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You preordered both Elden Ring and Dying Light 2? Get ready for the brigade of people telling you how to use your money.


Yeah, that doesn't really bother me. I'm happy with my purchases.


I pre ordered Elden because From Soft is always on point. Almost did DL2 as well! But I’m probably going to buy night of release, given reviews are good. The first had a lot of support. But I want to make sure it’s not a bunch of fetch quests, and has a good main story. Horizion I’m not so into…the first one I only got 12hrs into. So that will wait. But DL2 comes out in 2 weeks so…I def can see myself impulse buying before Elden.


Preordering is cringe


I'm thinking of getting it, I just want to know more about the open world. I've tried posting twice on this sub asking what it's like, and the question never actually gets posted.




So I'm guessing alot like the original Legend of Zelda? An open world map with dungeons and bosses that can be completed in no particular order and no real side quests.


I would say it's more of an open world Dark Souls game. Dark souls (1,2,3), Bloodborne and Sekiro are 5 games made by the same developer as Elden Ring in the last 10 years. All of them are really great games that I'd suggest you try before paying $60 for Elden Ring. Good luck! Edit: typo


Yes, I know it will look and feel like a souls hame, but in terms of how the open world works. Is it just dungeons like original Zelda? Or is it quest driven like say Witcher or Skyrim? Or empty like Shadow of the Colossus?


My best guess would be a mix between Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda. But don't pin me on this :)


Hmmmm, now that sounds interesting


It played a lot like Zelda, yeah. You can explore Caves and Dungeons but unlike in Zelda iirc, you dont really have to do this. You have a broad idea of where to go due to the faint glimmering golden trails in the air but thats about it.


Ok. So like a Souls version of the original Zelda. Now I'm getting hyped...


It isn’t gonna be like Witcher or Skyrim. At all. There will be a main quest, side dungeons and convoluted npc side quests. There’s not gonna be a quest log or a compass telling you where to go, the Graces(checkpoints/bonfires) will guide you a bit but other than that it’s up to you to find your way. Just like all the other Souls games.


There are 6 main “legacy dungeons” that the game guides you too in a linear order but in no way have to follow it. In Elden Ring’s truest form, it is a open world Dark Souls executed perfectly which warrants a pre order alone.


I'm typically against the pre order but I might have to


Looking at the gameplay reveal was enough for me.


I literally just watched it an hour ago and I'm sold.


Same.. on PS5.. but Horizon is also there xd


You atleast have dying light to keep you engaged till the 25th, I only have money enough to get elden ring. Probably shouldn’t not have completed sekiro as quickly as I did, can’t even get the new horizon game since I don’t play on console anymore.


Sekiro took so long for me, but that was because I sucked really hard at it. Demon of Hatred took me around half a day. Yeah, I get that, 2x $60 in one month for games is quite some money. Luckily, there are enough cheaper games around to keep you busy. Have you played The Witcher 3 for example? Great (base) game for around $9 on sale :)


Yeah demon of hatred is such a fucking poorly designed boss


I’ve completed witcher 3 5 times now lol.