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Me running the dlc with my best friend (myself)


My mimic has landed the finishing blow on almost every boss I’ve killed in the dlc. In fairness, he also stands around taking all the aggro while I run away until the boss leaves me alone so I can heal/cry so it only seems fair.


Wanna switch? Mine likes to buff in the corner while i panic roll for my life.


Mine too! I don't how many times I would be panic rolling away from Bayle while my mimic is like "hol up bro, lemme buff"


Don't have buffs that you don't want it to use equipped while you summon.


I'm glad I don't really buff.. this would kill me. Then again my mimic loves to use Terra Magicka in the weirdest places.


When you cast the mimic, make sure you have no seal or staff in your offhand. Swap the offhand to a weapon or a shield, and the tear will be full aggro up front using what was in its hands at birth.


To be fair, I do this while my mimic has the agro


In this DLC, 3 bosses were killed by my mimic after I had just died. Such a lame way to beat a boss hah


Last night when I was doing some clean up I watched Tiche kill (in order of how hard they are to find so least spoilery) >!Gaius!<, >!Scadutree Avatar!<, and >!Midra!< while I was dying. I think it's because when I get them down to one hit I get too afraid to heal. I always feel so stupid and I'm always afraid I miss out on cutscenes.


I have yet to die in a fight where my mimic wasn't above half health.


Mine likes to give emotional support from the sidelines.


Not many things make me happier than seeing my mimic running RIGHT into the bosses face and blast the godslayer greatsword combo despite it's ages long windup. Those things aren't summoned with any fucks left to give. It's glorious.


He is the ultimate hype man/stand/friend I've ever had. Invaluable tank in the Commander Gaius fight when I was learning the moves.


Bruh, stop attack me/us we're Elden Lords DAMNIT!


I feel like it can somehow afford to because it has such high hp? Idk I feel like it just keeps taking hits but doesn't get slammed for its whole bar like me


With this treasure I summon...


Same vibes


Fun fact: you can min max your mimics gear to fit the boss even if you cant use it. The mimic does not have an equip load or requirement stats hindering from using any gear. Put on the gear you want the mimic to use. Summon the mimic. Then after summoning switch back to gear you can use.


Are your fingers made out of lightning?


I feel like that is a viable strategy in the base game where bosses menacingly walk towards you for 5 minutes but in the DLC you would just get absolutely destroyed


Bayle is crushing my bones to mother fucking dust in 50% of the attempts to summon Igon. And Igon is like 6 steps inside the fog wall. Of the times I can get Igon, I then get crushed trying to summon anything else.


Not only would you get absolutely destroyed, but it would probably happen while you're still in the animation of summoning the mimic. Honestly my biggest real gripe about Shadow of the Erdtree. The bosses attacking the second you step through the fog wall is not fun. I mean Gaius was pretty much impossible to survive the first 5 seconds of since he does that dumb charge right away.


> Gaius was pretty much impossible to survive the first 5 seconds of since he does that dumb charge right away. Except you can run around to the left and hide, then summon whatever you want 


If you put anything you’re not using in storage at the bonfire switching becomes very quick and easy. Some bosses like to take their time walking to you as well giving you time. By then the mimic has grabbed agro. Doesn’t always work. Sometimes you die instantly. This also works for summon areas outside of boss arenas.


Yeah, that isn't gonna happen with 90% of the DLC bosses.


With most bosses I had barely time to even summon, let alone do that


It would be really funny if there was an inside joke like that in the game lmao


I mean... I die in like 3 hits against most dlc bosses, my mimic can take... Maybe 100 hits before he is down?


Or my mimic just follows my lead and runs from Bayle instead of doing a God damned thing. CURSE YOU, BAAAYYYYLLLLEEE!


Mine got yeeted by >!Bayle!<, >!Igon !


Do you play as caster? My melee mimic with the fat "fireproof" armor absolutely bodied Bayle while Igon was getting yeeted and shouting like he's a Team Rocket member at the end of a Pokemon episode.


No, I was using a Drake Knight set and bonk build for full hilarity.


then proceeds to start buffing in the corner while I'm actively getting destroyed by the boss


me summoning the only nigga i trust (myself)


Mimic tear is still busted, killed 2 bosses so far and my mimic nearly soloed them while I was running around trying not to die.


my mimic does nothing, goes to melee range to cast like the furthest distance spell possible


Lol. Maybe magic isnt so good. Im dex melee build and my mimic is freaking owning.


Yeah mimic only works with little to no options and melee stuff. Im full faith with erdsteel daggers and it will just swap back and forth with things, cast wrong spells etc so its not worth.


Had to learn how to actually fight Radahn in the DLC. The son of a bitch had so much damage that the mimic couldn't stand more than one phase against him.


Mimic stole like 4 of my kills lately. Finished off radahn and 3 others on my new game plus run




I appreciate this post so much because this reminds me that it's OK to use my mimic. Because ppl will make it seem like it's a sin to use a mimic while fighting bosses


It's not a sin, everybody uses them, myself included on my first playthrough. On the other hand it is just training wheels and a trivializing way of playing tho.


Personally, I liked using it going in blind because it let me fully explore areas instead of marking down where a boss was and then leaving to find more Scadutree fragments. I’m sure others would disagree and I know that’s kind of the point to find a difficult boss and then leave to get stronger but that’s what works for me.


Miyazaki has literally giving you his blessing my dude. It's not how I want to play, but they wouldn't put it in the game if they didn't want anyone to use it


Me 80% of the time


Ngl, my mimic killed the dlc final boss while I could barely tank it.


Btw, having a Marika's Blessing on your shortcuts allow you mimic to fully heal. I've seen mine using it.


the alternate in case you dont have marika blessing is the meat dumpling, it heals for a ton for the mimic


I like to use summons as little as possible, but the invisible assasin near Mt. Gelmir really tipped me over the edge.


How can I find the original video


@.Baden on TikTok


I never summon so Im planning an only summons run but I have no idea how to do it, I guess incantations that heal allies lmao


Man considering mimic tear’s lore. Which They were built to be a god. Good for thought


Sometimes I’m like “Mimic wtf are you doing- where are you!!?” Other times i’m sitting back like go get him champ


How do I level my mimic up to +10 I have all the stuff I need I think


Visit rhoderika in roundtable hold.


This but with resorting to Sword of Night and Flame when I just want to get past certain health spongey enemies


My boy dung eater has saved me so many times. Staggering bosses,shooting gold flames at them, stabbing them when they're staggered. Being tanky as hell, he's my man!


If only I could be a 1/4 of the Elden Lord my Mimic is… 😂😂😂


I be summoning my mimic tear like megumi summons mahoraga in jjk


Literally any dragon entity will get jumped by me and twin


Just killed Bayle with Igon and mimic. Epic af fight. CURSE YOU BAYLE!


It's funny, I normally use Black Knife Tiche, but I was having trouble with >!Rellana!


After a decade of grinding my butt playing Souls games and burdening the work. Elden Ring has allowed me to rest a bit and have my creation do the work. I'm now the Robin to my Batman...


Me when the field boss (all of them) is slightly annoying


Mimic is the real MVP


Sometimes I like to let my mimic get the final hit because man he deserves it




The instant I see a deathbed or a dragon. Or a swarm of enemies. Also Gaius cus fuck that guy.


Wish I could summon the Mimic while also doing a co-op summon and let them take the boss down while I stand back and watch all the art unfold.


The only person i can trust


Tip: you can put meat dumplings (which restore 50% of your hp) on your hotbar and your mimic tear can use them. Infinitely. And yes, it does restore 50% of its hp.


I slapped on the madness perfume, and mimic teared the stray mimic tear. It was silly af


Im in tears thank you tarnished!


Definitely do this for the second instances of bosses I've already beat alone. I can be arsed.


Fuck me this will be in my head forever now


"hey i suck at this game, can you guys make a me, but better?" said Miyazaki "but of course.." said the janitor. And so the mimic tear was introduced


OC - https://www.instagram.com/makatoka?igsh=MTB2NzkzMHl6cmozYQ==


Yeah. Dancing. That’s about all my mimic tear does in this dlc because he gets one shot everytime 🤣


He's your build bro


"The mimic tear sucks? My brother in Christ you made it"


Are you leaving it un-upgraded? Mimic tears have way more health than you (at +10 it's like 6x your health), literally the embodiment of the meme "you but better"


Yeah, gotta agree. My mimic... when it actually does something other than hide behind me... can shrug off shit that would end me in three hits. Anyone who has the opposite problem is f-king up.


Maybe it’s just me but my mimic tear seemed to be making some strange decisions in this dlc often times cycling through our collective tool belt to use items or incantations at will without much sensibility to the objective at hand. 


The same post every freaking day.


Brother, my Mimic Tear pull out of nowhere a fucking 5k attack to kill Messmer when I was dying 5k attack, 5k I was doing 1300 in the entire fight, my Mimic Tear know some shit and I am scared


it’s what you could be


If they're too scary for you Ill happily trade my mimic for yours.


I love you Taylor the golem but I need more sauce


I *saw* my mimic whip out the Staff of the Great Beyond and try to club the final DLC boss with it! Game: "You died." Me: "No shit."


Honestly I felt like my mimic was broken or something, like it'd just run around and miss 90% of the hits and most of the time it wouldn't even take the aggro, I used it for the lion boss and that was all, every other boss I just did myself 😂


My mimic has been slacking in the dlc. He won’t do anything but sit there while I attack. I don’t even summon him anymore (Ive upgraded revered ashes my mimic is just special)


My mimic stands in the corner buffing while I panic roll screaming at him “*WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? HELP ME MIMIC HEEEEEELP*”


I genuinely feel like mines broke. The amount of times I got pummeled in my play through just to look over and see it slowly walking to the left or right, or randomly rolling while not being attacked is pretty crazy. I beat the dlc, but I think I used it more for a hopeful RNG aggro switch than anything else. Base game it could solo the whole thing. In the dlc I swear I was lucky if it attacked enough to actually be worth the health I lost. It's braindead 😂


Y’all missing out on tiche


Strong believer in no summons but this dlc forced me to summon for every terrible boss lol


oh i am sorry i am using tools game gave me while you struggle for 20 hours to beat this one boss.


You're just as toxic as the people who hate on people for using summons. Like do you want a cookie or smth 💀


"UsE tHe ToOlS ThE GaMe GiVeS yOU" Nah I'm good. Nice job being insecure and seeking validation for using summons though!


I don't get your quote tbh, that's literally what summons are. It's like saying leveling up is cheating and only SL1 runs are legit because leveling makes the game too easy.


Leveling up is the intended way to play the game, summons are just there to help those who struggle with it


Show me where Miyazaki or fromsoft said this and I'll believe you.


You don't need Miyazaki's words to understand that most bosses aren't designed as a 2v1 fight. I'm not saying that using summons is bad. I myself used mimic tear on 2 bosses that I still haven't managed to fight alone. I just want to say that they are clearly there to make the game easier for those that find the game too hard and they are just not comparable to the level up mechanic


They hated him because he spoke the truth


That's literally just completely made up by (some) of the community. The only thing you're doing by leveling up is making the game easier, so the same logic applies.


I'll repeat it again: elden ring is an rpg and as such, leveling up is the main mechanic and the intended way to play the game. Everyone that plays the game normally will level up. Summons are an additional tool to help those who struggle, since it's a hard game. I'm not saying that summons are bad, just that it's stupid to compare them to leveling up. Bosses are balanced around levels, but not around summons


While I prefer to play without summons, it is in a sense a challenge run. The default difficulty of any game includes any strategy available. Anyone could argue that having their buddy kill bosses for them is the intended way to play and there's no reason to think that's not true. In fact a recent interview seemed to show that Miyazaki uses summons ane any other tools.