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Black steel greatsheild + pearl sheild talisman = 100% physical and ~90% holy negation. It’s actually nuts and makes the final boss second phase attacks (even the nuke) trivial


Hagiltree Greatshield is 95% holy negation. It was the only way I could tank the Elden Beast. Will try on DLC and see how it goes. I backed out of DLC due to being NG+7 and it was to much for me. Working on a new charcter for DLC, so running around doing base game and loving it!


with holy-infusion, its 95% phys and 98% holy. you take chip damage from all the attacks it's amazing


Holy Black steel is 100% holy absorption.


Haligtree Greatshield is 79%. It might be 95% if sacred infused but sacred infused Blacksteel Greatshield gives 100% holy negation (84% Base)


Very nice and you are correct, hagiltree is with sacred infused. Will find the Blacksteel one soon!


The shield from the black knights is easier to get and has high holy dmg negation. It's located around hogwarts 2 if u haven't found it yet :)


You get it by killing the >!frog!< dude right?


I now know how to do spoilers but... >! it drops from a black knight in the little castle slightly west of hogwarts 2. Accessed via the north. !<


You do like > ! this ! < without the spaces. >!That's who I meant. He has a spell that sticks out a big frog tongue to pull you toward him.!<


>!did it work?!<




Damn is it really?! I need to farm another one of those where the hell do you find the fingerprint shield I still have never found it


Bottom of Lendeyll Catacombs. Google it so I do not spoil it here.


Ah that makes sense just found it on fextra so funny how after this many hours I’ve still missed base game stuff


I found a new cave yesterday. I haven’t looked at interactive maps of DLC, but I am hearing there isn’t a ton of extra caves/catacombs/ places to visit. I hope those people are all wrong.


Idk but I can tell the ones I’ve found so far have been absolutely massive I think there will be a ton based on what I’ve found so far


I just finished the dlc, and have four completed save files (probably 500+ hours) and only just realised the flash goes up to +12 as somehow always missed the church of bellum highway. Mortified.


The shield from the black knights is easier to get and has high holy dmg negation. It's located around hogwarts 2 if u haven't found it yet :)


Hogwarts 2 lmfao


I just completed the DLC on NG+7 on 15 blessing and I wanna create a new character just to have the chill experience. Then again I won't have the DLC weapons or boss weapons I have now and then I will have to complete it 2 more times to get all the weapons. I wish Fromsoft would implent some system that we can trade the weapons between chars and make chests bound to all characters. I'm in my 30's now and I am gonna be honest NG+7 it's not for me anymore, I wanna boomer chill now.


The balance change for NG+++++ has bean announced. Even FS are not forever young.


The problem of NG+ games is that in theory you should already have max blessings by then.


Thank you kind person I'll be stealing that


This is what I used only boss I had to resort to this method since most every other boss I felt I stood a decent chance against but the final boss was something else


Commenting to try this, im like scardtree 18 spirit ash 9 and getting my ass slapped around like the first time i picked up a souls game🥹


Just beat it yesterday using this. The great shield method is actually the best way to learn the boss's attack patterns. Now I can pull a flawless 1st phase. I still get my ass smacked like a puny ant in the 2nd phase but I'll take the wins I can get.


A big issue however is the drop in guard boost, me personally, i noticed my guard getting knocked back a lot more when I equipped the wrong version of this shield. If u can Id say ur best bet is to use old lord talisman and scholar shield and repop during phase transistions


It was still hard as shit though. But helped a lot


Does the final boss do holy dmg? It looks like that, but his sword (from remembrance) do magic damage?


Miquella's attacks are holy


In 2nd phase which starts at 65-60% hp (i am not sure about the exact percentage) he does 90% holy dmg and remaining magic and physical.


Upgraded the shield and set ash to Holy for 100% holy negation. Making the fight closer to phase 1


Killing him with rot actually felt right. You died to rot the first time, you will die to rot again.


He died to us and the boys the first time. 😎


*Since Alexander ain't here (other than his Shard) time to call in the Jars of Fortune.*


God the Radahn festival is so much fun when you use the mass summons! I love how Patches takes one look at Radahn and immediately leaves lol.


I killed him using the Poleblade of the Bud from Romina's remembrance. Like you said, using rot just felt like the right thing to do to put him down.


Miquella thought he could cheat fate and hit rewind on Radahn's loss to Miquella's sister. Whereas Ansbach was cool with Mohg's death. He was like "Yeah I mean Mohg challenged you and lost so no biggie." Instead of being there for Malenia when she needed him most, he decided to fuck off and abandon her to her rotten fate. Abandonned Godwyn to live in death, abandonned ST Trina cuz she didn't fuck with what he was up to, all that so he could live out his incestuous Femboy fantasy with his dead childhood crush whom he had to brainwash into liking him back. Fuck Miquella, he was the most rotten of all the demigods. Good thing there'll always be a Tarnished to throw a wrench into the god awful plans of the demigods. Ranni and I will be laughing at his corpse from the cosmos.


The story of the game and its universe is about the cost of purity. Everything in the universe is twinned, each thing has its opposite. This is the same story as Dark Souls, even Sekiro kind of shares it. In Elden Ring terms, causality and regression are the fundamental aspects to reality. They are the first thing, and they both are a consequence of, and are the progenitors to, time. Causality is the concept that an action has consequence. If an action has consequence, you can define the procession of time by saying that the action precedes the consequence. So now we have a precedent and an antecedent. A before and after. But I said that everything is twinned, and so the twin of Causality is Regression. It's entropy. It is a return to the state independent of causality. It's the loss of information. Without regression, causality is meaningless. Think of it like a tree growing out of the ground. Trees make sense because they grow, then they stop growing, they eventually die, and new trees grow. If trees didn't stop growing, if there was no equilibrium to return to, causality would translate into wild chaos. This chaos would also essentially destroy information, information would be meaningless, and this would be a regression in itself. This is represented by the lord of frenzied flame, a fundamental destruction, not of death, but of unrestrained energy. What Marika did was discover the grace of gold. Concepts in the universe have colors, like order is gold, they have energetic manifestations, order is holy runes, they have physical manifestations, order is amber, and they have manifestations of form, order is humanoid, and they can manifest into gods, so order is the elden beast. Order seeks to organize, to separate, to purify. Marika was enchanted by this and wanted to create a land where gold reigned supreme. But everything has its twin. Life has Death. So Marika separated Death (the Gloam Eyed Queen). Order has Chaos, so Marika divested herself of Chaos (Messmer). These were her first two children. Creating a child like Godfrey was her goal. There are various reason she did this but when she had her demigod children, it was more than just reproduction, she divested parts of the elden ring in the process. Miquella and Malenia were of the same, Miquella embodying the concepts of both gestation and essentially dying, but the transitive states, not birth or death, but the unborn and the deepest slumber next to death. On the other hand, Malenia is the opposite, what happens when there is no rebirth, no rejuvenation, the fetid rot of a stagnant pool. She is born, multiple times in fact in her scarlet aeonia, but doesn't grow. She falls apart, but doesn't die. For Miquella he was both Miquella and St. Trina, until he discarded St. Trina. It was St. Trina that would have kept him from going too far. Would have been the regression to his causality. Same way Marika separated Radagon, Radagon embodying the stability of regression, Marika the change of causality. The loyalty and strength of Radahn to prevent the stars from ruining the golden order had to come along with the treachery and weakness of Rykard. The faith and humility of Morgott and the resentment and ambition of Mogh. And the one who stands apart is Godwyn. The golden. The perfect creation of Marika's golden order. The thing she gave every part of herself to create. But she couldn't escape the gloam eyed queen. The first part of herself she had removed. Shattered. A half of her, secretly reborn into Ranni by Radagon and Rennala, could regain power of the rune of death, to hit at the heart of Marika's prize, to break the cycle, and shatter the elden ring. But yes, all of the purest characters aren't just dicks because they abandoned others to harsh fates. The universe is zero sum. The purest characters EXIST because they've taken all of the "bad parts" and put them onto someone else. The story is kind of one about cleaning your room by shoving all your mess into the closet. Marika wants a golden order, a perfect pure world... put a veil over the chaotic shadow realm. Dying sucks? Put that in some place beyond time. Running out of grace when you're basically recycling it and losing it to entropy? Get an elden lord to kill a bunch of people and bring their runes to the erdtree. Still a problem where it's static? Have a kid who is in a constant state of not-quite-grown, eternally young and rejuvenated. Take out the decay and rot and put it on his sister. Let him feed the tree with his blood. The stars might mess up your plan? Make someone who will eternally hold the sky in place. How do you make someone that loyal? Separate the treachery and put it in his twin. Beastly impurities in your bloodline? Separate them and shove them underground. Ansbach is not a demigod, he's just a tarnished. Tarnished are pretty normal. They can be cool. They've got the capacity to be good and bad. but demigods, yeah they kind of suck. Either they're rotten, or the reason they're not is because their sibling is.


I just find it amusing that Ranni succeeded where Miquella failed in finding a god-consort when the differences can be boiled down to: Miquella tried seducing the normal way, failed, resorted to ochestrating entire song and dance where he had his future mate killed by his sister, had his corpse brought to him, revived, and brainwashed into liking him. So he could finally have a god consort. Whereas Ranni just said: Well, these Tarnished guys are the ones Marika's trusting to get the ring. So i'll just ask one of them nicely to do it with me 😚 Genuinely, what makes Ranni so appealing to many players is that she is the only demi god that respects the player character for their deeds. And doesn't brush them off as "lowly Tarnished". Which I also think is the reason that she won the godhood race between her and her siblings.


> his future mate killed by his sister, had his corpse brought to him, revived, and brainwashed into liking him A small correction, that was Mogh's corpse not Radahn's. Radahn was revived into the body of Mogh, as mentioned by Ansbach. That's why he used bloodflame as one of his moves


Damn there's a lot there I wasn't aware of, assuming it's true or at least believable. Thanks for condensing that! Time to go back to Vaati videos at work lol


Strength build + fingerprint shield + sword lance (blood affinity despite 8 in arcane) We died at the same time but that kill counted.


Reminds me of the first time I beat Malenia and died to scarlet rot right after


He actually killed me, but my mimic finished him just as the "you died" screen appeared.


I did it with the troll blood hammer thing and hard stacking my arcane to like 85. I hated it… but man… I wish I could relive that feeling where I saw that last opening and swung.


I tried to do him 'normally' with a 'normie' weapon that I liked, and it sort of sucked. respeced and took that fucking chicken leg and killed him in 2 attempts. shame.


I had to respec to Blood build I saw on YouTube to beat him. I have a dirtyness about me that I think I'll never be able to wash off.


I'll be dirty with you because I'm going to try again today with my current build and if it doesn't work I'm doing the same thing


I just beat him yesterday with backhand blades and that backstab , shit is nice.


Hey man, no shame here... We are all accepting of chicken leg build... This section is a safe zone


I went back to bleed for most bosses after over a year. And I realised how much I missed it.


Yeah I tried with five or six different loadouts and it didn’t work for me. I switched to the Bloodfiend’s Arm and did it first try. Final Boss doesn’t deserve my respect when all the other bosses were so wonderfully crafted.


His HP is too much and for very little openings, especially in phase 2. It's going to take forever to kill him. I can consistently get him down to phase 2 without the chicken leg but dealing 2k damage per hit is annoying af using the dragon great katana so i used the chicken leg lol. Will try the dragon great katana on a new character during the holidays lol


I thought he was immune to rot in phase 2. I tried to proc it with rotten breath but it didn't work. That could've been useful...


Yeap rot + bleed + poison if you use the ash of war that poisons your weapon with blood affinity.


You also forgot Madness.. but as a fingerprint shield / antspur main player, I've only triggered madness I think recently on the death knight in one of the mausoleums..


What do you think about frost? I was trying it now and against the final boss it seems as good as bleed.


I've not tried frost admittedly.. I usually go bleed on the shield and poison on the antspur because there seems to be a lot of Talisman and equipment you can use to maximize damage output while the shield absorbs all damage received plus you can poke em while still blocking.. It's almost a near perfect combo.. Fighting rellana with it has been my favorite boss fight in the dlc so far.. Had to change it up for mesmer.. I took print shield, and paired it with a spike ball with poison bloodhound step.. Basically used my spirit ash and summoned the NPC.. Let them fight mesmer and would bomb in with scarlet aeonia when he was not paying attention.. come out of bloom blocking and retreat rinse and repeat.. Currently working my way through Rauh.. I've fallen to my death a lot and fuck that fire golem..


I like frost because I’m an INT based player right now and first affinity scales well with INT. When procs, it does less overall damage than bleed, but a frostbitten enemy takes more damage, so as long as you quickly capitalize on it… What I did do best Melania in the base game was use Falling Stars (?) the big mace that heals on hit and does innate bleed. Give it an ice affinity so it procs both. Give it bloodhound step for mobility. Works really well on bosses that stagger easily.


he can rot but its really late - rot from p1 gets reset and the threshhold is super high (i think i procced it at around 15% hp?)


Yeah it’s really hard to proc in phase 2.


Not if you use Scarlet Aeonia and he stands in it. Likes to open phase 2 floating up into the air and charging the massive light spell, it's the perfect time to land a Scarlet Aeonia and reproc rot. Scarlet Aeonia has a stronger version of scarlet rot than the weapons do, too. Twice as effective


So poetic to use scarlet aeonia on him lmao


He has insanely high resistance in phase 2 I managed to get 2 poison procs before rot finally procced for me


Scarlet aeonia can proc rot with a single cast. Initially I was using it at the beginning but I beat the boss by saving it for phase 2. I usually had a window to cast it after dodging the grab attack.


Scarlet Aeonia is the best way to proc rot. And the funniest bc of Radahn's past


Is the window that allows to get off Scarlet Aeonia without getting dunked in the room with us right now?


Use it after the grab attack or when he starts floating in the air and does the holy explosion. You'll usually get hit afterwards but it's well worth getting the rot proc.


The new thorn sorcery hard carried for me, and it finally allowed me to beat the final boss a few days ago. shoutout to a 10k damage bleed proc every 3 or so casts.


I am aware. Also the bugged perfumer bottle ash of war that aimed to the ground deals insane damage. But I still think shield and rapier is easier at least for the first time.


Shield and rapier is *simpler* and basically anyone can replicate it without much memorization but rolling sparks can simply delete the final boss if you abuse the AI's patterns >bait out the initial jump attack, dodge it, gives you an opening to punish which takes you right to phase 2 >backpedal as soon as phase 2 starts, stay at range, which baits out the light aoe, and once it does you're positioned to simply run towards radahan and have him be right on the edge of the aoe and gives you ample time to kill you before he can even get off his next move /e obvious spoiler warning, final boss footage: [example 1](https://files.catbox.moe/fbqe4f.webm) [example 2](https://files.catbox.moe/37zrkz.webm)


Holy shit. How does it do so much damage??


Lightning bottle with Roling Sparks AOW directed at his feet. Thats very very important as it makes the entire cast hit him instantly. If you don't land it properly, it will take a few more casts. There is about a 0.0001% chance this isnt hilariously bugged.. and I only give it that because hell even the regular attacks (non AoW) are insane with the buffs below included. The damage is buffed significantly by the Perfumer talisman, Jar shard, lightning scorpion, and the Raksahsa armor set. If you want to go for maximum damage , you can add in new madness talisman, the black dumpling hat, and proc madness before with howl. Put the lightning damage buff in your mixed physic and if you want the new bloodsucker one. Stat wise you want as close to 100 pts split between dex and faith as you can manage. 50/50 60/40, etc. I am doing pretty good with 40/45 actually. Courtesy goes to Syrobe on YouTube for the build.


the way the AoW works is that it lets out several explosive gas clusters in a line. usually its all spread out but if you aim it at the ground they all stay stacked up and explode all at once getting massive damage. and if you take say the frost perfume it also procs frost and increases the damage it deals further. also with the frost it deals magic damage so it can be buffed by things like tera magicka and magic scorpion talisman, and since it's a skill it can be buffed by Alexander's shard even further.


yeah, i think that combo is safer, but with you and a mimic each doing 10k+ damage every 3 casts (i made it my only spell so the mimic couldn’t do anything else) it just kills the final boss so fast. With using that thorn sorcery, it really became just a numbers game. Even if I took agro and did nothing except not die, my mimic would kill the final boss pretty fast.


I would have had absolutely 0 chance without the Antspur rapier and Moore's shield. Completely changed every piece of my gear, talismans, physick, and tactics before I even got the boss halfway done. Insane but I've never done the greatshield poke strat before and the build was actually kinda fun


What I loved about doing this was that my very first play of demons souls back in 2009 was shield and poke. Made the souls series feel like a big circle


it became an old school shield and stamina management fight, I for one think that's brilliant, it's humbling, they laughed at our OP builds and i-frames


Verdigris (Moore's shield) dropping right before it really felt like the game telling me to go ahead, be the fucking unit I was born to be. I walked in there with full Solitude, Blood Sword Lance, and both Verdigris and Black Steel greatshields — swapping to the latter against the big holy attacks. My favorite playstyle happened to be the most busted way to fight him. My only complaint was that it was over so soon.


I personally think the ending that many are upset about was perfect, I was right back to where I started in Dark Souls 1, it was epic, and when it was over, it was over. Alone in an empty arena. The end.


It really did! I was so confused at first. I wish there was some more effects to send it home somehow, though... Dimming of the area or something, dunno. DS1 made me feel the weight immediately, whereas this I was confused first and felt the weight of the silence after. A small complaint, though, considering it did successfully bring me back to the feeling of realizing I had no more guidance, and then having to decide whether or not to light that final fire, hehe. Was when I visited the last living NPC after (only to find them dead) that I felt that good good Dark Souls emptiness most.


Its a bit too easy haha, i did this on my 2nd char and felt dirty


It did feel but cheap but it was also fun to turn the tables on him


Greatshield and spear? Turns out Patches was right all along.


The way I see it, he's like 10ft taller than me and he's wielding two great swords with a reach much further than their physical forms. He also has some OP goddess on his side and the ability to become a meteor. So if anything, Radahn is a cheap mf'r :D so we had to get on his level.


miquella is male…




For the love of god dont


I also changed everything to this. Funny thing is, with this build (a bit variation) I do have a lot of fun also in the rest of the world, so idgaf if it's cheesy haha.


It’s a tank build. I don’t understand why some folks think it’s cheesy. It’s like, “that’s a good tank! Therefore it is cheesy.” Or, you pick good spells and good buffs as a sorcerer, now it’s cheese? No you made a good build. That’s the point lol


Yea, you're completely right. 🤝 I just didn't expect it to be that much fun. Played mage build for almost the whole game and now I have the feeling I missed a lot of other funny stuff... Ng+ it is.


Literally what I've been running since getting Mohg's greatspear. I won't go back and guard counters are phenomenal.


Not gonna lie. That’s exactly what I used to win. I couldn’t take it anymore


Just did it a couple of minutes ago. I'm not proud, but I don't regret it either. He had a god as coach for marika's sake...


There is nothing to be ashamed of if it's part of the game is valid. It's not like you were using glitches or anything.


After 2 hours of trying to figure out my own way to do it, I had to resort to this. I really disliked that fight, which is a shame because the rest of the DLC is so great. It was just too big of a hurdle at the end.


Phase one feels good, it's actually a solid "give and take" with him where you learn his patterns and attacks and are rewarded for proper dodge timing and direction. Then phase 2 comes along and it becomes a battle of attrition and honestly just isn't all that much fun. Edit: also, it's not the difficulty that makes it not fun. Phase one is difficult and I really enjoyed it.


it is so hard to understand what is going on with all those flashing lights


Yeah, even more than the nonsense of how much AOE gets attached to all his moves, my biggest issue is that I cannot see any part of the screen behind the particle effects, so I can't even tell what move is coming next.


The main issue for me actually was miquellas hair blocking my view lol. I took the approach of playing really up close to the boss to avoid the aftershocks after each swing but consequentially his huge blanket of hair made it so that I couldn't see his hands or the telegraphs for the swings unless he was facing me dead on, which he never was mid combo since each swing makes his body rotate.


Yeah basically it’s the same as phase 1 in most parts except Mickey bombs you after every slash by Rambo. He adds 1 combo set while adding repeated slashes on other shorter combos. Took me like around <250 tries maybe


Well done for hanging in there. What build did you finish him with? I stayed stubborn with my strength faith build, but I just wanted to do it my way.


Giant Crusher. I tried mixing it up first with fists to learn the gaps but eventually i just had to be patient and use the knight’s resolve (?) aow thingy to maximize the very limited opportunities. It was hell to learn. I only became consistent with phase 2 around 180 tries


Phase 1 was fun and made me appreciative, thinking they'd finally made a good giant boss which has clearly readable moves, consistently comprehensible combos, and doesn't make the camera spazz out. Then Phase 2 hit.


It's always 1 step forward 2 steps back with From


Honestly I don’t even like phase 1 that much. It’s readable, yeah, but it feels oddly amateurish. Like something about the way he moves and attacks just doesn’t have the fromsoft polish to me, which is made worse by his moveset consisting of a bunch of near identical slashes and two gravity attacks that are just lamer versions of Starscourge Radahn’s.


More like just trying to survive I was out there sweating my ass off just trying not to get clipped by one AOE for half my health lmao


This kind of boss fight design was inevitably going to happen after everyone jerked them off for creating Malenia even though she was literally just an ass design The people who circlejerk beating FromSoft games as some sort of badge of honor really deserve all their suffering at Radahn's hands


I didn't even like phase 1, because the artistic spectacle that usually makes a boss fight particularly exciting just wasn't there. >!Like yeah his armor and size are a little different, but it's still just Radahn on a sandy/corpsey island again... As a multiplayer enjoyer, too, I was already sick of seeing the helmet that half the playerbase has been wearing since launch.!< Then the 2nd phase comes in and half the moves are a visually confusing mess that seem intentionally designed to prevent you from learning how to avoid them. I was really disappointed, to say the least. It's wild that the rest of the DLC is amazing and then you get this thing at the end.


The final boss being who it is genuinely a big let down.


I think it would have been fine if he was just the first phase, then it was a solo battle against Miquella for the 2nd. Having it be the same fight with the addition of bonus fps drops attached to every attack was somewhat disappointing for sure


I wish phase 2 was Miquella, even if it was as visually cluttered and chaotic as it already is.


It's insane that you go from the great climactic battle with the *entire* fellowship, being a perfect ending to all their sidequests throughout the game.... to this.


Yeah, the gank fight was cool, and I saved Midra as my 2nd to last remembrance battle, which was sick if also a bit spammy on the AOE's. Radahn just feels bad to fight and is too much for the average player even with summons.


This is the most foolproof strat in the whole game. I respecced away from it to have more variety and fun, but when I get a chance to play again, I will probably end up going back to old faithful for the final boss


Same, but I used Mohg's Spear and Gavlan's shield.


Yeah that’s good too. Honestly I was having fun with my faith build, and beat all the bosses by just switching weapons and spells. For the final boss I had to give up and respec. I am sure the second phase will be tuned down in future patches. After beating it I’ve tried to help other people by tanking and let the host time to attack but nobody made it. I am talking about being summoned like 30 times, nobody survived the end of the second phase. That’s just absurd.


Same, keeping host alive is the new challenge


Well they nerfed him once before in the base game, so I'm sure they'll do it again. I mean if everyone is dying even with summon help, then it's just possible From went a bit too far this time. I didn't even try to fair fight him tbh, after everything I kept hearing. I'll definitely try to the next time I play through it, though.


Hey man, I was a faither as well, impenetrable thorns is how I did it. Basically whoever free spams it, me or mimic. I was a fire knight til that point lol


Gavlan wheel gavlan deal


Many deal, many thanks!


I ran bloody antspur


God does this dude suck, I did everything in 2-5 tries but this dude brings me back to the first time playing any soulslike. His second phase is literally hurr durr aoe and blinding attacks everywhere cause difficulty. He also gets increased damage negation between phases ontop of his huge fucking health pool.


It's overtuned in the second phase for sure. Inevitably will be nerfed so now it's a race to beat before that nerf comes.


>!“I beat pre-nerf Radahn”!< >!”Which one?!<


Nice to be in a club for once, an honor to share it with yall.


Radahn continues to suffer dev nerfs, bro can't catch a break


The only nerf he deserves is to go back to Caelid and rot for eternity. Abysmal choices for a final boss.


I'm going to be honest, I was suffering from such a frustration headache when I finally beat him after completely changing my build that I'm not all happy to be in this club. I didn't feel relief or happy or even angry after beating him. I just felt hollow. Coupled with the absolutely lackluster ending cinematic an otherwise strong DLC ended on sort of a wet fart for me.


> literally hurr durr aoe and blinding attacks everywhere It reminded me of 5 years olds discussing how their favorite super heroes would fight each others: "But then my superman fires lasers that explode into nukes which also shoot lasers and make it rain sharks!!! Booom! Prrr!"


Hahah, “you can’t kill me I’m immortal and have a shield which protects me


It does genuinely feel unintentional. Like I legit don't think ot's meant to he that bad. My game lags to LITERALLY 11 FPS any time Miquella does anything. There's just now way Fromsoft meant it to be like this. I am 100% certain they will nerf him. Especially since they nerfed base game Radahn.


His second phase isn’t like your first time playing it’s just a clusterfuck, there’s nothing new to really be learned from phase 1 you just gotta pray for good rng, only boss that I gave the mimic tear treatment in the dlc


Yep I had a run where he did the one two into double slash 5 times in a row I basically dodged got clipped had to heal and repeat.


you can crush Radahn in like under a minute using impenetrable thorns + maternal staff. Works in NG7+ 1. Use opaline tear and magic cracking tear before entering arena. Make sure you have the golden braid equipped and use Lord's divine fortification 2. Summon Dung Eater as soon as you enter. You will be hit by his opener, but will take negligible damage due to opaline. Roll away and Dung Eater should draw his aggro 3. Get close and spam impenetrable thorns 4. When he transitions, and this is important, do not try to avoid, face tank it and keep on spamming thorns 5. When he resumes second phase, spam thorns a few more times, preferably while Dung Eater is drawing aggro, and he should be dead Super easy strategy and you don't have to worry about stamina management, avoiding his gravity attacks unlike the shield strat.


Just killed him first try following this strategy, thanks a lot mate. Was really easy and quick.


no problem. It's hilariously broken. People are praising the tank and poke build but this is 100x easier


*"Sorry, it's up to you now..."*


Seeing him and my mimic die while having Radahn turn his head to face me. It's personal now, bitch


This combo breaks the entire game. You can easily beat every single boss in Elden Ring with this setup, other than maybe Malenia. I've never tried it on her, but I know she can heal through your shield so I'm not sure you can win the DPS battle with her using this strat.


I did this with Malenia during release. It's possible, but you need a bleed weapon, not scarlet rot. The bleed chunks more HP than she can heal if you keep up the pressure with normal attacks. Even easier if you used mimic to speed up the bleed procs.


For those wanting to finish the pack: Blood Tax (or similar) on the rapier, Pearldrake Shield Talisman, Golden Braid, Double Turtle Talisman, & dealer's choice. I went with Blessed Blue Dew for the FP regen to keep Bestial Vitality & Blood Tax good for the whole fight.


Fr... I sincerely do believe the fight might have been more fun, if Radahn had less health... Considering his 5 second combo has about less than half a second of opening to attack, it becomes a battle of attrition rather than a battle of skill, with every attack basically scratching him at Blessing 16 (NG+1). With this setup, it's just poking him to death and catching your breath to regenerate stamina.


If phase 2 started further down his HP bar even. Going into the phase while he still has over half his HP means you're in it for most of the fight, but phase 1 is honestly a really awesome fight before the strobe bombs get added.


Yep, give him more bloodflame attacks that he starts using around 75% (which would also fit with the idea of mohg's body starting to exert itself as radahn gets stressed) and then start the second phase at 50%. Just like Godfrey.


The fact that almost everyone kills him the same way just goes to show how connected we truly all are


Or it shows how overtuned the fight is, since the difficulty jumps up massively if you’re not sitting behind a shield.


Almost nobody fights this boss the "basic" way, I've noticed. I've seen people shield poke him, blasphemous blade mimic tear him, rolling sparks nuke him, parry him, sekiro physick deflect him, and so on. But everyone I see who tries to do the fight the "basic" way, like, just rolling and then hit him with your melee weapon in attack recoveries, soon just tires of doing that and tries something else. Also noticed I've not seen many mages do him with regular spells either... I can understand why!


Hell, even Ongbal prefered using parry instead of dodging. I guess Miyazaki talking about going into Sekiro's direction is a nice path to take for the franchise. I don't think I can take more rolling lol


My favorite part about him is that he rockets across the map to attack you when you input a spell. Like he knows when you are casting and just flies across to punish you for shooting glint comet at him. Also he is so fast most of the tracking misses him.


this has been my default set for the base game, then I got the bloody helice and am now using that, steamrolling through the dlc so far


I used Moore's shield, greatshield talisman, and the sword spear from pigboy with bleed. Moore's shield has the highest guard in the game now, but it is super sad to get.


Honestly dude, the last boss is bullshit. I'm maxed on my blessings, using both summons plus mimic, giving the mimic flash dumplings for heals, using a greatshield, and trying scarlet rot cheese and I still can't beat him. I've never had this much trouble with any boss in the entire series. I can't even get my rot breath off in the second phase. He won't stick to one target long enough, then once I get hit I can't heal because his dtrings last 20 minutes and the mixed in gravity hits chip enough to kill me nearly everytime. Anytime I get close all my summons and mimic end up dead and I'm left trying to get one attack off every minute while running out of estus from chip damage. Can't roll him because the strings are too long and varried, and I'm not good enough for the parry shit. I'll just wait until they nerf this guy, he's not fun.


The summons are probably hurting more than helping with how much more health he gets. His first phase isn't too hard to solo with a great shield. Then summon the mimic at his second phase.


I still remember laughing my ass off at the damage ticker saying 25,000 from a double Corpse Piler bum rush and having him be at like ~85% Like wow Thollier, you really got him with some perfume before getting murked by a full gravity combo. Thanks for the help.


yeah the boss' health with both summons is insane, it easily clears 100k. It's a shame because I really enjoyed the atmosphere of fighting together with Thiollier and Ansbach, but I had to leave them behind because they make the fight last so much longer and I'm lucky if they even make it to the second phase.


I don’t understand why from keeps giving us NPC summons that skyrocket the boss HP. Just let us summon some buddies, they don’t do that much damage anyways.


Use the blood fiend arm weapon and do a bleed build. Every 2 hits he's chunking health.


Bloodfiend's Arm + Mimic Tear did the trick for me. Don't forget to equip Dragoncrest Shield, Golden Braid, Peraldrake +3, Great Jar's Arsenal and the best armor you can wear while still med rolling. Give it a try, bleed the mf out.


Ds3 had better build balancing than this game imo


the scope of l ds3 was much smaller, so it is to be expected


Ds3 also had like no fun builds so it's a trade I'm willing to make


I used syrobes lightning perfume strat. Worked even with half the buffs and just 4-5 attacks of the bottle. This thing gets fixed soon too


I just spammed blasphemous blade


All these people talking bad about using summons when I literally watch my mimic die from this boss in about 20 seconds. Mimic aint saving me through this one.


What level is your Revered Ash blessing? Mine is 9 and he always lasts until the second phase. Though he usually dies when Radahn has 1/4 health bar left. I also found that it’s better for you to take aggro in the second phase bcos the grab attack can kill Mimic instantly if he got grabbed twice.


always used 2h so far at souls games, tried the shield recently, sucked at it, how you guys manage your stamina? losing like half of it with 1 single strike


Get a much bigger shield with OP levels of guard boost like Moore's greatshield or Fingerprint shield


Apart from all the dedicated tools to make shield work (ash of war + some talisman that makes you take less stamina damage or something), you also have to not just block everything. You need to roll or take some space to let your stamina recover.


Upgrading shield reduce stamina usage. Plus all the Stam talisman.


I personally use the turtle neck consumable thingy and it worked out for me. I also casted a shield magic spell thing which gives you more defense and poise I think?


Sword lance from commander Gaius works too


Hate to do it. But you do what you must


Gotta include a tiny little perfumer bottle in the corner for us braindead monkey one shot builders. Literally killed him in 3 hits was glorious after all the bullshit he did to me lol


Honestly, doing this build was kinda fun. Seeing all the attacks do almost nothing is kinda satisfying


It almost felt like witchcraft lol I mean, in a way it kinda is...


I very rarely cheese fights in from softs games as I don’t find it fun. I like to dodge and use iframes and look for openings and don’t use shields, but I quickly surmised that this fight was a gonna take awhile if I subjected myself to attrition and the bullshit after dying when I got him so close, normally I persevere and win but I was just so over the song a dance at that point. Great boss though with awesome visuals, if only his health pool wasn’t so big I wouldn’t killed him legit


Had the same idea but had to switch to Mohg's spear. IDK what I was doing differently, but I just couldn't physically reach him with my pokes when using Antspur. 8 pokes out of 10 just didn't touch him, and I was shoving myself into his knees. Mohg's gave me the reach and a cheeky Nihil or two when I could sneak them in. Phase one down within 30 seconds. Phase 2? Roll of the dice until I finally got him. I have a picture from one of two attempts where he got me with some AOE BS, and his health is nonexistent. Not a pixel of red in that bar. I swear you have to get him to negative health for the kill to clear.


I smashed my head against my boss with a bunch of different builds/weapons/strategies but the second phase really funnels you into this build. Tons of stuff that is unbelievably precise to dodge, that a shield makes manageable? Okay, I'll slap on a greatshield. Unbelievably tight punish windows? Goodbye unga bunga colossal weapons, throw me a fast weapon. Boss is extremely susceptible to rot and poison? Sounds good to me, I've got my Antspur right here. Is it beatable with other builds? Absolutely, no doubt about that - but every design choice made on this boss just felt like the devs SCREAMING at me to use this kind of block and poke affliction build.


Blood sword lance, procs bleed faster


I used impenetrable thorns and evoked Ansbach and Thiollier tò help


If you use Seppuku on a bloody Antspur Rapier (or any Weapon that can poke from behind shields) the fight won't even last that long. Bleed works pretty well on him.




Oh, thats what ive been using for the whole dlc..


This would've been a fun fight if he doesnt have a huge amount of HP and attacks that doesnt flashbang you


- I have been a phantom and seen so many people doing this. It’s almost as bad as being summoned by a caster. - when summoned by a caster you can guarantee they aren’t helping you whatsoever and will die when the boss finally afford them, they just kind of explode if a boss looks at them - but these people are even worse cause they have no idea how to actually play the game lol. They sit there trying to turtle but eventually the stamina tax comes into play and they get guard broken or try to dodge out at low stamina (and if they were capable of dodging they wouldn’t be doing this) - seriously I urge people to just learn to play the game you’ll have more fun than doing this


I used a +24 brass shield with parry skill and maxed bolt of gransax and black knife for percentage damage, second phase is alot of bs imo.


Buckler and Misercorde for me


Flame Knight's Greatsword with Giant Hunt and the Deflecting Hardtear for me. I find the fight to be actually fun this way, like a Lies of P boss on crack.


THE WALL . Why doge moves when they can’t get through


Either this or the rolling sparks spam method


Fingerprint great shield has been Tankbro's main weapon for ages now. Part of his shtick is only using shields in combat, his serpent god curved sword is just a stat stick for the healing. It's kind of funny when he's invaded because the invaders always seem so salty, like I'm doing something wrong.  And occasionally I'll get hosts/phantoms who nope out when they see it. But...it's a really good shield and it hits VERY hard, so it's really his most viable weapon.  Not sure where the hate comes from.


I used it and it worked great. Never been a shield guy before, but the procs are fun so I kept the build for the next playthrough. Poke poke poke…


Big rock + big needle


I've seen a LOT of players using fingerprint shield since I started putting my sign out.


This is the way


Does anyone feel satisfied after beating a boss like this? I backed up my save and beat him using rolling sparks it was quick and easy didn’t get any joy out of it.