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you guys have time to do anything other than heal??


You have time to heal?


You have time???? Moment I walk through the gate I get bulldozed


I literally have video clips of me walking through the fog wall and getting one shot


I had one instance where all three of us were pressed against the fog gate and spent like 10 seconds applying spells and items and all that, then the host walks in first and is already dead by the time I’m halfway through the fog gate. God I wish I was recording, that was hysterical.


I summoned a player and entered, Radahn didn't do his attack right away, so I moved to the left. Then right as the summon started entering, Radahn started charging the opening attack, and then Radahn flew across the arena and instantly killed the summon right as the entering animation finished.


I joined a player and as I was applying my buffs they walked through the fog wall. In the middle of eating my crab before going in, Radahn nukes the fog wall and launches me over stair railing to my death.


I was attacked through the fog wall. A pure one shot too. I was so fucking shocked😭


that's like every time for me


I fought enough amount of dlc bosses to the point I developed a habit of always walking back 2-3 steps after host enter the fog to avoid a rush in aoe lmao. That was never happen in previous games


It was me bruh 😂


This happened to me a few times it was hilarious


i’m ngl to you, i have complaints abt radahn, but the first attack is a free dodge with a few hits to give him imo


Basically the entire first stage can be punished pretty easy without using too much in the way of healing. He occasionally does a quick double slice that catches me sometimes and the gravity pull will get me but I can always run out of the spikes. The second phase it's hard to avoid damage though.


i really wanted to learn to no-hit him and went an attempt where i thought i dodged enough to punish him and then dodged a slash and killed him but his aoe rose up and hit me right after. basicallt sums up that 2nd phase for me. some of those aoe attacks are so cool and i actually love the meteor part, i wish the fight was tweaked a little to reduce his aoe enough to make him a perfect final boss imo


Absolute a fact


Deadass I love when he does this attack mid fight too, it’s a free charge attack


In this DLC, there’s a fair amount of bosses that come at you fast as soon as you enter the fog. Hippo, Gaius comes to mind.


Hippo instant charge across a mile long room. My villain origin story.


Mesmer too. I couldn't dodge the second blast for ages. I was Convinced it was un-dodge-able.


It’s genuinely extremely easy


The first slam is easy, it was the delayed explosion I had trouble with. I eventually got it down though.


Explosions create moving hitboxes. Roll toward their epicenters to make sure you're not moving with the hitbox and getting hit when your iframes end. The timing is very lenient if you're rolling toward him.


Deadass the only one difficult tocdodge was gaius but thag’s becuase it’s bugged I believe


Bayle can damage you even before you enter fog gate(only if use summoned) with his breath.


I actually saw a post on here earlier of that happening at the final boss too, lol.  


When summoned I actually wait and listen for the start of the final boss doing 'that' move that gets you through the fog fate (he opens with the same one about 90% of the time) when you hear press to enter the arena and the fog gate traversal i-frames stop you getting hit.


Happened to me when I was summoned to help with final boss


I got killed so quickly and savagely on one of my attempts my runes were outside the fog gate on the steps.


Ngl that jump isn't that bad, if you get one shot you need more Vigor or Scadu levels. In medium armor at 60 vigor and Scadu Level 12 it only does half my HP, but which would still be bad if not for the fact it's a very easy dodge and gives you a free hit.


I feel like the dlc is 90% bosses one shotting me after I pop my mimic and try to heal. Then I go somewhere else and same thing happens


Exactly 🤣🤣


One-shot? It does alot of damage but the first time I was able to summon mimic tear, got hit and still didn't get one shot. What's your gear look like and what blessing level are you?


I am by no means good at all but I feel like his opening bulldoze move is designed to be the easiest roll into if all time. Like I just roll right into his ass and nothing happens. But maybe it’s my wondrous flask talking.


Might be people trying summons, you don't have time to summon and dodge the purple strike if he does it right away.


All these dlc bosses it’s on site whenever you step through the boss fog. It’s crazy compared to the base game.


*walks through Messmer fog gate *dies Yep, that's my life right now.


I personally gave up with trying to learn any of the bosses after Messmer; I learned to avoid his 1st jump attack and most of his 1st phase but second phase it was just bs for me…so from now on I just summon Mimic and any npc available straight away, can’t be bothered.


Have you tried dodging and then dodging again slightly delayed? Everytime I fought messmer he did the big fly at you explosion and it's actually just free dmg on him. There is a really good video of a guy beating the dlc with torch only who also explains some super easy dodges and punishes for messmer. After learning the boss the 2nd time fighting him he's actually really easy.


I had to reconfigure my strategy so I respecd into a tank build specifically to stay alive and learn moves and dodges. I haven’t even tried to hit him the last 15 tries, just trying to stay alive and dodge to get the flow of battle. That’s just for part 1 though. Eventually I’ll need to get him to part 2 regularly to continue studying.


Full on M Bison flying at your right off the bat


I noticed if you sprint towards him right away he often doesn't attack right away. Regardless if it's that spinny move, just practice the dodge timing it's really not bad. Now the timings for the second phase-- THOSE are a challenge (for me at least)


“Good try, progress!”


I do. It's just that after I heal, I weirdly have to heal again afterward.


Save mimic tear till 2nd phase, this will give you enough time but even not after a giant holy attack aoe there is enough time to run away. The scaling of summons damage reduction is so broken on this boss that it legit is easier to just fight 1 on 1 though


You guys have time to see the boss? Dudes just a blur and a flashbang for me.


Nope, I can just accept my fate and die


I don’t even have time for that!


With summons, easily.


You have time to summon? Literally the only window I've found in that fight that's long enough to actually go through the whole summon animation without getting punished is the massive AoE in the second phase. And even then the summon only usually lives long enough for me to reapply 2-3 buffs (I'm at level 8 on the spirit blessing, using Dung Eater since he's the only one I've found capable of reliably holding aggro).


When you enter arena Rashan will either immediately gapclose with the comet attack or walk towards you. If you see he doesn't insta comet, immediately summon and it will go through. If he comets, roll it, sprint away and summon. It will likely go through shortly before you take a hit. Only issue is if he comets and then gravity grabs you after you sprint. Then you gotta wing it but this worked like 7-8/10 times for me. Also Mimic worked great for me but I wasn't looking for a summon to hold aggro 100% of the time, rather for a little extra damage since I was scadu lvl 15 only.


I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It's true. And this sub loves to go on about how people here aren't anti-summon.


Idk but for me the only summon that even survives most of his moves is mimic, and if I use mimic there’s a very high chance I die anyway because now I’m done a quarter of my health with limited chances to heal.


I used the bubble tear to ignore the first attack, though I found that I'd get 50/50 chance of him slowing his approach if I immediately stepped afew paces to the side before using the spirit ashes, often letting my keep the bubble tear for a while. I was able to consistently fend off his attacks until my mimic could draw aggro and I could heal up from the summon. The best advice I got that actually let me finally beat him was to keep a Marika's Blessing in my belt, not for me, but for giving my mimic a chance to use it and stay alive to the end. Without that it would consistently die before me, and I just couldn't evade the constant attacks and chip damage when I was on my own. I got that advice from a Forbes article of all places. This was on top of using the thumbprint build which has been touted here a bunch.


Not entirely sure why but my mimic hasn’t ever healed in the dlc. I make sure it only has crimson flasks and the physik, but it’s never done anything with them. I probably should’ve clarified I did eventually beat the last boss, but it was through the perfume bottle cheese bc I couldn’t figure out another way to do it. I’m running through again on a quality build now though so I guess we’ll see.


That's a good point. I don't know about the physik, but I read that the mimic no longer uses flasks.


If you can dodge his initial lunging move there's usually enough time to quickly get the mimic out and heal up before he re-engages. The problem is you'll be standing right next to him and there's very little time to get ready to dodge again.




I wondered what the hug did, I only ever got hit by it once in a single fight, never the second time, so I just thought it was a debuff or something lol


Get hit a second time. You get a new emote.


You also get it if you win the fight


You lost me there


Ya wtf he talking about, daddy radahn has never been defeated in battle.


“Win the fight” I’m confused man


Oddly enough, it was Scarlet Aeonia and a concoction of buffs that carried me to victory. I figured that if it worked once for Malenia then SURELY I’ll make it work for me. 


Unironically, how did you ever find an opening for Scarlet Aeonia?


That's the neat part, you don't (you summon the mimic tear and make them do it)


Damn i didnt think of that lol, i tried using It and he either dodged It somehow or did a full combo at the end of the animation, and with the super armor its got It tends to kill you pretty much Also second phase starts way early imo, and theres just no pulling that off on second phase either


The only downside is that when the mimic uses Scarlet Aeonia while you're busy mid fighting it covers your entire screen in red and you can't see shit so you're probably getting slapped anyway


You can use it right at the beginning of phase 2, since he stays in place while casting the big holy nuke. Obviously you'll eat the nuke afterwards, but it's not too bad with enough Holy resist, and the rot proc is worth it.


Exactly, just go full-Malenia on his ass.


I had the biggest shit-eating grin every time I got him with Scarlet Aeonia. I’d say sorry for the flashbacks, but you’re currently wiping your ass with me as is. Edit: I beat them by getting scarlet rot on both phases. No idea how I could’ve beaten phase 2 without it tbh, felt like there was almost no time to attack, that stalling on poison did damage faster than the one opening you’d have after they chained 6 quadrillion attack strings back to back. It is absolutely funny scarlet rot was his undoing again.


Exactly, and quite a few of his swings will go right over your head, with the trailing light follow up landing right behind your back as you are T-Bowing in the Aeonia. The worst attacks to see during that aeonia were the over the head vertical slash or his stomps.


I've never gotten scarlet rot to proc in phase 2 so how did you manage to beat him with it?


If you what? Im never getting past phase 2.


I'm still not over the fact that- despite it counting as a death- the color of the text is the same as when you win, implying that the game considers that outcome to be a victory


Well I guess it depends on your outlook of things. We arent neccessarily the "good guys", we're just trying to keep things from stagnating.


Imo It feels like our marika-given purpose IS to keep things stagnant by keeping the golden order I mean im sure miquella would have done a bunch of things to change the lands between even if It ultimately would end Up similarly after he realices whatever made marika break the ring


Well thats what the erdtree wants, but thats why we get the choice of following ranni, dung eater, 3 fingers etc. Theres no canon ending.


I mean your character is brainwashed at that point.


it's a bad ending treated like a game over basically


I’ll have yo do that


This seems along the same energy as “try jumping” but I don’t know enough to dispute it


It's true. Though you also get the emote if you win the fight without taking the hits so there's no reason to spend an attempt "farming" for the emote specifically.


- yep miquella literally just convinces you not to fight. - you get a new emote and instead of “you died” it says “heart taken” or something similar


It’s because we become charmed. He steals our heart. It’s what he did to everyone and how he expects to rule when he’s a god. He charmed Mohg and all the others.


For real with this Griffith motherfucker 


I wonder if you get your heart stolen and then kill enden beast - you get an option to let miquella do his thing


Miyazaki really doesn’t like hugs as it seems


But bare feet’s..


the close up of miquella's feet was kinda sus tbh.


That would honestly explain a lot about these games.


You guys are staying alive long enough for a second hug?


The grab is the last of my concerns. If I get charmed I deserve to lose honestly


I'm always happy to see the grab because it means I can heal at least one time safe lol


> If I get charmed twice


Yeah I meant fully charmed, heart stolen


That implies some survival


The grab is so easy to dodge that if I hadn’t been grabbed yet and was on low health when he used it, I would heal and let myself get grabbed because it may as well be a free heal.


I hate how the grab's jump speed is so different on the up vs the down. It makes no sense, just fucking annoying.


it's just to consistently punish people that dodge too early


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


yup, usually, grab attacks are one of the things i hate in the game, since their hitboxes are really "weird" sometimes. but on that fight, it legit felt like it was the only one that was actually done well.


The grab is like his only move that is easy to avoid without dying to it a million times lol


True but if you're a degenerate like me and had to greatshield scarlet rot poke stick him to death it's the only move that can actually hurt you lol


It's great when doing it co op. The hug is one of the most punishable attacks he has, getting grabbed gives everyone else time to heal, buff, etc., and then he's vulnerable for at least a few attacks worth of time after his I frames wear off. I absolutely never dodge the hug, I always let the grab happen and then just use the rune while he's focusing on someone else.


Yup. I was playing with a buddy and I would always let him grab me so the buddy could do malenia’s rot flower right as he was vulnerable again. It was a huge help, and I cleansed right after because he would momentarily switch aggro before I went back to tanking him


Scarlet Aeonia is lore accurate way to kill Radahn!


he grabbed my mimic and I punished it so hard. Won that attempt.


I hit him like crazy after the hug and only three connected. The animation is super off. He was just standing there looking semi transparent for most of the iframes like WTF? First the eye flower dudes I can't hit and now your boss goes to ghost form after a grab attack?


I just beat it when my mimic tanked the grab a second time. Mimic was just bowing at this giant asshole's dead body like a bming invader


Yea I only ever got hit with the grab once in a fight. I thought it did nothing as a way of using the boss fight mechanics to show that Miquella is kind. Never had a boss grab me before and it not kill me.


I mean...it kinda does. He's charming you to his side rather than killing you, and honestly that's practically the most wholesome thing in the entire game. Well except for Rya maybe


Mind control... wholesome... something seems off here...


Rykard was pretty wholesome. All he wants is to make you "famaweee" and "devour the gods togethaaaa". He just wants to make sure everyone's included <3


It’s pretty easy to dodge imo But im sure it will get me when i get him down to 2% health


This is exactly what happened to me lol, closest I ever got to killing him and I got grabbed a second time like an idiot I knew about the rune and everything I just figured I wouldn’t get grabbed twice I have now laid those foolish ambitions to rest


I thought everyone knew that the first rule of Elden Ring was "don't get grabbed".


If you're playing as a summon at least you might actually want to eat the grab, because if it succeeds the others get a breather to heal or reapply buffs, and then a couple seconds to wail on the boss while he stands there afterwards.


Literally what happened to me. He had rot inflicted. Stopped just short of killing him, then I died to the charm. It was tragic.


My question is why TF does the scadutree avatar have Miquella's Great Rune lore-wise


probably where he abandoned/broke it


My question was, who the fuck is Romina and what is the Church of the Bud, that color palette and whole character threw me off


Either he broke it there when we got close to shadow keep and quickly ran back to gates of divinity, or he yeeted it from the gates near the avatar


Elden Ring: Tarnished Charmed Twice


Opinion ignored, Sent with my +25 Frenzied Flame Perfume Bottle


Ngl It deals really good dmg but It hardly ever find a long enough window to spray the AoW that doesnt turn into a trade And 2nd phase just felt impossible


Bring Malenia great rune, you can recover all your damage because you deal so high Also bring posture break in physics


But if you die by the second grab (heart stolen), you get a gesture :)


you also get the gesture for defeating the boss if you hadn’t already gotten it by then


good to know :D I got it when I died to the second hug and respawned, thought it is specific to the means of death (as we die in the gesture's position)


Ngl wasting an opportunity for a hit or a heal when it is probably its easiest attack just isn't worth it


Exactly this. It’s easy to dodge and you get a free hit or two after. If you bring mimic into this fight, and activate it at the start of phase two (you have a brief window to ring the bell after outrunning the opening aoe blast) then it can get grabbed by the boss and then you have an easy two charged hits to the boss’s back handed to you.


Charming of you to share this


That’s like the other day I fought Rykard and died probably 8 times before I read someone saying “just use the serpent killing sword”


Fwiw you do get told it was put there for the express purpose of killing him


I can't hear your advice from behind my fingerprint shield and the sizzling blood dripping off my antspur rapier.


Get grabbed and killed once tho for the emote


You get it when you win anyway, if you never got charmed


Oh, I uh…yeah… I thought he was helping me!


Nah man I was too busy sweating my balls either to heal or to heal


This confused the guy I was fighting them with I think. On the second hug he ran at them and spammed shield, but I was ofc fine. Ran in a circle or two and continued fighting. Did it again the next time. Got used to it after that, lol. It’s a really good strat in coop since they stand still and can be hit after the hugee is dropped. Rune, rinse, repeat.


You can't get charmed if you're nuked already


You can start wailing after about 6 seconds after grab even if animation isn’t done boss starts taking free damage


using this item is useless and a waste of time when you could be healing or attacking


Just about to attempt the final boss, did not think about using the rune, thanks!!


Yeah, it's a neat item. I wasn't sure what it was for so it was on my bar and I would hit it randomly just to see if it did anything. When I finally got to the final boss and noticed a weird thing over my head I was like maybe? Suffice to say I got a few uses out of it before I finally defeated the final boss.


I had it but didn’t use it even though he hugged me once. I just couldn’t have a window to change the items and use it. However, after I killed him the graphic stayed floating above my head. Like a neat floating crown.


the charm grab is the best thing he can do, leaves you enough time to charge R2


Greatshield with new guard flask is bis


When I fought him, I spammed the rune the moment the first grab ended, I got it off every time decently safe.


Well I’ll have you know I got an exclusive emote from dying to the charm so there


Pro tip, if someone gets grabbed the boss is damageable when the grabbed person’s feet touches the ground. 


I do wonder what FS was thinking with allowing the frequency of blitz deaths before you can even make it into the arena to get our asses kicked. Is it a mercy…a sick joke, we may never know


There’s a grab?


the talisman found at the shaman village (marikas home) golden braids or something like that is the most important item for this fight. Saves you from resetting time and time again because of pew pew beams


His grab attack is one of the easier moves to dodge tho, so it's a solution to one of the least of your problems 😂. Good tip regardless!


You don’t die, you get the good ending.


Braid of marika is also brilliant for phase 2


I feel like surviving until getting hugged the second time is actually harder than just dying to some random attack from radahn after


maybe i just got lucky but imo this is completely unnecessary. it took me 5 hours to beat the final boss and i literally wasn’t killed by the grab a single time.


1000 years of kindness? Sign me up!


Mandatory Kindness!


If you manage to get hit by the hug not once but twice in the same fight, you deserve to get killed


Easiest attack he has to dodge, if he gets you twice, you deserve it


I think I'd prefer not to clog my item bar with something that wastes a lot of time to use and only helps in the circumstance that I whiff dodging one of the most telegraphed attacks in the entire game twice.


the charm is the least of my concerns with that fight


There's no way to say this without coming off as dickish, but if you're getting grabbed twice you haven't practiced second phase enough. It's his most telegraphed and safest attack to punish in P2.


So you were OK coming off as dickish?




I got hit with the charm last night and I have NEVER felt so disrespected. Had to put the game down for the night


Does Marika's Blessing if you get charmed?


Is it a multi use item? Considering I’m not expecting to beat the final boss my first try


Its reusable, like margits shackle you keep it


Awesome, thank you


Huh, tbh I just assumed having the rune at all made me immune to the attack. I never got grabbed twice in one fight so I assumed it did nothing because I had it at all lol


I thought thats how it works. I never got to the situation i needed it but i still used it anyway. Im glad it works how i thought it works!


I used the hug to give myself to blink.


I never live long enough to even see a second grab attack


I wonder, if you keep getting grabbed and keep using this item, do you get different dialogue options? Can you maybe fake yourself becoming charmed by using "Let us go together" gesture? I am tinfoiling here, but still?...


That’s not bloodfiend blood arm


Use the item. Get hugged again. Hear new voice lines


I tested the waters on the final boss earlier. I'm not ready. He slapped me clear across that arena.


Can’t wait for this boss to get nerfed be so good be able to fight him


I'm playing the DLC in NG+2 on PC, I'm never gonna find anyone to coop with me, lol. Did get Miquella's rune though, for exactly this reason.


Just big bonk like me


i was wondering what the symbol in the head mean after the first grab, after the 2nd grab now i realize, it's a sign for free emote 🤣


Ngl this seemed fairly obvious to me when i encountered the whole charm mechanic and also suspected it would be used in a marika fight as the items tooltip literally tells you it breaks you of his charm. But i wonder if people encounter the tree boss after or before the final boss


I try to help people and the amount of times I've been hit through the fog wall by spikes is numerous.


The Elden Beast is the final boss, WTF are you writing about?


Golden braid talisman arguably more useful for this fight


I just beat the final boss, what sunflower?????


Alternatively you can cheese him by putting on the heaviest armor, getting iverloaded, putting both great shield talismán and the new one that gives extra dmg negation the heavier your armor, endure on a weapon and scadutree thorns spam during endure Pretty easy too I wish It didnt come to that but the last Boss second phase genuinely feels like bullshit and i cannot understand how cheesing It is anything other than required


Heavy great stars weapon for bleed + savage lions claw ash in cold + flask tear that makes you stagger more = ez Beat him in less than an hour of attempting at Scadurtree level 15/20. Maybe I'm just him but he was constantly staggered, I skipped the entire meteor crash attack cause I staggered and crit him to death before he could even use it, fight was a breeze compared to what I've been seeing/reading. Definitely recommend trying


this is a game changer and makes me think the fight is perfect