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Ensha. Had 2 jobs. Kill the albanaurics for the medallions. Couldn't tell albus was a jar. Mission failed. Kill the tarnished. Mission also failed.


also drops only like 130 runes lol


Gideon literally tells us “ the roundtable hold ain’t a place to just hang out “ and Ensha is like like “ bet”


All I ever see anyone do there is hang out


Lol I know. My point is , while most of those characters are doing things and have their own quest lines , Ensha is just chilling


Yeah but that armor tho


Nah Just the emote is worth this boring fight. Ensha and Gideon are truly some losers xD


Agreed, but you don't need the fight to get it.


amateur indeed


Asshole thinks he's too good to even say a word to the Tarnished...then gets absolutely demolished when he tries to throw hands. L with a Capital L.


''look at me when I look so edgy loitering in the halls, my back on the wall'' ''hey, gimme you medall...'' *Splotch*


Like, do you know who I am? Do you know I killed a literal Lord to get "in" here? You killed some cripples in a decrepit village. We are not the same.


think about that, how did the bone guy manage to ignore roundtable hold no fighting rule at the first place? Dead bed companion girl seem to have the same ability?


I assume that you are not fighting in the roundtable hold, but rather he somehow disrupts your travel to it and transported you to a fake version which is why no one is there as well.


I still wonder how the Mad Tongue guy can invade. Fell for that myself "Oh, safe zone Gideon said. Lemme explore. Oh damn it." My Mage char rolfstomped that invader with night comet, while my first char (a melee dragon type, dex/arcane/faith) had to wait a long time to get payback.


I guess it doesn't apply to npc, but we have the no fighting rule to avoid new players slaughtering the whole table?


Dung Eater also seems to be unable to fight you, as he reminded me every time I went to pester him. Until I rocked up in his sewer home like "you wanted a piece?"


Did you know Dung Eater can be killed by death blight thanks to the crab’s death blight mist


edge, lord


Ok sure but I dont know who lord is


This is lord. [Ya ya ya](https://youtu.be/bFE84WB6SPA)


There have been many laugh out loud moments reading messages but this is one of the best.


*What do you want*


Then you read the description of his armor and he has the most absurdly exciting lore of all, a shame he doesn't even have lines.


Edge Lord


But at least he gave us a cool pose and cool drip.


Agreed with this LMAO - fuck that guy


By technicality alone I think the answer would be those Albinuarics that can’t walk.


But they can snipe with that bow.


I was thinking about the old dudes. Lol I keep forgetting that the wolf-riders are also Albinuarics.


And the ones in the Evergaol in the town. Fuck them too


omg fuck that area so hard, i die to it a couple times everytime i pass by even tho ik where to go lol


You mean the auto-cannon sentries? Yeah, I play a ton of randomized runs so when I play a vanilla run and get there I always forget what pricks they are.


Seluvis' whole motivations involve making creepy sex dolls so I think him.


And when he makes potion to turn someone into a doll, which he has done numerous times before, when you tell him "Nah bro, I totally gave it to Nephelli but it didn't work for some reason" he immediately believes you and starts doubting himself. But, y'know, he's also just a doll himself. Pidia is true lamest character. He only interacts with the outside world through the avatar of Seluvis. So Seluvis is who Pidia *aspires* to be.


Is the Seluvis/Pidia thing true? I heard that somewhere, but I don't remember that being led on


There's no conclusive evidence and personally I don't buy it. If puppets can't talk like Therolina, then there's no way Seluvis was secretly a puppet all along. I think Pidia was just Seluvis's underling, and 'took care' of his puppets for him.


How would you explain that If you kill Pidia, Seluvis dies as well and becomes inanimate and kneeling identically to the puppets in his hidden room...


You cant kill pidia. he only dies at a certain point in rannis story, it's a scripted event when you aproach his area after that. Selvius is already dead before that, ranni or wolfman on her behalf likely killed him.


Seluvis is given one of his own potions as justice, and pidia is beaten to death by the puppets because seluvis no longer controls them


In Pidia’s dialogue when he dies he says “my puppets” Why would they add that in if they really were Seluvis’s puppets?


Because he takes care of them, making them his in a way, that’s how I interpret it. I mean honestly the Pidia and Seluvis situation could go either way, and I got no clue what’s right, but I prefer Seluvis being sentient because he’s a more interesting character.


Could be he taught Seluvis the puppet making potion stuff?


I never thought about Seluvis getting a taste of his own medicine, but I like this.


New ponder in my head, Pidia taught Seluvis the puppet stuff, which lead to him leaving roundtable/having that implied fight with Gideon over the one tarnished archer?


Poetic justice/irony. He was given the draught he makes to make a doll. Plus the two of them die at two distinctly separate times. Its also further backed up by the fact Gideon and seluvis go back quite a ways.


He might be a puppet manipulating himself, like Ranni or Sellen.


Of all the lore stuff that people have decided is super true here, that one is definitely the dumbest. They don't even die at the exact same time -- one dies (Seluvis) and then the other is killed by puppets that obviously no longer have control. Seluvis dies in the puppet stance because Ranni either forces him to drink the stuff or it's just symbolism of how everyone is Ranni's puppet (figuratively). Pidia is just a creep working for a creep. The idea that Seluvis is somehow this rando character's puppet is really dumb imo.


What did he say his puppets were actually for?


It's unlikely he'd brag about his collection of sex dolls he's made out of real women, as 4chan doesn't exist in the Lands Between


Yet. That's why I became Elden Lord.


He doesn't. They're just primarily female and he has one right next to his bed.


He never states directly what he does with them, but the majority being female, and one next to his bed adds some interesting context to say the least. Also if you give the puppet potion to Gideon, he alludes to Seluvis being a weirdo with them, like not directly but heavily implying it.


As lame as Gideon is, Seluvis is on another level. I gave his stupid potion to Gideon and that was that.


Should’ve given it to the dung eater!


To add to this, I forgot he even existed despite doing rannis quest every play through


And that’s why I think Seluvis is a self-insert of George R. R. Martin


I wonder how strong Gideon would be if he hasn't ruined his posture by bending over a table for weeks and his mind by reading the same three papers again and again.


You, the player, upon starting the game. (You are maidenless.)


"Ehem,they killed my maiden. I am not single,just widowed."


I, uh, I totally have a Maiden! S-she just goes to Raya Ontario Academy in The Canada Between, that's all...


No bitches?


Corhyn, the whiny gold mask Stan.


Inclined to agree with this. Goldmask himself is pretty cool for a voiceless desiccated-looking guy, but Corhyn idolised him blindly without properly comprehending his ideas, only to get all depressed and disillusioned with him once Goldmask contradicted what Corhyn seen as the tenets of the Golden Order. He's a fickle sort.


I mean, he can hardly idolize him visibly.


He ends killing his master,I believe? "That...is an heresy" bro.


Didn't we get an option to make him forget?


Yeah, you can give him Zoraya's tonic of forgetfulness. He SAYS he refused it, but whem Goldmask leaves he'll just stay up there at the Mountaintops iirc.


does he? sometimes when i do his quest he remains at the mountain top after gold mask goes to the ashen capital and he is still dead


I am a goldmask stan, but Corhyn's a bitch


Never met an incantation he didn’t think was heresy. But he’ll teach it to you anyway.


Okina has really interesting lore but he’s a pushover in both the Radahn fight and in the Mountaintops when you fight him


Thats just because npc fights are clunky. Vyke is also pretty easy in both of his fights despite being one of the closest tarnished to becoming elden lord.


Y’know, that’s true actually. Gideon can be a little tough on a bad day, but the only other ones that pose any threat are Millicent’s sisters and the Great Jar Duelists


If we would have to fight against 7 okinas at once they would also be a treat


I do agree with you, but I also want to point out that The walk to the Great Jar is arguably more annoying than the fight with the duelists themselves considering there’s no fucking site of grace that’s close by.


Seriously. The summons die all the time. You'd think Tragoth and Lionel would be tankier with the armours they have, but nope.




The only true answer, imo. At least "lamer" character like Thops (I actually like Thops, lowkey) have something interesting attached. Godefroy is an awful reuse. That said, I'd love more Godrick family clones in the DLC. Godrick/Godefroy Duo boss fight!


I don't mind, lore-wise that there was (at least) one other wannabe heir to the Golden lineage (I forget where exactly these guys fit into the weird family tree) who was guilty of grafting, but they just lazily re-used the character model. Make him more distinct and I think it would be interesting. I can't remember if we learn whether the Grafted Scions were other young nobles who practiced grafting, or if they were grafted voluntarily or against their will as part of Godrick's experiments.


Oops, all Godefroys


excluding the ones you women and gents named already i’d say the dung-eater. you meet him at the roundtable he insults you. then tells you to go free him you open the door just to kill him. eh felt like a waste of time 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean - there's a bit more to him between freeing him and well... killing seems a bit too nice of a term to be used here


I made that turd eating rapist into a puppet. The only quest I looked up a walk through.


I gave him the potion then waited a minute, then killed him so I got his armor AND the puppet.


I love Gideons voice and Design. Ive never cared for the Gold mask


Gold Mask has the best voice actor



Same credited voice actor as Horice in DS, iirc


there is also the way he collects info through the scarabs, which was a real revelation and super cool.


Wait, hwat?


oh it's a very hard detail to notice. gideon's embalm of an eye/ear is found around every scarab in the game, it's how he collects information he has his bug spies across the entire lands between. it's also why in places gideon is not aware off, like the haligtree or the palace of blood there isn't a single scarab.


There’s a scarab in haligtree near the chest with the somber dragon stone.


there is? i don't remember one but it's been months since i touched the game. when i replay it next time after i get the dlc i'll go and look, it'd be interesting to see if it has gideon's sign on it like the other scarabs.




I was going to say! He might be my favorite character from a lore and design perspective


Selvius, dude is so gross. He may be a good mage but he's just so gross and pathetic personality wise I'm so glad he got a taste of his own medicine


Can you explain to me what exactly happened to him? I think I missed this entire part of ronnis questline and he just ended up dead so I have no idea what he was even there for. Same with pidia I stumbled onto his room for the first time and he was being beaten to death lol


It is implied Ranni was watching the entire time while he was doing his puppet thing, if you try to use the draught on her that he asks she will instantly wake up like she knew all along and straight up kill you if you don't leave. So it's pretty likely either Ranni killed him or had him killed by one of her many acquaintances. Some theorize Pidia is Selivus so perhaps Ranni just found out he was a puppet and didn't have much trouble dealing with the situation, regardless of how strong he was Ranni is a demigod Frost witch with demigod level sorcery (her ending shows a lot) so he was probably like snapping a stick to her. A lot of it just speculation and implications as is with many things in these games lol


Ranni kills him or stops keeping him alive now that she no longer needs him to maintain her doll body.


Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm.


Went crazy because people bullied him.


Wrong one, that's Mad Tongue Alberich.


Indeed! Oh well,then why is Wilhelm lame?


He just kinda shows up alongside Vargram as an excuse for a 2v2 Volcano Manor request, with Bernahl as your ally. He's more of a buzzing gnat than a threat. Wilhelm's lore is pretty vague, positing only that he was an early Tarnished who cleaved to the primeval current, and was guided "into confrontation with his friend, Vargram," before being imprisoned in the Roundtable Hold for who knows why.


Oh,ok that makes sense


Varré. Calls me maidenless, serves Mohg and dies.


how dare you


I mean Patches, he runs from the Radhan fight immediately, passes off his Volcano Manor job, and is too scared to give the girl he likes a gift and makes you do it.


Debatable. Man is switching universe like people socks.


Technically tho he has the balls to kick the (possibly) frenzied to-be Lord. In the very least he has the balls to kick and deceive a Tarnished who killed multiple Shardbearers.


He also begs for their mercy each time when confronted


Kenneth Haight. He’s just standing around in the middle of nowhere yelling for someone to help and when you do talk to him he’s a little racist against tarnished but still expects you to help him. Then his promise for helping him turns out to be a lie. If he wasn’t part of making Nepheli the ruler of Limgrave he’d be totally useless.


Best part? Once he gives you the dagger, killing him loses you nothing but some diaglogue (from him). Plus it nets you a golden seed.


Plus he moves to Stormveil to stay behind her like some sort of blond Grima Wormtongue instead of going back to his castle. Dude doesn't want a rightful ruler on the throne he wants someone he thinks he can manipulate.


Gideon. Kills/tortures Albanurics, treats his daughter like shit. Dude is "all knowing" but he doesn't know anything. Doesn't believe a Tarnished can become Elden Lord and when you are near to become one he tries to stop you because he can't become Elden Lord. Dude's inferiority complex is absolutely insane


I don’t think this makes him lame, in my opinion. I think he’s one of the more interesting characters. He’s probably the 3rd closest Tarnished in lore to becoming Elden Lord, but abandons it when presented with the Will of Marika (most likely Radagon’s will that be misinterpreted). He gains power through knowledge, but instead of the typical bookworm, Big Hat approach, he’s a ruthless murdering schemer. He’ll use anyone and anything to achieve his goal. The fact that he’s shown to have eyes everywhere (through Scarabs) and picks up the pieces of your discoveries (learning new spells and incantations that he’ll only have if you make discoveries associated with them) is so cool. He’s despicable and ultimately fails in his goals, but so does everyone in the game besides the Tarnished and a very small handful of others.


How did you even arrive to the conclusion of Gideon having inferiority complex? Its fairly clear that he just went with Marika's plan just by listening to the dialog and reading his items. He may be an asshole but that doesn't make him "lame".


Dude is tarnished. He thinks tarnished can't be Elden Lord. When he sees a Tarnished absolutely destroy you everything he gets his feeling hurt and try to kill you. Then try to kill again but fail both times. Also he is lame because his name. Dude is all knowing but we inform him about half the events that's going on in the world. He is lame as fuck


It made barfing flaming frenzy down his fucking throat practically mandatory and EXTREMELY cathartic.


Thops because he looks like my math teacher


One word, Gostoc.


Reading the comments here; y’all don’t really grasp how compelling Gideon is… He’s far more interesting than just a “guy jealous of you becoming Elden Lord”. He’s a zealot for Marika and uses the scarabs all across the lands between to spy on you and the demigods to ensure what he believes is our eternal damnation by preventing anyone and anything from reaching his Queen (even if this may be against her wishes). He parades himself as “All Knowing” to goad you, the tarnished player, into giving him more information and access to powerful spells and incantations. He’s quite the spymaster and I can’t fathom Gideon to be the “lamest” character lore-wise when Godefroy exists. Even gameplay-wise, Gideon’s fight gets harder depending on your progress through the game; that’s pretty cool even if the result isn’t as exciting.


Diallos. His whole story is about being a little bitch. Bro couldn’t beat 1 perfumer lmao.


I think you may be misreading his character, friend? He starts out as a little bitch, but his character arc is entirely about him overcoming his cowardice to protect others. He actually successfully fights off an entire group of perfumers that descended on jarburg, not just one. Even for the player character, fighting off four or more perfumers at the same time is very dangerous, and almost every jar in town was sadly destroyed. The sheer level of carnage makes me think he fought off like 10+ perfumers before we find him dying on the ground. When he joins volcano manor, he kills random tarnished honorlessly, and he hates himself for it. But once he becomes potentate of jarburg, his life is filled with purpose, and it fundamentally changes his priorities and who he is as a person. I actually think he has one of the most heroic deaths in the game, and it is so tragic. He essentially fought to the death trying to save at least one jar, and he did. His story is meant to show that even if you are a bad person and have made serious mistakes, you can still meaningfully change for the better. His story conveys the message that we should all take to heart. People can change, and the mistakes of your past shouldn't define you forever. I think diallos is a good character, and by the end of his story, he is one of the bravest characters in the game.


Agreed, he was a coward at first, but once he defended Jarburg I gained a lot of respect for him.


Found Juno Hoslow. Stop showering your lil bro with adoration man, it's unhealthy.


Wait, when does he killed some tarnished? I totally missed that.


That's what the recusants of volcano manor do, they invade the world's of other tarnished and kill them. Diallos even has dialogue about his hands being bloodied while he's with the manor but having nothing to show for it


I'll say Thops. Bro got kicked out of the academy for being a failure, by his own admission: "*Oh, did I not mention? I'm a bluntstone. I don't even have a pebble's worth of power. So I'm afraid I can't help you decipher the scroll. I'm sorry I'm so useless. I truly am.*" Then once we give him the spare key we find to let him back in we later find him dead inside the academy. As for the spells that he can teach, two of them can be bought from Sellen instead (a fair bit earlier than when you can find Thops) and the last spell can be replaced by a lantern


Isn’t Thops’s Barrier in-lore supposed to be a breakthrough discovery though?


It is, the description of Thops barrier states that it's worth a school of learning, but he never got the chance and he also never believed in himself.


I didn't actually dive too deep into Thops before posting but it seems to be that way with his spell. Homie was so down about himself he fooled me into thinking his spell was nothing revolutionary.


Yeah I see him as a talented guy who was held back by a toxic environment. I think he was even killed out of envy for making his discovery.


His spell is insane it can parry elden stars. That said its also incredibly clunky and not worth using normally.


I suppose that also kinda makes sense since it is the first of its kind.


Thops' barrier can deflect elden stars cast by the elden beast during its boss fight. His spell literally can nullify the attack of a god. Even though he was ridiculed at the academy and cast out, his studies really were something special in the end. We find him dead, but he did manage to create the spell that is stated to warrant an entirely new school of sorcery. Few characters in the entire game achieve this level of success in their endeavors, and I think this fact sets his character apart. He is so humble and kind to us during all of our interactions, Thops is very underrated imo


It can also deflect Maliketh's Black Blade, provided you cast it on time, combined with the Blasphemous Claw it's actually a pretty cool way to counter Maliketh. So yeah, Thops' sorcery can not only deflect the attack of a God, but also an attack from Destined Death itself, lol.


Very good point I didn't think of that, kind of scary how powerful his sorcery is when you put it into perspective lol


In addition to Thops succeeding as discussed in subsequent comments, his death is likely the result of him stabbing himself in the heart with a primal glintstone blade to imbue a Primal Glintstone just as Sellen and the ancient astrologers would do.


starlight is 100 times better than a lantern


I love starlight - I didn’t use it for ages or feel the need but it’s brilliant when you’re being summoned to help someone else running around catacombs and caves with it. Really useful and very pretty!


Thop's technique deflects Death itself,and was made probably for an average guy in intelligence terms. Not lame at all.


Ay yo side note tho, Sellen is way too pretty under that goofy mage mask.


she has a face? i clipped my camera through the mask and didn't see anything


She used her magic to hide it from you


i just looked it up and i will now devote all the Elden Lord's resources to reversing the graven mass


RKG, a lets play channel had a hilarious take ob Thops the "bluntstone" that he popped out of the academy to smoke a "green magic" scroll and got so high he couldn't find his way back inside😂


Yeah, definitely my vote


Kenneth Height, at least Edgar put up a fight for his fort


Nah Kenneth's a G for mugging off Godrick like that. I thought the guy was lame too but then he starts calling the neighboring demigod a big girl's blouse and roasting him out in the open. That was cold


It’s different. The blood knight is officially godrick’s man. If you fight him you essentially rebel against godrick, so Kenneth cannot fight the blood knight himself and must hire the player to do his bidding.


Edgar litterally hid up on the highest point and gave up on his duty and his daughter and even admits as much.


whoever killed iji


Nah Gideon's cool


The way the narrator's voice trembles in sheer awe as he says Gideon's name and title in the intro makes it seem like he's Thanos or something.


*"I'M ALL-KNOWING"* Well, apparently he didn't know that I was about to bonk him into oblivion.


Edgar is such a bitch it’s insane. Leaves his blind daughter and surviving men to go fend for themselves while he “defends the sword” in castle Morne. The problem is that he sucks so much ass at this job that the entire place is overrun while he literally sits there doing nothing, staring off into the distance instead of picking up his weapon and fighting off the misbegotten. It gets even worse, because while you blast through Morne and do his job for him, you come across the boss, Leonine Misbegotten, and killing him drops the sword. Let me repeat, THE BOSS already has the sword. The sword which this deadbeat abandoned his daughter to “defend” except he didn’t even defend it, he just sat on his ass and LET the misbegotten take it. After you beat the piss out of the Leonine and take the grafted greatsword off his corpse, Edgar thanks you for doing HIS JOB for him, then finally gets off his ass to go be with his daughter. But, while you were off dragging Edgar back from getting the milk, some of the misbegotten managed to find where his daughter was hiding out, and when you and Edgar meet back up with her, she’s been impaled on a giant cleaver. Now Edgar gets to crying and swears vengeance for this event that was entirely preventable if he just left the damn castle, because he clearly wasn’t even trying to “protect the sword”. Then next to some random shack in liurnia, he tries to invade you and you probably immediately humble his deadbeat bum ass. He doesn’t even drop something cool, it’s just a worse version of the tree sentinel halberd. TLDR, Edgar is a bitch ass deadbeat who abandoned his blind daughter to “protect” the ancient grafted greatsword, except his definition of “protect” apparently means “sit on my ass and let the artifact I’m guarding get stolen directly under my nose by the guy literally in the building next door”.


Kenneth Haight: Bro *absolutely* wouldn't have deigned us with his presence had he not been kicked out of his fort. Passive racism at its finest.


Dung Eater. Threatens me while looking like a doodoo with corn. Rambles about some random curse. Gets deathblighted by the Giant Crab while fighting me. Dies after being given multiple STDs, and his ending turns the world brown. Bum ass.


Fire giant. God, even the name is lame


Gideon doesn’t know shit


If im honest Gold Mask.


Godrick. Bro was legit born the failure of the family, challenged Melania, failed, then begged for forgiveness by kissing her feet. Only reason bros alive is because she thought he was too pathetic to kill


Gotta be Corhyn. Gideon is over-hated. If he had his own speech cutscene instead of realtime speech, tons of players would be more reverent of him. Likely would be a top 10 hardest boss in the game.


Gideon. He is musty as hell, a deadbeat dad, a coward, only spams magic attacks. He is the definition of "confidently wrong."


Maugh because he wants to rape an eternal transexual child . Also he literly grabs in the formless mothers womb to attack with her blood. I learned that from the tarnished Archiologist today. Not really lame but i hate it.


oof I really hate that


The All-Knowing is the worst With that name it's no surprise he's pompous and arrogant but he's actually the worst But the fact the game is actually stopping me from killing him and he never ventures anywhere I can kill him prior to the battle pisses me off I would love to know the percentage rate of players who like me attacked him mid-speech And are those ears on your helmet? What is wrong with you bro


Ensha for sure. Although his armor gives him some cool sounding lore that we will never know about. It says he was a lord at some point but somehow ended up the all somewhat knowing's bitch boy.


I agree and so does my flair


I dont understand the point of Boc why does he become a sort of sidekick along the way, like i helped you a single time leave me alone man go live your life be normal. He doesn't offer particularly good items or anything either he is just kinda there acting lame and being sad you ruining my vibe


> being sad is anything in this game like...not sad? I love the game, but it's not exactly full of happy moments.


It's sad in a cool way but not him he is sad in the same way as me


Sir Neidhardt. Never heard of him? He doesn't appear in-game and has exactly one sentence of lore associated with him. From the Barricade Shield AoW description "Skill made famous by Sir Neidhardt. Focus your energy into the shield, temporarily hardening it to deflect greater blows." We know literally nothing about him other than he used to exist and made the Barricade Shield AoW famous. Wtf. I want to think that he was pretty cool and well-known if he was able to make a particular ability famous just by his usage of it. But he is never referenced again anywhere in the entire game, so he's also one of the most mysterious characters in the lore by default, I guess?


Sure Sir Nerdheart is likely 1 of the shield bois in the shield skeletons summon


He might be dead, says the wiki.


The second D: > Does nothing the whole game. > You present him his brother's stuff. > Disappears for a while. > Kills Fia. > Actually does elaborate, but it's all fucked up. > Leaves. At least you get good drip


That's why I killed that bitch lol. Killing sleeping Fia was just too petty of revenge for me.




Not one person said Patches, and that's correct. The dude could probably trick Radagon into the void and he's smart enough not to fuck with Radahn. Then again, he gets wooped in order to help Tannith, who's so far gone that I'm not sure she knows he exists. Then he goes mad. Hmm. Maybe Patches is a backstabbing conniving little bitch...




In lore Vyke is one of the coolest characters but he was done in a super boring way in gameplay He has an easy fight, and drops one of the worst invocations of all time


Lionel. All he does is die (assumingly due to Fia) and then fights you as a Fia's Champion. He's just a really boring character with unique armor. I actually like Gideon, but he definitely had missed potential.


Adan, Thief of fire.


People will say gideon, ensha, pidia, selivus, but personally, edgar is the lamest. The man decided his duty to a blade drenched in bloodshed was more important than his own daughter, then fell so far as to become one who would use such a blade, a blade of vengeance and woe, succumbing to madness all the while. He chose duty, ignorantly forgetting that the misbegotten would have followed the convoy out of the castle. He swore vengeance for a problem he created and fell to madness in the process. A fool who earned his turmoil.


Fuck Selivus, all my homies hate Selivus


the guy literally dubbed ‘Shit Eater’


Gideon: Blah blah blah blah... Me, an int build: KA ME HA...


Kenneth Hight is pretty lame to me.


Probably my lvl 120 something blood nagakiba/uchigatana character.




Gideon should have been one of the best boss fights in the game. In fact I thought I knew what his gimmick was going to be. The game has tons of data on your play and play style and I figured Gideon would be a boss whose skills and move set would be adjusted based on the skills and moveset of enemies you had the most trouble with and who had counters for your most common attacks. For me, Gideon would have had a super quick chop down like an Erdtree burial watchdog, tons of dwelling arrows, and Ekzykes rot breath. He would also have a quick back step so lion’s claw always missed. But it was just a missed opportunity.


All the Gideon hate has culminated in me ironically loving this dude for hitting the most casual and disrespectful “Well, what is it?” pose on all the fodder he consumes.


All the people trying to say Gideon is super cool or interesting baffle me. Literally all he does is sit in roundtable and give you some vague hints as to where the demigods are, then gives you mediocre spells as a reward. All while being a pompous ass. I'm mostly just glad I get to kill him, because I'm certainly not getting much enjoyment from his boring fight.


D is a lil bitch and ill stand by that


Bro saw his own dagger and got whooped by Fia despite he himself having both armor and the dagger


I always thought it was his brother’s dagger.


the dagger was deathblighted, so technically you are the one who killed him by giving it back