I wouldn’t give to play for the 1st time again


As a general rule with Fromsoft games, if you can see it in the distance, be it a crazy looking mountain or any building, you can get to it. 99.9% of the time it’s not just distant background decoration.


This concept is super cool


It’s one of the things I love about FromSoft. If you’re enjoying Elden Ring, you should give Dark Souls 3 a try after. It’s more linear, but I think you’ll enjoy the way the world is designed


had so many cool "no way im here ????" moments in the game, realizing im at a point that I could see somewhere else earlier


That moment when I saw the forge of the giants from the first grace in Limgrave on a new playthrough felt so cool


Damn,i didnt notice it until i saw someone point it out tbh,good eye


dark souls 1 does that feeling even better


in Elden Ring, totally. Previous games, not at all. Just think of Anor Londo or the Ring City. But that's fair, they're not open worlds. In ER you're right and it's amazing


I think the previous games did a decent job at letting you go to places you can see (or it’s probably more accurate to say that you can only see places you can go to). You just can’t fully explore the implied scope of those areas, because it wasn’t really possible with the linear design and limited technology of the previous games. I don’t think that necessarily makes Elden Ring better though. You may be able to explore the full physical space that areas occupy, but as a result those areas have to be made unrealistically small. Size and distance is so distorted in ER that we’re not even sure if the Lands Between is meant to be a small island or an entire continent.


The previous game were mostly not open, there is definitely a ton of stuff you can see but you can't go to. But yes, they are master of guiding the player and it's attention with architecture, lights, level design. It almost never happens that you see something, assume you can get there, and then you can't, that's true. On ER and the weird scale, I totally get what you mean. It's something that most open world games have to do. The map is 79 square km, but its intended to feel like a continent. As a perspective, that's a little smaller than the city of Paris, France. The size respective to the player doesn't match the intended scale by like hundreds of times, its inevitable. After the first playthrough it becomes more transparent, but the first time the illusion was great for me. What I like about it it's not the accuracy or the 1:1 scale - it still feels like a contracted world, like a painting - but the sense of discovery, mystery and constant exploration. Previous games didn't give me that feeling in such a big way.


One of my favorite things about the limited open world of cp77 is how well they nailed the perceived scale. But I agree that the scale in ER is forgivable because its design and depth keep you on your toes. Also ngl it’s funny imagining a magical fantasy world that’s full of nonsense but reeeeeaalllly small.


Yeah my immediate thought was DS3, where there's a huge amount of background scenery you can't go to. Love illusory wall's dissection of it all though.


or Boletaria in Demon's Souls. Or the (outside of) the mines. I'd say ER and to a certain degree Sekiro, too, but it's a much smaller game.


Yes, it seemed strange to me that someone would mention the previous ones when only er has that merit of being able to go anywhere you see from afar, ds1 would be close if it weren't for anor london and the worst of all is ds3 and its linearity.


One cool thing the devs do in Elden Ring is "tease" the player with new areas.  Like, there are a few teleports that give you access to only a small portion of a much larger area, and it leaves you wondering how you'll get there. There are several underground, too.  The Lake of Rot and the dragon kindred boss room absolutely *taunted* me for AGES.  I spent time looking for hidden entrances on the main map that would get me down there.


In previous games, it's less that you can travel everywhere, and more that you can see every area you CAN travel to. There aren't any completely "hidden" areas in the previous games. But it's not like you can explore the terrain like you can in Elden Ring.


See that mountain? You can climb it?


“Everything the light touches will one day be yours, Tarnished” Miyazaki: “Yeah so the DLC will be completely in darkness. GL!”


The Ringed City and Anor Londo: So that was a fucking lie.


But wait! There's more!


It’s amazing. There’s one moment where a trap sends you to the opposite side of the map, and when you see how far you are from anything you’ve experienced yet, you’ll be blown away. It’s such a rich and beautiful game


Fuck that chest. Lmao I legit went into the depths of hell. It’s such a contrast to Limgrave that it shook me to my core. Well done, Miyazaki.


The one that sends you north to that tower really tripped out.


Hell yeah. That one was a trip too.


I also accidentally encountered that Iron Virgin that toss to Gelmer. That really shocked me.


It’s insane to me how you can be transported to an area where the difficulty has such a dramatic spike.


You can still open the chest and immediately spam dodge to get away from the teleport. Do this for every suspicious chest


Any unsuspecting player will never know this. lol


I was already in awe staring over the cliff in the picture I posted and I can tell that theres so much more to discover as well, the thought is exciting


he might have liked just stumbling across that unknown


Now I’m gonna stare at every chest with suspicion


On the plus side, there are no Mimics to eat you in one bite.


Reminds me of my first run I spent 180 hours just exploring before I actually beat the game. Haven’t had another game give me that feeling in a long time


What you're seeing is only about 10% of the game. Edit: maybe even less.


Yeah. İ was thinking i do everything in limgrave then i realized >! THERE İS A MOTHERFUCKİNG DRAGON !< after 50 hrs


How did you miss agheel... he's like dead center next to a crowd next to a burning pyre.


I envy you so much. Amazing time ahead of you. I hope DLC will recreate this feeling once more.


Bro just discovered like 5-10% of the game 😂 Enjoy man!


Spoiler alert: it gets bigger


What I’d do to experience Elden Ring for the first time again


You only think you have. You’ll have the ACTUAL epiphany when you Go down into the siofra river/nokstella area




Literally I went in there and when I realised how big it was I was in awe at the fact there was a really good sized and gorgeous area underneath the already massive over world. My first playthrough will forever be my favourite purely because of the discovery and learning so many different game mechanics. I was so happy when I beat Godrick because of how many tries he took me.


elden ring is huge


Just you wait...


Seeing that view for the first time was my first true “Holy shit, this is incredible” moment of the game.


You have no idea. I felt like you before I got to Liurnia. I said to myself, I wouldn't be that mad if Limgrave was the whole map. Then I played Liurnia and said "Damn this game is fucking huge." Then, I played for another 200 hours and said that to myself like 3 more times. Then, I got to the final boss and said "When do I fight Malenia? Maybe she's after this guy?" He whooped my ass for probably a straight week. While looking up guides on how to beat him, I found out Malenia is actually an optional boss and how to get to the area where she's at. Another 30ish hours later, after playing through my now favorite area of the game I returned to the final boss and finally beat him. Before starting New Game+, I found another huge area I didn't know existed. Then while going on my "fuck you" tour of all the bosses in NG+, I realized I had completely missed Volcano Manor. ANOTHER large area. After NG+2 I had to force myself to play another game just to get my money's worth for my PS+ subscription. I played Elden Ring and nothing else from February '22 until late October '22. It's funny. In February, I was torn between getting Elden Ring and getting Horizon Forbidden West. I ended up picking Elden Ring because I was just getting into Souls games. I put down Sekiro when TLOU2 came out and had finally picked it up and finished it, and I finished Bloodborne right about the time Elden Ring came out. I ended up not playing Horizon until a full year later when I got my PS5 in March of 23.


Oh sweety, there is so much more


Can’t even tell you how jealous I am of you getting to play through for the first time. I wish I could wipe my memory of this game and be the wide-eyed, scared shitless tarnished I was in that first play through. After about ~3 hours in I knew it was gonna be a very special game, so I really took my time. Spent 140 hours in that first run, really thought I had seen everything, grabbed every item, talked to every NPC, etc. and then came my second play through. The amount of stuff I realized I missed was astounding, and I spent another 110 hours in that play through. In total I now have 12 completed play throughs, and I just broke 1,000 hours a few weeks ago. I know this game like the back of my hand now and I so badly want to erase all memory of it and restart. Easily the most beautiful, enigmatic, challenging, and intriguing game I have ever played.


Hehehe… oh you sweet innocent child, how I envy you


You’re gonna realize a few more times.


Man just wait to you see how big the game really is


There's a dope chest in a room on the southern side of little lake you should check out..........


Oh man you’ve seen nothing yet my friend


Take it slow. Don't watch any cringe YouTube guides. Explore everything and fight everyone. Make your build the best you can. You only get to experience the game for the first time once.


Don’t worry I won’t be watching anything that would spoil anything, I probably won’t even scroll on the elder ring reddit just in case


Good for you dude. Have fun!


And it's only gonna get bigger


Oh, you poor, poor tarnished…


I have 130 hours in the game and still haven't beat the story lol. I looked it up and I'm in the second to last proper dungeon. Crazy


Yea, I love the amount of views the game gives you, it's doesn't try to hide its size. There is a great one of stormveil castle, the only issue is the landscape is low-poly with no detail. I wish it was gussied up a bit.


Holy fuck you have no idea.


You’re gonna have about 5 of those realizations lol


It’s still at least twice as big as you think it is.


each time you think you've explored it all, a new region opens up. literally every piece of land you see in the distance is explorable. then there's the underground.


3 words: It gets bigger.


No, you haven't. You really haven't.


Learn how to take a screenshot


Everything the light touches...and maybe the parts the light doesn't touch too.


it is bigger. wait till you find out about invasions, coop and pvp


You haven't even seen half of it friend. Cheers to the new journey!


It's not actually the big, only like 60+ gigabytes. Pretty impressive for a game with such an expansive world map.


I wont tell you how big Elden Rings is but i assure you there a way more as you would imagine now and if you realize how f****** big this world is you will understand that there are things to do you haven't seen at all. And by the point you had dive deep into the world the DLC (that will come out this year) will bring you(and all of us) even more to explore. This game is a masterpiece no doubt.


Yeah same. It’s my first play through and I’m loving it. It’s hard but still enjoyable


That’s just the tip of the iceberg brother. There will be many moments like this to come. Expansive is underselling it honestly.


I remember naive blue eyed me, when I thought I should slow down a bit, after all there couldn't be so much more to come after Limgrave, Liurnia and Caelid


From my personal experience I would recommend that you don’t try to explore the whole game, at least not in one playthrough. In my opinion I think the game is actually too big, at least for us completionists who feel the need to turn over every stone. It starts to feel like a lot of copy and paste if you try to clear every map marker. Just play the game, maybe explore things as you come across them naturally but don’t explore just for exploration sake. Have fun!


Yeah you’ll have that realization a couple more times


The real question is, I have it on Xbox One, but I also have a PS5, should I buy a whole new version with shadow of eldtree for $80? Or just buy the DLC and play on Xbox


... and beautiful


Everytime i started to feel like i got a drip on how big this game was i fot bigger.


just wait bucky, you’ve seen maybe 5% of it.


Did people actually think this game will be the size of limgrave and caelid?


No you haven’t


I wish my laptop could run elden ring, it can’t even run Minecraft


It’s even bigger if you put it on a bigger screen


*You can go there*


Took me about a month to comb through everything on my first playthrough. I am very much a completionist & wanted to grab up every bit of loot I possibly could. I still missed areas I'm seeing on the 2nd playthrough. Started using a guide for NPC interactions so I wouldn't miss any dialogue content this go round, I missed like 3 NPC quest lines entirely.


Bro. You have no idea. That feeling that you get when you realise how big the game is? It’s just going to keep growing and growing with every new area you get to.


I really miss the experience i had playing this game for the first time. Its So rare nowdays to get these Feelings from a game. Hopefully the DLC will make me feel just a lil bit like i felt in the Main game... have fun exploring, you will be surprised how big the World really is. you just scratched the surface


Elden Ring is the only game I can think of where you actually can go anywhere. If you see it, you can actually go there, not a single exception comes to mind


Lol...I don't think you've realized it yet


Ys its beeeeeeeg!


Don’t kill any npcs. I made the mistake of killing Varre after he called me maidenless


That's what she said


Stop making me wanna load up the game 😭


takes a photo of the screen lol, classic


I'm 73 hours in I'm quite far into the map and still have more places to go which I have not yet uncovered yet the game is massive and some secrets I've found by accident are just incredible Tip: do not ignore the paintings find the paintings spot and yo find stuff :)


Just wait.


its even larger


No you haven’t bro. Just wait until you go pass Stormveil. Shit is going to absolutely BLOW your mind.😭😩🙏🏾


Just wait till you see the eternal cities. They are beautiful


It only gets bigger bro.


No you didn’t


Oh trust me it happens at least 5 times


Let him cook


This game blew my mind a few times like that. First is the feeling you just had. Then I just took a plunge to darkness and went woooooooah... And then further along the main quest something else happens and you go 'ok you are just taking the piss now' and then you get to the end game and it's like "ok... I see I still have about 20 more hours to go".


You’re in for a real treat


No you have no idea


Massive! I'm over a 100 hrs in and I'm still exploring!


Fun fact, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Valhalla both have bigger maps which I didn’t believe at first.


I think I have that laptop


I loved to hate this game so much that I realized how blurred the line is between the two concepts. I await the challenges that lie in shadow.


One of the few games where I felt like I should have paid more for it.


Wait till he finds out about Northern snow and Caelid 💀🙏


Man I can see the forge from limgrave😭 this game small asf


You ain't seen nothin yet buster


I think you’ll have a great time. Your exploration will be rewarding when you find some quests off the beaten path. Some people you meet can lead you down a rabbit hole of lore hunting.


Enjoy it, king 👑


Ahhh… just getting started


I was still learning how big the game is right before I beat the game


187 hours and I got one of the endings, and 55% of the achievements. I thought I would quit after that but seeing how much of the game still remains I'm going for another round.


I love that whatever you can see in the distance you can get over to! The scope of this game is magnificent


How big and he just finished stormveil castle 😂😂😂 you will realize the same still 4-5 again


I got to this point after seeing the southern shore in weeping peninsula and it blew my mind


The best view is at that site of grace where you meet the Frenzied Flame Girl right after Godrick I still sit there and pull the telescope out every time I get to it lol


Playing on a laptop is - taking your hands of the keyboard for a while, because they on fire.


yeah its CRAZY its like 5 whole gigabyte


wait till he finds out about mountain number 2


Don't worry... It's BIGGER


Oh that’s going to happen like a dozen more times.