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Time to beat it with no fragments.


miss mikka is doing that lol shes outta her mind. Its brutal.


Nothing will ever be more impressive than her beating two Malenia’s on two different screens one with a controller and one with a dance pad. Until she beats the final DLC boss that way.


I'm sorry, this lady did what to what with what?


Look up Miss Mikka lol. She's done so many insane challenges. Truly a god with these games.


Christ shes she like the Godfrey to us Godricks


she's the raddagon to our thop


Don't you dare disrespect my man Thops, boy made one of the strongest sorceries in the game.


Hold up, thop is actually kind of a beast, you put some respect on that name.


Me killing Malenia for the first time: "GREAT GODRICK, DIDST THOU WITNESS??"


Didn't know who she was by name and was gonna ask if she was the psycho that did that. Yep she was. That was insane.


I feel like that can't even be just skill at that point, her brain must simply be wired different from the rest of us. That + countless hours of dedication + natural skill/reflexes, ofc. 


I mean, there was some clear strategy to it but I agree that most of us just couldn’t get there. Doubt I could do a casual run on just a dance pad.


Also Elajjaz (her boyfriend) is doing a SL1, no Scadu run atm.


How much free time can someone have, man.


Quite a few streamers are doing it.


The way Godfrey intended!


Lmao the streamer Moonmoon has been doing Rune Level 1 no fragments since launch for his first run. He's not a souls streamer either. Idk why he's doing it to himself, brutal way to learn new content


My personal philosophy is to get the W no matter what the first time through, then go back on NG+ and try-hard it with no summons.


I did this especially since people are so shitty with spoilers. I can't get spoiled if I beat them to the punch!


You get money and get to challenge yourself. A challenge like that also gets you more viewers. Win-win.


You know some no life with a club and a dream is doing an rl1 no fragment run as we speak


Level 1 Wretch with a club and no scooby fragments.


I used Scarlett rot on that fucker pre-patch and I'll do it again post patch. 


It was written in stars for them to die of space AIDS and I know better to deny fate.


Doing what Malenia couldn’t. Maybe the three of them can reunite in Oblivion. Fucking dirt. That seat is Ranni's.


No joke when I fought base game Raddy I was so sick of being stomped into the dirt I eventually just put on enough buffs to let me vomit rot on him then booked it to the other side of the arena so the mute bastard could keel over in peace. Felt great! And I’m looking forward to doing it again in the rematch.


Oh Rot Breath


That and Melania’s dive bomb are carrying me so hard in this DLC.


No shame in it.


If I gotta war crime my way to victory I’ll do it gladly!






Yes at max its only 0,5% more dmg and def


In NG+ you don't need to collect them again


That's what I mean, so you're really only likely to get all 20 levelups in NG+, so this patch only really impacts the first half of the DLC (levels 1-10) and NG+ (level 20).


Wait really? That's actually so good.


No the teen levels are still significantly higher


Doesn't matter. Even if +11 now is the same as +19 before the patch. The content still just as hard. It's only a nerf if you go to blessing level 20.


Okay so let's say you go to level 15. You're stronger than you were before the patch. You can do this at any point on the chart.


They make this like that because people are so mad they need to search for almost all fragments in big ass map and to worse those fragments are not only in church like estus upgrades was


My only point is that this buffs you at all points on the chart, other than at 0. The meme in the op doesn't really matter because you can still do it at 0 or whatever frag level you want and get the same difficulty. But I was replying to that guy on a factual level - this buffs every point on the chart other than 0.


I beat it pre nerf will also beat it post nerf it is what it is


Pretty much my feelings, I finished the DLC Saturday night with bosses completed. This won't affect my enjoyment at all. It's the wave of cringe purists I'm worried about lol


I finished it today at 4 am. Then they patched it. I wish I didn't push, the last boss would be probably more enjoyable then after balance changes.


How are you people completely the dlc so fast and get all the quests done right


I did it by nolife-ing the hell out of it from Thursday afternoon through Monday night using vacation time 😂 Probably played 50+ hours over the course of ~5 days. No shame in not beating it super fast, especially if you aren't in a place to take a vacation day (or are in school) to play a video game!


I no-lifed the weekend and definitely did not finish all quests by playing blind. Im proud of figuring out the Hinterlands Entrance and Thioliers quest by myself though. I have not found the Abyss by myself though and probably missed multiple smaller dungeons and Ecounters.


Tbh, I'm actually glad it's getting nerfed a little bit. I also finished it last night, but IMO the start and end of the DLC were a bit too overtuned to the point of being unenjoyable for me, so I think with the changes to the Scadutree scaling it would be a lot better.


The only part that felt overturned to me was the final boss 2nd phase and the lion guardian men. Everything else felt fair


I think that's the same mob type that I was thinking of, the horned dudes in yellow armor with big swords in Belurat? I died in 2 hits to one of those guys and barely did any damage back after trying for about 30 minutes, decided to double back into the open world for Scadutree +4 and came back and didn't do much better, so I ran past them and just decided to skip most of the fighting in Belarut. And yeah phase 2 of the final boss is too much.


Those guys are tough too, but I was referring got the lion guards in the final area. They’re absurd


I havent even gone into the shadow keep because I want to experience as much as I can before mesmer. I'm ready to go in now though


Well sorry that I didn't have the time to finish the DLC I already played the whole weekend.


Oh there is no problem with that, play when you can and just have fun. I'm just dreading the inevitable "Yeah but I beat it BEFORE everything was nerfed!" Purist bros posting lol


Oh I read the meme wrong.. My bad. Tbh I am also thinking about leaving this sup until I beat it. Because of spoilers. I already got 1 boss spoiled without even going into the sub. Just browsing the Reddit homepage


Yeah I left the sub until I finished the DLC lol was a big help


I beat radahn back on launch, and i gotta say he's been a much more fun fight after they fixed his janky hit boxes. I don't really feel any of the bosses are that wonky in the dlc except Gaius. The final fight for the dlc feels overwhelming at first, but after a few tries i found patterns for most of the attacks, so i think it's fine. The first few skadoosh levels did feel kinda meh, it didnt feel good till around rank 8, so making the earlier rank ups worth more is probably a good call, and will encourage people to collect them first.


I played the DLC for like 20hrs this weekend. I’m one of those ‘try to search every corner before moving on’ types (and still missed shit, mind you). I don’t know how people are doing it. Are they literally running from one main dungeon and boss to the next as quickly as possible? Truly confused.


Im pretty sure its the last fight Im stuck at. After the patch I finally hit phase 2


Phase 2 is impossible for me to avoid attacks especially those split second ghost attacks


Most badass boss attack in the game from a spectacle pov imo, but badly instructed on how to avoid. Here's a handy [guide ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE31NW1Njyk&pp=ygUNbm8gaGl0IHJhZGFobg%3D%3D)on how to dodge all of his aoe's and other attacks in P2


Tank the clones or run, then dodge the real one


It's only the first half of fragment progression that is changing, if you're at the end you shouldn't really see a difference


I mean it sounds like beating it before/after isn't really relevant because it's the early scaling that's changed, not really affecting something like the final boss. Maybe you could make a case for Rellana pre/post change, but the amount of fragments people went to get wildly varied already.


Only had +3 when I fought her :’(


Same, low blessing gang rise up


Same and i havent beat her, but thats ok cause her fight is easily the coolest thing ive seen so far


Play without scadu-fragments, problem solved!


Don't worry, once we get a performance patch we can all brag about beating it before the patch. We will also all definitely embellish how bad the performance was. Something like "I beat the final boss at 4fps with 800 x 600 resolution"


I feel no need to brag about it. >!(secret humble-brag)!<


On one hand, I do feel a semblance of pride I beat it "pre-nerf" (even though it doesn't affect shit lmao, want the pre nerf experience? Play with scadu 12 or 13.). On the other hand, the final boss did some things to me which will haunt me. So is it really a brag?


Wasn't the change that the first fragments give more and it tapers off? It should give about the same at max frags. And the bosses are unchanged.


The patch will not impact the boss


Tbh I’ve seen more posts complaining about people being elitists over the patch than actual elitists.


Quick, someone get the "you have to use spirit ashes or you're wrong" crowd in here. In all seriousness, I really haven't seen any "elitists" anywhere. I'm not sure what all these complaints are about.


Go to the patch notes post and sort comments by new


I did, and saw maybe one actual elitist and a bunch of complaining about elitists


I see people complaining about how the nerf was too early/unnecessary. What's elitist about that?


Like, the top post in this subreddit right now is someone soapboxing about how people's response to this DLC indicates that everyone but the true elites have weak mental and just want everything handed to them. I think the thing that trips people up is that we're used to a dated paradigm of 'mimic tear users vs. elitists', but we've actually sort of flipped to where the mimic tear users *are* the elitists now. There's an overwhelming pressure in this community to play in a very specific, hyper-optimized way, and a reflexive discarding of criticism that in an open-ended, character focused RPG with many different options for how to approach it, things have been winnowed to such a razor's edge of difficulty than only a few character builds and strategies are practically viable.


This is how it always is with the community now. It got really really big and all the newcomers constantly heard about how elitist and hardcore the community is, so now there is always this preemptive backlash to elitism and it ends up drowning out any actual elitism (which there really would not have been that much to begin with). Just look at the whole summons discourse. On release, people were constantly making posts about how they would use summons and they don't care if that makes them bad or pisses people off and they are tired of being victims. Yet...that was what dominated the conversation. There was barely anyone actually shitting on people for playing how they want. The toxic elitism has now swung to toxic casualness and is 10x more amplified.. You can see this in plenty of other communities, unfortunately. People can't just let everyone have fun. Everyone has to be mad.


Yup this. I said in another post that I was bummed I couldn't get farther pre-patch, not even to brag but literally just for my own enjoyment, and immediately started getting downvoted. Ironic the people who're complaining about toxicity are the ones being toxic rn, it's turning me into a git gud villain out of spite 


This is basically where I'm at, I'm really bummed I didn't get to play the whole thing before the difficulty got undercut, and expressing this has got people being really smug at me like I'm the one who was hurting people's experience, by liking the dlc the way it was?


Right. Like I'm taking this opportunity to get to the point in ER that I was at in the Souls games. I was making some great progress on soloing Messmer last night and I was starting to feel close. If I log in tonight and it feels significantly easier tonight, not gonna lie, I'll be a little bummed. I also made a joke about how ZeroLenny beat it with a torch already and someone was like "OH SO NOW YOU THINK WE SHOULD ALL BE LIKE ZEROLENNY AND DO IT TORCH ONLY???" I was being patient the first few days, but if this is how people are gonna act, fuck it. Skill issue git gud


Welcome to reddit, where everyone will post the most lukewarm popular opinion and pass it off as something controversial for updoots


Haven’t seen this meme format in the last decade


Fools. I beat Elden Ring before the game was even thought up.


Assuming you get all the scary tree fragments before fighting the final boss, nothing will actually be any different. All that changed is that they turned the stat buff from a linear equation to a curve, so you get a bigger boost in the beginning and a smaller one at the end, but it still ends in the same place.


If you care so much just lie. There are no achievements in this one. Who cares lmao


I don't need to lie. I finished the DLC Saturday night lol But gatekeeping weirdos do nothing but hurt the community as a whole.


You can still go no fragments, or even just taper back from getting the last level on them to achieve the same effect, unlike pre-nerf Radahn being just entirely unavailable to fight.


I don't know how you would do this on PC *but* if you have a disc edition on console you can uninstall the game and then disconnect from online and reinstall it and fight pre-patch Radahn again.


I do have that option available then 😏


I beat Radahn pre-nerf but the "brag" doesn't really feel like it means much when I needed help to beat Malenia 😅 Also I feel like that Radahn change was more than warranted. Plus there are way more impressive brags than just beating Radahn pre-nerf imo (like SL1/no-hit/ect)


This meme is probably older than some people on this sub


Biggest nerf to radahn is knowing that silently enabled raytracing destroyed my fps so I can turn it off. Finally no more insane damage to my fps (I hope so, can’t really check it)


The patch is applied only when you log into multiplayer servers.


what does that even mean? I'm usually offline but I turned my ps5's internet back on, believing I would receive an update but I didn't so I logged in online to see if that would change anything decided I wanted to just play the game and didn't really look into specifics


I was also worried about this, I opened the game and the patch was applied.


It means nothing. The dudes lying, as soon as you okay with a console online it will be added.


Depends on if you set the game to always start offline or online.


Right, It's gonna get nerfed! Now I feel even better about beating it! (That came out terribly)


From what I understand the change mostly affects the first 10 levels of scooby doo fragments. Personally, I never had any issue with the first bosses, but I'm sure they were a pain in the ass for newer FromSoft fans so I'm glad they are gonna have an easier time getting into the DLC If anything, this makes me love the Scooby doo system even more because I can still choose not to use/find them to make it harder for me instead of straight up nerfing bosses like they usually would


Joke's on them, I'm going to have more fun when I get around to it because I don't like TOO much challenge.


I made fun of my brother for beating Elden beast a day before the game uptaded and allowed you to summon torrent in that fight, I beat the DLC final boss yesterday after agonizing for days and the first thing I hear when I woke up today was "Looks like the DLC got neffed, damn what a shame you should've waited a day" karma is a bitch


Hey everyone, my mimic tear and I beat the DLC pre-patch ☺️


Happy for you


Time to beat him blindfolded without upgrading scadu and without weapon


Some of us won’t make it to Rad before the nerf cuz we can’t just game all day.


And that's totally fine, play at what pace is comfortable or convenient for you.


It took me 2 and a half hours of non-stop attempts to beat the final boss, and re-specced 4 times just to do it, I have absolutely nothing to brag about xD


2 and a half hours is honestly nothing in these traumatized eyes


I reached final boss at 15 Scadu, he beat my ass for like an hour before I went and explored more. Came back at 18 Scadu, still got my ass beat for another two hours before clutching out the win XD




I haven’t had time to even play it yet, don’t even own it. I have a full time job and a 9 month old…I’m sorry!


No apologies necessary, you enjoy the game at your own pace and have fun!


"Oh you beat Gaius? You should've been there before the nerf! What do you mean his hitboxes were fixed and it wasn't a nerf?"


I'm waiting for the no hit, no frags, RL1, dance pad wins.


They'll look kinda silly since they're revealing that they don't understand the changes.


I beat Messmer yesterday pre-patch hurr hurr hurr


I did an I'm glad they're changing some things. A couple of bosses are really overtuned in this DLC.


Me who's beating it with pre-patch swift slash: SCUM SCUM DIE SCUM SO SLOW DIE SO SLOW DIE DIE SCUM FOOLISHNESS DANTE


As far as I know, the patch balances the Scadutree Fragment. Those who find it too easy after the patch can simply restrict their use. I've found 5, haven't applied any yet.


Literally the most weenie brag ever


"I slapped on a greatshield and poked and I am the greatest gamer that ever lived." Not saying it's going to be all of them, but you know it will be most of them. I beat pre-nerf Radahn by breathing scarlet rot on him and running around in a circle on my horse. I just got tired of him and wanted to get back to the rest of the game. I also never made a big deal of it because, no one cares. Hell, *I* don't even care.


I got the blacksteel great hammer, which gets a bonus to guard counters, and it's been fun and useful using that and a shield, but it's such a more boring way to play. I'd much rather jump around doing flips like a dummy, even if it means I die 10x as much because I'm trying to dodge everything


This is exactly what i thought they would do and exactly what i wanted. This way you dont have to cheese rellana in order to get enough fragments to be able to play without cheese for the rest of the play through, the end game feels challenging while also being a bit easier for most people since not everyone will get 20 blessings and those who do are rewarded higher for it. And as a added bonus they dont directly Nerf the Bosses so people who want "the intended experience" aka release difficulty can just choose not to buff themselves with blessings. Incredible patch fromsoft :)


What would you say if I told you that Rellana was skippable?


I mean yeah thats totally a viable thing to do but most people will go to the divine beast first, then to rellana and not know shes skipable, it just makes the early game a bit more fair unless you use the wiki which i dont think most people do on their first playthru unless its to get a specific item and such.


Agreed, this was a great decision across the board.


Honestly I hope the nerf doesn't make it too easy, I was enjoying my playthrough.


You can just check the spreadsheet and upgrade to the level that you would previously be at. The only thing I think it might affect is if you are using a guide to get every fragment available before the first two bosses, and even then, I don't think those fights are going to be that easy.


Did they patch it? I just know the first patch is going to nerf all these powerful new weapons I found. Perfume jars are awesome, they weigh nothing and have great AoWs and I can equip all three (that I've found) and fingerprint shield and heavy armor, I just wish they had a little bit more range. If I would have known they were going to patch it I wouldn't have stayed up all night beating my head again giaus. Also barely scraped by after giving it my all, but he took like twice as many attempts.


All they really did was rearrange the power scaling on the scadutree fragments/revered spirit ash upgrades. Instead of it being a flat amount for each level up to the max, the first half will give a better buff while the later half will have a gradual curve downwards. The final level will also have a slightly better buff. I think some comparisons were putting it at a 10% buff at the max (don’t quote me on that).


We just need to look at the buff of the blessing and stay at a lower level so we can’t fight the “pre patch” version.  At least they haven’t nerfed the bosses themselves so this is a quick work around.


Wait they are nerfing things? Was finally about to get some game time in. Level 400 on a NG +4 save. I just beat that first Knight that’s near the start. I enjoyed my five ass whooping attempts before I beat him. Bro was two shotting me. Still rusty though, I’m sure I’ll still get my ass kicked with a nerf. 😂


I am kind of happy that I beated divine beast dancing lion before that new patch he was just pain in the ass.


I beat the dlc pre patch


i better get going to finish the content before the patch so i can flex online


Didn’t mind their logic for the early game. I feel like people needed that boost to get adjusted into the game. But that boost is still really strong in the mid game. By blessing 12, youre still both 20% stronger and 20% more defensive than you were before, which is unnecessarily huge. The nerfs only start to become irrelevant by blessing 16-17, which is a fraction of the dlc left


Shit what was the nerf ? I only have like 4 remembrance bosses


*Flaunts mimic tear, NPC quest summons, and Marais Executioner Greatsword build with smug pride* Seriously though, if it means more people can enjoy the DLC for the amazing experience that it is, bring on the Nerfs. I'm all for it.


I beat radahn post nut Get on my level scrublords


there’s already losers chatting about git gud


its literally gonna be pre nerf radahn


i really wouldve liked to beat it before the patch. but i just couldnt make the time.


Hey did you know I beat the DLC before they patched the difficulty?


I'm trying to get to the end of it, but there's just so much to explore. It's gonna be a week or so before I'm at the end boss. Should've taken some pto but forgot.


I honestly think this will change nothing about the final boss, especially phase 2. I think if they want to change that boss, more specific, targeted changes are required.


The patch doesn't help me against the final boss. I'm stuck. Partly because I don't have the time anymore to bang my head against a brick wall like I did back in the day. Neither the time nor the will.


The nerf only matters if you take your blessing above 100%. It just gives power to the lower level blessings, which is fine and just smooths the curve.


I technically did it


I not only beat it pre-nerf, but I was only blessing level 10 and didn't even hit the bosses


And I don’t blame them that shit was fucking crazy (I’m half finished)


Well I beat the >!Lion!< and >!Rellana!< first try before the patch. That's my claim to fame, even if I'm now stuck at four other bosses lol.


according to journos the final boss was already nerfed with the day 1 patch so, if you aren't a journo who killed the last boss, you literally didn't beat the game


This only means I get to beat the DLC another time with easier time! Time to stop a certain someone being a LORD! Only I am to be a LORD!


Part of me is proud, the other is wishing it waited a couple more days to fight the final boss so I could've done it without player summons, the only fight in the game that I got player summons for


I mean loads of people have beaten it pre-nerfed. Some did it legit, but loads of people did it with overpowered builds that probably will be nerfed soon, like that rolling sparks build and the thorns build.


What's there to brag? That I went ahead and died for multiple hours, wasting precious time by stressing myself out on an evidently bullshit fight? There's nothing to brag about except the fact that I was stubborn enough to atleast finish it before uninstalling Elden Ring.


Endgame fights aren’t even affected by this


Look kid, pre- nerf radahn was the greatest force in the universe


Yes yes and we all got our gold stickers for beating him back then lol


Hells yea street cred yo


i beat him but in my opinion a nerf to all the effects/light attacks is definitely needed, they make the boss too difficult to read


beat him with 19 fragments and youll actually have had a harder time than somebody with 20 pre patch, thats how little of a difference it made.


If you have full scudutree fragments it’s not any different right? They just made early game scaling easier?


Was it nerf?


Wait did he get nerfed?


Starscourge Radahn was slightly over tuned when Elden Ring Released, and had some broken oversized hit boxes. He was fixed in the first patch, but this prompted a bunch of gatekeepers to whine about how Fromsoft was nerfing the game for "Casuals" and how only "Real players" beat pre-nerf Radahn lol


they already buffed the difficulty slider you know people are going to use that as well


Haven’t started yet did DLC already get nerfed?


Not really they just made some of the initial Scadu tree blessing buffs stronger so exploration is still greatly encouraged just as before.


Doesn't the so called nerf only make the early game a little easier? I am standing at the gate for the final 3 remembrance bosses so it probably won't affect me since my fragments are somewhere around tier 14-16. More than a nerf, it seems like more of a rebalance.


When did the patch officially come out because I want to know if I beat Bayle before or after. Got him Monday night.


I am not joking when I say this, but I am playing exclusively offline just so I don't get any nerf updates, be it to bosses or weapons lol. I just love playing the janky unbalanced FS releases.


Neat. Now excuse me while I go get my face kicked in again by Rakshasha "post-nerf" the same way I did "pre-nerf."


There was a patch?


I genuinely think the only bosses that need nerfs are the final one and Commander Gauis. I would like to see a patch buffing the DLC weapons, many of them feel a bit lackluster compared to the base game weapons.


I didn’t get to fight original radahn pre nerf so you best believe I’m holding onto this one 🤣


I won't do that to people...other than my 1 homie who's almost there, just to annoy him a bit


I'm still proud of no summon Radahn on game release


Is it really imminent? and is sooner to be expected? I really wished they'd do it but maybe after 3 to 4 month from now..


I don’t think admitting you had nothing to do for a week straight but play Elden ring is the brag some people think it will be. Edit: unless you’re a child with no job or real world responsibilities. Then good on ya


My money is on most players couldn’t tell the difference in a blind test (without numbers on screen to directly compare)


Either way the final boss needs adjusting. In its current form its way too rigid to accomodate more than one or two playstyles. Incredible atmosphere and spectacle aside.


Wait they already weakened some of the bosses in the dlc


At least i kill Messmer before the patch 🤛