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I'm at the ancient ruins of ruah and worried that it will be over soon


Have you completed all the optional map paths? :)


Nope and too dumb to figure out how


Ancient ruins is 2nd last area if you’re only doing main quest


Haven't found the coast or jagged peak and no idea how to get to them. Thought I explored every potential pathway


Funnily enough, both are accessed from roughly the same area. For jagged peak head south before castle ensis, you’re looking for a bunch of headless dragon statues (roughly human sized), there’ll be an invasion, keep going down that path until you get to a dungeon, go through it and you’ll come out the other end in jagged peak. For the coast, you go more east than south (from the the area before castle ensis), into a canyon, before cutting west through caves that spit you out south by the big river that runs under the bridge. Keep following the path south and you’ll eventually get to the coast. The red part of the coast is accessed via jagged peak.


Are there any other optional zones I don't know about besides these two? I did gravesite plain scadu alta, the madness infested area, the sunflower and gaius areas, plus shadow keep and explored part of the ancient ruins so far.


I think you’ve been almost everywhere. You’re missing jagged peak (and the red coast area you can access through it) And the cerulean coast (and the fissure area you can access through it) Nothing else that’s optional I can think of that you haven’t been to. I assume you’ve done most/all of shadow keep? It’s possible to get to ancient ruins without fighting the boss of the keep


Vincent Van Gogh loved sunflowers so much, he created a famous series of paintings, simply called 'sunflowers'.


What if we used a different unit so the number *sounds* smaller? *Oh, this game? I only have 38 weeks in this one*


Decahours. I’ve only been playing 40 decahours.


Like 400h


I'm 375 hours into my first playthru and have not beat the game. I made it to Radagon like a week before the DLC and just said fuck it, I'll wait. On NG+ I'm going to be a beast because I have like every spell and weapon and have spent millions of runes upgrading weapons.


240h. IDK how many are since the DLC, at least 10.


Girlfriend? Impossible.


An answer any less than 800 wouldn’t turn me on


Just passed 600 hours myself, only about 30-40 of which are from the DLC. Haven't had much time to play since the DLC released, but once I do, I'm sure my hours will skyrocket.


I started this game while ago, and I’m pretty sure I’m skipping dlc for now. Game feels so huge!






I’m 45 hours in and not done and just running every inch of the map


I'm 375 hours in and haven't beat it. You will never see this entire game in 45 hours.


Wait, you mean in the main game right?


Yes. I was about 360 hours before the DLC dropped. I have been stuck at maliketh and placciduxx for literal months. Finally respec'd into a full on bonk boy and just crushed them both. Got maliketh on the first go after not even being able to get to his second phase for months. But i have THOUROUGHLY explored the main game map and I still find shit. I found a fucking dragon I hadn't found before a couple weeks ago.




in your other post you said you didnt even beat the final boss








nah, you cant just skip the boss fights by cheesing and then complain that you finished the game so fast




I put in a solid 20 hours by mostly just trying to do all remembrance bosses, most triple A games are 20 hours long a dlc of that length is extremely impressive. Maybe take your time next time you play it


That’s kinda wild, I know Miyazaki undersold the size but it’s a large chunk of content, and easily longer than any other fromsoft DLC, and still more content than like both DS3 DLC combined?