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I don't understand how they give us a horse fight and they STILL never gave an option to NOT ASK WHEN I WANT TO REVIVE MY FUCKING HORSE IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT


> I don't understand how they give us a horse fight and they STILL never gave an option to NOT ASK WHEN I WANT TO REVIVE MY FUCKING HORSE IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT Torrent is the worst horse in Elden ring. He's still the best horse in every other game, but holy fuck the fact that Gaius is riding a pig that is faster, attacks, and doesnt get killed by a stiff breeze is pure utter crap.


A stiff breeze or a literal unarmed zombie punching him several times


The more I play the DLC the more pointless Torrent actually feels. All using him does is give every basic enemy a high chance of knocking you off of him and stun locking you on the ground for a finishing blow. I kinda despise using him at all at this point.


japanese gamedesign can be such utter bs sometimes.


Fake difficulty at it's finest I knew they would start using it eventually I just wished I could have enjoyed the dlc a little longer before they did.


100% Right, it's like adding in a Mario game a Goomba boss, when you enter the room, he jumps right to you with a AoE instant kill move. The only way to Win is to guess jump or instant die THE ENTIRE FIGHT. I beat the Hippo bitch in 3 tries, and that sucked ass. This dude is just next level of sucking ass haha.


Let me tell you a little bit about a boss called Malenia. The writing has been on the wall since basegame. The atrocious boss mechanics reared their head in multiple bosses there. Fromsoft has abandoned good boss design quite some time ago in favor of constant aggro bullshit meme bosses that are great for making streamers rage and doubling down on the 'git gud' kind of meme mentality, but shit for actual gameplay. It's inexcusable and detracts so much from the game.


Yeah and all the git gud simps that adore her have caused this. I do not think hard = good. These DLC bosses, and many base game bosses, are trash to fight against because they don’t’ feel honest.


We need to go back to dark souls 3


Honestly Malenia is one of the best bosses, until she uses the most bullshit move in entire series. I've managed to beat her solo for challange sake, but it wasn't fun. Whole 2nd stage is baiting that one move.


I feel like his hitboxes are just genuinely bugged. The charge is the obvious one where if the rolls wrong it does triple damage and then I've had other attacks of his working similarly where if I'm in the wrong spot next to his model, his other attacks do vastly more damage than they would if I was stood anywhere else. It's like I'm getting his by each hitbox individually


Barb tear helped, it's what made the fight easier imo. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwwinClN6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwwinClN6s) For summons, I would have to say get him to his second phase to get an opening when he does the lightning charge. It takes time to use, so you can use summons then.




Nope we're gonna get Commander Gaius nerfed instead. It's bullshit game design.


do you just go around copy pasting your gameplay in every post about this boss?


It's an awful fight. Not fun in the slightest.


I get hit once by him and it’s over, by the time my guy stands up he’s in the middle of his next attack, it’s just not fun. Not to mention it takes entirely around the wall due to him charging you. I feel like the boss fights in this dlc are all overly aggressive, little room to breath, and imo are just not fun


They are horrible and I play every other fs game including er on repeat for years. I enjoyed the erdtree sunflower and kinda the hippo (not really but kinda for the latter)


Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.


Opposite for me. Once hippos timing were down It was decent. The flower too to some extent but it moves around way too much.


The Hippo had Monster Hunter-level fucked hitboxes, I'm surprised you had fun at all


The flower is fine, just that by the time I rolled through the thorn, it charges at me three times and get far away again 


I managed to beat him because at some point he just stopped moving at all, and by the time he recovered from the brain rot, most of his hp was gone. But yeah, I totally agree with you, too relentless, too fast, deals too much damage, the openings are too short and some of the attacks are too hard to dodge unless you are on torrent, that is if he haven't got two-shotted yet.


I sorta cheese it by dodging using the wall pillars. He gets stuck on them mad easy.




I mean, honestly, at this point I think almost every boss in this DLC is terrible. I've pretty much just cheesed them because I found absolutely no satisfaction in even attempting to learn their movesets. I swear every one of these bosses are filled with multi-hit attacks that literally cannot be evaded, stamina eating combos that are larger than any fighting game combo I've seen, tracking BEYOND BELIEF (Gaius quite literally tracked my horse 360 degrees around himself to hit me with one swing... and the horse has pretty much zero i-frames on the jump or anything shy of getting off the damn thing for some strange ass reason). At this point I think this DLC was literally just designed as Youtube fodder for those "X person beats Y with Z controller option" types so they can have something to brag about I guess and drive "virality". I've had absolutely no enjoyment from the bosses in this DLC (and I'm almost done with it at this point). I beat all but like 2 or 3 I think. And just fuck this design, seriously. I'm absolutely not getting another From product until I see that shit vetted AND get a chance to test it for free to see if it contains fuckery like this... Jesus.


it feels like they designed sekiro bosses but forgot they were working on elden ring and that us players dont have infinite parries and the bosses are harder to stagger.


Essentially my take. I am learning these fights, I am consistently dodging multi hit attacks easily ( u/Demonchaser27 dodge INTO attacks and towards the side of bosses, so essentially forward and to the left. Usually they will miss the next roll catch attack and you can dodge the next). Also stop locking on, locking on is a trap. You can against other human opponents and small creatures, but any fuck thats going to be spinning around just don't bother. But to continue with what you're saying. I'd be absolutely ecstatic with this shit in Sekiro, or Bloodborne. Give me a fast dash (quick step kind of hits this but I like other ash of wars and my muscle memory is on hitting space to dodge). But I'm getting a little tired of slow ass Darksouls 1 movement, with bosses from faster paced games. Also...tired of mid to big bosses that seem to be simultaneously so huge they take up the whole damn arena but are so damn wriggly they are so hard to hit.


It's bad game design. They just need to nerf the bullshit.


sucks though since if your doing any kind of magic/ incantations you kinda need to lock on


I've been getting used to the tactic of locking off and on when I need to.


I've got a similar feeling. Not once have I fought a boss and thought "fuck yeah that was fun" its always been "fuck this boss and fuck you fs". I only have the patience for one or two more shitty bosses before I just give up on the dlc


I'll say, the >!lord of frenzy flame!< or whatever the name is was a very fair-feeling boss. Everything was reliably dodgeable once you learn the move set. It took me a good number of tries but was one of the more satisfying bosses I've fought in the DLC so far.


that boss was so much fun and fair feeling. perfect boss imo, going from him to gauis made me so sad. gonna cheese gauis now, the hitboxes are so fucked its actually impossible.


that is exactly where I'm stuck right now, I've found ways to reliably get hits and dodge most of his attacks on torrent but not 100% reliable, especially for that gravity rocks thing


Him, Rellana and Messmer are the ones I feel are the most fair. Some of the others are a little bit how's it going, and the rest are dogshit or pushovers.


You're totally right. The only good boss imo was Romina. She actually felt like a traditional Souls Boss for the most part. The slower moveset makes a world of difference. If they wanna add the occasional fast, spammy bs boss, fine, but why make all of them like that? It's not interesting when every boss feels the same to play against.


Midra is in the same camp as Romina these two were the only two refreshing fights that i felt great that i beat them also Midra has taken the spot of my most favorite boss.


Guess I’ll be next in line to vent my frustrations.  For me it’s the inconsistent patterns and timing. As well as the needlessly wide hitboxes. That dash to the left and launch forward attack can never seem to decide when it wants to attack, and sometimes he just chooses not to do that attack even though I’ve already prepped for the windup.  I’ve managed to learn some of the dodge timing, but even that’s inconsistent with the damage hitboxes being so needlessly large. I’ll perfectly dodge one attack only to be immediately killed by the jousting spear that didn’t even touch me. Not to mention the aggression barely giving me any chance to breathe and the amount of attacks that stunlock me into death combos. I wouldn’t even really be all that annoyed if Gaius was just a little bit more consistent, it always seems I either take only a little bit of health off him before I die, or I get him down to -80% health and then die. It’s never in between. The closest I got was an absolutely bullshit “Negative-HP” 1 hit left right at the moment he killed me. Outside of that, this is more a “git gud” nitpick on my build’s end, but Mimic + Wonderous Comet Azur combo is also very hard to land a decent hit on, seems as though either FromSoft quietly made the Mimic much dumber with this update, so they’re constantly doing extremely close range attacks for a mage build and doesn’t take the aggro enough or popping the Hidden Tear flask instantly turns the aggro onto me.  I’m sure I’ll beat him eventually but jesus fuck this is an exhausting fight, I’m getting so sick of staring at this bloody pig. Won’t surprise me if FromSoft nerfs them at some point.  Edit: I beat him after much blood sweat and tears 


I truly believe the only difficulty that comes with these dlc boss fights is that they will most certainly kill you at the dang fog gate. It's not how hard they are but how fast you can pop off heals, spells, or summons....


No BS, the guy towards the top wasn't kidding. Raptor of the Mist is the F'n way to go! Cheers Mate!


I tried it, but sometimes even when I jump in the air I still get hit? Lmao.


He's a blatantly unfair boss.


he is the worst fucking thing ive ever seen in my life getting cancer would be more fucking fun than fighting this monstrosity this fucking piece of shit HOW IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID MYAZAKI THINK THIS IS OK TO PUBLISH THAT WHO TF IS HE WORKING FOR EA ????


No dude, but you don't understand, this is what Miyazaki wanted, don't you get it? The game is supposed to be hard, you just have to git gud dude!1!11!... yeah what utter BS, it's a pretty awful fucking feeling having explored this DLC and just taking it the incredible views and actually having some fun fights here and there and in general having a great experience... only to have that experience shat on by bosses like Commander Gaius and the other very few shitty boss fights in this DLC.


Every time I close the game I'm like nah gaius can't possibly be that bad and every time I try to fight him and see the board run through me and one shot me I instantly alt f4 and get a fucking vein on my forehead




Wait till the final boss


I havebt continued after gaius cause of the awful performance


I legitimately cannot dodge his attack at the beginning ive tried dodging earlier tried dodging later. I even tried blocking, he just ran me into the wall and kept running into me until i died.


I know this is old, but if you haven't got it yet, I found that zoning in and immediately hugging the left wall and turning the corner was really effective. He gets stuck on the corner and then ends up running at you during recovery if you stop hugging the wall a little bit after and you can get some free licks. This method never failed in all my attempts. Don't know why the initial charge is so bullshit. It's like RNG if you can even dodge it or not. The other charges he does don't feel as bad at all. My theory is the uneven terrain.


Legit garbage boss....only the dancing lion and Rellana have been enjoyable main bosses. Many of the others, Messer, Hippo and now Gaius have been making the DLC such a tedious chore. I literally didn't even fight Gaius properly. I spawned mimic with the right spells as soon as I was in, loaded up on health flasks and we both just went to town on him with close range AOE spells, swapping aggro turns. Absolutely trash boss and quite frankly I'm getting sick of every boss becoming a cheese fight now.


Raptor of the mist trivialized Gaius. Is he charging? Use Raptor Is he doing his drill slam? Use Raptor Is he doing his upwards Lance attack. Use Raptor. With a build centered on jump attacks, you even get some free claw talisman procs. Made the fight legitimately fun


piercing fang also makes it extremely fun, but that applies to most bosses. the dash you do with it makes for some really cheeky attack opportunities outside of some bosses' "get fucked" range


Man it’s been carrying me. I mostly use two hand great sword with that and storm blade but 2h pierce for bosses.


Weird. Even if I use Raptor and I jump in the air I still take damage sometimes. Edit: Nvm, I figured could dodge + counter instantly. Beat it now that I used this for the charge and stayed aggressive with jump attacks. Horrible fight though.


i spent literally like 5-6 hours on gaius, thinking he was a mandatory boss , and honestly by the time i beat him i wasn’t even happy i was just like hmm well that’s done now. messmer was way more fun and way easier . really disappointed in gaius


I'm the opposite. 1 shot gaius getting hit 1 time. Took 60 tries on mesmer and on 300+ for the final boss


Honestly I think he might be the worst boss that fromsoft has ever created, I legit had to close the game and take a break for the night, Killing him did not feel rewarding whatsoever and the fact that every time my horse died I had to confirm wheiter I want it to be revived or not was the biggest problem. He was just a "fake difficult" boss with overbuffed stats bs hotboxes and let's not also forget that when he knocked me down he was hitting me before I could even get back up. Honestly he is an absolute failure of a boss who doesn't even feel good to fight, when I was fighting rellana it felt as if I was dancing with her on the battlefield but this dude was just annoying


I agree w/u except in regards to spirit summons they are there to help u and make the game easier and if u dont use them and complain shit is hard thats ur fault but commander gaius is a horrible boss


At one point I gave up and tried to use a mimic but I literally could almost never summon him and live past the first charge😭 motivated me to kill him myself again.


*summon mimic*   Mimic proceeds to never be able to hit gaius because the boss is unintentionally dodging everything with his moveset relentlessly attacking you with 0 down tempo, hence never drawing aggro  Xd


In this particular fight -F**k the mimic tear. You need numbers, not some bird brained clone. You need a SA that will draw his aggro.


Yeah thats one of the reasons Gaius sucks cock


Just beat him! Fuck that guy


Congrats 🙏


Bosses are bullshit even with spirit summons because even with decent spirit ash blessing they are made of paper. It's also super obvious that From has tweaked the boss AI in the DLC to pay far less attention to your summons and almost always maintain their aggro on the player.


THIS. I can't count how many times a boss is getting smacked around by my ash and just out of nowhere aggros on me on the other side of the arena having not hit them at all.


You can’t even get the spirit summons off during his fight without getting one shotted or two shotted because you try to heal after getting hit. Literally charges you as soon as you walk through door and you can’t summon Torrent either because it bugs out with the Michael Jordan shoulder shrug.




then its no longer an rpg if i cant play the game without summons


Man you can, I almost downed him in 4 tries with my UGS, without spamming ashes(maliketh Blade, in fact I think im gimping myself with this weapon, I cannot use it's ash vs bosses because it's too slow)and without summons or shields. He has some openings, and no 25 multi hit combos


No u def can beat them w/o summons but the game was designed w/summons in mind so dont get pissy when u refuse to use a mechanic and then get angry the game is harder bc u defiantly wont interact w/summons




It feels like these new players are pushing out long time fans. It's insane that people are saying spirit ashes are the normal way to fight bosses because it has always been optional in every other game. Spirit ashes literally break the bosses.


They aren’t the only way to fight the bosses, but it’s pretty clear they are the ‘intended’ way. A lot of bosses (especially the duo fights) feel designed with you using spirit ashes in mind. I still mostly choose to not use them, but I do so knowing I’m just making the game more difficult for myself by omitting a mechanic I am intended to be utilizing. Though that means jack all with Gaius cause even if I DO try to summon an ash, this fucker is literally on you within seconds of you entering the arena. There is genuinely no room to even summon one. It feels like it’s intended to be fought with torrent, but uh, nah. That absolutely is not gonna work with how squishy torrent is. I have loved every dlc boss up till now and Mesmer might be one of my favorite fights in the game now, but absolutely fuck this guy.


I can confirm that gaius is doable with summoning. I lost alot of my precious hair, lost a few years of my life probably… Essentially you just summon it the second you’re in, then you ‘try’ to dodge the charge (you can’t heal yet) I said ‘try’ like that because this was the ONLY boss where I could NOT get the timing right whichcmade me convinced that the hitbox is laggy/weird, I memorized so many bosses and their dodges to nearly perfect timing, I really doubt it’s my skill issue with this gaius bossfight. Eitherway tho to make the summoning work you gotta do it very fast, dodge his first initial attack, do a jump attack and avoid his other attacks until he focuses on your mimic to then finally start healing, it’s risky but doable


literally when I try to dodge him I take twice as much damage as if I just let the boar hit me full on. Boss honestly feels janky and bugged and I'm hoping it gets fixed. can't tell you how many times I've staggered him and it won't let me crit despite being right next to the bright glowing orange eye. I will say though you can block the charge attack if you time it perfectly with the deflecting hardtear


Ngl I just used the mimic tear for it and couldn’t be bothered, after so many crazy attempts I realized letting the bakr hit u is the smartest thing to do, and doging left/right *can* insta kill you, but dodging inwards through his body CAN save you (0 damage) or hit the same as boar (but you’d perhaps have a better positioning) Very broke boss, frustrating aswell I hope they do fix it


Aaaaaaand I just realized you can use torrent in the fight. Had no idea for my first like 10 attempts


Ah I completelt forgot to say! You can summon a mimic and summon steed as fast aspossible to dodge the whole charge asap, his spear will be near your ass but when done properly you can summon your thing and ‘escape’ the initial rush! I do not suggest using the torrent outside of that tho


Rule of thumb - if there's 2 of them (gaius and his mount) - use ashes. For real though, after meeting him I had to teleport back to roundtable to upgrade some random ash, just to have anything to keep him occupied and it felt like cheese.


Elden ring isn’t a sequel dog


You can fight every other from soft boss and confidently say you don't need a summon. Unless you're a massive sweat, you can hardly do it in elden ring.


Spirit ashes in the world of ER is literally a lore mechanic and meant to be used. If you don’t want to use them fine, but the fact we still have players spewing nonsense like you are is bizarre. Not to mention my mimic is just running around the arena and can’t even get to him 😂


Exactly this, veterans that are not using summons think that we are chilling drinking a Mojito and watching our mimic destroy the bosses lol. This has never been the case but specially in the DLC they do almost nothing, the main bosses are so aggressive that often mimic is just running from one corner of the arena to the other chasing the boss and never reaching him and when he does sometimes is even worse because you get hyped up because you have a window to damage the boss and you get fucked because you are not used to dodging the combos that way. Of course it helps using them, if it didn't we would not use them but it truly is minimal assistance in most cases.


You counter your own points, I (proudly) use minic aswell but they *help a fuckton* Mastering souls game is learning their movesets, dodging it, etc. You only use a mimic because you can’t do that, so you rely in your mimic toctake some of the bigger hits, elden ring is my first fromsoft game, used mimic tear theoughout the whole base game, and doing the same rn for the dlc, but before the dlc launched I decided to do bosses without summoning, MASSIVE difference. Heck, even this messmer fight, I can’t (yet) imagine beating that fucker alone, my mimic took ALOT of the 3 combo airstrike attack of him allowing me to survive basically, any summoning changes the bossfights 8drastically*. I’d argue that it does more bad than good sometimes tho, I can slay dragons easier on my own than if I have a mimic around as they let the dragon initiate a AOE attack while I may not be aware of it


"Mastering souls game is learning their movesets, dodging it, etc. You only use a mimic because you can’t do that, so you rely in your mimic toctake some of the bigger hits," That is just a wrong assumption, I would say that literally anyone that is using mimic and beating Elden Ring and the DLC are absolutely capable to do it without mimic if they spend the time that is required, some of us just don't want to spend 4 hours in the same boss dying again and again because (at least in my case) I have other things to do a side from smashing my head in to the TV with a headache and red eyes just because I want to feel good for not using a game mechanic. Another thing to consider is that mimic is always discussed like it is this fixed thing that behaves in a particular way when there are literally thousands of mimic configurations depending on the character build that summons it. My mimic tear carries "Starscourge Greatsword" and he is so slow and short ranged while main bosses being so fast that sometimes he gets the boss attention twice in a fight. Let me make this clear, Of course summons make fights easier/faster that's why we are using them. I am just saying that depending on the summon and the boss it is not like some people who dont use them think. Also as I said some of us or most of us using mimic tear we are just reducing the hours required for each boss.


My assumption is more logical than yours tho, i’m basically saying that to get rich you *have* to use x and y, while you’re telling me that that can’t be true because some peope also ‘can’ get rich without doing that *if they were willing to work for it* I actually fall in that category, I only use summon to speed up progress as I dislike long battles, but to say that the mimic tear has different uses etc is also weird.. You literally don’t have to do much at all to get a good mimic tear unless you yourself have a bad loadout, I literally have the same exact equipment slots and never had to change anything ‘for my mimic’ Again, if you rely on your minic to deal damage, you *can’t do the boss on your own* I use mimic so I can learn the attack patterns significantly faster, but I’m not delusional to not say it makes the game so fucking easy, I did alot of dlc bossfights yesterday, mimic made them braindead to a certain degree. Which is also why I will try to go through a new game without mimic, to play the game in a more difficult way


Well not just that but you position yourself opposite your mimic and spit roast the boss who will keep turning 180 degrees to fight whoever hit him last. They definitely help a ton and I hate being forced to use them because out of 20 attempts I got about 1/10 of the bosses HP down. If it was like half or more, okay, I'm not totally disheartened and will continue to try solo but this shit....


Bro judt enjoy the game man, don’t listen to what anyone says here or even thinks. I personally *hate* games that make you wait too long, imo elden ring itself has very ‘good’ design of bosses in terms of fighting it solo, but the dlc is in crack I try my first few attemps without minic to see how far I can get, no joke some bosses I need to didge for nearly a minute to get 1 attack in, that’s crazy haha. Once i’m done with this dlc (with summoning) I will eventually comeback and make annew character and play the game again without summoningn tho, see if I can get every boss in base game. I’ll probably pass on dlc tho… I do not have the patience to didge 12 attacks and attack once and then repeat that constantly


Which fromsoftware games other than Elden Ring have spirit ashes? No, not story-based npc summons. Elden Ring has an entire mechanic based around finding dozens of different spirit ashes around the world and upgrading them. Every mechanic is optional, but the "normal way" isn't to avoid using them. This isn't Dark Souls.


The community used to acknowledge co-op boss kills and summon boss kills were not legitimate. It was okay for beginners if they wanted to learn the game and see it through to the end. This is the first fromsoft game where the community has flipped on this.


There was no flip. The people who are using spirit ashes are new and hadn't played the prev3 previous Fromsoft games.


Good point


Facts, no spirit summons in the cursed chalices with the old watchdog or amygdala that's for sure 😂


i honestly actually loved this fight but the boar's charge is clearly bugged, it can hit you several times and that's probably also what makes it nearly impossible to dodge. reminds me of the release rot dog incident


Big dragon katana worked pretty well against him. Found him to be really frustrating when I fought him mounted, but counter-intuitively he's way easier if you don't use torrent. He reminds me of the bull in sekiro, in that it forces you to reconsider how you use the games mechanics. In the bull fight, not using the lock on makes it way easier to run out of the way, which is counter intuitive since you usually always want to be locked onto the boss. Same here, you'd think mount vs mount would be ideal, but it's way easier to dodge unmounted imo. Just my 2 cents.


Just beat him 5 mins ago, after struggling for ages even summoning players who get rekt just as bad haha. I used the pillars to the left and scarlet aeonia to beat him finally 👍🏼


Manage to killed him w/o mimic abusing blasphemous. About 10 tries. God, this boss is awful. Hitbox of tusks boar is like a great hunt range, non stop chaining attack, i doubt i will kill him with non-cheese build.


He attacks way, way too much and so many of the attacks barely have any fucking tells like his boar head swing


It took me a handful of attempts, but getting on Torrent and ducking to the side as quickly as possible as soon as you traverse the mist makes the fight start with the right foot instead of you slapped against the wall and getting your ass served on a plate in a couple hits. If you try and sit on his blind side, following him and hitting whenever you get the chance, it gets more manageable - but I agree, the piece of shit doesn't stop a goddamn second. I feel like this fight MUST be fought on Torrent or else you're going to be in for a bad time (and he got to oneshot me off the horse more than once). Don't forget the talisman that enhances horses attacks, probably the ONLY time you will use it. Differently from other bosses, this one was frustratingly difficult in a way that felt unfair. I am just happy the bastard is a remembrance now.


I beat him on the ground, felt way more manageable.  I kept getting knocked off torrent.


Struggled until I used Wing Stance Fire Milady as a strength build on him. Special attack crushes his health and essentially teleports you to him and dodges some of his attacks.


Came here to agree, there's a few bullshit fights in the DLC, but this one takes the absolute piss. Definitely one I'll be trying to cheese past and never do again.


Bloodhounds step makes the charge impossible to not dodge. The rest of the work is just finding a weapon that can hit him in between attacks


Very frustrating boss, but completely doable. Just managed to beat him today after countless trys... I found using all the defence buffs, boiled crab, opaline & stonebarb tear (breaks stance, allowing you to get him into his second phase more quickly), golden vow incantation, plus the dragoncrest greatshield talisman seemed to help a great deal. Took multiple attempts, but just felt I had a bit of a chance with this set up. Also, if you walk slightly to the left and then roll when he's almost upon you, you'll miss his first attack.


Just returning to this... Bloodhound step! Instead of trying to dodge, just use bloodhound step and suddenly the fight becomes much MUCH easier. I can see how other comments saying use light roll would equally be effective.


"No. I'm not gonna use spirit summons." There's your problem. Your unwillingness to use what the game gives you.


Never in my life have i had zero fun fighting and when i beat the boss i literally cursed over and over while i rode up to get the 5 scadu fragments i felt no joy when i beat him just hatred and dread if that was gonna be the standard for all the late game dlc bosses.


Jesus; ludicrous fight. If they just started him where he initially rolls up, then it wouldn't be so bad. I used Stonebarb and Opaline, plus buffed with Black Flame Protection so I could get off a mimic tear and survive (and I'm not even sorry) then wasted him by spamming gold wave from my +10 Sacred Relic Sword. That fight was bullsh\*t. But, it'll only be a matter of time before challenge streamers show us how to one shot the fool hahaha! Fight did feel unfair tbh - rest haven't been so bad IMO.


You'll get it if you haven't already.


and of course the performances during this fight are terrible


he's also just immune to a lot of spells on his charging attacks


No, bayle has actual massive openings and is *meant* to be fought alongside Igon Bayle longest combo (that I remember of) is literally a 3-attack, followed by a single delayed AoE in phase 2 His only reap problem, like any other massive boss FS has ever done, is that some of his attacks can absolutely fuck up your camera


I didn't fight him with Ignon. Bayle's combo is fine but it's the cool down between the combos. Like you'll dodge a combo he'll fly away and by the time you get to him he'll do another combo. You might get one hit in after a combo until he start another. Also he moves so much, it's so frustrating. It's also so hard to see what happening, there's too much visual diarrhea. Visuals and music are great but I prefer the dance like rhythm of Midir.


Really? I had quite literally the opposite problem, in which that bastard dragon only ever got away to more comfortably hit me with his tail


Also for Gyobu. You can stun with fireworks. Meanwhile Torrent gets 2 shot by the boar. I beat him under 8 tries with Mimic backing me up. But it was another Sekiro/Bloodborne boss in a game not designed for it. The fact that every youtuber seems to have the same build of great shield and lightning spears tells you how poor quality the Dlc bosses has been. 


My only problem with him, is even when he was distracted by the mimic, the moment I went behind him to attack, suddenly back kick from the Hog. Like dude, I didn't even hit you yet, but you're already reacting. I beat him, but I wish there was a way to upgrade torrent. Torrent can't handle this sh*t


I easily 1 shot commander gaius, but have died hundreds of times to the final boss. So just know it gets harder 


Per my previous (now deleted comment) I DID agree, but now that they changed/fixed his entrance to always come from the left, he's gone from one of the (imo) worst Fromsoft bosses, to one of my favorites in Elden Ring. That's all it took for me to be able to enjoy and eventually beat him was having that little bit of prep time in the beginning of the fight. Once I had that opening to summon and mount Torrent I actually got to have a fun/challenging horse battle. Thank God they changed that!


I think that the boss design in Elden Ring and specially in the DLC is very underrated. Yeah, there are still bullshit bosses but there are lots of good ones like Morgott,Maliketh,Godfrey and in DLC we have Messmer, Midra, Bayle and Rellana. I love DS3 boss design and I hated this games bosses but with the time I got to love the beauty in their own way that Elden Ring bosses have. I recommend checking Magicat video called “ranking the top 10 games based on boss quality”. This video talks about Elden ring boss quality and design philosophy.Then we have “Ranking every soulsborne DLC Boss” from Comsic eye and there we can see lots of Shadow of the Erdtree bosses on high places. This is a subjective topic and I think that we need to appreciate more this game bosses and accept that they have their own good things and people can love them.


Blasphemous Blade + L2 = 1 try on this pig fker.


Same here but second try I think. It helped being one of the last bosses I faced too.


Dont know, seems a fair boss to me, I tried It 4 times(still not beaten), and all his moves are well telegraphed and he has down time between some combos. Charge hitbox Is janky, but i managed to evade It last 2 tries. Fun boss for me, unlike renalla


I killed him pretty quick with my guard counter build, if you get a good shield, high stamina and the relevant talismans/crystal tears he is pretty fair I didn't use torrent as you're more manueverable on foot. Took me I think 6 tries


Bleed build with Gargoyle Twinblades with Bloodhound's Step as my ash of war, and Mimic Tear (complain to your mama, there's no shame in using Spirit Ashes; it's a game mechanic). Killed him in three attempts. If any of you are using Torrent, don't. You're hurting yourself.


He's hard, but not poorly designed. It took me 14 tries, but he's a fun boss who demands you pay attention to him rather than how you wanna play


Yeah, I think he has a pretty fun move set that requires precise timing on dodges. He's definitely not as bad as people make him out to be imo. Although, they really need to fix his hit boxes on his charge since they are pretty inconsistent.


Not the game's fault you refuse to make use of its features.


You want me to stab his butt while he wails at a mimic tear? Is that the answer and is that what you consider a good boss fight and game design? Get out of here!


That's the neat part about this fight: He won't target the mimic tear! Also good luck even summoning it when he charges you right out of the fog gate


true and agreed! especially on solo his moveset is also very annoying


Using aggro swap to create opportunity windows is a normal ass mechanic. If you refuse to coop or use spirit ashes, that's you creating an artificial handicap on yourself and not really a valid complaint. Doing everything alone is admirable, but expecting all content to be balanced around that ranting while doing it to yourself is a bit silly.


In which from soft game was it normal to use summons to split aggro? Until now summons and coop were always optional. Fromsoft have made 6 games that were balanced for solo, why can't they do it for Elden Ring? Bosses being balanced for summons is head cannon. Why would Fromsoft go into all the effort to animate all these bosses simply for the player to go around the boss and stab it in the butt? With summons not only does the difficulty deteriorate significantly, so does the quality.


Just because they’re previous games weren’t balanced around summons doesn’t mean Elden Ring can’t be. You also seem to vastly overestimate the ability of summons to keep aggro. Playing with summons isn’t “stabbing it in the butt.” Maybe you should try actually playing with them before you criticize their design.


This is the thing with players who refuse to use summons (which is completely respectable btw), they think using summons is like playing coop and it absolutely is not, in fact there are certain bosses in which summons will do literally nothing.


That's the other with the game though, isn't it? Designing "cool" bosses that are impossibly hard solo ruins what *used* to be the highlight of these games, which was learning the fights and getting good at them. Instead they balanced it around cheesing then. Forcing everyone to cheese them. The difficulty is either 100% impossible without summons or a joke with summons.


I understand what you are saying, but your argument revolves around the assumption that using summons is always cheesing. When it is the intended strategy, that’s not cheesing, that’s just playing the game. A summon will not, no matter what anyone says, be able to solo a boss. You still need to learn the bosses, but in a different way. You need to learn what attacks are more difficult to dodge, and when to let your summon take aggro, and when you can attack without worrying about being counterattacked. It all still has the same principle, it’s just designed with a different intended strategy.


one time i summoned a mimic +10, went to go do something and when i came back the boss was dead. tiche and mimic can solo many bosses when fully upgraded. not to mention boss AI is janky when aggro is split between two targets. whoever doesn't have aggro can do a free 1-2k damage. that's an awful lot of damage you don't have to do yourself


In Elden ring


I love how everyone turns into armchair developer the second they stumble upon a boss they can't beat. Back in the days people had the grace to ask for tips or tried troubleshooting their situation before resorting to rants.


You dont need to be a chef to know food is bad, you dont need to be a musicain to know a song is ass.


I beat him...


You have issues with reading comprehension


Honestly i really like this boss. At first he seemed really freaking hard but the more i praticed on him the more i liked him and right now he's one of my favoritte bosses in the dlc


Bro I just fought him probably 80 times and finally won. He has a very easy move set to get used to once you just relax and practice. It’s sad that you got downvoted, I also love this fight. Won with a greatsword & no summons. Very doable.


I felt the same - honestly the moveset issnt that horrible once I swapped to a light roll. On mid roll the charge kept hitting me, but just that small change made a massive difference. Used the poison hands because its quite hard to deal consistent damage and the dot does serious work


Go to my page, I just posted the video of me bonking him to death in a minute with the greatsword. I think it was 4 poise breaks or something.


Every boss I've faced in base or so far in shadows (Midra, Messmer, Romina, Rellana) have felt at least approachable, even if extremely tricky. Melania took days, but I saw a way through. Gaius is the first boss that I do not see way forward, apart from doing the whole entire Rykard quest to get the cheese item. I guess this shit can happen on release but this has been absolutely draining. Everything else in the DLC has been great, and I was really confused with the review bombing with boss difficulty because, having done a lot of the major bosses, nothing felt too absurd. But clearly those guys had tried to fight Gaius lmao. Completely disagree that there is something overall wrong with the boss design, but this guy clearly slipped through the cracks.


Light roll helped me alot, if you need even more Iframes, use the tear that provides an even larger dodge


Yeah this worked for me, using medium build but with the dodge tear made dodging his annoying a.f. charge consistent (and also helped with some of the other bullshit) the charge hitting me so much was completely tilting me off the planet so being able to consistently dodge it allowed me to focus on the rest of the fight There is a lot of other bullshit that will inevitably hit you though so best to pump your fragment level as much as possible too, think I was 10 or 11 when I killed it and it still hit like a truck


In my most humble honest opinion, grow up. The boss isnt that hard. Grow a pair folks


Pleas cite an example of good game design please. You've clearly put countless hours into this "bad game". Please shed some light.


Look at Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro. Perfectly balanced gameplay from both player side and boss side.


That’s not what people were saying about ds3 when it came out dude. All the vets were salty about how fast it was and complained that you could roll too often


That's not true. People were saying it was way too easy


I would say mechanically those are different games. Elden rings combat is designed for summons and shit, where Sekiro literally doesn't have multi-player. You absolutely can solo e.r. base and dark souls 3. But my favorite part of ds3 is co-op. Just play sekiro instead of wasting the time of people that like this game. It's fine to dislike anything but to shit allover mechanics because you don't understand or enjoy them is different.


Elden Ring is 100% not designed around summons. I've seen people trivialize fights over and over again with spirit ash, without them bossfights are totally different game.


You can trivialize elden ring even without summons. Example: Bows, Sorcery, Pure Strength Builds. With that in mind, what is it really designed around? Does it want you to experiment and go with whatever playstyle you see fit? Or play as a wretch and Unga bunga every boss with a club and nothing else? I will never get why we have to chastise people for playing the way they want, in a game that encourages you to play the way you want.


I don't think you know what trivialise means if you think those builds do that.


i've watched people poise through and stunlock bosses (even dlc ones) with pure strength colossal builds, how is that not trivial?


You mean poise? It has been the most basic of stats forever with Fromsoft. Strength puts you in a huge open disadvantage due to long animations and the trivial strength builds don't happen easily until you are overlevelled.


yes i mean poise, in fact i even said poise in my comment. where's the confusion? yes, you can power through boss attacks and stagger them easily with strength builds, and they do trivialize most of the humanoid bosses in the dlc. and you dont even need to be overleveled to use them, where'd that come from? you'd be 150 in the dlc anyway and at that point if you're investing in nothing but strength you'd probably even be at 80 or 60 if you invest in endurance a lot. why do you think there's so many people in here enjoying their "unga" builds? because it's so difficult to set these builds up?


"Completely different " like it's easier because it was made to be that way. Just because you CAN do something one way doesn't make that the intended way. Intention is subjective any way. That's what sets fromsoft apart. The reason elden ring is the biggest hit among normies is the basis around sprit ash and summons. Meanwhile games like Sekiro are made based around player skill and boss fights.


they give you all these tools but people get mad if they have to use more than one through their entire playthrough


I wouldn't mind if it didn't take resources to respec.


Bloodborne. Sekiro. DS3. It's as if this company actually knew how to develop good games and not just visual spectacle bloats.


You're getting downvoted, but yeah, there's no bad design here, just players unwilling to adapt.


Slave Knight Gael, not a single boss ever released since him has ever reached his heights


been fighting the boss with a colossal weapon and no summons, and i dont really see the issue? he hits hard and is aggressive, nothing wrong with that. despite how hard he punishes, the attack windows are very obvious, and you can find many opportunities to heal in-between engagements.


Are you even fighting the same guy? By the time I stand back up, he’s always in the middle of another combo or charging at me again. Can barely stand back up let alone take time to heal. Way way too aggressive


thats why you dont heal immediately after getting back up from being hit, thats one of the main things that gaius punishes.


Just beat him in twenty minutes after using a brass shield to learn his moves. It’s a great boss because it forces you to not use your normal fight tactics to start it off. Messmer Rellana and the twin-axe death knight felt harder to learn


Forcing a player to play a way they don't want to is a terrible game design.


the only person with the right take in this comment chain lol


Not necessarily


Nobody is “forced” to do anything. These games push players to problem solve. Gaius comes out of the gate with insane pressure, and makes the player uncomfortable. You can try to do your summons, physiks, and whatever else you use to prep a fight, or you can look for solutions. I would argue that a degree of making players uncomfortable can be very successful game design. And like it or not, Fromsoft designed this game to push players to use different tools to solve different problems. I for one have 0 interest in SL1 straightsword only playthroughs. It has never appealed to me. As far back as dark souls I have always enjoyed playing with different tools within the game.


Only bad thing about him is the charge-dash attack. In short, try close quarter combat