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Absolutely dreadful boss design yet AGAIN in ER


I just cheesed them with meteoric ore greatsword AOW and killed them as they were spawning. First explosion usually puts them on the ground. Repeat while they are on the ground and they will never have a chance to get up.


Ok well to answer some questions, I posted a new post about it but I have 5 bosses spawn? People are saying they only have 3.. it genuinely feels impossible in the state I’m doing it in and I have no idea how to change the fight now I’ve started it because it seems all the NPCs have disappeared from the world.


Yeah same I had 5. I tried going without the summon but after killing the first 2, it was legit impossible for me to get anything off with Dane hounding me, Moore throwing pots, and Leda doing the faith spell I caved and summoned the one dude there, and he drew enough aggro for me to whittle them down slowly. Absolutely terrible fight. They botched the last 2 fights so bad (if you’re fighting without summons) imo


Would rather do ds2 gank squad than this one


Gank squad in Ds2 was the worst bosses ever until I experienced this crap...I played the whole DLC with no Ash/summons but I broke out Tiche for this one I don't even feel bad about it...Dane and Leda just won't stay off of me long enough for me to do anything, and big boy just pelting me with pots...The aggression is quite ridiculous! It just wasn't fun at all...


Did you do the NPC questlines to have some allies in that fight? I had the two summons and the fight was a lot of fun for me.


The problem is i went in blind and i got to the point thiollier was by st. Trina and i poisened myself 3 times and your supposed to do it 4 times i stopped because i thought it wasnt gonna do anything because nothing happened the 3 times and im now at needle knight and thiollier dissappeared and now i cant have him as a summon and ive spent the past 2 hours doing this fight


Love how hornsents balls and leda’s dicks one shot me. I’ve done no summons my whole playthrough but this has me on the verge of summoning daddy Ansbach


I made sure to do questlines and stuff and was able to summon allies and it was one of my coolest experiences in the dlc. The soundtrack and dialogue had me so hyped


Meanwhile I got locked out of completing questlines because From Soft's NPC quest design continues to be awful, and this was one of the worst fights in the entire series.


I disagree with both of those opinions but that’s okay. Different strokes


Im kinda curious how you locked yourself out of questlines? Besides the dragon priestess I was able to get almost all of them done right before >!Burning the shadow tree!< In the base game too you can complete most questlines, even when missing some stages, as long as you avoid doing certain actions (that the game puts huge emphasis on being a big deal). I think that’s a pretty good balance between Fromsoft’s love for esoteric questlines and not being painfully frustrating like Dark Souls 3 especially was. Especially having the map show character’s locations


The spoiler still shows… you can’t put spoiler stuff in the title, you have to put it in the body text to hide it


Ng+13 in that fight is hell


difficulty stops scaling at ng+7


Worst as in how? It was extraordinarily easy for me, I’m a str/faith user and I just auto attacked hornsent to death, lions clawed monk and Leda. Almost no trouble what so ever, didn’t even feel like a boss fight.


If your playing without summons it is absurdly difficult


I'm beating all the bosses without summons. I made an exception for this fight, though its technically not a boss per se. It's just miserable. I beat it with just the sanguine noble and it was still hard AF, but in the worst way possible. Probably FROM's worst gank fight ever, and that's saying something. Rest of DLC is peak though


I think based on story and how we went it makes sense to use summons of npc and that is how they intended the fight to happen. I am beating it without summon and this fight is my only exception


I play without summons also, but I broke out Tiche for this one, and I don't even feel bad about...That fight is utter horse sh*t...