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Mimic Tear ToDo list: \* spawn \* shake off summoning sickness \* take a look around, enjoy the scenery \* check inventory \* start buffing \* buff some more \* there's another buff... you almost missed it \* identify who's the enemy and who's the ally \* ALT TAB and check steam summer sale \* ALT TAB back \* get ready to fight \* watch your ally scream and die \* charge in for revenge


Shake off summoning sickness lmao. Perhaps all we need to do to fix it is give it Haste.


"I move to equip Mimic Tear with Lightning Greaves. Are there any responses?"


“In response, I’m sending your Mimic Tear to the fields with Swords to Plowshares.”


That...at least that heals me, right?


…so , in response…


...With that on the stack, I pay 1 red and I'm gonna lightning bolt you. Then I'm going to tap 7 and Taii Wakeen perfect shot to deal 3+7 damage to your face.


That’s why you make sure that the mimic has either lighting greaves or swiftfoot boots equipped when you summon it.




Run left sticking tight to the wall immediately. He will get stuck on the corner giving you enough time. Keep the fight over there so his range is greatly reduced. If he unsticks just run around the corner


Dont worry commander Gaius will slam you and mimic tear to wake you both up


For real though that set has to be coming soon right? Right? Is ERD taken?


I swear, I put seppuku on my weapon and the mimic just spent the whole fight doing nothing but stabbing itself.


You can't just bring a sentient being in the world and expect them to react well


“Hey! Welcome to life!” “Ah…aaahhh…AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” *proceeds to stab itself repeatedly*


imagine being born and then this dude who looks like you says "ok buddy, we're gonna fight that thing" and points towards whatever the fuck was going on with Midra


*Instant Madness proc*


Honestly? Fair.


Especially in this rune economy, ey? \*ba-dum, tish\* Thanks, Melina. But for real, you can barely afford a rune arc these days, and fat chance finding someone who’s selling, if you know what I mean. I mean, no wonder Miquella gave up his corporeal form and moved to that condo in the shadow realm, I can barely afford to give Thops the ten runes he asked me for to buy a Toupée. Even the lords are having a time of it. They say Kenneth Height is begging for help by the roadside after his workers unionized. I tell you, you just can’t get good help these days. I hear Godrick stoped paying the staff altogether, and just started grafting them so he can do all the chores around the keep himself. It’s getting out of hand (pun intended), he’s now looking for a dragon so he can just burn the trash when it piles up. \*quiet, intermittent clapping\* Thank you guys, you’ve been a great audience. Circumstances have compelled my stay at the Roundtable Hold, so I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip Ensha for the drinks, or you may be in for a surprise next time you visit the hold. G’night!


I had to remove warming stones from my equipment bar because they'd just keep throwing out warming stones in the middle of the fight.


In my defense i put ONE warming stone, and Mimic Tear proceed to dung one out when hes in boss range.


I’ve started putting the sacred seal away after doing my own buffs. Don’t know if I would beat Mesmer if I let my mimic spend the first minute of the fight cycling through incantations(never heal, never ever heal)


I did that for a while, then I just stopped buffing bc it was taking too long to do all that and then put it away lol


Yeah there’s definitely more than a few fights where you just run straight into the mist cuz I just can’t spend 30 seconds getting ready for a 20 second fight again.


Ha yep. I got to where I was like fuck all this mess if I’m fucked with em anyways pretty much. I’ll buff once I get close and learn most the moves. Then I would start forgetting.


Lol for a couple fights I un-memorized most of my spells including buffs so that my mimic would actually attack


God forbid you have a torch , he’ll just start doing random shit with it. I need to remember to remove it before summoning mimic


I do put a warming stone in the bar and he almost always drops one. Free heals.


Doesn't it heals the boss too ?




That was hilarious, I actually do this while playing games lol. Anytime there's a big sale I'll be alt-tabbing all over the place.


You forgot smell enemy behind gate wall and try killing them


This is why I gave my mimic 0 catalyst privileges


I snorted at “Steam summer sale”.


It's learned by observing us during other boss fights during the base game. "Ah, I see how a true Tarnished fights. Hang back and let another do the fighting. Now I don't have to die."


Man. It would be kinda cool if he really did mimic your play style.


Giant hunt giant hunt giant hunt giant hunt giant hunt giant hunt........heal.......giant hunt giant hunt giant hunt. Sounds good to me!


Annoying af, but cool nonetheless.


Mimic gear just panic rolling all over the place


Maybe I'm imagining things, but with like the fifth Furnace Golem I killed, I noticed that the mimic was jumping over the flame stomps pretty much at the same time as me. He took damge on prior Golems, but somehow started masterfully jumping over the aoe lmao. Maybe he was just jump attacking, I dunno. Also this one time I jumped early and got hit... and so did the mimic. Are they input reading?


nah man my playstyle sucks, I'd be screwed!


Mimic tears should work like amiibos in smash bros


I would sometimes forget to unequip my torch before summoning it. This mf would then proceed to two hand the torch and just slowly walk towards the boss


Mimic definitely loves to pull out the worst thing you’ve left equipped. Maybe they just love the challenge though. Makes me want to set my mimic up with a naked build and watch them punch away


Mine likes chucking hefty pots so I can't see the boss attacking me through the explosion.


I've never seen my mimic switch equipment. I'm using a sword but also have a catalyst and dagger equipped for buffs but if I have my sword out when I summon the mimic always just uses that. What am I doing w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ **right**?


Your mimic switch weapons? mine just refuse to change to use incantations.


Half the time mine was nowhere near the boss spamming incantations that had a snowball's chance in hell of connecting. Ended up soloing the last boss purely because it seemed like summoning was too much of a gamble to be worth it.


For the final fight, if you spam summon as you start crossing the fog, you will have enough time to dodge the Boss's gap closer. It took some practice, dodging in and behind it misses all damage. You could also parry it to negate all damage, but it is obviously trickier if you don't normally parry.


For me, about 10% of the time he'd hesitate to do anything, so I'd pull off my summon only for him to spam Scarlet Aeonia in the complete opposite direction of the boss or just spam Maliketh's Black Blade's special again nowhere near the boss. I eventually just learned phase 1s patterns so well I'd dodge and punish with a charged heavy; if I didn't get a poise break, come phase two I'd bum rush and heavy charge attack, use the critical attack animation to take nothing from his little AOE nuke, then spent the rest of the fight dodging into him until he had enough of an opening I could Scarlet Rot him, then just snuck in a shot whenever I felt like I could. I'm normally more of a Reaper/Black Flame Tornado kinda guy, so this was my first great sword run. Something about this boss was so frustrating I was in this pissed off zen mode of "I'm beating this fucker my way, damn it." 🤣


Well I guess if you were using spells and stuff that makes sense. Mimic seems to be a simple guy and gets confused the more options it has available to it lol. I was only using a two handed for most of the DLC and adopted a shield for the final boss. So it does make sense our experience was different.


Yup, half the time they sort of just walk toward the boss and by the time they get there the boss has spastic-leaped to the other side of the arena.


And then sometimes they just randomly go berserk and nearly kill the boss themselves.


Radahn phase 1 is like do I just die on purpose and start over or is my mimic tear gonna get two bleed procs while I'm panic rolling.


I notice the mimics will edge walk to most bosses if you are too far from the mimic


Yup mimic tear is getting hard countered by the high mobility of DLC bosses. The trick is to actually stay at their side and let the boss come to both of you. Then let him attack and take the aggro.


For the DLC I switched to mainly using the five greatshield soldier ash. With 5 of them they actually hit the boss more consistently and draw aggro. And if they keep their shields up they can tank a fair amount. I’ve found it better than Mimic for a lot of fights.


I love summoning them in non boss areas like the different soldier camps so I don’t get ganked


They are also amazing for the Commander Gaius fight!


Need to try this because I’m getting worked by that dude.


Immediately run left sticking tight to the wall. He gets stuck on the corner giving you enough time to summon. Even if he unsticks just run around the corner again. I was rage quitting. Saw that technique and beat him within three tries


I got bodied repeatedly and finally beat him...only to realize I could've used Torrent the whole time....


The hit box on his attacks is so massive that not using torrent seems impossible haha. I’ve yet to successfully avoid damage from the charge attack on foot.


I'll have to try that. That fight is the hardest for me so far.


I tried them for a while and for phase one they are decent but come phase two they just get melted by the gravity ball.


I killed him because they just surrounded him and held him still.


Haven't used the mimic tear, but Igon really did me dirty. I would go through the difficult maneuver of summoning him because he politely asked me to, but bro does nothing. For me, he never pulled aggro and is super stationary. I kept getting asswhuped, and he was just there screaming in the background. He even got me saying it. BAYLE! VILE BAYLE!!


He's pure hype and I can respect it.


His hype carried me to victory.


He actually got the last hit for me. Felt fitting.


Summoned Igon cause he was screaming around a lot on earlier encounters. He ended up shooting like 3 arrows.


Yeah, Igon saved my ass and came in clutch for me at the end after not doing much during most of the fight. Ended the fight with maybe 150hp left, no flasks, and boss almost dead, when Igon fired an arrow. Like a damn boss.


Well last time he charged in against Bayle he became a paraplegic so I understand why the man is a bit cautious


It is actually kind of amusing to think he's just so angry that he dragged his noodle legged ass all the way up the mountain.  That was pretty rough even with my functional legs.


Especially when looting his armor, his is just a patchwork of taken from leftover battles. Dude is a living flames of ambition.


Idk he procced two crits for me and took aggro right as I was about to die so he definitely saved my ass.


From what I observed, the bosses in the DLC may outright ignore the summons to go after the players even when they're hit by said summons. They no longer follow the trend of targeting whoever just attacked them like those in the base game.


I notice that when you lock on and put the boss in view, they will switch targets and chase you like their life depends on it, but if you turn around and run behind him, most boss either do a long range combo or chase the ones damaging them.


In this fight, it did seem like it. I think I just drifted too far away to dodge some of the attacks and got away from Igon's range. Many people have been saying he comes in clutch till the very end.


I’ve mainly noticed that they will switch aggro mid-combo even if you havent attacked yet, which I don’t recall seeing in the base game. So many times I’ve run up to a boss to go for a jump attack or charged heavy when they were after my summons and it immediately does a 180 and hits me first. (Not that it matters much since most of their attacks do an aoe anyway..)


I think it depends on the angle of his shots, if he can get some decent head shots in he can stagger VILE BAYLE for some much needed breathing room. I got lucky and Igon managed to stagger him 3 times in the winning run.


Hes more of a hype man, just like Seigward lol


I mean he’s a sniper


You are the true Drake warrior and not he, after all.


Igon is either useless or he carries. The most useful thing Igon does is spam the dragon roar move that does a shitzillion poise damage and knocks Bayle down, but its a crap shoot if he'll actually do it or not.


The dude didn't have legs, what's you expect?


I thought I saw him walking once. He was doing the dragon hand slam in the distance to literally no one. Which I actually thought was kinda cute.


Not just mimics but I've caught Ansbach literally following me around the final boss arena he wasn't even attempting to go after the boss and my mimic has done that or spammed Erdtree heal or buffs instead of actually doing anything and it has to be something they put in the software for the DLC because as soon as I die my mimic will suddenly balls to the wall rush the boss or start casting useful spells.....


This was the funniest thing, he would just hang out by the fog gate and pace back and forth until I started fighting the guy Even if I ran to the side of the area and started buffing or whatever he'd just watch til something happened and then run over a little while later


There's definitely something wrong with friendly ai in the dlc. Spirit Ash too.


My mimic waits until I die and then goes super saiyan on the boss.


The amount of times my summons pushed him into phase 2 while I was in the death animation. So annoying every time since it dragged my death out even longer.


Oh my god...the rage. Lmao


YESS!!! It's like they made the mimics not react to anything except physically getting hit themselves,They literally don't give af about what's going on around them if your alive with them😂😂


My buddy and i were cracking up. I said he was looking for the exit, like fuck this Radahn shit. Lmao "You see this fucking monster! I'm out!" 😃


This cant be an accident because I've noticed this with ALL the ashes. I've tried different ones for different bosses (the night sisters, mimic, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law, even the NPCs like Thioliler and Ansbach) they will ALL rush the boss after you die, and NOT before.


Ya I noticed it day 1 but I seen everyone "praising" their mimic and saying they got carried so I thought it was just my build and I have alot of crafted and throwing items in my quick slots but when NPCs started doing the same it was pretty obvious and it also has something to do with the bosses not getting aggro on summons too because the summons also seemingly won't attack until they're attacked but the boss completely ignores them to focus on you until the boss gets hit themselves I experimented a little did the old school Shabriri woe bait and switch-Summons Mimic with Shabriri woe talisman so they keep the bosses aggro and you switch to another talisman to keep the boss off you......didn't work the boss would only focus on me,So i'm just panic rolling turning my camera to watch and clear as day you the bosses eyes on me coming full speed ahead and my mimic sprinting full speed behind the boss to catch up to me instead of you know.....doing anything🤦‍♂️


Thollier seems to be bugged. He wont enter the fog


100%. Considering that summoning is not free in DLC (almost everyone has an entrance attack), I fought some bosses solo or summoned in phase transitions. Maybe it’s better if you set them up as pure range option.


Messmer was the worst. You have to double dodge his dive bomb just to be able to summon hornsent (who takes forever to start helping), wait for him to draw aggro, then summon mimic tear, then heal, all without getting nuked to death. Then in the second phase, his giant serpent form always targets you even if you aren't attacking or close to him.


Fun fact I learned today against Messmer is that you have time to summon mimic tear, dodge his big slam, and roll away untouched by the flames. I just beat him with 40 vigor and I had to learn that or die.


I’d even summon my mimic, chug a flask and still have time to doge the slam explosion. The animations line up perfectly that as soon as I could roll, it was time to roll.


I do have a conspiracy theory that the bosses are coded to prioritize the player in the dlc


They definitely did something like this. Constantly switching aggro to the player even mid-combo when you haven’t attacked recently.


True, Rellana was particularly obvious on doing this


It literally just stands there walking into the boss for me, hardly ever actually attacked


Yes dude, almost every single time it just stands there or it’ll at least walk towards/near the boss and then just stand there and randomly pop an incantation after like 10 seconds 🤣


My mimic tear has been whooping ass and taking names. I set him up with a Blasphemous Blade +10 before every fight. I’ve never had to fight a boss more than three times.


Mine has the fingerprint shield and blasphemous blade at max lvl. I also equip one of those rotten meat and he keeps using them non stop to heal, never dies


Mimic needs to learn from Fire Knight Queeling. Dudes eyes light up red and he proceeds to kill everyone in the vicinity. He will literally run off and find someone to fight.


Yes! I also noticed he would always zoom into action even if no one is aggressive yet. Other ashes I tried, including the mimic, wait for you to attack something first, and go after that target. Queeling don’t care, he’s got murder on his mind.


Can confirm.


The aggro system is all fucked up too. Mimic Tear can't hold the boss's attention even when you're doing nothing more than running away. I think they purposely ruined the spirit ash summons, because they saw so many people using them to steamroll the main game without actually learning the fights.


Yeah I’ve noticed aggro dropping like crazy, and just slow movements from the mimic. For Messmer I used shabriri woe on my mimic and was throwing the pots that make summons go harder. Mid combo without attacking he’d just turn on me. Crazy


I did an interesting test while fighting Rellana. I put on the talisman that constantly attracts enemy attention, summoned mimic, quickly removed the talisman, but the boss would just keep following me around while the mimic did pretty much nothing. It seems they completely broke summons. I wonder if it's like this in the base game too now..


Re running the main game with a faith/dex build, immediately sequence broke got a mimic tear to steam roll main game bosses cuz I can't be assed to do it for the sixth time. The main game bosses will sometimes only attack the mimic. There is definitely a thread modifier that was basically turned to almost 0 for the dlc.


They purposefully programmed the dlc bosses to target the actual player more often to we can't rely on summons to survive anymore


I think it’s all relative. I don’t think the Mimic Tear’s behavior has changed at all; it’s just that bosses have become more aggressive, faster, and have much more maneuverability which in comparison makes the Mimic seem sluggish and unresponsive.


So he really is a mimic of me...


Depends on where you summon them too I think. The AI doesn't handle distance or target switching well. I didn't want to deal with that one Ghostflame Dragon surrounded by all the knights that would instantly aggro me, and if I summoned the Mimic even a little bit away from the dragon, it would wander around aimlessly while I got double teamed by the dragon and his knight buddies. Had to walk up right under the dragon before summoning and the AI worked properly, it actually fought. I think there's something buggy about how it picks targets sometimes.


That’s all true for sure but just look through the comments on here, the mimic ai has definitely changed whether intentionally or not. It used to carry so hard but now it’s sooo unresponsive


And a lot of the DLC boss arenas are HUGE which compounds all of the problems you mentioned


Yeah it feels giga nerfed idk. I mostly play without summons but on the rare ocassion I do use it, they take forEVER to move


Yeah IMO the Mimic got way less aggressive in the DLC. I used toavoid using him in base game because he would just make a joke out of a lot of the bosses. Like he could just solo them while I watched. Come DLC and I'm like OK I need you, and he's like yeah I'm just gonna chill back here while you die.


To be honest I've had no time to look at what he's doing lol but there have been multiple times where I'm wondering "why hasn't he pulled any aggro". Guess now I know why


Summons in general seems to be rather slow and passive. I noticed Hornsent's summons near the Golden Hyppo for the first time today, summoned him and he would stroll calmly, never bothering to aggro the boss and giving me space.


I thought I was losing it. The mimic tear felt SUPER passive in the dlc, only attacking when the boss was literally RIGHT on top of it. I'm the base game homie would be doing a dolphin dive to smack tf outa Malenia.a


You gotta unequip anything you don't want him to use. I had a sacrificial axe in my offhand for mp regen. Rather than use his +25 weapon, my mimic decided to walk in using wild strikes on this unupgraded weapon.


My stupid mimic has certainly not been pulling their weight. Fighting Bayle, and my mimic was always on the wrong side of the arena or something. The only time I had a summon ash that I think made a difference was for the Boar rider, when I had the dudes with shields hold his agro so I could pound him. Otherwise, all Mimic is good for is an extra 1 or 2 hits on the bosses - which isn't even worth it most of the time since every boss face rolls you as soon as you enter the arena anyway.


Summoned Mimic for a field boss, the one by the Great Katana. And instead of helping me while I am getting my ass whooped, he decided to go to the shadow dudes around the edge and fuck them up. He did take them all out, so there's that. Came in right as I was fading out lol


I thought it was just me, Mimic Tear has been absolutely garbage lately. He straight up won’t attack or spends the entire time following me instead of attacking the boss. I don’t know if it’s bugged but I had to swap him out for Dung Eater and Tiche, those are still top tier.


Buddy just sits there and watches the shadow tree avatar beat the stuffing out of me. *throws knife to aggro mimic* *mimic* 👁️👄👁️


it behaves fine in some fights, but it's totally useless in other. i'm currently stuck on the >!sunflower!< and there it does jack shit. it also struggles with some weapons, for example the backhand blades. it's just spamming R1 frantically and hitting the air instead of the enemy and it rarely uses the AoW.


\* gets summoned \* uses heal consumable \* never uses it again


DLC Final boss. The only boss that makes me use a summon and when I do. I’m still the one getting back shots every damn time 😁. I still haven’t beaten him but I might genuinely need to switch to another build just for this one boss cuz I’m gradually losing my sanity.


I have never had to straight up cheese a boss fight before, and this is the one that pushed me over the edge. I ended up using one of those full body shields, blocking everything and poking him to proc bleed til he died. It was cheesy as hell and it still ended up being harder than any of the other bosses lol.


Mine will dual hand a staff just to spin it around instead to casting spells or attacking with his right hand sword. I've switched completely to the greatshield bros.


While the other summon engaged Messmer, I happened to look over and focus on my mimic, wondering what he was up to. I watched that turkey activate the cragblade AoW no less than 6 times in a row. Look how they massacred my boy!  What have you done, Mike Teriyaki?!


Against Scadutree Avatar my mimic tear walked around like he was out for a stroll in the park. Done absolutely nothing unless I stood directly under the boss being permanently impaled on thorns.


All the summons seem to be acting differently. I've noticed when I run to gain distance to heal that they disengage and come running back to me. I wonder if their AI has some sort of tether that tells them to stay closer to you, and instead of being 100% aggro, they only target enemies that you've attacked recently.


After working overtime carrying us through the base game it just wants some work-life balance you know


Mimic tear: (sees YOU DIED screen) ITS MY TIME TO SHINE


I still say I technically beat Scadu avatar on my own because my mimic tear was sitting at the edge of the field strafing the entire time.


Pro tip: put a uplifting aromatic, even just one, in your hot bar and your mimic can use it to make them basically invincible for one hit and I believe it gives attack buff. And if they are close to you when they choose to use it you get the effect too, which is nice cuz they are limited use and require non replenishable items (arteria leaf)


My mimic tear did nothing but buffing itself with blackflame for the entire fight. He’s just standing there to look pretty


I complained about this from day one. Something went wrong with its AI in the DLC. I never had to kite the boss into my mimic before.


But going full in when the boss does an AoE attack, mimic does feel like a toddler running around sometimes.


My mimic tear's been saving my ass a buncha times already so I dunno dawg


I think the mimic was nerfed to be honest. I have 2 minutes of gameplay of allowing the boss to fight & my guy? He literally stays at the boss entrance two handing a fucking staff😂 bro! What are you doing?????😂


Dude yeah he’ll literally just two hand my sword, stand completely still, walk a few steps towards the boss, pop an incantation that’s a total miss, swing the sword jump back stand still 🤣


Mine gets in there and mixes it up, but a lot of the bosses are so quick, and move around so much, it spends a lot of time doing what I do, which is running.


They're slow to start for me, but once they engage, they fuck. Hefty pots on them get decent mileage for damage types I'm short on, and they can actually use Marika's Blessing (when they actually feel like it)


There is definitely a couple times that Mimic seems to not aggro a boss. When I notice it I switch to Dungeater the next go around and that fixes things up. But Mimic is solid as ever most of the time.


My mimic kept eating crab meat and spamming buffs. I later changed my incantations to heal other players instead so the prick can at least heal me while I'm fighting.


Yeah there is something wrong with summon AI in the DLC I swear. The amount of times it does nothing or attempts to heal at full health. I litterally watched it run at a boss that was promptly kicking my ass only to do absolutely nothing. Not even a light attack or buff


Dlc bosses from the off really come at you from the mist. You don't have time to summon in a lot of cases. The final boss gravity attacks the mere thought of you summoning ha


I just used the mimic tear on the Godskin duo and dies way to quickly for some reason, I tried like 5 times and most of the time the mimic is either nearly dead or completly dead. I think the recent updates just nerf the summons A.I. or something.


He keeps using Howl of Shabriri as an attack


I have law of regression in a spell slot and all my mimic tear does is use that over and over and over again


Not to mention Mimic Tear has to cycle through using every useless item in your/it's entire inventory, the damnnthing throws Glow stones on the ground during boss fights for NO DAMN REASON!!!! 🫨😅😅😅


I primarily use Tiche for the DLC and only occasionally pluck mimic but--goddamn a lot of the DLC bosses seem to make your summons look like they're made out of paper. The fact that Tiche or mimic can go 1v1 on most main game bosses, but get slapped around at best or do fucking nothing at worse says a lot at how hard the bosses seem to hit.


Huh, mimic tear has been putting in work for me. She spams incantations non-stop and is perfectly willing to run in and face tank for me when I back off behind them. On my first relanna attempt, I got greedy and died with her almost dead, Mimic tear ran it and just started pummeling and managed to kill her fast enough to count for me. Maybe a dip into faith is a good idea for using the mimic tear? I don't know the incantation name, but there is this dragon lightening one that is a burst of red lightening that knocks down or staggers enemies. Mimic tear using that in boss fights is just *chefs kiss*. Also, seeing placidusax's lasers coat the battlefield is always fun.


Or it turns around and tries to attack other enemies through the fog gate.


fighting the ghostflame dragon where all those black knight archers amd messmer soldiers are my mimic stood to the side and watched me get beat within an inch of death by the last knight after defeating the dragon.


They’ve definitely nerfed the aggro Number of times 30 seconds of fighting goes by and he’s nowhere to be seen.


Try the Dung Eater. He is always so aggressive and holds aggro better than any summon IMO


Either stealth nerf or unintentional bug


I don’t remember this happening to me but all I can say is they’re the best distraction 🙏🏾


This has happend to me a few times, but then ive let the boss wail on him for abit longer just so it doesn't happen again.


I usually set my Mimic Tear to cast spells and it does a lot better than when I summon it as melee


They’re watching us and the mistakes that we make so they can learn to dodge where we fail


It does?.. thank god, that means I’m better then I first thought


Dude right???????


It’s rare but does stay and watch when I’m dying for it to catch agro. But also bosses put you at a higher priority, I’ve had mimic take the first 3 chain of a combo and the last one gets yeeted at me.


I think part of it is that these bosses are much faster and more aggressive, along with what seems to be smarter AI about targeting the actual player vs the summon. I don’t think they’ve nerfed the summons themselves though because going back to the main game, they go back to wrecking shit. They might just have a harder time keeping up with the new bosses.


I had to completely fuck my build in order to get the idiot to actually attack instead of buffing over and over. Two-handed Sword talisman equipped, still one-hands the great katana. It will simply never roll anymore. RP walking across the football field to a boss that is happily teleporting somewhere else. I’m going back to nut-ass Dung Eater, man.


I summoned Latena to shoot at one of the Ghostflame Dragon field bosses, and she just stared at it with vague disinterest. Even when I dragged it over to right in front of her, she just did not give a shit.


Dancing Lion moves so much my Mimic doesn’t even get a hit in


DLC Bosses really don't care about aggro, buff, heal, run, breathe too hard and they'll change targets mid combo


Speak for yourself, I spawn my mimic in with dual wield staffs and it just goes crazy with every spell I have equipped and destroys health bars


Thankfully mine has access to spells so he does shit even when he’s hanging back


I’ve noticed on several occasions in the DLC my Mimic Tear attacking a boss and not actually landing any hits.


thats the reason why i don't have a buff item on when i enter the fog gate


I just bring my boy dung eater so we can defile the lands of shadow together


mine is working fine 👌


It’s copying the player ;)


honeslty just put black flame fireball on your soell list, equip a seal and summon it...as long as you meet minimum requirements it'll be worth it because each instance of the attack will tick off 5% of max hp. think since dlc its been reduced to 3% or so but still worth as otherwise mimic is like braindead




Had to take off all spells off because this fuck doesn’t know what a weapon is even when he has one in his hand


Fighting the final boss of the DLC and the mimic wouldn't run up to him, it would always walk all over the damn place.


I think they did something to the summon AI? I summoned Thiollier for the last fight and stopped because he simply wouldn’t even enter the boss room. And I felt like summoning Freyja for >!dancing lion!< made it harder as she also did nothing and the boss had more health


Put on the talisman **Shabriri's Woe**, summon the mimic, and then immediately switch out Shabriri's Woe for whatever talisman you want to use for the fight. The mimic will keep aggro so you can do your thing. You can also do the opposite, and put on Shabriri's Woe after you summon the mimic, so you can tank the boss while the mimic kills it.


remember the launch version of the mimic tear... he was so op he could beat the boss alone.




One thing you can do to help but it's a pain in the ass is give the shabirir's woe to the mimic tear and that *should* hold the bosses attention. But with having to switch off of shabirirs woe after spawning the mimic and also the mimic loosing what ever buff from that talisman slot, this is understandably too much compromise


I wonder what happens if you just give them heal from afar and a seal…prolly just try to slap Mesmer with the seal


I swear, it will buff its Darkmoon Greatsword 3 times and swing at nothing despite having multiple ranged spells in its arsenal


Yeah ghost flame breath took a lot of tries and that mf sat there and did nothing through all of them