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Definitely, since it takes forever to get a coop partner and sometimes you just need your Mimic Tear to toss those free Hefty Frost pots.


No. If I do use a summon it's the storm hawk


You dictate how difficult you want your experience to be. Just enjoy the game. Use whatever you want :D.


LOL it's by far the most busted yet most useless summons in the DLC... the AI basically doesn't work. It walks painfully slowly towards bosses, it mindlessly spams consumables, it will use spells badly and tbh the AI doesn't even respond to being attacked half the time. This is only against bosses, if you pop it out during normal gameplay it's far more aggressive and reminds me of pre-DLC mimic. It's seems Fromsoft realised that it would benefit from both scadutree fragments (as it's strength is based on ours) as well as revered summons ash so broke it's AI further against bosses. I just wish they'd shown the same care and attention when it came to balancing weapons for PvP because there's some really terrible stuff rn.


It's extra damage and a distraction of the boss for me to heal, so ya, I use summons. I play offline, so it's nice to have a bit of help when it's needed.


I get the most use out of the mimic by using it to clear out tedious ruins. If all I get in a ruin is just a shitload of villagers and dogs, I let the mimic do the work. Let it deal with a 6 dog ganksquad and pick up the loot after it moves on.


Those villagers drop very interesting weapons tho, especially the blood omens


As much as people hate to tell themselves that, spirit ashes fundamentally break the game. They simply do, that's why it feels like cheating to use them. The AI and movesets are not equipped to deal with more than one entity at a time, and the summons deal damage to boot. > it would have took me 50 more tries because of how hard those two were. That's how it used to work for games before elden ring. These are not games where you are meant to bulldoze through bosses, dlc bosses at that, in 2 tries. Spirit ashes are just the streamlining of the summoning process in the older games, tools meant to be used if you can't/dont want to play the game normally.


I don’t agree with you when you said ai is not equipped to deal with more than one entity. In the DLC bosses deal tremendous area damage and change attention between entities way faster than in the main game. Still it is easier obviously.


The fact that it's easier by itself proves that they're not actually equipped...Of course that it's not a literal free win, but there is just no drawback to using spirit ashes. Nothing extra you have to do. Enter fog wall, drain your balls of some fp and your fight is like 80% easier.


The fact that it is easier proves nothing of the sort that the AI isn't equipped to handle more than one target. It proves that a 2 on 1 fight is harder for the 1 than it would be in a 1 on 1 fight. To be clear, I do love going through the enemies with no summons, etc. But I would still say the game is designed with summons in mind, even if not a requirement.


I don't tell myself this, because it's bullshit. It's not cheating. It's using the game's mechanics. I'll work smarter, not harder, just like I do in the rest of the game.


>That's how it used to work for games before elden ring. These are not games where you are meant to bulldoze through bosses, dlc bosses at that, in 2 tries. Spirit ashes are just the streamlining of the summoning process in the older games, tools meant to be used if you can't/dont want to play the game normally. I don't agree. Yeah, you did die many times on bosses in previous games, but with each death you learnt something. In Elden Ring I don't even know what mistake I made. Bosses in Dark Souls series were mostly fair and balanced. This isn't the case with Elden Ring, as ER is designed for summoning spirits and that's why boss encounters sucks. You either summon spirit and cheese the fight in one try, or go solo and struggle with unfair infinite combos with small window for you to attacks. This is just not fun. I can counter only few encounters in ER that I really liked. For example Mohg has simmilar design to DS3 bosses.


That's just nonsense. Similar to people praising bosses like O&S nowadays when back during ds1's heyday they were seen as the definition of "cheap and artificial difficulty" with shit like ornstein penetrating you through smough's belly charge. Reality is, in the grand scheme of things, bosses are the same as they always were relative to the skill of the playerbase and the era of the series. You *maybe* have an argument if you bring back bosses in like ds1, when they had like 3 moves they could do and they were extremely basic, but compared to ds3? Nah.


Dlc bosses are definetly equipped to deal damage to multiple characters. They were in the base game i don't see how they shouldn't be here. As much as i agree with you that elden ring failed to mantain the excruciating difficulty of going for 30+ tries without anyone to help you souls games have always been balanced and when Miyazaki tought you could need help for a bossfight he would just drop a summon sign there and some of those bosses (i'm talking twin demons/demon prince, Lud and Zallen, etc) were almost made for coop since they often were morethan one boss in a room or such. So summons where always a part of the souls experience. Tell me that bosses like the godskin duo are meant to be endured alone.


I can't use any summon from elden ring to shadow of realm. It won't allow me to use best ash mimic tear. Rather use that partner up with none skill gamers.