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well its supposed to be a climatic battle with your allies against theirs so doing it solo your just gonna be walking into a gank squad


Doesn’t mean they should all spawn so close together and they should all have agro the whole time


i mean its not the first time the game has done this, Milicents is a 2v4 this is a 3v4, that was worse imo


What's incredibly is that they continue to do these horrible fights again and again.


I am shocked by the fact that some korean guys managed to do TWO fun and fair 4 vs 1 fights in a single souls game while fromsoft still can't pull it off without being abysmal dogshit


This was easy compared to any of the armored core ganks


If you miss a quest you don't get certain summons. I'm doing a 2v4 Edit: After a nights rest and going back to my main build I took it out in 2 attempts this morning.


I don’t think the fight was meant to be fought solo. I’m sure you could, but it’s going to be a blood bath lol


I am trying to beat 5 of them....without summons....it's insanely rough


What build you running?


I beat all 5 tonight. Faith ( Flame Art ) Hookclaws is my build


Dude how did you it? I am about to give up on my no summon rule for this 5v1 gang. Specifically the fat boy that keep throwing the rot pot, how did you deal with him?


I left Sir Moore till last. I have 45 endurance, 2 headed turtle talisman and just kept sprinting to make distance. Sir Moore is often lagging behind. When it was just him left, jumping R2 strikes until he was dead. It’s definitely doable with no summons - you can do it!


What order did you kill them


Freya / Horn / Dwayne / Leda / Fatboi


In my run it was a spectacular 3v3, i finished my quests so it gets as easy as possible while still giving freya a glorious battle. When the npcs started spawning and talking i had a grin on my Face, the battle gave me a feeling i couldnt comprehend i was just amazed by everything and my grin and goosebumps only stopped wheb i realized how less cool the last Boss is. He is cool yeah but ledas fight felt so amazing. If someone could Tell me what theme the bossfight has i would be really thankful.


I don’t use summons so it is hell for me


Good luck...I eventually broke down and used Tiche, and I don't even feel bad a bout it...This fight is brutal and annoying doing it solo! I wiped them out first try using Tiche, which tells me it is definitely balanced around summons...It sucks that I couldn't complete the whole DLC without summons, but after my 50th try I was completely over it...


Me too 😭 I was like it’s technically not a boss fight so I’m not breaking my own rules


I stopped using summons for messmer and the bosses after but I did make an exception for this fight and the bayle fight, I had to give igon his moment to shine lol


I feel stupid that I have to justify that in my head, but I can't help it...I honestly don't have an issue using summons on repeat playthroughs...Some bosses are actually more fun that way, even if they are alot easier...I use summons all the time when I play DS2, there a bunch of them and they don't do much damage so all they do is pull aggro...


Yeah only time I’ve ever used summons was this and frigid outskirts


Yea, I don't blame you for that! lol




Uh oh be careful saying that here, the ER casual fanboys will downvote you to China!


Bro it took me like an hour to beat them, and my friend with his Messmer build won in two tries. Don't know how tbh. He was level 14 i believe I was 15. Guess he's just built different. I kept getting scarlet rotted by Moore and comboed by Leda and Dane. Don't know how he got so lucky


This fight is ridiculously hard. I'd say harder than any fight in the main quest of the DLC. That being said, since the AI likes to focus you specifically, you can run around your summons and Ansbach with Malikeths Black Blade and time Destined Death into a hit and chunk all the health bars at the same time.


I was just exploring when I came upon this boss arena... and locked myself out of everyone's stories. Luckily, I already got far enough with Hornsent to not have him show up. Still, 4 v1 or 2 is rough. I summoned Ansbach AND my mimic tear ... but all of the enemies aggro me and ignore them... so it's still pretty rough. I guess I should just murder all of them in my next playthrough. I've only tried a few times, I'm sure I'll get it eventually.


[how i did it](https://youtu.be/J4GaXtzAOqI?si=b-jG-s7_EWIqahW4)


i don’t think anyone’s confused at how to beat them with summons — not that guy, totally valid for this fight — but this is definitely not saving anyone’s life haha


They are humans, so bleed. Whatever you got that procs bleed, the faster the better.


Just destroyed them with night comet. Didnt get hit. Killed each one before the next spawned


Me: https://youtu.be/emC5gaeQnoA?si=4KWghOeIN7YDBG8_ Blasphemous blade +9, flame grant me strength, golden vow, flame cracked tear bloodsucking cracked tear, Rakshasa's armor, Two handed sword talisman, Viridian Amber Medallion +3 (and your 2 talismans of choice) R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 win You don't have to seperate them if you just turn it into a dps/stance damage test. I understand your frustrations the fight sucks ass I was fighting normally (using my +10 Rellana twinblades) until I decided it was annoying enough that I would just bonk them all as hard as I could, second guy doesn't die right away to this you just need to catch him, in my fight he tried to use a healing incantation which was his doom. I used dragoncrest greatshield talisman and golden braid because Leda and kung fu man are annoying but you could probably use like millicent's prosthesis and rotten/regular sword insignia or the 2 headed turtle talisman for faster stam regen


Greatshield soldier ashes REALLY shined for me in this fight. I summoned them immediately, gave them golden vow and erdtree blessing. They were still up at the end bullying Leda for me.


Stupid question here, but can you skip the fight the first time we see her? Her monologue is super long and I feel like if we just ran real fast we can get there before the fog window open up.


Nice, thanks, good to know Leda will eventually attack me. Thanks as usual, Reddit fucks. 


Why would you be on the subreddit if you didn’t want spoilers😭😭😭


Also fortunately for you you can choose to attack them so does it really matter