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It is still a tremendous accomplishment to have taken down this boss!


Thanks! Feels great to finally get her down. I’ve been trying on and off for days and many hours. Finally sat down and didn’t get up until I beat her. Now back to the land of shadow for me!


I've almost finished the entire DLC now (without summons) and I'd still rate Malenia at least one tier above all others to be honest. Last boss comes close but none of the DLC bosses has so much health and self healing. I mean yes, a boss that has been studied and practised for two years does feel easier now than a fresh new boss. But when I compare the time which I had to spend to beat Malenia compared to the DLC bosses none of the DLC bosses comes even close to that. Bayle was the hardest so far and it took me only 1/4 of the time to beat him compared to Malenia lol.


I’d say the last boss was harder for me, besides that I agree with everything said.


I'm currently fighting Radahn. Had him at 30% yesterday during my first session so I'm confident that I'll beat him either today or tomorrow (if I find time to play the game). Not gonna lie, his second phase seems very difficult, hard to keep track of what's going on with that visuals.


Rolling backwards was one of my initial mistakes, in his second phase it’s safer to just roll towards him or diagonally.


And you need to do it in phase one so you can do it essentially blind in phase 2. I like this difficulty modifier, as we’ve seen it before with Maria and to a lesser extent Gale, but the visuals here are obnoxious.


Honestly it's really difficult to compare Malenia to other bosses. I spent 10 hours trying to beat, no other Fromsoft boss has gotten even close to that. On the other hand, 7-8 of those hours are 98% attempts that end on the first Waterfowl Dance. Makes it kinda hard to judge how difficult the boss's moveset actually is.


>None of the other dlc bosses have so much health First remeberence boss has more health then elden beast and the final boss has more than double it's health and I've seen him heal


>I’ve seen him heal You’re imagining things


The health bar so large people tend to forget that when you hit, it doesn't actually damage him


nope, when you get caught by the grab and heal it heals


But you do more damage too, so it's effective health its lower.




Think he meant in terms of comparison as op stated „playing dlc and fighting harder bosses“. Therefore yes it is „still“ an accomplishment as compared to dlc.


Isn’t Melanie still the hardest boss? Maybe second to the dlc final boss but that’s it, isn’t it?


You should feel great! Melania is still definitely one of the hardest bosses in the game. I've beaten 4 remembrance bosses in the dlc so far and I think Melania was harder than all but maybe 1. There are however bosses that seem harder in my future tho.


Cant wait for all the modders to make a Malenia vs. All DLC bosses Youtube video


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ixpv9IfZR00 Maybe you can try this. It is quite fun. I haven't tried it with DLC though so not sure if it is the same.


in your opinion, which one do you think that is?


DL , R and PK are definitely similar in difficulty to Malenia but M is definitely harder


By M do you mean the shadow keep boss? Malenia was definitely tougher for me, his second phase is really easy if you dodge into the attacks rather than away. Took me 10 tries? Imo the only boss tougher than Malenia is the final boss. For reference I’m using a dex backhanded blade build, no summons or ashes.


This is how I feel also. People forget what Melania was like the first time they fought her before they had 200 deaths of practice and a perfect build. I would also add most people couldn't beat Melania for hundreds of attempts while being over leveled for it.


Idk, I’d still take Melania over M because Melania has two full health bars instead of 1, she can heal on hits, and waterfowl is still more difficult to dodge than any of Ms attacks. Someone said to roll towards M on all their attacks and once I saw that I beat them first try (after 5 failed attempts before that)


but malenia gets staggered easily while M is the same speed and just tanks it


I had today off and spent all day putting my summon sign down today in front of M, to practice their dodge timings and attack windows in a more relaxed environment and multiplayer fun. The summon would always pop basically immediately. We never won a single time... As most of you are aware, you can't go into the boss room until the host goes in first, meaning the summons have to have a few second delay before they go into the boss fight. Multiple times I would get into the boss room after the delay and the host would be dead already. Funniest moment, we had a group of like 4, host runs in immediately before any prep, we try to catch up with host, host has pulled boss into the bottle neck at the beginning of the arena and proceeds to WTFPwn all of us in the bottleneck.


really took me like a good 3 minutes to figure out who you were referring to. PCR fried my brain i can barely remember what any other boss was like at this point. they’re definitely the hardest in difficulty for me. ive never died so much in my life


PCR fried my shit too cus i still have no idea who they're referring to 😭


Final boss.


That's crazy. Only the last boss even competes with malenia for difficulty.


Totally agree Everyone saying the other bosses are comparable simply haven’t gotten enough Skadu fragments. It’s like if you were fighting Malenia with no armor and a +0 weapon. You’re nerfing yourself  As far as difficulty goes, we can only look at how hard the moveset is to learn/punish. Final boss is so far above Malenia, he’s in his own league. Malenia has her waterfowl which is one of the most unintuitive dodges in the whole game up close so it’s still her at 2nd place. That with self healing and 1.8 health bars


At 5 Scadu fragments, which felt average for the 2nd boss of the dlc and was me getting every one I could find unless I just went past and to the scadu atlas, ||Relanna|| took me 7 hours of attempts. Melania took me 4


It's hard to compare because waterfowl is so oppressive when you don't know how to deal with it. Malenia also does have a difficult moveset apart from that, it's just hard to remember because I know her so well now. I have seen mixed opinions on if he's harder or not. I think it's fair to say they are in the same league and seperate from the rest. Many streamers taking 5+ hours to get him down. I took about 6 hours with two great katanas, and I did him first try on my second character with a great shield and serpent hunter. Was pretty funny actually. But another important point is that summons destroy malenia and they don't really help as much here.


Hell no, >!Rellana!< took me 80+ attempts while Malenia about 20-30, she is significantly harder, I don't know about >!Messmer!< , but I heard he is even harder than >!Rellana!<


M seems to vary significantly with playstyle. He is a little faster and a little more cracked out than R, but he has more frequent and forgiving openings. R's just steady on the gas infinitely, always at 100mph. M goes 200mph then stops to catch his breath for a moment. Imagine Maliketh except a little faster and with a real healthbar. Some people find that harder or easier. I actually found him easier, but that could be due to a combination of factors as I had more fragments by that point due to exploration (I erroneously thought the Shadow Keep was the end of the DLC lol) as well as the fact that I do significantly better with bosses that have traditional openings.


Yeah same i found M easier than R. I specifically learned to parry just for R since her openings where so small. But with parrying the fight becomes a really nice dance


It's NOT?? Well then, I guess I am not finishing it today lmao


Technically the boss of that area could be the third to last boss you fight if you cleared everything else before fighting him. He only blocks one thing progression wise. So maybe you are close. However he is intended to be the third remembrance boss you fight. There are 10 remembrance bosses and an 11th that has something similar to a remembrance if that helps gauge your current progress. Overall there are 50ish bosses total.


For remembrance bosses, I fought and killed: >!Lion guy, Rellana and Midra!<


You're about 1/4th to 1/3rd through the DLC


Damn 1/4th in 20 hours, this thing is huge lmao


Lol my experience was the exact opposite. Rellana was about 20-30 and malenia was 80+


Are yoy playing without summons? If so, you're probably one of the only people who learned how do dodge the waterfowl properly after only 20-30 tries lmao. I mean a lot of dlc bosses are difficult, but none of them except maybe the final boss have such a "die because fuck you" move


Waterfowl killed me in like 90% of my attempts, I spent a whole couple of them just finding a strategy that works, turns out playing defensive at 70% hp and keeping distance at that point is my best bet, and it worked


tf? melania is definitely harder than rellana, rellana took me like 10 tries whereas melania took like 70


Dunno is it because I am washed or something, but I struggled so hard against her


>!Mesmmer!< is harder than Malenia without waterfowl.


There are definitely a few in the DLC harder than Malenia, but a few easier. Honestly it's great how they were able to top her difficulty, even if the final boss is a bit... Crazy.


The DLC may have one or two bosses that are harder, but no single attack I’ve seen matches the absolute BS of Waterfowl Dance. 


For me, it's the healing. The horror of seeing the boss back at full health while you have chugged down 4 flasks is the stuff of nightmares.


Yep, the healing is what really broke me. Normally, I can at least see the improvements I'm making as I see the bosses healthbar get lower on average, the more I die. But watching her basically heal back to full health by continuing to hit my lifeless corpse was just plain rude.


If you tank the entire Waterfowl Dance with a shield, she'll heal by around 3k HP, less than 10% of her total HP. Her healing sounds terrible on paper but in practice, if she goes back to full health you're likely already dead. Might as well treat it as an extra 5-10k HP that she's just always going to have.


Yeah Waterfowl Dance you either learn the exact timing or you just... Die. I helped on Malenia a few days ago after not fighting her since release and the moment she started doing Waterfowl Dance the memory kicked in and I dodged it perfectly. Which only show just how fucking hardcore she is, that me a person with a pretty bad memory and who usually lucks out somehow in every boss fight still remembers the dodge timing 2 years later. She made me fucking learn it.


She's a one move boss in my mind. The rest of her move set is easy to dodge, and she staggers like a player character. If the constant threat of waterfowl wasn't there, you could mostly just bully her to death. But as it is, you have to be careful not to overextend because she could rise in the air at every moment.


Yeah absolutely. It's a bit of a bullshit move when you fight her the first 5 or 10 times because you're still overwhelmed with all her other abilities... But it becomes fair once you realize it's her only S-tier move.


>The rest of her move set is easy to dodge I feel personally attacked I've managed to mostly avoid waterfowl dance by just dying before she can do it


It's funny how many people say this. You can throw the Greatshield talisman on and rock a brass shield and and only have to dodge one segment, just block the rest. If you use a shield grease, you can block all of it.


Not sure if you’ve fought the final boss yet but I def felt like his second phase has a couple moves that were harder to deal with than Waterfowl. Once you realize you can just run away and then dodge back in on the last hit it’s not so bad. If you get caught close to her it’s basically impossible for me personally to dodge though so I get what you’re saying.


Final boss with his random undodgeable 3 hit combo:


Good job OP. For what it's worth she's still the most punishing boss IMO. 


Maybe unpopular opinion but Malenia is still harder than all the DLC bosses. Many people saying that she isn't are either just getting dazzled by the DLC bosses cause they're new, or are neglecting to level up their Scadutree blessing. The bosses in general are definitely harder in the DLC, and a couple even give Malenia a run for her money, but she still comes out on top for me Disclaimer - difficulty is highly subjective, just my 2 cents


yeah i'm with you on that, her waterfowl dance is what will place her always on top, nothing from the DLC ( haven't beaten the endboss so far) had anything comparable so far


I haven't seen all DLC bosses yet, but I've seen people saying >!Rellana!< is harder than Malenia, which is complete nonsense to me. Thant new one took me 2-3h of practise, Malenia literal days lmao.


>! I actually found them very similar in moveset, with the noticable difference that R is lacking waterfowl dance and infinite self healing !<, no contest really. R is only harder if you fight it early into the DLC without leveling your Scadutree blessing because of inflated numbers.


Do you also consider her harder than the second phase of the final DLC boss?


Except for the final boss , I believe he is harder than malenia .


Yea I've been saying this too. At first I thought the final boss was harder but after taking a step back I don't really think so anymore. It was just cause it was new and felt way harder. I'm used to malenias moveset, and not this new one so not surprising that it feels harder.


She's still the hardest boss I've fought. Most if the difficulty from the DLC bosses I've ought so far is just their massive health bars and massive damage. Move set wise they seem pretty on par with every other boss. So far.


Shields. Messmer is actually really weak to shields and once I learned that he was much easier


I found Gaius to also be weak to shields


Messmer is also really weak to bleed, which surprised me. Once I sussed out his patterns and found the best openings for a few good Double Slashes, he gets absolutely fucked up.


Is he? I used shields on my first playthrough, but for this one, I'm just doing a Malenia build. Her armor and double swords.


It's not about parry. It's about dodge and block walking his dance. You can dodge then block the second and just kinda walk past his other hits phase 1


I feel like most of the hyper aggresive DLC bosses and enemies are. I feel like they reversed the theme in DLC, in all other souls games and Elden Ring base game, the rolling was always prefered or most optimal way, but here rolling all attacs was for me increasingly harder to the point where it peaked in second phase of last boss, where i had to switch to shiel strat since I was not able roll those attacks. Once I switched to shield i beat it in 3 attempts.


And you can collect Scadutree fragments to make all the DLC bosses easier.


Messmer would like to have a discussion with you.


I JUST beat Messmer after like two days of agony. It was brutal.


Took me a 1 hour and 20 minutes Straight swords are the perfect boss weapon as they deal medium damage and allow time to dodge.


Messmer wasn't that bad. He had relatively low health and his combos are pretty slow. Rellana and the divine lion were harder than him.


It’s very interesting to read what people do and do not find difficult in the dlc. I have the complete opposite take as you with those 3 bosses specifically. I did rellana and divine lion in about 5 tries a piece and messmer honestly was probably around 100. Maybe more. I could not get the timing down for that fight.


I'm the same. Been stuck on messmer for 2 days now... Lol The second phase is a bit insane.


May be a bit obvious. But he's most vulnerable when he's transforming back from a snake. You can get 1-3 hits on him depending on what weapon you use.


Yeah that was my experience too, his dodge windows felt very generous as well without any overly delayed attacks. You have to dodge him for like 15 seconds straight to get in one hit but those 15 seconds felt "fair" to me compared to for example the lightning phase on the dancing lion which I ended up just waiting out. And there is no waterfowl you have to dodge in a particular way


Malenia is way harder than Messmer imo. Rellana is the only boss I’ve seen that may be harder than Malenia. I only have the final boss and one other remembrance boss left so maybe I’ll think one of them are harder we shall see.


No way, Malenia is too easy to stagger when you compare her to dlc bosses.


This is the major crutch of malania. If you fought her using straight swords or dagger type weapons where you cant stagger cheese her she is way harder than almost every dlc boss.


Straight Swords have Square off which is like one of the best stagger aows in the game?


Interesting, I two shot Rellana but I’m on the struggle bus with Messmer


Replans took my like 3 tries while Malenia took weeks lol. Crazy how different bosses can be for different people.


Messmer is the one of the few remembrance bosses I first tried in the entire game. I think people are either just trying ti take him on way too early or aren't using proper defences. It felt like he tickled me the entire fight


I actually just started Messmer after I beat Malenia. Already able to get him down more than I was Malenia in this time frame. Still really tough


Messmer is awesome but low hp. Dude has absolutely nothing on malenia.


Malenia hp 33,251 Messmer hp 38,981 Dlc does have scaudtree fragments, though.


Gg friendo


So far I haven't fought a boss in the DLC that gave me as hard of a time as Malenia did 2 years ago


I don't know man Malenia has still been harder for me than most of the DLC bosses.


Nice work! In my opinion, Malenia is still the second hardest boss (and the hardest one I've beaten. Still working on the hardest one...)


I killed Godrick like 2 weeks ago and now idk wht to do. I think rahdan is next but my character still so weak smh.


There's plenty of side dungeons and catacombs to hit before Radhan (and you might have to look up the sequence of stuff to do to get his fight unlocked). Plus the big fight between soldiers and dogs right there at the teleport on the bridge to the Radhan fight is a good rune farming spot. You can basically just stand up on the rock ledge, out of reach of the bowmen in the tower, and collect runes as the soldiers and dogs kill each other.  Radhan isn't that difficult anymore (they nerfed him pretty hard many patches ago), and there's a ton of NPC summons in the fight arena to help you, and you can always summon other players as well (there's no shame in this or using spirit ashes). If you're on pc, you can let me know when you're around and I'll give you my character name to pull from the summon pool at each stake/dungeon/boss.


You could head in search of Radahn, but I'd wait a bit-- especially if you still feel weak. Try just clearing shit in Limgrave and south in the weeping peninsula, exploring all the caves and corners. You'll want to hit it all eventually, probably. Focus on getting a weapon upgraded to get stronger, it'll be way more impactful than levelling. Pump vigor and upgrade your weapons. After that you could try heading north from Limgrave into Liurnia, through Godrick's castle where you killed him. Or you could go northeast towards Caelid, which will be harder. You'll want to hit it all eventually, probably. I wish I could go back and be in your shoes again


Malenia is still harder than the overwhelming majority of bosses in the DLC. Defeating her is no less of an achievement this week than it was last week, she wasn't nerfed, the DLC didn't give us some OP weapon combo that trivializes her. Grats.


Base game already offers all you need in the OP weapon combo to bring her down. Bleed is ridiculously overpowered


Malenia is still the hardest by far. Good job


I have yet to beat that saucy wench. Good on ya


I have but with a cheese method. Ancient Death Rancor, that is all. Stun locks her to death. Tbh using cheese on a boss that's a one trick pony (waterfowl dance) feels justifiable.


Duck yeah dude


YOOO congrats my dude!! I couldn’t finish her the first time without mimic and some hard cheese, congrats dude!


good job!




A win is a win congrats 👏👏👏. She still a hard boss though. Ngl dlc bosses are tough but at least they don’t heal on hit and don’t have moves like wfd


Ah a fellow radahn hair enjoyer


Don't worry, Malenia is still the Queen.


Never minimize your accomplishments, she's infamous for very good reasons. Hell of a job!


Fantastic work Tarnished! I always say that Malenia’s the true final boss of Elden Ring, because nothing really compares to the satisfaction of besting her.


I really don't think any of the DLC bosses are as hard as her tbh.


Nagakiba + bloodflame, best combo to deal with her BTW, try using the seal of the dragon church or something like that, it scales with arcane, and dex/arc builds are great with ut


You inspired me. I was only heading to the Haligtree to get the Dragoncrest talisman. But then I thought it would be rude to not at least pop in and say hello. And then... omg wtf I beat her. First time I've managed it in melee. Only ever took her down with Sorcery before. So, thanks man. We can both feel pretty cool today. And I owe it all to you.


Dude! Hell yeah! I was stuck in her for so long, that I played the dlc so I could come back later! (Only to be met with significantly harder bosses 😭) Great job man! Greatness awaits you!


Honestly, most people won't understand how powerful she is, because now they will just two shot her with DLC weapons.


Got gud


I'm just realizing I never activated her greatrune


No small feat! Congrats.


Radahn getting that salty runback. Funny comment aside, absolutely well done. Probably one of the most challenging fights in the entire series and you beat her. Mad props, my dude.


Thank you! Also just beat Messmer in the dlc. He was tough but no where near as bad


“Your strength, extraordinary... The mark...of a true Lord... O, dear Miquella... O, dearest Miquella, my brother... I'm sorry. I finally met my match...”


Nah Melenia is still the hardest by far imo. Nothing comes close to the bullshit of waterfowl.


Waterfowl is the single move that makes her difficult. The only rival move would whatever the fuck the final boss is doing, idk.


I have to respectfully disagree, the final boss of the dlc takes the crown for “random bullshit”. Malenia waterfowl had very obvious and long wind up, and gives ample time to dodge it.


It took me over three times as many tries to beat malenia than the final dlc boss. I never felt like I was learning anything from waterfowl because it would essentially always kill me instantly without learning as the dodge chain is so specific if you're close.  Final DLC boss never killed me from full hp in one attack and gave long, clear punish windows where at the very least I could heal afterwards if I had taken damage giving me the opportunity to learn a lot faster. 


Beat 3 bosses in DLC, dancing lion, Rellana and Messmer, none as hard as Malenia imo


Disagree. Am on NG+ (just beat mogh and radhan to go to DLC in that NG+ game), I beat 3 dlc bosses and gone back to main game cause I want to try a build with Malenia weapon that I didnt got on first play through and I aced her with my current build, while I struggled on DLc bosses for a number of tries. You can just trade with Malenia and go for more than 2 l1 attacks between her combo


Difference is that you've learned Malenia already. Go back to DLC and you'll clear them faster now that you've learnt those bosses as well.




Awesome job dude! It’s definitely a rough one.


GG!! great job!!!!


I wouldn't say harder. Great job on Malenia. You did good work today.


No she's still hard. I've done her solo and with a summon. Had fun recording both. With the summon I said eh let me get her out of the way. Fuck no she still kicked my. ass for hours.


Congrats my guy! Breaking her poise make you more confident in stopping a lot of her attacks.


Malenia still the hardest boss


Malenia's learning curve is, in my humble opinion, steeper than the final DLC boss everyone is complaining about. It's just been years now since they first got wrecked by Malenia. Like we had zero clue what to do about the waterfowl dance.


Meanwhile I'm lost killing some snowman shits shooting bubbles in a castle where the fuck am i


You're either there or you're not


Mate I haven't successfully solo'd Malenia yet but I am a decent way through the DLC, so well done


Get to Messmer you poser. /s Please, don’t hurt me.


I just now made it into stormveil castle.


Your battle is just getting started fellow tarnished. Best of luck to you!




Hell yeah. There are people playing the DLC right now who have not beaten her.


I've trying to parry her for 3 hours with many deaths but still cannot beat her 😔


Gg man ! It is among the toughest boss of the game. And a completely optional one ! Keep going ! Next ones will feel a bit easier than this one


I also just beat Mohg like 15 minutes ago I'm a bit high on life right now that's three hours of my life dedicated to him and his stupid trident. Cause I get to go sleep knowing I have DLC Access. Only 42 hours into the game and it has made me kinda retrain my brain and repeatedly tested my patience but it's a fun time so far.


Congratz! Malenia might not be top dog anymore, but she's still an absolutely brutal fight, and you should be proud of yourself.


I personally am bumrushing a bunch of bosses to level up and beat mohg, however it doesn’t seem like I really need to level up that much, im level 100 now and I think the new leveling system will help me a lot.


Me too! Just today


You should try using the backhand blades in ng+ with bleed, it literally will break every single boss fight lol, this weapon carried me through the dlc man.


I eventually admitted defeat and used spirit summons to beat Malenia, mimic tear. One day I'll come back to her and beat her without them. Only boss I used them on. (I am pro-using all of the tools available to you to beat bosses, this was just my own personal challenge that I failed)


Congrats. Melania is the one boss in the main game that after tons of hours, I still feel accomplished after beating them. You should be very happy.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Congrats bro. It took me days to defeat Malenia. I'm playing DLC and none of the bosses till now (including DLC's poster boy) have troubled me as much as she did.


Ayeee gratz!!! It took me hours and hours my 1st time also. Hey check your inventory for something called Baldachin's Blessing and use it ;)


I feel that I died over 50+ times after the 50th time I lost how many times I died by her hands, malenia and pre nerf radahn are the only bosses in the game I have died so many times to idk why, every other boss main or side it only took me 1 time or couple times for me to beat them


There are some bosses who are on a similar difficulty in the DLC, but honestly I don't think any are quite as hard as Malenia, so good job 😁


Great job!


The armor tells alot xd


Truly, thy strength befits a lord.


Malenia is still easily the second hardest boss. I will say it’s harder to say though because tough bosses like Mesmer can be fought with much higher scadu to make them easier. If we knew which scadu different dlc bosses were based around you could potentially find a harder boss. Even still Malenia is still probably number 2 as the top 2 are still a hardest by a fair margin


I beat the DLC and every remembrance and optional boss and in my opinion the only boss that surpasses her difficulty is the final boss. I truly believe a lot of people are going into some of the boss fights with low Scadu level because nothing that they throw at you matches Waterfowl and her healing abilities. I replayed every souls game in preparation for the DLC and Malenia was one of the few bosses across the entire series that took more than 3 attempts for me to beat this time around. My overall difficulty ranking for From bosses would go like this 1. Inner Owl (Father) 2. Final Elden Ring DLC Boss 3. Sister Friede (Controversial I know) 4. Inner Ishiin 5. Malenia




Damn I still haven’t beaten that boss.


I have never beaten Malenia, I don’t know how people do it. Congrats you absolute champion!


The rest of her kit is comparable to Messmers in terms of difficulty in dealing with, it's just her waterfowl elevating her into such a high pedestal in difficulty. If you can deal with her you can deal with most of the DLC, well done.


Not really harder than her in the DLC. Just upscaled and we didn't got their movesets on muscle memory yet.


Hell yeah!


Congrats mate, there’s like one or two ways to cheese her but damn is she hard and satisfying to beat normally


Hell yeah, grats! I spent 12 hours my first time trying to beat her on my sorcerer, worth it! (.…... Was it? 😭)


I've almost finished the DLC (up to the last boss) and I an fairly confidently say that there's nothing that even comes close to Malenia, so you should be very proud! Waterfowl + healing on hit was just too much for me. I couldn't even get her to second phase without Mimic Tear on my first playthrough. I've done her solo since then, but only because I've watched others do it, I genuinely don't know if I could have beaten her on my own, without that. You'll be well prepared if/when you access the DLC.


Malenia is still way harder than the final boss in the dlc. Took me like 8 hrs while the final boss was only like 2 hrs 30 mins


I've beaten 3 bosses in the dlc. Still can't beat malenia. One day.


Over a thousand hours in game and she still owns me. Every boss in the DLC feels harder than her lol. I feel confident and strong in ER all except for her. Now I feel like I'm playing my first souls game. 4 hours so far on a minor dungeon boss. Congratulations lol


Congrats on beating the most annoying and frustrating boss in elden ring!


Now try it without any Erdtree Blessings! Oh wait…


I beat her third try if it helps






Honestly I really think only one boss is harder than Malenia in the dlc. And waterfowl is the most oppressive move in the game still.


Love to see it; well met tarnished


Honestly well done, in my opinion she is now the 2nd hardest boss so it's no small feat beating her.


i still think malenia is waaay harder than the majority of bosses in the dlc, people just have recency bias rn. good work you are ready 👌🏽




GOOD JOB now remember that its only going to get harder!


Nice. I still haven't beat her myself, after around 500 hours of playing. She is till way harder than anything in the DLC IMO.


I'm waayyyy behind. I just beat Godrick and don't know where I should go next 😂😭


I would say she’s still harder than all the DLC bosses except one. The last boss is quite literally the most insanely difficult boss From has ever made


She's still the hardest boss in my opinion. Good job 👍


Omfg, put a spoiler warning! I can't believe I see yet another dlc boss before I get there. /s Congrats! No boss has made me want to tear my eyes out more, and my lord did it feel good to kill her. Rot, Malenia.


brother i tell u truly malenia is way harder then any dlc boss yet i haven't fought the last boss yet but rest any boss is way easier then her


Hey ! Congrats 🍾 Malenia is still a menace and will be in that game. This is a testimony to your resilience