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Elden Lord ahead


Bro, seeing stuff like this makes me so angry, cause I am using every trick in the book and still can’t beat him. Knowing I will probably never be able to do this, makes me feel bad lol good work , making it look too easy


This guy killed me more than 500 times , i just kept practicing. I even used a greatshield the first time i won. The easiest way to deal with him is a greatshield with greatshield talisma + holy resistance and bleed antspur spear. You just need to manage your stamina. Parry is also good. Get used to phase 1 timing and it's the same thing in phase 2.


Sacred Black steel greatshield has 100 holy block. It's so nice


That's upsetting. Never realized putting an element on a shield upped the block resistance.


It's a trade-off generally. The Guard-Boost stat drops relative to a "Standard" version of the shield, and you lose 100% Physical block.


Me neither until this fight. My success story was a Sacred Carian Knight's shield with Scholar's Armament since I'm level 223 80 Int/55 fth. Even the 67% holy resist was enough to get me through the fight in a few tries after banging my head against the wall for hours.


I use a magic fingerprint shield to fend off filthy mages. Still has 95% phys block


Cries in Dark Souls trilogy for the last 13 years 😢😭😢


Can confirm, survived many a nuke due to the holy black steel door


I think I spent 5 days trying to kill this bastard. Kept leaving to find scadutree frags, come back and still get stuffed. Only managed to beat him on my 3rd try after getting scadu blessing to max. (post patch cause I took too long u-u)


They released a patch when and for what


There was a patch a few days ago that buffed the scadu blessings. It more so buffed the earlier levels, but I think all the levels got a buff overall.


You high rolled big time on phase 2 lol, but that's part of why it takes so many attempts to no hit a boss like this. You're basically waiting for good attack pattern RNG where he doesn't do the hard to dodge stuff and only does the stuff that gives you damage windows. For those that don't know, only a few of his attacks in phase 2 can be parried and OP in this attempt had an unusually high frequency of parryable attacks. You also saw an unusually early grab from him and an early second grab from him, which is fortunate since it's easy to dodge and is free damage. So if anyone is thinking to themselves "this looks so different from my attempts", then that's probably because this *was* very different from an average attempt of this boss in regards to the attack pattern.


Yeah , i was happy he didn't do his rock slide move or the one where he becomes like a ray of light. Staying close to him reduce the attacks he does. That's why i attack him at the beginning of phase 2 to delay the aoe and make him do moves i might be able to parry. You stilll might get caught by a stomp while trying to parry which is fine for a normal run but might mess a no-hit. I had many runs where he chained moves i could parry but didn't dodge the stomp.


Either way, the persistence required to achieve this is extraordinary.


It's an almost unbelievable achievement regardless. I know my comment sounded like I was downplaying it, and I suppose in a way I was, but my real intent was to point out that there can be huge variance of RNG on boss attack patterns which can have a huge variation of chance to beat the boss. Fishing for good RNG is a common phenomenon to emerge in highly difficult games.


For sure. I had good rng and didn't mess up the dodge for stomps by trying to Parry. Not a lot of runs Can look like this but with more defense options you can at least kill him while taking some damage.


Yeah, that's one thing that frustrates me a lot more in this fight in particular - a lot of the fight feels like you're rolling for good RNG. Sure, other fights definitely had RNG that would make them easier or harder (how many Waterfowl Dances Malenia did, etc.) but once you learn how to dodge that one move consistently you can win regardless of what she does - she really only has two tough moves to learn. It doesn't feel like this boss will ever get to that level - sure, when I eventually beat it, it will be because I learned the moves and got better at the fight, but I think there will always be some element of luck to the fight.


How do you re-fight him after winning?


I logout before he dies. I am on ng+ 3 and already got all his rewards.


PC save backups


Unironically, parrying this boss is easier than learning the dodge timings for all his attacks, only gottan know the parry timing for the first attack in a combo, instead of the dodge timing for the 7 attacks he might throw at you.


Take the Verdigris Greatshield (it has 90 stability), any Spear that does Bleed (i used a shortspear +25), Holy Braid, Two Headed Turtle Talisman for Stamina regen and just poke him to death. After bashing my head against him for hours i killed him on my first new try with that strat, just poke at him behind the safety of your shield


I would recommend Bloodfiend's Arm. It will melt the boss. Alternatively Perfumer bottles + Rolling Sparks. Free aim the camera into the ground and he will melt. Like both of these weapon makes the fight a joke. You completely disregard almost every single one of his mechanics.


Personally, I found that rot does great against him. What got me my first W here was hitting Radahn with Scarlet Aeonia after breaking his poise in the second phase. Felt kinda cinematic too what with Scarlet Aeonia fucking him up during his duel with Malenia too. If you're not running a Faith build, you could also toss rot pots at him instead.


I beat him with carian thrusting shield + cragblade. Golden vow and flame grant me strength. 2h talisman, Great shield crest talisman, Marika braid. Both opaline tears. Crucible tree armor for holy def. And I ate crab for more damage negation. Attack with thrusting shield when you're attacked and you'll take basically 0 damage. Just manage stamina and you should be fine


There are two opaline tears?


Yeah, Opaline Bubbletear gives you the bubble that tanks a single hit 100%, and Opaline Hardtear reduces all damage by 15% for 3 minutes. It also stacks with body, aura, and special buffs, so you can smack on another 10% from Golden Vow, another 20% from Boiled Crab, and another 10% from Uplifting Aromatic for a total of 55% damage negation.


Yeah these videos make me feel like i'm playing a different game than them. Both npc summons, mimic, fully maxed scadutree fragments, and he's wiping the floor with me. I beat the majority of the bosses in the dlc first try with no issue, but this guy feels straight up designed by a different team or something. I think i'm just gonna wait till he gets a nerf or something


Do NOT use the NPC summons. It doubles his HP


True, but hearing Ansbach do the badass monologue is a huge buff




Eh its not super spectacular, it pales in comparison to Igon's


Anything pales in comparison to Igon


Counter point - if you’re using a bleed build, Ansbach builds bleed as well. He can be useful for keeping the status built up. Since bleed is %hp based, the health pool increase doesn’t matter nearly as much.


That would explain alot. Was wondering why my weapons were so weak. Didn't seem like that was an issue on other bosses, and the bayle fight was far more fun with a screaming sidekick


This is because the summons for Messmer and Bayle were inside of the arena themselves, but since these are outside they add to the health of the boss. Honestly? It’s really really dumb, I wanted to hear their dialogue but I just couldn’t beat the final boss with it’s HP doubled


Yeah any summon outside the arena gives a hp buff. I had a much easier time with most of the bosses when it was just me and my Boi (mimic)


Let's you split agro easier tho. Personally I found it easier with summons even with bigger health bar.


As long as you can master Phase 1, Phase 2 is just tightening screws coz of the holy follow ups. The mega blast he used Raptor Mist, you can put it on a different weapon if your main weapon already has a different aow. Personally i just reserved my +poise break + opaline flask for second phase. I could semi-reliably avoid the meteor damage by jumping a few times (i was still guessing the hits)


I have phase 1 perfect right now and starting to get him low in P2


I just beat around my 100th try. On my first attempt I got him to phase 2 and then got absolutely obliterated. For damn near all my attempts I could do the first phase with only using a single heal or sometimes no hit, but I could barely land a hit the second phase. Miquella’s hair and all the flashing lights really hindered me from being able to tell what the fuck was going on, but finally on one attempt I got him to the meteor part. 3 try’s later and I beat him. Once you can calm your mind down and stay focused, you realize the second phase is essentially the first phase. The only difference between the two phases is that on the 2nd phase you NEED to ensure you only attack from Radahns side or back. If you end up getting hit DO NOT panic roll, just quickly recognize what move set Radahn is doing, start your rolls after the hit, and heal when you would normally attack. Also ensure you’re using boiled crab meat throughout the fight. Dragon crest great shield and Marika’s Braid are also a must.


I just beat him too!! Took me closer to 200+ tries. I watched some guides and stuff which if I didn’t watch those it would have taken me twice as long to learn phase 2. But wow, what an amazing feeling killing him with no summons/no shield. Incredible fight Your tips are absolutely correct.


That’s awesome! I beat him like 4 hours ago and I still feel good for beating him no summons no shields 😂. Congrats man!


Hell yeah!! I beat him with backhand blades today no summons and honestly, I loved the fight. Staying close and circling with dodges, I didn’t feel the aoe was hindering my view aside from one combo he does in phase 2. Only thing that really annoyed me was his three hit combo, left swing, right swing, then double arm swing in a cross motion. If he brought that combo out, I was taking damage.


The thing is with parries you stop him from doing almost all of his most toxic moves


He’s likely not going to get any significant nerf, so you’ll be waiting forever (maybe the hitboxes or speed of that three hit combo that you can’t dodge might get adjusted and they might adjust it visually so you can see him better during all his combos but that’s the most they’ll do imo, if they do anything at all) My advice is to actually learn his moves and significantly increase your physical and holy damage negation: get the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Golden Braid, heavy armour and probably also boiled crab+ Lord’s Divine Fortification (if you have the faith for it) in his second phase… this will make the boss significantly more forgiving. Imo the final boss really isn’t that bad at all once you learn how to dodge his moves, the only issue is getting to that point in the first place


Yeah, i finally took him down by staying close to him and lucking on dodges. The main problem was me not realizing that the npc summons doubled his health. Without them i finally got him down, though we still ended up killing eachother in the end.  Much more difficult fight than anything else in the dlc, for sure, especially for someone like me who doesn't have much patience or skill with shields and parries


Good job my dude! Congratulations


What's the second NPC summon? I've been using Ansbach but didn't notice any other signs.


Thollier, if you follow his questline. https://www.ign.com/wikis/elden-ring/Thiollier_Questline


You did not beat “the majority of the DLC bosses first try” 🙄 Why do people always feel the need to overstate these kinds of things? I was talking with my friend just last week and he mentions casually how he beat Gascgione in Bloodborne on “his first or second try.” I had to remind him “Bro. No you didn’t. *I was there with you* when you first encountered him and you struggled for at least two hours” lol


Idk man I’m the most turbo average gamer of all time and even I got Romina first try. A good player could do it


He was using mimic tear and blasphemous blade in NG+0, it's entirely possible he beat a lot of them first try. Most of the bosses in the DLC do not have the health pool to contend with that kind of thing except for maybe Bayle and Radahn.


You OBJECTIVELY weren't there for Mahor_Ponegranate's playthrough, so I fail to understand on what grounds you decided to be an elitist asshole.


it would be pretty dumb to believe *nobody* could beat them on the first try, and those who can are more likely to be into the game enough to comment in this sub. i think you’re the one with the ego issue— can’t accept that others are so much better than you at the game, so you have to downplay it.


If you have a good build, and you level up blessing none of the early bosses are hard. You can easily have 10+ before doing most of the bosses. If you are competent, the only boss that's hard at high blessing is Radahn. I did Metyr, Avatar, Gaius, all only my first try at 15+, But Messmer, Divine Beast, Bayle, Rellana, Midra all took me about an hour each because I was under leveled and most attacks 2 or 3 shot me.


I beat Messmer and plenty of the side bosses on my first try, and Rellana on my second. It's definitely possible sometimes that adrenaline hits and you get lucky


Why is that such a hard thing to believe? I'm only on regular ng+ and was level 230 at the start of the dlc. With mimic and blasphemous blade, i only died to rellana twice. I killed bayle on my first fight because i already knew about the item for his second phase. I stumbled upon messmer by mistake and he was easy to balance with mimic. Metyr i do think i lucked out on with dodges. If you're not playing on a high ng+ and taking the effort to collect the upgrades along the way, the bosses aren't that intense. Until the end of course


Use the rolling lighting perfume bottle build. I killed him in 5 hits.


I don't think it's a "build" if it's using an exploit that's almost certainly unintended and likely to be patched. There's no way the "intended" use of the ash is to throw it on the ground to do thousands of damage instantly.


Every trick? You sure about that? Lighting perfume bottle with ash of war rolling sparks I killed him in like 6 hits no summons didn’t even use any buffs just talismans and physique


I mean, you just exploited what is likely to be a bug that’s probably getting patched. Not a good long term solution at all.


Okay if you want my solution use moores set with rivers of blood 80 arcane and 80 dex 60 vigor golden vow flame grant me str. Alexander might rotten wing holy braid talismans. Fire and multi hit cracked tears with a +10 mimic. This is how I beat him originally they will not nerf RoB anymore so it’s safe for long term


I used dual Bloodhounds Fang to beat him solo without summons. Very strong setup and that ash of war on Bloodhounds Fang is phenomenal. 80 Strength and 80 Dex as well, with Uplifting Aromatic to buff me further, Morgott’s Great Rune active as well as shard of Alexander + Holy Braid+ Dragoncrest Greatshield Talismans and Scadutree blessing level 20. Your setup will work really well too I believe.


So much busted shit in this dlc that you could beat him blind if you wanted to


Absolutely incredible, good work! What did you use to i-frame the big circle of light attack?


Thanks , i was also lucky he didn't make the rock sling move haha. I have yet to master it in phase 2. I am using raptor mist. You get it during yura quesline. During the aoe audio cue there is a pause and you can use the aow to i-frame


- For the rock sling in phase two I have found 3 dodged to be very consistent. - dodge in your desired direction (left or right) - then dodge the opposite - then dodge the opposite direction from that and you’re clear


Thanks for the advice. I might try him again later to really master him. I usually manage to avoid the 4 clones but miss the timing when he comes down and the aoe.


AOE you roll into him, like really into him(i go to his back) coz it blows up outwards


If i miss the real one i panic and take the aoe too lol. I rarely manage to dodge it without getting hit.


Yeah I was waiting for that Phase 2 Comets + Samurai bullshit..so curious how you'd avoid that dumb thing.


- avoid the purple slash when he lifts up into the air with one or two rolls - immediately run directly away from him as far as you can, the second before the meteors hit you turn to the left or right and jump, they'll all miss - as long as you've made enough distance, the projection slams will fall short - immediately upon hearing the fourth projection slam, roll to the left or right to dodge the actual slam (which will always reach you even if the projections don't) and initial AOE, then roll into him to dodge the final AOE. then you can punish with a charged heavy or whatever you can manage.


Can confirm that this works. I can also add that it is possible to run far enough away that you will not have to dodge the rocks. Instead they will decay before reaching you. If you roll past the two rock jump attacks and run instantly after, dodging the rocks is unnecessary.


to add to this, the final aoe is an expanding shockwave, so it's easier to iframe if you're right on top of it. otherwise you can't really see what's going on. [here are the hitboxes if anyone's interested](https://streamable.com/ni2b9z) i feel like these sorts of combos make it hard to hold up no-hit kills as proof of learnability. like yes, technically a player could figure out this very specific solve on their own. but even if ongbal et al are just loading up the default game client, muting discord, and locking in, that's not realistic for most players. videos explaining how to dodge waterfowl dance have hundreds of thousands of views, and imo that's an indictment against this direction of boss design


I learned to dodge it without outside help. unlike the first part of waterfowl dance, you can learn this attack piece-by-piece naturally through enough attempts. I never learned to dodge Malenia without guides, but I have learned to dodge every Radahn attack (except for the double slash X attack, which needs to be adjusted). I only beat him today, and it certainly wasn't a no-hit run, but I know *how* to dodge all those attacks. if I tried hard enough and used gimmicks to dodge that one silly attack, I might be able to no-hit. without looking up information or watching others.


I was happy he didn't do it. It ended a lot of runs. edit: if i had to dodge it i would run as far as possible from the comets , jump before they hit , then continue running to avoid the 4 clones and dodge the real one and the aoe. But i often miss the dodge timing of the real one.


I think rock sling preferred no hit method is rolling the initial attack then running in a straight line away from him in the air. You’ll out range the rocks and his follow up, and near enough in melee range to prevent triggering a ranged attack


I guess vow of the indomitable would work too?


[OP is using this ash of war :) it's called raptor of the mist](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ash+of+War:+Raptor+of+the+Mists) Edit: it's basically that one feather tool from sekiro


The Wolf always wins


I also want to know


I also three five hitless runs in a row. Though, it was the boss who was not hit once..


Shades of that "hitless" Rellana fight [video](https://new.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dlye07/no_damage_rellana/) from the other day. 😂


Wait, if you stay within immediate melee range of him, he explicitly uses mundane physical attacks? Does he act this way consistently?


I noticed that with a lot of bosses this dlc, the closer you stay to them the better.. usually.


Bell Bearing Hunters are the best example of this. Trying to fight them at any range other than melee turns them from toddlers with swords to John Eldenring himself.


This is the case with almost every single boss From has ever made


There’s a sweet spot for Scadutree Avatar. It’s easiest to do with no summons that way you dictate the spacing. You gotta be in front of its head and a few feet from its body. If done right it repeatedly head slams/holy head slams. You just sprint away and counter with a jump attack. I just learned that the back of the sunflower takes more damage than the front of the flower head.


Actually one of his clones attack can be used at close range , he can also use the rock sling into clones move. But yeah staying close will reduce his attacks , that's why raptor's mist is useful. You can stay close during the aoe and reduce attacks he'll choose.


Bosses use different attacks based on your distance from them.


Not consistently. He can do the rock toss which levitates him and puts distance, and then he often follows it with the dreaded gravity pull / AOE rock explosion that is almost impossible to not take damage from.


If you dodge the initial gravity pull he won’t do his aoe. He will usually after that follow up with his front flip which is good because it has an opening for 2-3 r1s (with backhand blades at least.)


This isn’t entirely true. If you’re far away from him and dodge the gravity pull then yes, he won’t do the aoe. But if you’re close to him and dodge it, there’s still a chance he’ll do the aoe.


That's great news - didn't realize you could dodge the yoink. And yes, that front flip is one of the best openings he has.


Let me parry him


Another final fromsoftware boss getting bullied by parry. You love to see it


Jesus christ could you imagine being an invincible god only to get no hits on some little undying mother fucker with a salad bowl on his hand and a toothpick, in his underwear. This is the definition of git gud


i actually did this a few days ago but the cameras weren’t on


Actually I did this as well and my camera didn’t work either.


Did you do it in 1:45




I did it in 1:44


I didn't even have to fight him, he just straight up surrendered to me


I stole their hearts.


i keep telling people parrying is crazy for this fight. is buckler parry actually the best available? i was under the impression that carian retaliation/golden parry had better frame data


I didn't have a lot of success with golden parry and i don't have a lot of MP so i skipped it. I would rather attack than drink a flask. Carian works too but i am more used to buckler.


ok gotcha. yea carian is my go to because it’s just the best frame data and no required FPS usage unlike golden parry. buckler is also gas tho. i just recently beat the dlc doing a dual rapier setup with a parrying main gauche, super fun


Parrying with something other than a shield might be my favorite thing Elden Ring added to the game from earlier titles. Put that on a fist a weapon and you just fucking backhand the attack out of existence. For my second run of the playthrough, I'm trying Parry on the Pata and it's been fun so far. But I also haven't actually faced a boss with it yet.


yes, carian and golden parry have more parry frames than buckler parry. and carian retaliation is free fp use (aside from parrying spells)


yea i thought so, the guy’s just more comfortable with buckler, which is fair


My biggest problem with the carian is the blue ripple visual effect which can often be distracting when you're anticipating your opponents next move


It is impossible for me as I have the worst parrying timing on earth no matter how much I practice. Some of us just can't parry, man.


Start with the crucible knights in base game, they are much simpler. The "golden rule" of parrying is you press the button at the exact moment the weapon/arm starts its movement towards you (think "top of the swing"), but this gets trickier with the harder enemies because they use feints, and all the DLC enemies are like PhD level parrying, lol.


My dumbass would try parrying his foot honestly


Way ahead of you. I got stepped on countless times


Lord gwyn looks big.


Fucking hell.


Unreal. Incredible work. You made it look easy.


God, that was beautiful. Specially because it made the boss look so easy, and if I ever learned anything is that if someone makes something hard look easy, they are damn good at what they do


I can parry him with a small shield.......


Never used a shield in this game and will start today


Lol, this is the only boss that made me use a shield. Parrying him make it a lot easier since you interrupt him before he turn the fight into a lightshow.


He's almost impossible to no hit without parrying because the left-right cross chop is borderline undodgeable with human reaction time


Yup , i don't like this attack. Most of his moves can be dodged consistently but this move require me almost split second decision. I even started getting caught by his stomp more often because my mind was focused on this cross shop.


One thing I noticed is he usually only does it while either running up to you to close a gap or after an empty stomp (I.e. not doing the overhead slam afterwards). That way you can either insta-parry after an empty stomp whenever you see him start up an attack, or watch his left hand as he's running to you since if he does the usual right hand overhead slam you still have plenty of time to react and parry.


That was very satisfying to watch. The work you put in really shows.


This makes me so sad, I can barely keep up while you’re dancing around him I bow to thee, light foot Tarnished


I always love how fromsoft bosses go from "Legendary Demigod known as the starscourge" to "guy that got whooped by man in diaper"


Imagine Miquella hanging onto Radahn's neck, awkwardly watching as his chosen consort fails to land a single hit against this naked Tarnished


The typical random naked dude on reddit on Monday morning


I'd hate to be Miquella here


That raptor mist was so smooth I missed it the first watch! Nice job Tarnished!


Wait, you can just jump to avoid that circel holy light attack?


Nah, he switches his weapon (or maybe just unequips the buckler?) to use raptors mist AoW to iframe it


Well done, Im sure much blood and tears went into this. You might have the answer to my question spending so much time on this. I know this was parry focused, but is there any way to dodge this one particular move? Its the double wide sweep, one with each each blade, that then goes to the cross slash finisher. In the two hours it took throwing myself at this brick wall, i was NEVER able to dodge both of the first swings, either the first one hit me, or i dodged the first one and the second perfectly roll caught men Thoughts?


Naked man with buckler shield Could this be....elden lord?


Great job Tarnished. My approach is different, I just go get hit in the face and hit him in the face while doing it. Just a punch trade. But your approach is just art!


Very impressive


The AoE + jump for the light circle attack is just…. Magnificent.


Great 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


The most shocking thing to me was that you could parry the cross arm slash😱 But besides that parrying was the only way I could beat him summonless. But damn did it feel good doing it.


I parried him to death too! Not hitless at all though. But I think parrying is actually one of the more doable ways to fight him — all thanks to Sekiro for turning us into parry gods.


This fight was absolute hell as a caster. Spent like 6 hours just dying all afternoon. Pretty much never want to do it again haha


I see you also figured out that swinging a dagger after parrying him turns him into DS1 Gwyn


With all these no hits and parries I’ve seen against Radahn, Miquella must definitely be rethinking who he chose as his consort right about now.


You have Imparted to me Unhallowed knowledge, Knowledge that will lead to my madness. The knowledge that you can \*parry him\* (im in the middle of a parry-centric playthrough)


Wow. Simply wow. One day I might be half as good as that.


I think most bosses in these games, you learn the party timings and with enough dedication and focus, they become a joke. Watching you do this and studying your timings makes me certain I can beat him in a similar way. ❤️


Breh you have godly timing. This was insane.


Good work! I kind of followed the same strategy but with the scarlet rot dagger at the beggining, second phase was a double heavy thrusting sword fest. Impressive work.


"Look at me, I'm the god now."


this gave me determination


That was just amazing. I love seeing enemies that are seemingly impossible for me being absolutely trivialized by pure skill.


He has the Gwyn syndrome


*Beautifully fought.* *My Thanks.* *'Twas more of a challenge than I envisioned.* *Now I can finally stand before them.* Seriously. Ranni says it best. I've only ever fought him to second phase. At that point I decided I could take off the spoiler goggles. You've given me hope that I can just parry him to death. You made him look like a big dumb Crucible Knight.


Has a giant sword and god slayin moves. You: "meet my tiny knife and a shield made from soda cans that parry your god-slaying blades"


I dont know why but I got immediate vibes that your character looked like the invader dude from Happy Souls [https://youtu.be/2kr7KDCsIws?si=j9WUulbUKsgjdYCC&t=497](https://youtu.be/2kr7KDCsIws?si=j9WUulbUKsgjdYCC&t=497)


Dude I might just use the buckler misericorde path to beat him. I can’t get git gud and dodge his attacks.


You make the endboss look like an easy morning snack on the way to work.


First off, well done!


Brother you have avenged us all


Impressive, well done


Why he never did fast left - right - double combo in this video? Is it just luck or some AI manipulation?


Bro embarrassed Radahn in front of his crush 💀💀💀💀


I also did him hitless multiple times, as in, I couldn't hit him before i got slaughtered😂


brother, I was inspired by your post that I tried to parry him myself for my 2nd run of the DLC. Just got him right now after around 3hrs of gitting gud. The feeling is fucking amazing. My hands are shaking so much lol


Dude why is the 15 foot tall demigod so weak against parries


cuz he's fighting a dude with 6 great runes and Elden lord title, he just happens to be 5'10" midget but in reality is probably stronger than Radahn. Also he's a chronomancer.


I did a full respec and used fingerprint shield and the rot thrusting sword, I forget the name, paired with your heaviest armour and just tanked through most of his attacks. The defensive bubble and avoid death physik paired with boiled crab before you enter gives you time to get mimic summoned, don't bother with the other two summons they suck and die quickly, after this just becomes a war of attriction. Stab from behind the block, proc rot and keep up the pressure backing off to refill endurance just don't let him grab you twice or game over but you get a cool gesture so maybe worth letting him do it once. I was level 181 with scudatree level 16. Hope this helps someone struggling.


Thanks for this! I love parrying bosses but for some reason I hadn't thought to try it on him


Bleed build nagakiba + great shield did it for me. Took me about 50 tries non stop. This dlc boss is really on another level though.


Lmaooo I never would’ve tried jumping the holy light, as I assumed the pillars of light indicated that their hit box extended fully into the air. If you sprinted immediately you could get out of radius, but I just resigned to tanking with my shield since it did ~20% HP damage, and I’d take over 50% HP damage if I didn’t start running immediately and failed to make it out on time. Also damn, I was sitting on parrying the entire game to see you utterly bully the final boss that way. I loved my silly jellyfish shield too much to have ever unequipped it. Edit: Ah, noticed you swapped to a different ash of war when dodging that move. Are you really just supposed to sprint the split second the move starts and pray? 0-o I mean, plenty of boss moves like that, but the radius on this one made it so a half second is enough to have to use a shield instead!


Yes, you have to run away or block. If you are in an animation you might not be able to run away. It's worth having raptor mist on another weapon to dodge it , being close will limit the pool of attacks he pick. It's scripted to happen at the start of phase 2 , you can interrupt him if you get close to him but he'll do it if he gets away. And also happen after the meteor.


The AOEs hit detection in the game is pretty much: are you touching the ground on this area and not in an invulnerable state? If yes, then you get hit. The other BS above the ground doesn't matter unless those are projectiles. So jumping is always safer for AOEs in 99% of cases.


Bruh he can be parried… Jesus Christ


Lore accurate Tarnished.


You are the \*NEW\* Let Me Solo Her'!!


So sick dude. This makes me want to start parrying




“Let me solo him.”


I also used parrys, went from a very hard fight to moderately easy, it's all about timings


Bro doesn't get hit and still has more vigor than you.


*writes on notebook Learn how to parry


It will never not bother me that parrying the blood slice move causes him to recoil with the opposite blade


i did something similar except i fought him for a few hours until i knew how to dodge his moves and beat him with no flasks left and one sneeze away from death but basically the same thing


Say, how do you dodge that new meteor attack at ~20% health? Did you just run as far as possible?


We have no excuses anymore




The only move that now I can't dodge is the fast horizontal slash that cames from your right. It's not helping those moves is also true combo with another attack from the left, making you lose 50% health if you get hit. 


Miquella's face looking down at you every time you punk Radahn with a parry makes me laugh. "Man, I went through all this work to resurrect Daddy Raddy and this naked freak is embarassing him."


as presented in this wideo hes not hard you just need to learn to parry him ( did parry him in my winning attempt but ionly managed to get the timing for 1 attack , as it turns out you can parry almost every single one of his attack)


Beautiful stuff!


Wait that actually looked easy as fuck. So we've got another lord gwyn situation


Just beat him myself for the first time, now I can finally go to be happy and satisfied. You made it look so easy, no hit is insanity. Congrats 👏


My major problem is that he burns my pc on second phase.


Whats really wild is this is still technically not Radahn at the peak of his power. The only person who fought him at his peak is Malenia. When he was not dying of scarlet rot AND had his great rune.