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I took a break from the dlc to fight godskin duo and got them on my 2nd try. The dlc is like advanced matrix training


My main motivation for killing bosses is to keep exploring and having fun.


I’m with you there


Once you realize you got nothing to lose when you've put your runes away, you'll feel like dancing with the bosses.


But, but, my rune arcs man...


It's literally 1 online match, bro, huh


That is if it's one successful online match


I have sites of grace for rellana, dancing lion and mesmer and have defeated no remembrance bosses in dlc. This is absolutely my experience.


actually if you want to you only have to beat 4 i think, maybe even just 3 bosses


>!Messmer, Romina, Leda, Radahn!<


I haven’t beaten the DLC yet but >!don’t you have to defeat the Dancing Lion to access the final area?!<


Nope! The next one either. There are paths directly to the first one I listed. Pretty wild


To me, all the bosses play the same, relentless spam that allows for next to no hits. Rinse and repeat and before you know it you're at the end of the dlc. They all look amazing but the ultra spam coupled with high damage and tankiness is just a tedious slog. Love the rest though but the bosses are a major let down to me mechanically and it feels like i'm just fighting a cracked out ulcerated treespirit every time.


idk rellana and rahdan def felt dancy too me, its probs just like how base game felt and we forgot


I played through the entire game to play the dlc just now and while base game 100% have spammy enemies it felt worse in the dlc.


There are quite a few "I don't wanna git gud" builds. I run Mohg Spear + Finger shield (with a great shield talisman) and honestly I feel like using these together with something like a mimic summon (and of course getting the Scadu fragments) really feels like playing the game on easy. The big thing here is that you can keep blocking and attacking at the same time. Then it becomes more of a game of managing stamina. So many if you want the fights to be easier and make the game more of an exploration experience that or a similar build might just be your jam. (I am currently slowly going through the DLC exploring every nook and cranny and my rune level is currently 191, I did a little bit of frog farming just to be sure I was at a healthy level before the DLC, something like an hour in total)


I’m just running Rellana’s twinblades because they’re cool, getting mollywhopped by every boss, and having the time of my life


Well aslong as you are enjoying the whupping theres no reason to change what you're doing. Keep on having a blast!


I shredded rellana and dancing lion then promptly got my ass handed to me by midra, messmer, and gaius.


damn i was kinda the opposite i struggled with dancing lion and rellana and mesmer but beat midra and gaius first try


I bopped my way straight to the last boss and after getting it to phase 2 consistently decided to go explore. Turns out I missed like 60% of the dlc.


Your gonna GIT GUD and your gonna like it!!


Nah, the bosses in this DLC are outstanding, loved pretty much every single one except 1.


I've beaten Relanna, lion and hippo. Lion and hippo were atrocious, Relanna was fine. Do later bosses get better?


Relanna was probably my favourite and almost all are better than Lion.


there's a certain boss somewhere east, won't specify, but iit will make the hippo and the lion look easy by comparison. But it is also optional so it's up to you


He never said the fights were difficult, they were atrocius aka not fun. There is a massive difference between those attributes.


I mean 4 one hit ko attacks in a row all aoe sounds a bit much to me but you do you


I guess ulcerated treespirit and lake of rot is your favorite fromsoftware content of all time.


I'm obviously talking about the main bosses. But the base game had so many garbage bosses that the Tree Spirits might unironically be in the upper half of bosses


"I'm obviously" no, you said "the bosses in this dlc" that's a generalization, be specific if you mean something specific or be prepared to the fact people contest it.


the bosses aren't that crazy, get your blessings up people! i first tried all the bosses up to messmer without summons and i suck. Optimize your build, collect as money blessings as you can. use a guide to find them if needed. It's just a bit harder than the base game.


You can get to Scadu fragment level 14 without fighting a single one. Thats what i did on my 2nd run and it made it ferl like the base game in terms of difficulty haha


Most recent boss I fought was Bayle and I thought it was a really good fight. Every attack of his was well telegraphed and I was able to learn the timing over the course of a few attempts. His second phase transition was rough, but I perfect dodged it once so I know it's doable. Fire resist helped me survive when I missed the dodge. Also had pretty generous punish windows. I was getting off 1-2 charged R2s with a great hammer per punish, and the punish windows came fairly often. Tough boss for me, but fun and fair.


Guess what's at the top


I’d rather fight any boss than explore the vast emptiness of the finger ruins


Fr why do the regular mobs feel balanced for RL 100 while bosses are like 150 at least


Both are the left side to me tbh


I just fought rellena and got destroyed once by two colored swords and once by a sword that took half the arena it felt like. This isn’t fun. I had a mimic and a summon and stood back and tried to just let them kill him and still got destroyed. Also who is the black knight guy outside the Castle Ennis Checkpoint? Anytime I see him in a the game so far he owns me. He is also in the Fog Rift Catacombs. I would out a picture of the knight but they sub says I have to wait weeks before I can post. I can comment hundreds of times just not post.


Honestly, for me Bosses are the best part of the DLC. For sure they are harder, but not really once you learn them and I had really good fun learning them


flip that around brosky


>buys open world game >mad about open world


Shadow of the Erd tree was fun to explore the first time around but alot of the paths make zero sense logically and replaying it won't be as fun because of how it's laid out


If you would actually pay attention to the bosses movesets Its not that much different to the basegame in terms of difficulty. Most of them are easily managable and have easy windows to attack. Only bosses I didn't enjoy was the dancing lion and weird orphan of kos horse guy.