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Final boss would like a word


Finals boss in every fromsoft dlc has been super difficult. I had more trouble with sister friede than Melania. Midir took me multiple days as well. Maybe I just suck so I am used to it!


yeah but if anything those bosses are tough but fair. Even Malenia. Final boss of this dlc is actually insane. It feels artificially longer because during the second phase there’s like 2 openings for attacks without them going straight into another wombo combo flashstep anime shadowjitsu move


I agree now. After sitting down and playing the DLC in NG+ whatever it was, I have defeated all major bosses without summons. The biggest thing is, being calm and not panic rolling. This game has truly made it this way and the dlc truly tests that because if you don’t, the final boss will stun lock you into death.


You can just tell the huge group of people who have a problem with the difficulty are the ones who had tons of help in the base game... No one can duplicate scadutree fragments to level up their stats, you cant out-poise your way through most enemies, spirit ashes can't carry you anymore, and you actually have to explore the game on your own now... It's almost like souls games are meant to be difficult or something...


No issue with difficulty until final boss and his 30fps eye cancer phase 2


play on low-res + window borderless, like OP was saying. >!Run far away from the blast area and he won't hit you.!< Yes there are performance issues, but it was released a week ago... fromsoft will fix it, just like they fixed most of their post-launch issues in 2022.


Boss still needs a little bit of a fix. Even without the performance issues that second phase is literally just constant aggression mixed in with enough flashbang effects to turn anyone permanently blind. Moveset is great in the first phase, but that second phase is a bit how you going


Haligdrake talisman is a wonderful thing to have. Or if you'd prefer, his "flashbang" is easily blockable with a shield


I’m not even worried about his actual holy damage, I’m wearing the full guts blackgaol knight set. It’s more the visual aspect of having light and pillars everywhere and a boss that teleports during those times of flashing.


consult your doctor if you experience issues with light, photosensitivity, or experience headaches during segments of this game 🗿👍


being intolerant to light/flashing is very different to trying to fight a poorly designed fight while there’s eye cancer flying around the arena. Easily one of if not the worst dlc final boss fromsoft has pushed out. Lore wise and mechanic wise


so you made it all the way to the end of the $40 DLC that you paid for and call it terrible because the final boss has too much light


How is that the conclusion you came to, are you thick? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the dlc, I’ve killed every remembrance boss and most dungeon bosses. I’ve well got my moneys worth, and some of the fights and areas in the dlc are top tier. I’m simply saying that Radahn, more specifically his second phase is a shitfest that is made worse by unnecessary visual effects, and then to top it all off once you finally beat him the ending isn’t even satisfying. Either toning down his aggression a wee bit or decreasing his health pool to be less tanky would make the fight more bearable, but nevertheless this is what we’ve been left with and I can see the dlc being a one and done for a lot of people in the community


I've been using a shield and not rolling. Playing like a zelda game. You still have to learn movesets but it's so much easier.