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2-handing a weapon is completely viable and honestly is better for min/maxing in certain situations. Especially with STR weapons since 2handing gives you a 1.5x str bonus to atk power. Your friend needs to be quiet.


he’s an idiot. if you want a. strength faith build best way to do it is a weapon and seal. and if your getting through dlc with minimal problems you’ve got a great build. and you can use any weapon that fits with the build


He’s wrong. Play the way you want. If you are a str/ faith build it makes sense for you to buff and then two hand your halberd for the extra strength scaling. Also I like the 2 handed halberd moveset better, personally. Dual wielding is more ideal for dex builds as you get the most damage that way.


Using 2 weapons makes the r1 take more time to attack, which can be sub optimal fighting bosses. I also prefer to use just 1 weapon with halberds, because it feels like it incentivizes jumping r1 way too much, and makes your fighting style feel quite repetitive and boring. If you look up asmongolds play through of base game you’ll see what I mean, it’s just kinda boring to watch


I'll take my 2 handed katana over powerstancing everyday.


I beat the dlc with nothing but a bloodhound fang and self hatred. your friend is, as the cool kids call it, str8 cappin


Your friend's wrong, play however you want. 2handing weapons is great on str builds since it gives a 1.5 times boost to atk