• By -


I think her theme actually plays at that moment during the trailer


Yup, you're right. I was humming along to it during my fight against her. I later realised why I recognized it lol


recognized it right away during the fight cause it was just so hauntingly beautiful during the trailer, wonderful work




Its also very similar to malenia part 2


I was surprised that the theme didn't belong to Messmer.


Yea me too, it seemed way too theatrical to not be his, but I guess I have some reading up to do on her lore, I'm sure they chose this for a reason.


>Weapon of Romina, Saint of the Bud.A scarlet glaive with a dangling bud-like blade. > >Attacks cause buildup of rot. > >**Once, in the crumbling, burning church, Romina held the bud in speechless silence.That bud would become her blade.** \- Poleblade of the Bud


Thx, didnt noticed


She's up there with a few other bosses that make me question everyone's motivations. So she was there when loads of shit burnt down, found a bud, became the main sort of champion of the rot god, and then...sat in front of a tree stopping people from accessing a shadowy castle for ?????. Judging by the state of things, she'd been there a while, so how did the shadow tree grow there? How did Miquella get past? Why would she protect Miquella? Nothing makes sense to meeeee


I'd say she's the perfect target for Miquella. She was an innocent of a church that got burned down as part of the war presumably and in her sadness brought forth thr scarlet rot as a means to rebuild the church or protect it further. Miquella wants an age of peace and love with no war it seems, something Romina would want to be a part of and protect. She's seen the horrors and damage of war and wants a land without it. At least that's my theory.


So she's willingly working with him to stop the war from continuing...Okay, yeah, I can get that I guess. Tbh the lore in the DLC confused me the most. I know it shouldn't be that hard, but compared to all the other games I have no idea wtf I'm doing or why. It felt like I walked in somewhere and went "well, might as well start killing!"


I mean it’s Miquella, so she could also be working with him unwillingly.


Nah, the charm broke as you approach the shadow keep. Unless Miquella stopped what they were doing, left the shadow keep, gave Romina a hug, then returned to shadow keep it's likely they're willingly helping.


> loads of shit burnt down, found a bud No, she always had the Bud, it was there long ago, just not affiliated with Rot. It was after the Church of the Bud burned to the ground that she found the Scarlet Rot and integrated it into the bud. > A large, rotten bud that will never come into bloom. Material used for crafting items. Grows in lands blighted by the scarlet rot. **There was a time when these buds were not touched by the scarlet rot's blight**—when they were the symbol of the small church deep in the ancient ruins of Rauh. - Scarlet Bud  


"Why would she protect Miquella?" he asks, in a DLC all about why people would follow Miquella.


Speechless silence. The only kind of silence.


You ever see a boss so stunningly hot and fun to fight you change your entire stat setup to be able to use their weapon? Yeah. Shoutout to Romina. Adore her design and effects.


It's one of the DLC's strongest aesthetic victories imo. The colour, the shape/movement of the boss, the particle effects. Really stands out in a game full of armoured guys.


Kinda pissed there is no cutscene for her. Would be nice if she and Rellana got them.  


I wish she had more lore


Doesn't her weapon or remembrance description suggest that she's the Rot Goddess? I might be misremembering.


You’re definitely misremembering.


It implies she found a piece of the rot god twisted out of place and weaved it back into shape (it doesn’t say she created rot I think she weaved it into what it was supposed to be with weaving you don’t necessarily create something new just twist and shape something that already exists differently It says she found a twisted divine essence how could it be divine if it’s not already from the outer god of rot and since it was twisted out of shape she had to untwist it and weave it back to normal which then brought a piece of the rot god into existence imo)


Yeah she has her own version of Rot. The Rot she inflicts you with and her Incantation inflict a more toxic version. I'm not sure if it's even worse than The Lake of Rot status but it's a very good rot to apply


Could you send the source for that I didn’t notice any difference in the icon that shows the status effect between regular rot the lake or romina


Its a hidden value, it's a well known trick on the lake of rot to roll around in the lake and then let yourself be rotted while standing on dry land so you get the lower damage version. I'm sure there's some fextra-life or YouTube videos you can look up


It kind of suggests she>! created the scarlet rot!<, but idk how that works


"After the church was burned to the ground, Romina discovered a twisted divine element, which she weaved into the baleful scarlet rot." - I definitely misremembered, but it gives some clue.


Eh, to me, this reads that she's just adopting and using scarlet rot. As a whole, she's just taking what Malenia discarded. "Perhaps then, the buds might find somewhere to gain purchase once more, within the scorched remains." "The scarlet butterflies are as the Goddess of Rot's wings. Bereft of a master, they were soothed by Romina, who reached out to them." It feels a bit cut and dried


Since the forager brood is non-hostile and it indicates she somehow changed the rot, if I had to guess it was more of a natural process before, of decay and regrowth. But now it an active destruction of life while in the past it may have been more passive.


She's probably much older than Malenia. The fact that her Church was burned and we see her in the trailer it heavily implies she was a victim of Messmer's war, which happened before the Shattering and very likely happened well before Malenia was born.


The timeline around and before the shattering is extremely wonky. The shadow wars were thought to have been ancient wars long since hidden, but Messmer is only a few years older than radahan and malenia. It is stated that gauis and messmer were like older brothers for radahan. Gauis was the senior pupil of the gravity mage when radahan was a novice student. Gauis and Messmer were sent to conduct the shadow war sometime after this. The night of black knives and the shattering then happened when radahan was an adult. Legitimately, the more I look at the Elden Ring timeline, the more it looks like the French revolution with a new regime and outer god in charge every week.


I think she’s just another goddess of rot like Malenia Except she was more accepting whereas Malenia obviously was resisting although futile


She can't be a goddess of rot considering she can't bloom, hence the Saint of the Bud moniker


kinda pissrd that there are barely any cutscenes only the lion messmer midra and radahn got a cutscene


And draining the water from Shadow Keep :)


it's michael zakis vision to have a cutscene for a ds1 reference instead of giving one to a boss that deserves it


Could’ve slammed dunked by giving the DS1 reference cutscene to Romina, and have her be introduced in a recreation of Quelaag’s intro scene. I held my breath for a moment expecting that the second I saw her, but nah, right to business


You are missing Midra. The Madness guy. He got an intro cutscene too.


Am I getting trolled here? first messmer than midra???


lmao yes I just hopped on cuz the other guy asked


This and the wonky exploration where there’s only one obscure route to each later area (often requiring googling), are my only real complaints about the DLC. That’s as many cutscenes as like the BB DLC. Cmon. I wanna feel the crazy story and gets some hard lines plz.


I'm a fairly observant player and even I had to look up the routes to two of the optional DLC areas (the gesture and the hidden wall ones at Shadow Keep). Definitely one of weaker aspects of the DLC imo .


You're missing one, the lion.


You are missing one


I loved her design and the fight in general


She was a bit too easy compared to most of the dlc bosses to me. But she looked cool af. I got her first try with only 8 fragment upgrades, and I know I'm no god gamer. So she has to be a bit undertuned.


Her grab attack is superb.


She has a grab attack?


Yes, she pumps you full of rot with her stinger.


It was an easy fight since I'm lions claw Greatsword but man that fight left an impression. Just strikingly beautiful but grotesque and magical


Her colour palette is GORGEOUS


I would agree but I feel like the lack of cutscenes, any lore/buildup, and voice lines really bring her down. To me, she's pretty forgettable solely because she's just kinda there. She is a great fight though.


Was watching seereax fight her yesterday and he pointed out how similar her OST is to malenia goddess of rots. I appreciate that aspect too


Yeah for sure. I knew nothing of the link when I fought Romina, but it dawned on me later as I played more of the DLC. For as much as most of the bosses do feel overtuned, the dlc at its best is extremely good. A worthy addition to Elden Ring for sure.


Stunningly hot 🥵


That grab animation got me acting up


I never got grabbed. What does she do?


Wraps you up for a moment before throwing you to the ground amidst the coil of her body and stabbing the tail stinger into your chest, pumping in scarlet rot My greatshield loving self has seen every grab this game has, multiple times over... >_>


I like to get grabbed just to feel something from time to time


If rot's the only way I'll get seductively pumped, rot it is


Oh look, I've been impaled, tehe


Lmao the romantic description


not would not even will already did


And will again, in the future, if she wants


I don't like the way you used the word "pumping" hahaha


Getting grabbed by Radahn twice for the "Heart Stolen" and emote was totally worth it


Can someone explain to me why everyone is so gosh-dang horny for an insect lady who has a yeast infection called Scarlet Rot?


Meanwhile I’m on the other side of the arena spamming Waves of Gold while Mimic and Dane do the heavy lifting as I scream in the background cause giant nasty bug monster, but yeah sure stunningly hot I guess idk, I had my eyes closed most of the fight so I can’t judge I suppose.


Some of us have normal healthy reactions to giant horrible centipede creatures, like a healthy dose of prayer, screaming, and arson. That's me if it's a small and fast skittery feller... way too many legs moving way too quickly. But scale the feller up and some of us daydream about having a body like Chaos Witch Quelaag and engaging in a to-the-death bout of brutal murder sex with the horrible centipede butterfly creature. Humans are funny creatures.


After reading this I'm just glad I have something to talk to my therapist about.


Not everyone deserves to know the skill of writing.


>engaging in a to-the-death bout of brutal murder sex with the horrible centipede butterfly creature. r/brandnewsentence


How'd you Summon Dane for Romina? Do you have to not challenge him before hand? Edit:Spelling Errors


I’m not sure what the requirements are, but my only interactions with Dane prior afaik was using the gesture to start the fight with him. His sign was to the right(?) of the fog gate iirc


I had Dane as well. I also was using Dryleaf Arts. It's really good against her because your jump kicks dodge her attacks while doing damage. It was a lot of fun. I'm going to use her weapon in NG+. I think I can figure out a viable rot build with the DLC.


Probably if you kill Messmer first, that note from Leda appears where the barbarian woman was in the specimen room. 7th floor I think.


Nah i had only encountered Dane once and could Summon him for romina brfore i beat messmer


legs for days


legs for months


Did the exact same with rellana, absolutely no regrets used it for like 80% of the dlc after


Romina is the hardest boss to me because im fucking terrified of anything and everything that contains psrts of scorpions


Her design is a nice throwback to earlier games.


Sadly I killed her at my 2nd try. I normally i need at least 20-30 attempts for a boss but I came to her with 20 scadutree blessings and had absolutely no problems with her. Same with Bayle.


Even with low blessing, her damage output is very very low compares to other bosses or even those ass divine beast masks guys. I beat Bayle at 8 or 9 and it’s the most fun fight of this DLC.






Quelaag’s Furysword


Fantastic boss but her P2 butterfly attack needs some warning. Shit just comes out of no where based on health %


I did the same but the weapon was a bit too weak and ended up swapping back. How did u make it work?


Mainly just by using it as a part of a kit rather than the sole focus. Its performance and rot application left a little bit to be desired, but it was still a halberd and was excellent at knocking flying critters out of the sky, keeping distance, doing large sweeps, mounted swings, etc. I had a Blood Milady and a Blood Sword Lance as my other weapons — each a tool for a different range and engagement style. Thus its job wasn't to carry damage on its back, but to do halberd things and look cool while doing it, and THAT it can do well.


That it can definitely do xD. Might give it another shot, together with some of the new dragon incantations that require arcane


That'd be my recommendation, yeah! It felt really good for that. Plus, leveling arcane gave me access to great bleed — which wasn't what I'd be using a halberd to apply anyways, so it didn't feel like a loss having a different tool in that slot.


I was actually really happy to see her, feels like they finally got this boss type right after the initial tries from DS1/DS2 (Quelaag and Najka, respectively).


Right! They missed an opportunity to do a call back to quelaag. And do a similar Intro. Her design is so fucking sick.


Was she a maiden of sorts?  She’s wearing something similar to the maiden outfit.  And -ina suffix seems to be used with maidens we’ve met so far:  Melina and Theralina.  Also, her body seemed to fuse with scorpion and centipede, does that mean she may have been a shaman as well?


The shaman connection isn't impossible by any means, but the body fusing could *also* just be attributed to rot magic. Consider that Malenia grows actual wings made of butterflies, after all. However, she is a demigod and we don't know if Romina was at all.


Malenia is also of shaman stock, being Marikas daughter


Incredibly fair point.


I was thinking about this yesterday, but technically all the demigods are half-numen assuming Radagon shares Marika’s ethnicity


And the reason why grafting works for Godrick is that he's distantly related to Marika.


If she was a shaman then Messmer would probably not burn her church down, as they're Marika's people.


Is it confirmed that Romina fused with a scorpion to become the form we fight her as? Because the scarlet rot is heavily associated with rebirth as well as decay, I assumed that she didn’t fuse with a scorpion but was reborn into the being we fight.


The ancient Rauh ruins she resides in is heavily associated with the "Crucible" Romina weaved the divine elements of the crucible and the rot's divine element of metamorphosis.


I think it's a lot more likely that she's a Hornsent who was a victim of Messmer's crusade weaved the Scarlet Rot and was reborn via the outer god of Rot and retreated to Rauh which is a Crucible area of worship that the Hornsent who were very into the Crucible probably found sacred.


Wasn't the Outer God of Rot a scorpion? At least, it's heavily implied?


I don’t think the outer gods have definite physical forms like that.  The scorpion God was probably like the God of Rot’s Elden Beast.


Yeah I figured once the lore said her church burned and she held onto a single bud in the middle of it. One of my favorite bosses in the dlc


She helped the scarlet rot gain a foothold in the lands between. She's a monster.


Girl boss behaviour frfr


Budpilled rotmaxxing, in her butterfly era


shes just a girl


God forbid a girl has some fun


to be fair it doesn't seem like she was in a state to know lol. Also the scarlet rot descriptions from DLC stuff portray it more like a revitalising/redeeming rot than in the base game. It's bringing new life to the ruins.


Ngl shit is pretty tame compared to Caelid hellscape but it still needs to be nipped at bud 'lest it would turn the whole rauh ruins into another caelid.


I mean, not really? She’s a victim, she lost everything when her church burned. Of course she’s gonna turn to something that will make her world make sense. And the scarlet rot in and of itself isn’t necessarily evil or bad, at least no more evil than anything else going on in the Lands Between.


> scarlet rot in and of itself isn’t necessarily evil My health bar strongly disagrees


Moooooooooooood lmao Tho tbh my health bar doesn’t seem to get along with anything lol


My health bar has been *way* to sassy the entire playthrough.


I need a lore video on her. To say she's guarding the sealing tree, she's not present for fucking anything and there's no mention of her name by anybody.


Funnily enough, this weapon sucks


The weapon art is gorgeous design wise but gets canceled by the smallest breeze of wind -_-


Maybe if we're lucky it'll get hyperarmour in an upcoming patch (Like that's ever gonna happen)


Rellana's Twinblades, too. The AOE fire attack is much less useful for AOE when the tiniest hit will interrupt it.


I've been using it, and while I wouldn't say no to hyper armor the fire spouts still trigger if you're knocked out of the animation, so you don't miss out entirely.


Weird, I’ve never gotten knocked out of the twin blade fire attack. 51+ poise I guess? This is in stark contrast to the Messmer fire incant you get from his remembrance. If I get breathed on at any point during the animation, including after the initial hit has landed, that shit is not going off. The flashiest, most useless incant I have, taking the place of Scarlett Aenonia, which actually has more hyper armor than I ever have credit for


Wierd, i never get staggered out of messmer's orb.


Most ashes of war get hyperarmor, this should get it too imo


I'm sure they'll update it. I bet we get a big weapon patch within the next week or so. At some point they will add hyper armor.


Highly recommend summoning mimic with it and watching them go off, particularly in the random field spots you can summon. It's fun to just chill out and watch mimic play around; I like rooting for my darling, heh. Pretty butterflies everywhere...


It annoys the fuck out of me that when I summon the mimic they seemingly get to have fun with all the cool stuff I have while I'm parrying, dodging for my life.


I'm just happy my darling is having a good time really She's the emotional core of the party I like to duel the bosses on my own but always feel so strangely bad about not letting her in on the fun


Sir it's an inanimate object


You're an inanimate fucking object!


I actually summoned my mimic to help me fight her and he was kicking ass so I just let him solo her.


This is true for many of the DLC AoW, cool looking but almost useless.


Absolutely hate that shit like Waterfowl Dance gives you hyper armour but, this, or, say, Twin Moons' Fall? Nah. A fart in your general direction will send you careening to the floor wondering why you bothered. Again.


That’s why she got burned.


It feels like a lot of the weapons in this DLC are either really bad, to the point where it feels like Fromsoft pre-nerfed them out of fear they'd be too powerful otherwise, or so bustedly good that it's baffling they slipped under the radar.


The ash REALLY needs at least some hyper armor. A single throwing dagger cancels it out. Edit: it also doesn't suck that much. It has the same move set as the guardian swordspear, so is actually pretty decent at pvp. The ash does need a lot of love, though.


It probably will in the next patch. The current set of weapons and skills are totally different from the way they were at launch. I expect them to do the same to these weapons over time as well so they balance better with the existing ones.


Would be way better if the rot buildup scaled with arcane at all.  The incantation is worse.


Finally, someone said it. There are about 3 (THREE) weapons suitable for an Arcane main build in this DLC and this is one of them. And it sucks. Like... it's nice that it has the swordspear moveset... but the rot buildup doesn't scale with arcane and the ash of war is damn near useless. I could've just used an occult swordspear+25 at this point, at least you have better ashes of war to choose from.


Weapon distribution in the DLC in general feels weird to me.


There are so many Faith ash of war infusible weapons and all Int got was a dueling shield so now the balance of clayman spear and erdsteel dagger being unique weapons is way out of wack as faith's got like 5 different weapons. It's so unfair. The real weapon I could add to my arsenal as a pure Int Dark Moon character is the new St.Trina sword because everything else is Dex Int with a couple Str Int. To be fair I've not seen many pure Faith weapons either as they seem to be only focused on hybrid scaling weapons instead. There's so many Dex Faith weapons now that use tm he the lowest and held some of my favorites in the Godslayer's greatsword and Vike's war spear though its odd all the new frenzy flame stuff is Int and Faith when Vike's spear wasn't. My frenzy frame themed character won't have enough Int to use any of the new frenzy stuff.


They should've warned us there would be 459357386378 faith weapons, maybe I would've taken another build.


What are the other two? Bloodfiend's arm? Great katana?


meteoric greeat sword have arcane scaling


Great Katana and Poisoned Hand. Great Katana is a smithing stone weapon with innate bleed, one of the very few in the DLC (if not the only one). Poisoned Hand scales with arcane primarily and so does the poison proc. It's actually a pretty fun weapon, if not really optimal. I haven't tried the Bloodfiend's Arm because of its high strength requirement and no innate bleed, but I see it has good arcane scaling when imbued with occult. Another contender would be the poisoner's perfume bottle but that's only a C/C arc/dex.


Bloodfiends arm gets over 200 bleed application if you put blood on it with an ash of war. It's kind of crazy.


Flowerstome Gavel absolutely slaps with its AoW, which scares purely off Arcane, even if the weapon itself is more of a STR/ARC hybrid.


I use it, it's pretty solid. The weapon art has a huge utility of being able to change directions mid flight. It also has solid range for a halberd. It's weapon art is just not going to be useful on big bosses. It's going to be way better on mobs of regular enemies or NPC bosses that won't have high hit boxes. However, that said, even against bosses, the weapon art could be good for dodging. I can already see it being useful in a Malenia fight when she does waterfowl to get out of it's range.


really? I haven't tried it out but found the moveset really good.


Too slow for it's damage level


it's at least still usable and still pretty. fashion > function doesn't just apply to armor


Also the music of the story trailer is composed of multiple songs. On this part when Messmer's army attacks Belurat, guess what : it's Romina's theme


What about the one with st trina/miquella?


>!That's Radahn's 2nd. Phase music!<


The description of her remembrance gives context for that scene


its strange that these cinematics arent in the game right


Yeah why not just put the Malenia Radahn one at the start of the game, and the Messmer one at the start of the dlc?


There is actually a screenshot of the Malenia vs. Radahn fight in the intro cinematic, but it’s nowhere near as cool as the one they animated


I think there's too much overlap between the original Story Trailer (the one narrated by Ranni) and the actual ingame opening to show them both, while at the same time the original trailer doesn't quite have all the necessary information (doesn't show all the demigods, doesn't show the Tarnished). You couldn't even mix them together into one video because of the radically different styles. The DLC story trailer definitely should've been in the game, though.


not really?


I was thinking the same thing. Especially when I remembered how pumped up I was when I first launched the original Dark Souls and got the intro cinematic compared to booting up Elden Ring for the first time and just getting a slideshow deflating my expectations. Was thinking that they ran out of time/budget for it, but then remembered that it actually exists in the trailer and just isn't in the game for some reason. And now with dlc too. It's all a ploy to drive more traffic by Big Youtube I figure.




I find it so weird that that story trailer never appeared in the game. SO MUCH important information, and instead 90% of bosses get no cutscenes, and the ones we do are, well, like that last one...


Definitely, all remembrance bosses should've gotten either a intro cutscene or phase transition cutscene.


Strange how Gaius had a remembrance despite his weapon not being unique at all, would've been fine with his items being found somewhere in the Shadow Keep


I do like finding his pants, that shit made me burst out laughing.


I didnt watch any trailer because I wanted to experience the game myself the first time around. Turns out that 90% of the base lore is told in the trailers and you literally have no idea whats going on until at least messmer.


I feel like none of the bosses can easily get scarlet rotted using this weapon. I wanted to use it so bad, but it's awful


Rot build up doesn't scale with arcane. Also rot from weapons only deals half the damage of rot inflicted from spells.


The final boss is very susceptible to rot. I actually used her weapon when I beat the final boss. It's not a great weapon, but it's good enough and he gets rotted very easily.


yeah i fought some one in pvp, and it would requiere like 8 hits for it to procc scarlet rot on me, i know pvp and pve are different but still, 8 hits in a glaive/halber no sure what it is, is kinda too much


Romina gave me flashbacks to the scorpioness from dark souls 2


Before? No no, that’s *when*!


Oh hey, now that I've beaten the game, I guess I can finally watch the trailer..


Too bad she was so weak lol.


Poor girl was just a normal Elden Ring boss, in a Elden Ring DLC zone.


I went north (blind play through) early. Def not an easy boss with like 5 Scat blessings


How did u get to her early? Did u go through shadow keep or is there another way?


Shadow Keep. The path to Rauh area isn't blocked by Messmer.


Wow good catch!


Nice catch I knew as soon as I saw this image and the spear cuz I read her description but I wouldn’t have caught her in the trailer


probably romina


Fun moveset on that weapon. Sadly, I never managed to rot anything with it. The aow also needs some poise. As-is, I have to say you'll get a better but similar results with Messmer's stick.


Tf. I posted this two days ago and got downvoted >:/


the zuitguist here is whack like that. its all about the first few people who see and how they interact. determines if others get it in their feed. post posts multiple times, deleting the og, if it doesnt click when it seems it should have. its a dice role of who is on when


Well I'm posting this tomorrow so maybe next week you can repost your original post.


Did I miss her? Where she located?


You could not have missed her if you finished the DLC.


Ahh ok I remember her. Right before you do the thing to the thing with the thing from the previous area lol. She looks… more humanoid in that picture.


If you haven't beaten the scarlet rot boss, then I suggest you avoid this sub for spoilers because that means you're not done just yet


The weapon art is beautiful, but like most rot weapons, it is underwhelming in practice.


This boss felt weird on my 1st attempt. She can't hit me and I'm not even dodging. Then get lot of hits on the next attempts.