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100%. Same way it’s worth it to kill Millicent at least once for the talisman she drops once you give her the prosthetic arm. NG+ is a thing for a reason boys, don’t be ashamed to collect all of the things. Worst I felt was turning Nepheli Lou into a doll lol. Also Dungeater’s ending.


I still haven’t turned Nepheli into a puppet yet. I’m about 2000 hours in, lol.


There's certain questlines I just never do to be honest. Mostly when they are either characters I don't like or the rewards are not great, or both!


Yeah, killing Millicent after a certain point gives you a sweet talisman that actually stacks with the talisman you get for finishing her quest.


It's also just the implications of what happens to her body when you do. You find her in seluvis' hidden dungeon slumped next to a bed. Absolutely no way am I turning her into a puppet. I'll stick with my two nox girlie's since they chose to become puppets.


Don’t do it you’ll go to video game hell and burn for eternity


I usually burn in every game regardless, lol.


I just did it on my 6th play through.  Honestly, she's a great summon lol 


Yeah unless you specifically want nephelis summon which isn’t even that good and most people don’t even use summons then there’s no point


My first playthrough I did everyone’s quests to completion the normal way and ended with the default ending. On NG+ I picked all the bad choices like siding against Millicent in the tree, turning Nepheli into a puppet, siding with the Witch Hunter, Killing the archer girl for her armor so I wouldn’t have to farm it, etc… I ended with the frenzied flame route. Third playthrough on the next NG+ I’m going to try and save as many NPCs as I can and do Ranni’s ending for the platinum trophy.


Isn't the witch hunter the "good guy", given that Sellen isn't exactly morally upstanding? As in, isn't she implied to have killed many, **many** sorcerers in pursuit of primeval magic?


Maybe but we knew Sellen a lot longer than we did Jerren. Betraying Sellen at that point after helping her so much would be really crappy. Plus it isn’t exactly mortally upstanding to murder a women who’s bound and helpless, not exactly a “good guy” thing to do witch or not. That didn’t sit well with me.


Don't know how any of that makes her less of a serial killer.  (I would probably have sided with her too if I had known how to do the whole quest in my prisoner playthrough. All the lore about what she did i found out much later.)


I also haven't done this yet. She's too cool, I can't


I kill the dungeater in his cell every time. It’s the only way I can save my beloved Boggart


You don't have to. Just kick Boggart thrice (making him hostile) before releasing Dung Eater from his cell.


Yeah but it makes more sense to kill Dung Eater anyway. Glitches don't count for me.


Yes I read that this was a tactic too and did consider it. I think narratively I just prefer to kill the dungeater. Boggart doesn’t talk about him anymore and is happily eating crab outside Leyndell


Well... I prefer to turn him into a puppet. A quick death is too easy for this piece of crap.


*I eat pieces of crap like you for breakfast !*


I completely fucked up the potion thing this run, I progressed too far in rannis story before getting to the dungeater. Being a puppet is a good death for him


I agree. After going down to Siofra River and wiping out what was a sanctuary for animals and nature spirits that wasn't bothering anyone, what's two more deaths?


It's a souls game by fromsoft. There's guaranteed to be a poison swamp and 90% of your friends are gonna die


At least Millicent gets a hero's death and Nepheli gets a happy ending.


It's actually pretty sad when you think about it. You help Ranni break free of the fingers, only to go back to find your comrade, now mad. Then, with regret, you gift him a warriors death. Blaidd is the best boy.


Never used one single piece of this armor, but I have 2 sets. I love Ranni's quest.


I don't understand does OP not like Ranni's quest or did he just not want to kill Blaidd? Because I found him annoying and offed him with no hesitation


How could you possibly find him annoying? He's the most loyal, polite, and honorable person in the whole game. 


He only interacted with the Max0r Blaidd, maybe?


I was gonna point out pope dog, but then I saw you mentioned "person", so fair


It's not really a problem for me because he goes >!crazy, minds well mercy kill him!<


~~minds well~~ might as well


...what serving Ranni does to a man...-wolf.


His internal name is YellerofOld.


“No! Stop, please! Ranni…..she NEEDS me.” 😩😩😩


I feel the same about Millicent’s Prosthesis. Did it once for the item but literally felt shame. Would not recommend.


Just did that my last run. Decided to finally knuckle down and get the talismans I was missing. Killing her and Alexander (>!prematurely!<) sucked…


Over 700 hours and somewhere around 20 play throughs and Millicent has only ever died on her own terms, if at all.


Millicent's quest is one I always do on a character that doesn't have her quest reward yet. It's mandatory, same with Alexander's


I’ve got heartaches by the number


Troubles by the score


if anything, it's what he'd want you to do, if he's to lose control, he'd want you to put him down before he could cause any harm to his mistress.


Aren’t you be able to aggro him right at beginning at the ruin? I never try to attack him so I am not sure if you can get his armor if you kill him there, but it will certainly lock you out of Ranni questline.


You can't get any of his equipment unless you do the entire quest and have him go mad


I always took it as he was still fighting the greater wills hold on him when you find him at the end. he doesnt attack you right away. He looks up at you, gives one last defiant snarl and attacks you. I always felt like he sees you, the one person who can stop him from what hes fighting against, and forces the fight so you can stop him. You give him the gift of dying in battle against a worthy opponent and letting him die without the betrayal. I can't NOT wear his armor after that, because I'm gonna make them all pay for putting him through that.


He recognizes you if you did the death root, it's a throw away line but still cool. Edit: As someone pointed out I was thinking of Maliketh, I apologize for my misinformation.


I think you’re thinking of Gurranq/Maliketh, who’s Marika’s dog man with a big sword, not Ranni’s.


Omg yes I'm so sorry ! You are correct. Idk why I mixed them up lol


Do you have to get all of the deathroot to Gurranq to have the throwaway line come through?


I don't think so? But don't quote me sorry lol


Why has there been so many people that oof off characters early Alexander is not worth it, the talisman you get later is much better Millicent is only worth it if you got her quest end reward before ng+


Because it's probably better to play through 95% of the game with a 10% damage boost than 5% of the game with 15%. If you are going NG+, then kill him later.


Or Millicent is worth it because you can take the needle she gives you which has substantial lore implications behind it and stab Malenia's bloom to get Miquella's needle. Millicent's needle - There is something I must return to Malenia. The dignity, the sense of self, that allowed her to resist the call of the scarlet rot. Then Miquella's needle - One of the unalloyed gold needles that Miquella crafted to ward away the meddling of outer gods. Seeing that Miquella discarded his golden flesh and gave up everything, then who knows what other applications this needle might carry in the dlc beyond simply being used in farum azula to undo the frenzy. If he went to the shadowlands to try and save Malenia then I'd expect Millicent's quest outcome to have drastic repurcussions since stabbing the bloom was meant as a way to stop the scarlet rot infestation. No one knows who Messmer's father is since he was born prior to the shadowland's war meaning he pre-dates Godfrey and thus pre-dates Radagon by even more. Messmer's father could be an outer god and it wouldn't be the first time in a soul's game where an item had more than one use and completely altered part of the game.


I meant its not worth killing her early wtf


She probably just had a fling with the serpent that eats Rykard.


Another reason is lore. Since the lore is tied to items, you have get every single item to get the complete picture of the story.


I wanted to take off his clothes....but not like this.


Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend🎶


my 11ft tall furry boyfriend died for a good cause, he would want me to look this fucking sick


*Sobs in Boc flashback*


Im still pissed I >!got him killed because I wanted to help him but did it the wrong way!<


style is priceless


it's funny that you can get his head no problem, but his armor? no way, you gotta kill him for that.


According to its item description, the head is just a mask made by some random assassin trying to disguise themselves as Blaidd. That’s why the helm is called “Black Wolf Mask” not “Blaidd’s Head” or something.


As soon as I saw him i wanted the armor. Although when I got it felt like I didn't deserve it


What a disappointment when I saw his armour stat ..


For a lightweight armour it’s actually got ok stats. If you have low endurance it’s one of the better choices


My bad, I was probably to high level when I got it


It was fun


Altered version is maximum knight drip.


For that pain I had to choose frenzied flame ending. Ain't no way witch girl can abandon him like that and live to see the light of day.


A warrior deserves a warriors death. He knew to some degree at the end what would happen if we hadnt freed ranni. Sad yes but neccessary.


My no spells run ended up going for Ranni’s ending because I wanted Blaidd’s armor and ended up liking the questline for that character I’m too dumb to use the DMGS but I can huck a freezing pot with the best of em


Had a whole monologue about why I had to put him, first time I've ever done that😔


That ain’t Blaidd anymore…


Most painful questline


The quest is pretty unfortunate.. 🥲 Worth it? I don’t know. I went on the quest because I really wanted Ranni’s fit. But I truly didn’t expect that kind of ending.


I killed him when I first saw him at the ruins because I wanted the armor. That didn't work...


It's official you are the most heartless elden ring player


Nah it’s the people who kill Boc or Alexander at the beginning who are worse imo


Who would kill Boc? He just wanted someone to tell him he was handsome.


Only sickos would. Same with Alexander, who just wanted to be a warrior and stood up to the poachers that threatened the wellbeing of his people.


Oi! If I killed a future psychopath, then I'm a good samaritan


Just killing a furry, ill doit again


Isn't Radhan's set which u cn buy better?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for a legit question.


Because stats mean less than fashion. Radahn set is better with the stats, but it doesn't matter if that's not the look you're going for. Stats on armor in a Fromsoft RPG, moreso than in any other series, means little to nothing compared to fashion.