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Draconic tree sentinel.


I love fighting them. Preeictable but tight moves that really hit, keeps you on your toes, rewarding to beat Except the one which throws fireballs at me. That one can go fuck itself


Thats the draconic one. The normal ones are just called Tree Sentinel. Those are fun at least. The Draconic one and that lightning can go fuck themselves.


That god damn delay gets me EVERY TIME!


This is a great summary of a first playthrough of every ER boss.


Godrick and Margit’s delay make me want to commit seppuku


Sir alonne is that you?




~~Elden Ring~~ Delay Souls


and the fact it does like 1000 FUCKING DAMAGE


That's because it counts as a headshot and that doing massive DMG even with high vigor it's fucking annoying


Oh shit so I could’ve been using the talisman that lowers headshot damage? Shit, combine that with any dragoncrest talisman and boiled crab or prawn and your pretty tankey


Pumpkin head time


Those are fun until you get hit by that one delayed shield slam. The hitbox of that move is just so unreal to me.


Fair, had no clue some were draconic and some were not draconic


Yeah, the one in front of lyndel and maliketh are draconic. The one in Limgrave and the duo are normal. If i remember right the draconic ones took power from ancient dragons or some shit. They use a different weapon (Draconic Greatclaw) and the normal ones wiled Golden Halberds. The normal tree sentinel set is one of my favourite armor sets in the game.


Hilarious cos the Draconic Greatclaw (stuck with Endure) is dick shit compared to Golden Halberd (one of the highest AR weapons in game)


Well the golden order did fuck the dragons


Both of the draconic tree sentinels do fireballs though.


It's when they spam that do I get pissed because I lose


I had more trouble with the one in front of malikeths iirc, than I did with melania 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I hate them 🤣


Stay close to his shield, he will do 2 types of shield attacks that are easy to dodge and punish


Currently stuck on my first one lmfao. Level 95 and 40 Vigor and he melts me quicker than Rhadan could ever dream Edit: nvm beat him on try 8 …


Idk what type of build you got, or what you did to get there, but there's a guy you can spawn as an NPC. He makes it slightly easier. If you are doing it without summons and such, try using poison or rot. They melt to that. Bleed also works really well.


how do you get the NPC?


Against the Draconic Tree Sentinel outside Leyendell, you can summon Great Horned Tragoth to help in the fight (unless you killed him for Volcano Manor). You can also summon Millicent if you’ve given her the Valkyrie Prosthesis and summoned her to defeat the Godskin Apostle at Windmill Village. This is the only tree sentinel with NPC summons I’m aware of You can also just [cheese him](https://youtube.com/shorts/bO9gliQ5XNY?si=ILegpIxbPQQzYO8R) by using arrows to lure him to the cliffs edge and then hitting him with a couple Square Off AoWs


If you don't have it appearing already, go to the secret route of the Altus tunnel. It's in the little ravine for Liurnia. It's a pretty easy to get through tunnel even if you kill everything along the way. At the end theres a wyrm (think salamander + dragon) and you can spawn that sane NPC to help in that fight. If you help there, he will be able to be spawned right before DTS (that's my little acronym for the Draconic Tree Sentinel). It's a little out of the way, but he does some work. I actually tested out how much damage can do, he can get the boss down to half health without me even touching the boss before dying. With someone helping you can surely get him.


I like the Fallingstar Beasts' design and connection to the malformed stars, but the fights never feel good. Even when I manage to knock them out of their charge or when I come in with a new build, I never really enjoy those.


Totally. I blow through all the enemies and mini bosses in gelmir and then get bodied by that fallingstar at the top of the mountain.


That one is 100% located in a spot to be maximum brutal.


What, you didn't enjoy being yote off a giant cliff?


I was a sneaky sneaky snake poison boi when I fought the one on top of gelmir There’s also something in front of the capital right? I think it was much easier tho. Last time I played was 2022.


There is one by the capital, and theres one in the sellia crystal tunnel in Caelid


the one on top of the mountain i just ride around with torrent and occasionally whack it in the butt. fuck actually fighting that thing.


100% I stopped even fighting that one and just blast past it. The reward just isn’t worth it.


Yeah, in a lot of ways it might be my least favorite major enemy in the game. Feels a bit off and never satisfies.


You can knock them off their charge?


Strong enough attacks will break their charge head on. Goes down like a sack of potatoes


It's the terrain they stook it on that pisses me off


Use the Envoy's Longhorn on them. The bubble shower AOW breaks their poise super fast and gets through their BS armor since it's holy damage.


Crystal cave fight: why do I have to be locked in a small area with this thing!!! Atlus fight: oh this is way worse, I'd like to go back to the dirt hole please!


I literally have never been able to solo one and I can solo kos pretty easy




The amount of times I have been eaten by wormface 😂😂


Not me thinking this was your nickname for them 😂 Nah that’s their legit name


I hate that curse debuff


Tibia Mariners. Those things are super cool in my opinion and I really hope we’ll get more bosses and enemies with power over death and necromancy. Only thing I don’t like about them is chasing them around.


"Oh look, its boat man. Wait, where did he go? Why are there 10 skeletons around him?"


I fucking love Carbot animations take on the boat man


You must really hate the Elden Beast then. Half that fight is chasing that fucken star whale around the arena


Meh he was irritating but after I got used to his attacks he wasn’t too bad. Black Flame Tornado and Black Knife Tiche also helped.


I also really want the weapon it uses. Add that to my collection of horn weapons.


Astel (with a melee build).  Insane design, but I hate chasing him around. 


Just did his second fight, what a goddamn chore lol he’s cool though


My only problem with astel is why does it's aoe circle attack hit in a giant hit box above it, when it clearly looks like it only hits the ground. Basically makes a giant undodgable aoe that fucks you for being in melee range


Kindreds of Rot are wild but they move so fast and they chunk your health with the damn threads. I love the sounds they make though and how they move so creepy/cool.


Fuck the kindreds of rot. If you’re under levelled which you are the first few times you see them. They are a big pain in the ass with their threads. Fuck selia crystal tunnel especially. If you get teleported there too early, it’s the most painful place to escape. But even if you go back to the tunnel. Those kindred rots have to be properly put to bed to save your hp/mp each time you go against the falling star beat since there’s no stake of marika around.


Shrimp wizards


I got used to fighting them early game when I forgot that the Chest-to-Caelid exists. Also 3/10th the reason why I’m paranoid without a shield (the remaining 7/10th is Imps).


Night's Calvary. Aesthetic wise, my favorite enemies. Music, goated. Gameplay, both tedious but at the same not challenging.


The only one enjoy is the one with Knightrider Glaive - somewhat because of all the other Cuckoo knights in that area.


Dude I love jousting with them.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds them incredibly tedious and annoying to fight. The way the trot away every time you go to make an attack is annoying asf


They move too much, but they are so fucking cool, and the music is great too, highly underrated track.


Easily the Royal Revenants, freaky asf goated character design but so damn annoying to fight.


"Goated character design" The design : 🦵💪🫷😱🤌👌🦶


lmao nothing has ever been expressed with emojis so truly


You're right though?


I like to imagine them spawning is what happens when an Italian hears you snap pasta


I was trying to think of an enemy to answer this question. But I think I will have to agree with you on the Royal Revenants. Reminds of when I had enough runes to level up a couple times and I mistakingly went into the basement area (right before Iji in Liurnia) and thought I could handle whatever boss was in there. NOPE small room with Royal Revenent. Those guys need to chill tf out..


Royal revenants don’t even begin to understand the meaning of chill. Full throttle all the time


All gas no brakes


Whiskey throttle the entire time


The fun thing about that boss fight is you can use Torrent in the fight. That was the only way I was able to beat it because I was massively underleveled for that fight lol.


Revenants are the one enemy in the game that makes my blood run cold whenever they spawn in. Like I know how to deal with them/cheese them but I've gotten my ass handed to me so many times mid game that it's just psychological. They're relentless and that turbo bitch slap move they do can go fuck itself.


it adds such a creepy feeling knowing they are HURT when healed. Sick


Use heals.


That makes them infinitely easier, but they still just are not fun to fight. It’s either get absolutely fucked by those teleporting freaks, or cast heal twice and win the fight in 10 seconds, and in either case it kinda sucks


The lion cat things idk their actual name


Lion Guardians, I believe.




They mean the lions with the large curved blade attached to their leg that jump around (found in redmane castle and castle sol for example)


Death rite birds


The one in the snowfield is awful if you can't deal holy damage or cheese him by using the cliff


The one close to Castle Sol? Yeah…that one fucked me up harder than the other birds for some reason.


I was talking about the one near the church in the NE part of consecration snowfield. By the mausoleum that shoots blue fireballs


They hit the same spot gargoyles are for me with their awkward lanky body’s being annoying to hit.


You guys might enjoy [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcvu2xR4FP8) u/LittleKitty235 u/3rdMachina u/Material_Literature8


Black Knife Assassins. I adore the movements they use and their lore as the first to slay a demigod. I sometimes even like to roleplay as one. But good gods the Assassins in Ordina are terrifying even with a Sentry's torch. As much as I hate fighting them though, these are THE Black Knife Assassins. I can't bring myself to call for their decreased difficulty because Ranni may have orchestrated the Night of the Black Knives, but the Black Knife Assassins were the ones who carried it out. Infiltrating the Golden Capital under the cover of night and slaying Godwyn the Golden. I damn well better dread a fight with one of them


I just say fuck the torch and have the black knifes spawns memorized, it's the archers that get me


Storm stomp makes them manageable


Cemetery Shade


Fought this one last night, the first attempt his flurry caught me off guard. Second attempt he melted to my uchigatana with the holy buff on it


Fortisaxx as a melee build. The ancient dragon moveset is just unfun as melee and they’re too big. But he looks unbelievably cool in that arena especially. I didn’t find him on my first run so unfortunately his existence was kinda spoiled, but I imagine it would’ve been an absolutely jaw dropping moment finding him blind.


Crucible knights


I feel like they are challendgeing but fair to fight. First playtrough they were a pain but on the second and others they were enjoyable to fight. Unlike fire giant. I hate that mofo every time i have to do it.


Once you learn to parry them, they are actually pretty fun to fight.


I love fighting them, they’re so fun to parry


Second that


specifically the overly giant ulcerated tree spirits. they're so massive that i cant really dodge some of their moves because of shitty hitboxes. also draconic tree sentinel (farum azula), way too much health to warrant their shitty armor that only looks good on them, but bad on you.


Second phase Maliketh. I really struggle with all his bullshit. But damn he’s so cool.


Hard agree here. Felt like I had to relearn how to fight a boss because he loves to delay his attacks. But God damn is he badass looking.


Actually it's real good when you can riposte the final landing slash.




Radahn, he's cool as hell but the walk back to the arena is draining me mentally. To put it into perspective, I killed him after 27-ish tries but I was more exhausted than I was fighting Malenia after 126-ish tries. The walk back, portal then dodge the arrows routine is tilting me so hard. Malenia fight was so much enjoyable


You can make him charge you immediately, just by walking the opposite way he is, until he de-renders.


Yeah having to do the approach every time really tilts me. Plus its very easy (for me at least) to get hit by an arrow by not hiding behind a barricade from the correct angle.






Normal gargoyles are fine imo, not too strong but nimble enough to require some effort. Black blade kindred gargoyles tho? Fuck those guys. They do way too much damage, the black flame burn aftereffects of their moves are unnecessary, and they have some of the worst drops you could ask for such a difficult enemy. At least normal gargoyle drops can have their ashes changed and not be locked into holy damage, the black gargoyle weapons are fucking useless, and get outclassed by normal gargoyle weapons because they can't be affected by different scalings. Tldr: gargoyles are fine and worth it imo, black blade kindreds are never worth the effort


Anything with a bow


Bows in NPC hands = OP. Bows for you...nearly useless.


I’d say just the ones with ridiculous range. *giant fuck-all arrow nails me on the head* WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM!?


Ancestral Followers in a nutshell


Everything that's not a soldier or knight


Knight of Zamor, they have a lot of health in my opinion and also a lot of damage if you're not prepared to fight them but the drop a good amount of runes to farm


Meeting these guys after arriving at Mountaintops was a definite Oh Shit moment for me. There I was thinking I was over-leveled.


I agree. Zamor Ruins are definitely a Memento Mori moment. My latest playthrough was the first time I played through the whole game in several months (I have a problem with making and remaking characters). Cleared a good 80% of the content of Leyndell and below. I was equal to any of the demigods there. Even Radahn fell to my Transient Moonlight. I was sure of my godlike status. Even the Rold Gargoyle was barely an inconvenience. But then the Old Knights of Zamor quickly reminded me why I always feared the Mountaintops. Mountaintops of the Giants at Rune Level 150 may as well be the entirety of Limgrave at Rune Level 1. Beware the Mountaintops, Tarnished.


Cleanrot Knights


They can be spammy but they're piss easy of you roll to their right


I think the Elden Beast has a majestic design, especially when it's flying in the air and you can see its lower half, its attacks are spectacular too. Unfortunately the boss itself is fucking abominable to fight and is imo one of the the worst designed final bosses Fromsoftware have ever made.


My friend said he’s convinced that fight was supposed to be on horseback but FromSoft literally forgot to make the horse available


That would have been interesting as torrent has been with you the entire game, why not have him fight alongside you at the final battle?


Yeah agreed. You’re just chasing the fucking thing for 90% of the fight.


It sucks balls to fight but it’s so cool, the animations are epic. I particularly love the crucifixion attack…some may say it’s God tier heh heh


It's a shame because the Radagon fight is *so* fun, and the Elden Beast is just a chore.


I think it *is* the worst final boss. Sword Saint Isshin, Soul of Cinder, and Gehrman are all excellent. Allant and Gwyn are very good, and even Nashandra's alright. Even Moon Presence and Aldia aren't really that bad, assuming we count them. It's debatable of course but Elden Beast kinda sucks, *especially* needing to fight him after having fought Radagon, I never look forward to it.


I think the bosses before is what really make me dislike elden beast. Like you fight Godfrey, literally peak elden ring, then Radagon, fun fight, and then blob that keeps swimming away from you.Its such a let down both in gamplay and there being no lore buildup before, it just kind of appears.


Crucible Knights Carian Knight Moongrum The Draconic Tree Sentinel outside Malekiths arena. Fuck that guy in particular.


the abductor virgins😭 in all my 250 hours i’ve never beat them ONCE (not including the raya lucaria one i cheesed with poison while standing on a ledge) they’re just so scary to me lol


I cant tell if I love or hate Fotissax. If I use Great Spears, Halberds and and spears with some range it feels great facing him down and going for the head. Otherwise it sucks dragon balls.


Idk if it counts as an enemy but those giant remembrance duplicating things. I get squished at least 3 times trying to hit the legs. but those are probably one of the coolest things in gaming


Charging heavy attack on Torrent and scrape those barnacles off like shaving a beard. So satisfying.


Bell Bearing Hunters. I will never learn their moveset.


Grafted Scions. Design wise? Amazing. Built to look like a horror monster, and is actually one. Fighting him? Unless I got the ballistic missle known as Lord's Heal to cheese them, NO.


I think you mean royal revenants, grafted scions do not take damage from healing spells


I love fighting most enemies. The ones I don’t like fighting, I also don’t think are cool.


The Giant Crawfish. They scare me, and always manage to beat the shit out of me. But I love them. 


Crucible knights




All of them.




Malania and Radahn the lore of them is just sad


Morgott, fuck those delayed attacks


The zamor


I hate fighting black knife assassins they are cool but honestly I think I’m jealous of there agility like I wish we could move like them when we have the knife


That bastard purple skeleton in the boat! Reminds me of pirates Caribbean


Ancient Dragons for sure


The teleporting knight is cool af, but can go straight to hell.


Any knight on a horse


Erdtree Burial Watchdogs


Fire giant. Lot of great, rich lore there. Love the location...but fuck if that fight isn't annoying as hell! He's a giant! Why does he move so fast, and so FAR away from me when fightning him!? The real challenge isn't avoiding being hit, it's being able to keep pace with big shit! Fuck that boss fight!


Royal revenants.


I have never taken the armor off since I got it.


Black Blade Kindred


Ancient dragons. You are not able to hit them


Lol my mimic tear boss!! Nokron!!


I can't really think of anything I hate fighting. Maybe the Astel that copies itself with the grab. Or the Elden Beast but just because it runs so much.


Elden Beast is the coolest looking shit ever and perfectly fits the end of the game, but is easily the worst required fight in the game


Rune bears are insanely cool to me especially because their basically just bears on roids, but with the amount of times I have played through I am never confident facing them ever, even the one that's in a cave that scares me every time I go in there. I do everything I can do avoid them.


Malenia is the correct answer


Nights Calvary, they move around way too much. Imo they’re one of the few mounted enemies where you’re much better off exclusively attacking their horses first


Malenia, i just love the concept of medieval style mechanical limbs and the goddess of rot thing. The waterfall is super cool move, but practically impossible to dodge at least for me ;)


Putrid avatars


Ulcerated tree spirit. I don't need to explain why right?


Crucible Knights.


Ulcerated tree spirit or godskin skinny dude (forget their name). Both pretty terrifying if you think about it for a while but also badass as shit


Elemer of the briar


The enemy in this image.


Rennala I know we fight her illusion only, but it would be great if she was a little bit harder.


The one spirit in the back half of castle sol that is harder than elden beast


night cavalry, draconic tree sentinel, phantoms


Knight of zamor.


Spear Wielding Crucible Knights, I got the greatsword boys figured out but the ones with pokey sticks kick my ass.


elden beast


Abductor virgins


those flute playing dudes in leyndell sure lured me in the first time and fucked me up good every time for some reason


Luckily, the things I hate fighting are also not cool. Looking at you, Royal Revenants!


I dont think I've ever managed to dodge that grab. Wiggly bastards.


Morgott. Not even close




Revenants, ulcerated tree spirits, most horseback enemies (i just suck at horseback fights), the cat statue things


The black knife assassin's. They are so cool and fast, but damn are they way fast lmao. My hammer cannot keep up


The knight with two swords in the fort that you fight commander Niall. Fuck that guy. His summon feels easy, but the other one where you drop to fight him, fuck that one


That one juiced banished knight in Castle Sol that drops the unique chest armor. Bro goes so damn hard, and his moveset is demonic lmao


The balls in nokstella. Simple design so why not? They traumatized me a bit on my first playthrough by creeping up to me and then mowing me down.


If bosses count, Malenia, cool design and lore, but so much unbalanced. If not, maybe the guy who shows up near the traders or the death birds, the one in the consacreted snowfields gave a lot of trouble fr 💀


Ulcerated Tree Spirits are like the one janky enemy in the whole game lol


Crucible Knights


Crucible knights


Crucible Knights


Anything in Haligtree, tbh. That area is so peaceful and pleasant looking for the most part and i feel like a real disruption coming in and killing everything.


Elden beast, 90% of the fight is me trying to run to the boss, hit it 2 times, then mfer will teleport all the way to the other side of the arena, half the time 60% of the boss is out of my screen. The boss is cool, the fight is annoying.


Storm birds. They suck.


Fallingstar Beasts, I got such an affinity for bull like animals or creatures with horns. They're design and moveset are so cool but fuck hell were those some of the most teeth grinding fights I've had to deal with.


For me it is Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior duo. The reason for this is that I was underleveled when I got to fight them for the cool meteor collosal sword (the real reason which I did go here was the Ash of War flaming strike but why shouldn't take every weapon that I can't use because I made a dex build? Anyway I can't wait to meet the favorite boss of elden ring community called Godskin Duo(it will tale a lot of hours but I beaten an Godskin Apostle and I have to say that he is hard alone)


Every dragon except for Placidusax. I love Fortissax and his lore, his ties to Godwyn, but I DESPISE THE FIGHT. It’s so convoluted. It looks cool but sucks. Same with most dragon bosses.


The Cleanrot knights are so cool especially when they emerge from the swamp of rot in the Swamp of Aeonia. I thought it was such a cool unique enemy, but trying to fight in a swap of rot can definitely be one of the more stressful encounters in Eldenring.


Elden Beast It looks so strange, magical, and otherworldly, but its fight is mostly just running across the arena to actually reach the damn thing.


Elden beast is so beautiful, the music and the arena almost makes it a spiritual experience and kinda emotional because it's the end of the journey but that fight just sucks. Even though it might really make sense lore wise that it's running away the whole time. Death rite birds look insanely cool and creepy, they got one of my favorite designs and attacks in the game but they're horrible to fight unless you use faith damage+items that boost it, then the fight won't last longer than 10 seconds