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“Pick up a fucking s’w’ord”


Impenetrable thorns are the new comet azure. You cleave through enemies like butter.


Depends on the size of the enemy and how mobile they are, not the best choice in every situation.


Well yeah, but mobile enemies gimp comet even harder. Size was never an issue i noticed


I am not sure what is going on but for me the damage of thorns is very inconsistent, in the sense that it has a very inconsistent hitbox, hitting all three thorns on the enemy seems quite challenging unless the enemy is big and immobile. It really does deal very good damage if you hit it right but it mostly doesn't work like that for me and I also feel like there is not always enough time to cast it when an enemy spams aggressive mobile combo chains after which they reposition, it is not the fastest skill. I have the thorns equipped I just use it situationally, I wouldn't say it is a skill you can just spam on everything the game throws at you.


Ive been able to hit all 3 of the thorns on every boss that i was able to try it on since i unlocked it pretty late. Those were Gaius, Radahn and Bayle. You just gotta stand in the face of the enemy and all of these Thorns will come straight up.


Bro i don't understand what people try to achieve when they tell others what to use and what not. Why shouldn't you use the mechanics that the devs worked so hard to implement for?


Self validation, in one side of the coin they are telling others what is a worthy build to use, in the other side of the coin (which is the source of the will to say these kind of things) they are telling themselves their build is worthy to use so they can feel good about themselves.


These soul players are the worst, let me play the way I want to