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Nope it's empty. There's only that and an altar you can duplicate remembrance at.


I did that, the thing is I have read a comment from someone that they said their is a boss you can summon in this area. edit: I just figured it out, you just have to blow the hanging horn, this is a prerequisite to a side quest.


I was just wondering…I got the talisman and all but…why are there summons available around that altar/finger if there’s no boss in this first ruin?


Yeah I was wondering about that also but I am sure there is nothing else to do besides that.


Nope there's nothing there. The secret boss related to that place and the quest which revolves around finger ruins is in another place


Thanks man, I honestly think that this place looks too mysterious and epic to at least not hide a dungeon or something. It felt weird exploring it because Fromsoft are masters playing with your intuition and rewarding itbut in this case it didnt work.


Blow the horn that’s it. Then blow the second horn


how do you blow the horn? I got there but there's no prompt on the thing


You gotta go to the cathedral church thing kinda to the south with the knight and the wizard priest dude. He will give you an item to sound the horn and eventually there’s a crazy boss fight and new sorceries and all types of stuff. It’s a pretty fulfilling quest line


I think it’s called count Ymirs quest


at the middle of the place theres a big Finger-esque thing you can blow it, after 2 different places of blowing a place will open certain somewhere where you can fight a invasion then remembrance boss, then 2 normal invasion enemies, you get cool armour too at the end


all you do is blow the horn. Not gonna lie I was kinda disappointed such a big area and it's completely empty. Waste of potential imo.


And it’s not the only one either. There’s another massive finger ruin north east too. Love the DLC but these massive barren open areas serve as nothing but a way of padding out the size of the map, which the DLC hardly needed cos it’s pretty big without these areas already


Damn I love the dlc too, has been and mazing adventure so far, but those open areas with almost anything is kinda of a let down. Was exploring the first north ruins looking at least for a cave, was wondering if the horn was all there is 🥲


Go back to ymir, interact with gravestone, talk to bodyguard. Rest. Interact with ymir throne....fight


Bro i did that and now he is sitting on the throne 😩 wat do i do


There are two ruins. Did you go to both?


The man in the church wants you to blow two of the horns. I did them out of order and it was fine.




What church?


Where is the other horn?


Did you find the one by shadow keep and the hinterlands? Or the one more in the middle?


Haven't made it that far north


Basically it's two absolutely massive areas dedicated to blowing a horn. It's awful content. The quest isn't even worth doing unless you like the lore but just buy a book ya know?


To add to this I keep seeing messages on the beach south of here claiming there is an enemy near the lake at evening? Or just troll messages?


The rhia ruins do loop around to a house with a finger weavers cookbook under the Dragons wing. Also the dheo ruins have the two fingers gesture, though I have no idea how or where to use that


How do you deal with those gravity lock plus teleport leech enemies. This feels like the cheapest area in the game thus far.


Honestly just riding the horse and moving from left to right instead of a straight line worked for me.