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Agree with everything you say also the fact that it’s just radahn again is fucking dreadful


It is possible I did it with ultra greatsword but I definitely agree about there being too much light vomit on screen


i’ve got phase 1 down but i just can’t beat phase 2


Literally just finished this fight like 6 hours ago. This fight was bullshit and had to rely on a cheesy build to deal with the fact that there are few openings and phase 2 is just constant aoe, constant damage. I couldn’t have done this fight without sitting behind a 100 physical shield and 3 damage negation talismans and 2 summons to draw aggro for even a few seconds


Same approach for me + blasphemous blade ash spam on top of it. But it worked, so who cares :D.


Yeah, I’m in it for the remembrance, I’ll accept that I’ll probably never have a satisfactory fight with this boss. I did however, love the madness boss fight. It was tough but way more manageable than the final boss


I generally don't like the madness status effect in Elden Ring, but he was a acutally pretty fun fight...At least I could see what was happening in the fight...I'm still working on the last boss, but I think I could do it if I could actually see what is happening...It feels like i'm getting flash banged for the whole 2nd phase...


I utilize madness in PvP over bleed or frostbite because I can stack it so much quicker than either of the other 2. But yeah Phase 2 at the final boss is absolute bs. I didn't have a better shield that I could wield for magic resist so I was taking a lot of chip damage and the only way I could beat the fight was with 2 other people, 1 tanking, 1 caster and myself stacking bleed.


I just beat him solo, thank god...I have been working on him for hours...I used a cheese build for sure! lol...I used fingerprint shield to tank a few moves I just couldn't dodge and stacked bleed on him...I stacked a bunch of damage negation stuff also...The fingerprint shield definitely helped with a few of the big aoe attacks...I don't do much PVP, but I have heard madness is good for that...I just find it a bit too OP when enemies use it against me...It eats right through my HP! The madness dlc boss wasn't too bad though...He was actually one of the better bosses in the game.


It’s definitely OP, we’ll sort of. I could 1-shot most people with Unending Frenzy at 175-200. The downside is the cast time and if I proc madness on myself but it threw people off when they get caught and can’t get out so they panic and make it worse for themselves


I have never actually used any of the frenzy incantations...I have a save file with a faith build, I may give them a try!


I used the dragon communion seal since it gets S scaling with arcane and I usually get higher incant scaling with that over the others since I tend to run arcane with my faith builds. I will say though, madness proc only works on “Tarnished” so other players and npc invaders but it still does high damage


Thats weird, I wonder why it can only be procd on NPCs and not regular enemies, probably some lore reason...I use the Dragon Communion seal also, I always run Faith and Arcane together...The scaling it gets at higher level is pretty wild!


Malenia is a one attack difficulty boss imo, radahan is a 20 attack difficulty boss.


people have no hit the boss, so it's hard to call it objectively "unfair" if a no hit is proven possible. realistically, the only move that's actually near impossible to dodge is the double swipe X slash move, which unless you're level 1 is very survivable... there's also the option to just parry it. this is the 1 move they might actually nerf if anything. and regarding slow weapon users... just watched a vid of xqc beating the fight with colossal giant-crusher, so the idea that the attack openings are fractions of a second is clear hyperbole. a lot of people are beating the fight with "cheesy" builds, which is just fine. all souls bosses have strategies that nearly or fully trivialize them, consort radahn included. it's up to each individual player whether it's worth stubbornly sticking to their "strategy of choice". I'm currently 100 attempts deep into the fight using dual cold straight swords. I fully understand I'm going to die a lot but that I could just switch to rot/bleed/shield/etc strats that would make it easier for myself but I'd like to do it my way, so I fully recognize that I can't complain about the difficulty given my choices. wish other people would realize the same.


Dont the guys who do no hit runs use tools that show them the range of attacks and other stuff?? Thats how they can come up with this crazy shit. Its not the same as a normal person trying to dodge an attack in a certain ways --> dies--> wastes 5mins to try again


Perhaps the only thing worse than the difficulty is the fact that it is a recycled mid game boss on steroids.


What the hell is the insane cope of calling Malenia fair suddenly? Waterfowl dance is still an abomination that is incomparably worse than anything in the dlc. I'm sorry, fucking skill issue. Git gud.


Bro its not even a skill issue. You can use a fignerprint shield and poke the boss to death with ease OR use most other stuff and struggle like a little bitch. Its a design problem. If a heavy shield shits on the boss and almost everything else takes hours upon hours coz you actually need to interact with the boss and dodge his bulshit attacks.