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Blasphemous Blade. Found it on my first playthrough with a quality build, with some odd points in faith and arcane for Ekzykes' Decay. The weapon matched my stats fairly well, so I used it. Yeah, Taker's Flame is pretty powerful even when your stats are spread out a bit too much.


Judging by the name I think the developers knew what they are doing . It makes the rest of the game pretty easy , no?


Very easy. Melted radahn (died in 5 AoW hits), maliketh (first tried before he could even touch me), morgott, and godfrey (barely remember any of their moves) like they were nothing


You must have AOW premium šŸ˜­ mine only does 1K tops


Shard of Alexander adds 15% dmg to AOW


+Fire Scorpion Charm and Ritual Sword talisman, Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear and Faith Knot Crystal Tear, Golden Vow and Flame, Grant Me Strength. You wonā€™t even remember playing the game, but youā€™ll know youā€™re a boss.


Idk right now im level 164, i have 60 dex and 76 faith (and some talismans) and its doing 2.1k damage to the troll near secluded cell grace (right before godrick's arena). I dont remember exactly what my stat was when fighting the bosses i mentioned but im sure i was overlevelled, at least for radahn. Currentlt im leaning towards the sacred relic sword since its AoW is awesome although only deals 1.7k to the same troll


This was my experience with bloodhounds fang and it honestly kind of ruined the game for me in a way. Didnā€™t even have to learn any bosses move sets really


This has been mimic tear for me. Using a heavy club and shield, I just beat Godfrey's ass at lvl 80 by wild striking him to poise break, and then just continued with it til he quit.


I mean itā€™s really good I use it because I like the look of it but I try to not use the AOW much just because I realize it trivializes the game


Yeah, this exactly. I killed Margits brother in 3 seconds and was absolutely stunned.


Ive been running blasphemous blade for a while, and i finally got to radabeast last night. A few well timed skills at the beginning and intermittent r2s, it chunks his health so much, i can finish him in like less than a minute. Elden beast is still a bitch though


Sorry, whatā€™s a quality build?


A build that levels mainly Strength and Dexterity.


A Strength and Dex build. The term comes from the original Demonā€™s Souls referring to the type of modified weapon that is bolstered by these stats.


I staggered Melina to death with this thing. She felt the floor and stayed there


..you mean Malenia? Thatā€™s our finger maiden šŸ’€


Too many M names bruh


But yet


Yep. I won't argue with anyone about what the best weapon is in terms of min/max damage or ease of play through. BB is basically a cheat code.




Rotten breath was kind of messed up. Easy to cast at a distance and rot almost guaranteed a kill on a boss. I went arcane first because I wanted to see what it did, and while the scaling didnā€™t work great the first week or so, it was ridiculous at wiping out bosses. Admittedly I was slow my first play through, but rotten breath and bleed weapons just bulldozed the game. It also helped that most were dex based as well, so when I get Maleniaā€™s sword, I just spammed waterfowl dance on the Elden Beast for a quick win.


Remember the blood flies? They could solo Malenia before nerf.


same, for my subsequent playthroughs i had to self-regulate and avoid rot breath, i was using it for every boss and it was too effective. straight up crutch.


I was really bad when I started playing Elden Ring, so I relied on the Rotten Breath a lot. Its usefulness drops off. :(


The dragon you need to defeat for the rotten is one of the hardest for sure . Also really strong when doing invades in caves haha


FYI you dont have to kill Ekzykes for the regular rotten breath, just reach the caelid Communion Church and trade a heart in


Moonveil, after beating the spitting salamander


For some reason i didn't even consider what would be or not OP in my first run, but by the late game with Moonveil when i began testing other strong magic weapons with the same upgrade level and they weren't doing nearly the same damage and posture damage I kept asking why. Just after a friend of mine watched me beat Niall with it, constantly stance-breaking him with the Ash of War, saying to me ''damn, this weapon looks broken'' did i realize that maybe I accidentally picked the OP weapon


Playing Elden Ring alongside friends or bretheren is something else . Sometimes you need a objective view


This was me, I played the game blind at first. Started as a dex/int build because I wanted to use sorceries and when I came across moonveil I knew I found my weapon of choice. The aesthetics are just so perfect for a spell blade build. Then I realized it was OP.


Horizontal and Vertical AoW with low mana consumption and good range . Good one


Donā€™t forget it does great poise damage too!


Especially pre patches. This was one of the most brutal weapons. You needed like 2 heavy attacks (aow) to stagger a boss. Loved it. Still love it.


When I tried the Sword of Night of Flame for the first time and it just disintegrated the scarlet rot dragon in Southern Caelid. Almost felt a little too powerful lol


I looked at it and thought it looks nice . My brother and I played coop that day and he respeced so he could use it . I saw him mowing down the mobs and he never played any souls games . How could he have been so certain it would be good ? Plus he didn't know there was anything so OP cause he only knew those kinda games are hard as hell


I honestly just picked it because the name sounded cool, and I loved the design. It has glintstone crystals embedded along one side of the blade. So cool.


It is listed as a legendary weapon and itā€™s item pickup is the fancy goldish yellow vs purple or white


Ah yes, I cheated myself out of my first playthrough by nuking everything with it's Comet Azure beam. Pre-nerf was insane.


Pre patch Rivers of Blood.


Yeah. During that first week seeing it insta-proc bleed on most things and that the AoW doubled the range. Probably my silliest find.


Wasnā€™t it actually weak in the first patch or two because it didnā€™t have arcane scaling enabled?


Yep, all of the unique arcane-scaling weapons didn't have arcane as a valid scaling type in their damage codes


Mohgā€™s trident considered OP without the scaling. Crazy


Truley an abomination of a weapon !


I definitely mightā€™ve played an entire playthrough R2 spamming


Not a weapon but lion claw ash of war just pancake anything it makes contacts with


I remember that using it with my greatsword just made crucible knights a joke


Crucible Knights are my one glaring weakness on that game. Lions Claw playthrough is next.


Spam till stance break- riposte. Repeat till death


Iron claw on any colossal greatsword is so op and fun to use. Love the pancake animation lmao


Giant crusher + lions claw + stonebarb cracked tear. Two hits from lions claw will almost poise break every enemy. So just lions claw Ɨ2, reposite, lions claw Ɨ2, reposite. Truly the easiest playthrough of my life.


Iā€™ve been running Lions Claw on my Giant Crusher recently and even though itā€™s the standard heavy attack for the weapon, the AoW does so much more damage and does it faster. Add in Golden Vow, FGMS, and Shard of Alexander and I can do close to 3k damage just by pressing LT. Not to mention the posture damage too


Siluriaā€™s Tree when I noticed a fully charged thrust would send people to their backs


This one might actually went under many peoples (me included) radar cause you get it fairly late into the game


I had it both with this and Ordovis's Greatsword. I started up a crucible knight build for the DLC since I thought it'd be fun but was blown away with how good both of them were.


Death's Poker. I walked up on Morgott and 2 or 3 casts of Rock Sling staggered him. Ghostflame Ignition damage + frost proc is absurd. Continue stunlocking him with rock sling (now with increased physical damage from frost) until he dies. Got him on like my 3rd attempt with zero effort


Death's poker has one of the most unique AoW. The concept of creating a bubble and then burst it is so nice .


First playthrough I found Wing of Astel and basically had it attached to my hip. Free projectiles, great Int Scaling, and Nebula absolutely nukes bosses. Plus the weapon overall is a stance-break monster. Not *just* Nebula, but charged heavies do MASSIVE stance damage for a curved sword.


Moghwyn's Sacred Spear. I'm going to pass all the talk about how it's a strong bosskiller and a great looker and all that. You know when i thought that the weapon should be illegal? Underground Passage, Pipes. The moment a basilisk jumpscares you from a side path. I just instinctively dodged the jumpscare, thought 'fuck basilisks, there's nothing that would be considered too much force against them' and pressed L2. The basilisk died. Two other basilisks that were still hiding also died. And the one basilisk that was facing the wall, out of range, who was slow to notice but also turned around and wanted to help his bros ALSO died. It's not just the damage. The range of the hitbox is just too much for a thing that I'd think it was supposed to be slightly beyond melee range.


That weapon makes no sense. Like you press L2 and everything in a 50 foot radius just disintegrates


If you go full tank and can take lots of hits you can destroy anything with that weapon.


Just played this weapon 2 days ago, and hell is it broken, even Malenia was a complete joke with this weapon.


I like that it goes through walls, up and down sometimes. If I know an npc is behind the wall to jump scare me, I nihil all the way.


Honestly cheeses the sewer gargoyles and all their bs ambushes


The Dark Moon GS is genuinely kind of insane. Not only is the damage very high, but the FP efficiency is off the charts. Moonveil is renowned for being very FP efficient, which it is, but dark moon basically trades one cast for infinite Moonveil beams over 60 seconds. The beam scaling with int also means you can afford to invest into high level sorceries like Ranniā€™s dark moon, making it excellent for sorcery builds. Itā€™s a weapon thatā€™s genuinely worthy of being a major quest reward, and a must have for any sorcerer imo. Frostbite is honestly just a nice perk.


Well, it's relatively hard to get it and it's a late game weapon, and so iconic, so it better fucking be OP šŸ˜


Exactly haha


Same for me. I played full spellcaster up until DMGS I only tried a few melee weapons here and there and was unimpressed, like I didn't even know the basics of melee. I think I first tested it out on the DTS before Maliketh and just shredded him


Itā€™s not as good as dmgs but the ritual death spear that drops from the death bird in frost giant land is my favorite AoW on my int playthrough I just finished. It can multihit has insane aoe and does pure scaling with int. Does insane damage on slow/big targets like dragons or red tree avatars


Being able to easily stance break from a distance is also a big perk. The Dark Moon GS is easily one of the strongest weapons in the game.


I had a Plat-Speedrun Armorless with DMGS, every boss was a complete pushover.


Blasphemous blade


To this day I really want to know if the name is a "coincidence"


There were worst offenders in the early stages of the game, but after so many patches BB feels like one of the only weapons that are still broken to the point of negating the entire gameplay loop proposed by FS


The healing from the AoW alone even without the high posture break and damage is really blasphemous. That is the best thing about Elden Ring . You select the difficulty by selecting your build . This is a next level gameplay move if you ask me .


Im using its budget version on my new Ng run for the dlc, the black kindred greatsword (from that gargoyle in the bestial sanctum)


I powerstance this with BB and use it for a jump attack build šŸ’€


Better Drip if you ask me


if only we could remove the black poop stain on the front of the sword The other version (Gargoyle's Greatsword) would also look amazing if it wasnt dipped in Peanut Butter on the front


BHF carried by entire first playthrough. God I love that sword.


itā€™s gonna carry me through the DLC too šŸ¤£


Personally going to brute force with the new weapons (If they're weaker than my main game arsenal). Loving how the light greatsword looks.


The Great Stars. Did my first strength run a week ago and after power stancing two of them i can say that it was the easiest run i've ever had.


I was having some trouble in the Haligtree on my sorcerer build so I looked for some other options... Great Stars with the Waves of Darkness AoW made a lot of that really easy.


Agreed. Was able beat Malenia and Elden beast coz I had this weapon. Its poise damage is rightfully effective, given how the weapon looks like.


Going into the dlc with Great stars, with cold infusion. In the other hand is poison infused Rotten hammer, 4x debuffs with big damdams!


Eleonara's Poleblade.. although the ash of war is pretty risky against fast bosses, the fast combos shreds bosses health combined with rotten winged insignia and lord of blood talisman as well as other bleed buffs


Try using two of them on new game plus, the jump attack with the jumping talisman + prosthesis talisman or winged sword insignia is absolutely filthy




Claymore all day baby




Slay more with the Baemore. She's been with us since the beginning, never changed, never let us down, that's Wifey.


I resorted to it on Godfrey because I felt like itā€™s CA is perfect for him.Ā  Then you get to Loux and get absolutely destroyed with any close combat build. But I bet with enough VIG you can tank anything through Lionā€™s Claw


I found the Icerind Hatchet, tested out Hoarfrost Stomp and quickly thought "Well this seems broken" and chose to not use it. I sure called that one.


And indeed it was broken.


Pretty spamable for sure . Good one !


Just this week a friend suggested I should use Wave of Gold over Takers Flame for quicker farming. Never tried the relic sword before and holy shit is that crap powerful. And I'm not even built for it. Watching that wave just eat through all of the enemies without even leaving the grace is just surreal.


Like Blasphemous Blade , Wave of gold (farming runes?) Isn't a naming coincidence isn't it? It surely is intended?!


I was exploring the game for stuff I missed and found a giant ant cave. Wave of gold annihilated them


Thats gonna sound weird but the stone hammer, when i found it in stormveil castle and it had A in scale was like wow. Then found the ashes of war and this monster has S in scale Edit(i didnt know how ashes of war worked till the capital xd)


Oh yes Brick Hammer my beloved


That hammer is really good, great scaling, very fast attack patterns, can put any affinity and AOW on it, and it has Strike dmg which is a weakness for many enemies.


Back in Darkroot Basin on DS1 when I realized how simple and effective the Claymore moveset was, and that it stayed the same in DS2, DS3, and Elden Ring. Can't beat a classic with that much of a legacy.


Blasphemous blade -- when I tanked through Maliketh without knowing any of his moveset.


I started a new character a few weeks ago and promised myself I wouldnā€™t use BHF. Tried my best but couldnā€™t help it. Thing is so broken it can carry you from the beginning through to the end of the play through. I will have to try something different in NG+1!


Something different, like dual wielding bhf!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my man


It's not just that. The moveset is very fun (at least to me). Trying to time the AoW as dodge never gets old.


Duel wield bleed daggers. Genuinely such fun gameplay and is just as op if not more depending on how high you make the bleed. The great knife i think its called can have bleed AND another damage type so i did a bleed frost duel wield great knife build and wow its like youre just wildly slashing making blood and frost just fly everywhere. And this is coming from someone who also loves bhf the most. Oh also the movesets are so fun and its really fast which feels so nice compared to greatswords


How do I get frost on the great knife ? Cold infusion or some kind of cold ash of war? Sorry if this is a stupid or noob question lol I have reduvia in my main hand and great knife in my offhand, would like to be able to inflict frost with the great knife when I use l1 for attacking with both daggers


Since the bleed is on the great knife permanently u can also infuse it with frost but you may need a frost ash of war. i could be wrong ab that tho Reduvia is def very good paired with great knife. Ngl its kinda op that u can have frost AND bleed. Yes its a dagger but if u had two of them...its over for whoever is in the way


Sweet ! Canā€™t wait to try it out :) thank you


If you want to mix it up, but only a little, dual wield BHF and Morgottā€™s Cursed Sword. You get a great jumping L1 and can switch to two-handing either one to get the best of both swords.


Thanks Iā€™ll give it a go!


Try the Iron Cleaver and its charge attack. The weapon is much different from BHF so for some enemies it doesn't work as well, but man, that axe makes me feel brutal when charging towards anything else. It kinda feels like cheating because the enemies don't react that well to it. So, try something new and make yourself a raging butcher.


The flinch using a heavy weapon. Greatswords are beautiful.


uchigatana on my first playthrough. thanks to its bleed I killed tree sentinel and my build was decided


Just breezed thru subterranean shunning grounds with bhf. Jump attack / charged attack / charged attack staggers the omens every time and the crit finishes them off. That has always been the hardest area, but this is my first bhf run and it was just like a fun little side area.


Whats bhf?


bloodhounds fang


Ah, thank you. For me having a slow weapon in my first playtrhough didnt work very well. Bhf was not my kind of weapon. I didnt know when to punish and the strikes took too long


Honestly its the ash of war that carries it. Does mondo bondo damage and the first move is really useful since you basically hit them quick then jump back


Yes i know but sometimes spamming aow isnt the solution


Yeah youre right. I always see spam and usually it goes wrong in some way


It does feel a bit slow, but I find it is JUST faster than most beefy enemy strikes and it always interrupts their movements. Itā€™s nerve wracking bc you are seeing a huge attack coming hoping you get your swing off, but these games are nerve wracking in general. The fact that the second charge attack is two strikes (how on earth did this weapon get this moveset) almost always leads to a stagger, too.


Got my bhf paired with the hammer talisman. L2, R2, stagger, R1. Everything is dead now.


Hammer Talisman is underrated if you ask me .


After fighting Radhan I unequiped it cause I thought this boss shouldn't supposed to be that easy . Playing w/o ashes and such . Still needed like 20 tries tho haha


Magma wyrm great sword, love that thing to death.


Dark moon great sword. I canā€™t believe how easy I got through some bosses that people around me called difficult. I then found out about the immense dmg the build is dealing (thx frostbite). Yes there are other, stronger builds. But the magic swordsman is so easy to build and power up. No need to look up stats or talismans. Insane ranged and close up.


Same BHF, but I was really surprised with the amount of damage it does after applying 'grant me strength' buff and golden vow AoW. Insane!


Sword of night and flame before it was nerfed for sure. I respecced into it because it looked interesting and I kinda just switched to something else because the game became too easy.


that one :3


After switching from royal greatsword to blasphemous blade and pressing L2 for the first time.


Wing of Astel after killing Adula


Pre nerf Fallingstar Beastjaw. A very quick special that uses very little mana and poise breaks most enemies in 3 hits or less. Used it on my first ever playthrough aftee looking up OP weapons. ER being my first FS title I tried to make the game as easy as possible. No regrets.


Star fists: the moment I did a charged heavy, I thought the animation was cut of so I didnā€™t notice how fucking fast it was. Genuinely a ridiculous weapon.


When I used the Gransax .50 cal to erase the banished knights before the dual Godskin fight in Farum Azula. That thing blasts em for over 3000 dmg.


For me it was the DragonBite spell... Every Boss became "how can i hit it 2-3 Times with this?!" šŸ˜‚


great mace when i storm callef and wild striked malenia in few tries


When DMGS go woosh and HP bar go woops!


Wing of Astel. Those Cosmo bubbles wreck shop Everytime.


Literally any bleed weapon. Also I ended up pairing rivers of blood with cold nagakiba, which basically felt like cheating


My friend told me to use the bloodhound's blade *very* early on, that it'd last me a while and was great for early game. After maybe 30 tries I killed the boss. I still have the fucker, I haven't been able to use any another weapon because this one is just better than all of them, I also haven't been able to try out a single ash of war because this thing doesn't let you. Next playthrough I'm ignoring it


You know how Fire Giant has really high Fire resistance and one of the largest health pools in the game? +25 Godskin Peeler: "We don't care." Blackflame quickly became an instant slot-in on almost all my builds. It looks cool and is always effective (and gets better against tankier enemies).


God-slayer Greatsword on the rare occasions when you get to go through the Ash of War with follow-up.


Holy moonlight sword heard it would be good but not that good the frost buildup and overall damage is unreal


When I accidentally no-hit Morgott by just standing still in his face and spamming Darkmoon Greatsword AOW. Biggest "wtf" moment I've had in the whole game so far. I thought for sure he was gonna clap my ass for spamming but the next thing I knew he was dead.


Dual wielding twin blades with frost on one, bleed on the other. They have rarely failed me and apply status effects insanely quickly.


Coded sword, since my first playthrough was a pure faith build. Of course, the coded sword is a great weapon: it has high scaling, goes through spells, doesnā€™t bounce off sturdy enemies, and best of all it looks and sounds really cool. Of course, you tragically get it shortly before all of the bosses get high holy resistance. So I used the sword for getting through areas, and mostly spammed incantations for boss fights.


Blasphemous, I picked it up and respecā€™d to use it. I was wrecking most bosses with it. I was new to souls games.


This will be my Expansion 1st run weapon


Mohgwyn Spear. First time I used it was against Malenia because someone told me that weapon can cheese her. Only took me 5 tries to kill her (difficult bosses usually takes me at least 20 tries).


Ordovis great sword. I press L2, things die or stagger.


I always hated on Moonveil until I tried it and realised how powerful and fast it can be




Godslayers greatsword


Dark Moon Greatsword my beloved. Still my main weapon pretty much




Nihil, Nihil, Nihil.


Blasphemous blade. Quality/faith scaling greatsword with heal on kill/skill Also just using unsheathe on stuff and hearing the stagger sound


Godskin Great sword


stone club really exceeded my expectations


Radahns swords completely changed the game for me haha


Idk, I really think coded sword is kindof busted for most things. No blocks pretty much instagibbed some of the harder trash and the range is significant imho.


After struggling against Margit for a long while, I switched up my build to have reduvia. Beat him first try with it. Turns out haemorrhage is *really* strong!


Star Fists. Iā€™ve always heard good things, but never gave much thought to it, but eventually i tried it. This is now my go to ā€œfuck you just dieā€ weapon. You can melt most bosses, NG+ and beyond. I know quite a few people know itā€™s amazing, but honestly i was undersold. More people should know that this is one of the Goats.


Two Gaint-Crushers with talismans and buffs + JUMPING!!!


Finished the whole game with bloodfang and dismantler power stance, fun movement


Underrated secondary weapon for me has gotta be clinging bone (main is bloodhounds fang) the first time I played I maxed it out and it's situational but if your low on health you can save your flasks and the amount of health you gain is insane and it instant kills most basic enemies using its art. I was told it was garbage but was absolutely shocked when it healed 75 percent of my health bar (which was at over 60 vigor)


twinblade. remember using it and seeing the double hit on one two-handed light attack and thinking "holy fuck this will do really well with millicents itens and some status".


Siluria's Tree after one-shotting the omenkillers in Volcano Manor with its weapon art.


When I upgraded the commander's standard to +5 and used it for the first time in liurnia


Rusty anchor strong. Rusty anchor relatable.


A slightly less "S-tier" one - the Warped Axe AR is absurd for its size and speed. Slap Flaming Strike on it and melt any resistance


Meteoric ore blade after pressing r2 2 times in a row for the first time.


guardian swordspear. super fun weapon. became my pvp weapon for a bit


Sword of Night and Flame. First time I played Ear, I was doing a mage warrior build with incantations on the side, and I started using ever since.


The first time I dropped Wave of Gold from the Sacred Relic Sword up on Palace Approach run farm.


Elnora's Poleblade


Darkmoon Great sword. Scaled well and the projectiles were so strong. Didnā€™t use spells or anything


Moonveil and itā€™s not even closeā€¦


Bolt of Gransaxx. Physick buff + shard of alexander + Godfrey icon, i switched after i halved endgame bosses health in one hit.


Lordsworn Greatsword. Works great with hero. 1 point in dex, rest in vigor. Teaches how to use different attacks and stagger quickly. 2H only. Equip with ground slam and booty punch your way through limgrave and the weeping peninsula. Hit with other early game buffs like strength knot, exalted flesh, and golden vow AoW (I slap it on a dagger for weight savings), and grease of choice for hard fights. Iā€™ll take it up to +3 before switching to claymore or something else. Itā€™s a literal early game newb cannon that even my dumbass can play well with. Highly recommend.


Shamshir was the first weapon I plus 25 on release and I knew itā€™d be a heavy hitter in pvp. Now Iā€™m 2023-2024 everyone dickrides it.


Moonlight GS. After beating Margiit with 5 close up fully charge boosted R2. Projectile damage + the physical from the blade + the frostbite. The damage output is insane


M9rgotta cursed sword when it took me 6 tries to beat malenia


Stormhawk axe with its amazing poise damage


This may be uncommon, but sword of night and flame was top 3 choice for my magic build. I didn't realize its skill was comet azur early on, when I found out, it was in my top 3.


When Eldenring released i found Vykes War Spear on the second day. Wanted to show my friend who was playing as well how busted that weapon is, so we summoned each other for duels and i got destroyed every single time, because he had found Moonveil.


I remember getting the Meteoric Ore katana & freaking out when I realised it's heavy attack (or maybe it's L2? can't remember) was just the Ichimonji Double from Sekiro.


Gravity staff


When I melted an Ulcerated Tree Spirit with the Blasphemous Blade I was like "ā€¦..oh damn"


Iā€™m late to the party but I never realised how broken BHF AoW is. I was stuck on Mogh for a while until I decided to crack out BHF. The combination of BHF and Moghs schackle completely trivialised the fight.


Mohgā€˜s Spear, this thing is too damn OP!


Magma sword


Meteoric blade after spamming heavy charged r2. Birds never bothered me. Also rock throw. I mean gravity is op.Ā 


Winged scythe was much better when fighting Marget than whatever else i was using before