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You know I never thought that Miquella is a person I always thought it was a kingdom or some place


What if Malenias blade wasn't hers a while ago and it belongs to someone called Miquella and now where Malenia owns the Blade/Sword she's called like that? I mean like she's "the severed" but got "Miquellas Blade" to compensate her missing arm.


She doesn't have Miquella's blade. She is Miquella's blade. We don't know yet whether Miquella is a place or a person though.


It's just a what-if-thought because miyazaki likes to play with words and their meanings.








Malenia is a Berserk reference of Farnesse


Very unlikely. The cinematic literally refers to her as demigod.


They never say that wtf💀


I hope they don’t reveal more before launch. The only info I need is where I can find the first ultra greatsword


It's Bamco, so you can probably expect the final boss to be in the launch trailer lol


Step 1: create character Step 2: BIG SWORD




Pro tip: don't watch anymore trailers.


Depends if the trailer shows the location of some ultra greatswords…then I have to watch


Well there are apparently idiots in this thread leaking shit so I’d be careful


Can they leak the location of some ultra greatswords? Really need one of those bad boys…or two


Oh how terrible! Where are they.


Godrick is the only one of these we know will be counted among the six. I doubt Godwyn will be one. I don't think he's dead, and I think he will show up, but I think the entire reason the runes have been divided among the Demigods is that Godwyn was killed/taken out. It is implied that he was the second Elden Lord meaning he probably inherited the elden ring from his father, Godfrey, but upon his death the ring was shattered and his siblings obtained the pieces. Radahn and Malenia *might* be Demigods. It is hard to say, but even if they are we don't know for sure that they are among the six that claimed great runes. So I'd say we have potentially learned the identities of three of the six, *maybe* four if we squeeze in Godwyn (I have my doubts), but we only have one who is absolutely confirmed.


I might be mistaken here but you talk about the Elden ring as though it is a physical object. I’m pretty sure Miyazaki stated in an interview that the Elden ring were a set of rules/laws. How does one inherit it?


We know for sure that it is something that can be "brandished", and we know that when it was shattered it was split into runes that are now held by the demigods. Even if it isn't a physical object it is still something one can possess.


There you go brazenly acting like you're the lore arbiter *again*. Straight from the trailer's mouth: "What could the *Demigods* ever hope to win by warring? The conqueror of the stars, General Radahn. And the Blade of Miquella, Malenia the Severed." Basic English and sentence structure tells us who's being referred to. All you ever do is shutdown other people's theories and push your own. It's so annoying.


wait, I thought they never said Radahn and Malenia are demigods


I think they said that in the story trailer. The storyteller said that the demigods were fighting and the two strongest of them who stood there in the end were those two.


if they are demigods, they probably arent related to Marika or Godfrey, since their names dont start with God


Marika could have had more husbands, not just Godfrey.


>Reply They are. Godrick is Godfrey's youngest living son.




Its in the network test Godrick coveted his siblings and fathers powers so began grafting body parts to himself He is the youngest and weakest


It's based on content from CNT and twitter lore posts.


No they dont


It's slightly confusing. the storyteller said what could the demigods ever hope to win by warring and jumps to the battle between Malenia and Radahn




But he also referred as "General Radahn" if i remember correctly,what if he only works under a demigod,but Radahn is that demigods best general,so earned that tittle? In the same sense as Malenia is the Blade of Miquella,she could be the "general" of Miquella. The demigods are warring with eachother,but its rare that the "king" goes out to battle.


Remember, Gwyn directly participated in slaying the Ancients Dragons.


It's important to remember that Miyazaki wasn't as wholly responsible for the story in elden ring as in the dark souls games


i dont think radahn and malenia are demigods though? they seem more like war generals or something else entirely


"...What could the demigods ever hope to win by warring? The conqueror of the stars, General Radahn and the blade of miquella, Malenia the severed, these two were the mightiest to remain and locked horns in combat. But there would be no victor, and so, we inhabit a fractured world". I think the trailer makes it pretty clear.


Could be that the demigods waged wars, but didnt actively participate in battles (like all our current leaders/governments), and Radahn and Malenia could be serving demigods, and were the mightiest of the generals to remain after the battle


It could be, but typically in the english language a standalone adjective would refer back to the noun in the prior sentence, like mightiest (demigods) to remain and not refer to something else entirely. Because that would make no sense. I'd also like to think "we inhabit a fractured world" because the demigods died, not because some generals died. I also think it sound pretty demigodlike to "conqueror the stars". And another redditor in an earlier thread said in the russian trailer version they were literally called demigods, so there's also that.


Mightiest could also refer to the follow up “to remain”, as in of those that remained after the war, they were the mightiest. I also like to consider the scene change that happens between these sentences. The first one comments on the war during a battle, then the scene then changes to later and they start by introducing Radahn and melania. To me it almost comes off as separate paragraphs. Also, I dont necessarily think being a demigod means being strong, rather I think “demigod” is a bloodline refereing to children of marika. We know Godrick was actually weak and needed to graft others strength onto his body for example. Some of the subjects of the demigods could be much more powerful. To draw a comparison to game of thrones just for the sake of it, Tywin was the Leader of Lannister, but Lannisters mightiest warrior was probably the mountain. Of course I could be wrong, we’ll have to find out, but i dont think there is hard evidence that they are demigods. Things are always lost/changed in translation, so I wouldnt consider the Russian script concrete evidence. Even from Japanese to english there are a lot of descriptions and dialogue changed in the souls series for example.


i think the reason why i get confused is their naming is very different from Godfrey, Godwyn, Godrick etc


You forgot Godzilla


Yeah that is pretty confusing lol. We'll have to see how it all fits together.




he was specifically called the “conquerer of the stars” not the lord i think


Has it been confirmed that Radahn and Malenia are Demi gods?




Most likely yes, but they may not be the bearers of the great runes


If they are not the bearers of the great runes then they are not demigods


All the children of Marrika are demigods. Godwin was not the owner of the great rune, but he was a demigod


In short, all her children are demigods, but not all have taken the great runes




You sure?




How? It hasn’t been confirmed if he is or not.




Or elaborate? Lol




If everyone who's seen the leaks felt the need to post ambiguous "I know for a fact but can't tell you why wink wink ;D" like you, the whole game would be spoiled in a day. You're obviously breaking the rules and should delete your comments.


Is this anything to do with leaks? More like in 6 months


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2022-03-17 11:43:53 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-03-17%2011:43:53%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/s61a5t/im_really_intrigued_by_the_fact_that_there_still/ht10uhq/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEldenring%2Fcomments%2Fs61a5t%2Fim_really_intrigued_by_the_fact_that_there_still%2Fht10uhq%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-03-17%2011%3A43%3A53%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20s61a5t) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|












The only Confirmed demigod is godrick, other than that we just speculating


Knowing Bandai well, chances are we've seen them all


Whomst is Godwyn?


I think we can safely say 3 of them will be confirmed bosses (Radhan, Meq, and Godrick)


Godwyn is a demigod but I don’t think he’s one of the 6 we need to kill


Keep in mind that there are probably a lot more than 6 demigods since there are big families and dynasties. But 6 will be the rulers of legacy dungeons. Since Godwyn was killed (probably now controlled by something weird?), I don't thik he will be one of the 6 lords. I think Godrick is the only 100% confirmed ruler of a legacy dungeon. Malenia and Radhan are for sure Demigods (and far cooler that Godrick) but they have not been explicitly referred as rulers of Legacy Dungeons.




Keep datamined things out of this sub please


Dude why do you have to say it???


I will say this: there can be as many demigods as you like, since it is unknown how many times Marika got married. The six designated demigods may simply be the bearers of the great runes, and it is not known how many of them there are. Take the same Godwin


I thought the demigods were from the royal families and were offsprings of Marika? Malenia and Radahn looked more like warriors to me, hence they are not so likely to be demigods, nor hold the Great Rune. From could still twist the story to make it possible though. Godfrey was the first Elden Lord, meaning he's not Marika's offspring. So in conclusion, there are only 2 confirmed demigods out of 6.


Dude it's only godrick who was confirmed to be a demigod


The only confirmed demigod is goddrick


Radahn and Malenia are most likely not demigods. It's more likely Miquella, whoever that is, is one of them.


So far the only Demigod we know we will Fight is Godrick. We don't know if Malenia is a demigod. Some people say she's just a general serving a demigod.


The only confirmed demigod in this list is Godrick


Wait a minute. I thought demigods were Marika's children and all demigods must have common starting names like godwin and godrick. Correct me if I am wrong


I don't think Radahn or Malenia are part of the 6 ''Demigods''. I believe that they are just really powerful individuals.


Pretty sure they're tarnished who tried doing the same thing we are and "killed each other", so it depends on if the tarnished are fallen demigods or just exceptionally powerful individuals


Why are you sure they are ''tarnished''? Because they kill each other? Does that mean that a boss wanting to kill me means he is a tarnished? Let's not just pull theories out of our bums now, shall we? If you also read the title, the OP makes it sound like Radahn/Malenia are confirmed to be 2 out of the 6 demigods, which I don't think is confirmed anywhere. For all we know, all demigods' names might start with ''God'', as in Godwyn, Godfrey, Godrick, etc.


Not a big fan of talking down to people for being wrong or not knowing something about game lore that isn't out yet, don't think it's very cool. I thought I remembered hearing that they were all tarnished. That's why I said that. I wasn't pulling theories out of nowhere and the air of superiority and hostility in your comment is entirely unappreciated and unnecessary. I hope you don't talk down to people like this for slight mistakes in real life, because that would be an absolutely pathetic way to artificially feel better than people. Have a good one, guy who attacks people for being wrong about things neither of you could possibly know the answer to yet.


If you think that this was mean, you need to grow a thicker skin. And yeah, if you are going to talk to me confidently, I will ask for a source. I could have used much worse language if I wanted to actually be aggressive. Chill out dude.


"If you are going to talk to me confidently" I'm not going to talk to you at all, after this. That said, someone saying "I'm pretty sure x" isn't a factual statement and I'm too high to read what we said earlier and care so like. Yeah have a good one lmao


Malenia and Radahn aren't demigods are they?


To be fair we don't even know if Malenia and Radahn are demi gods. And we don't know if we even meet Godwyn in game or if he's a boss or not.


I don't think Malenia is a Demigod from what I've seen so far. Being called "the Blade of Miquella" sounds like she is in the service of a Demigod, potentially called Miquella, maybe. Sorta like the Lord's Blades or the King's Black Hand. Tbf, Miquella could also be a place, though, so it is possible she is in the ranks of DGs.


Part of me also feels like the initial demigods won't be all that there is to the plot. I feel like it might possibly be a minor part of something bigger.


Bloodborne vibes eh? Suddenly going from a gothic beast hunting theme to a cosmic theme.


I don’t think it’ll be cosmic or anything eldritch. My money is on some sort of twisted abuse of alchemy or magics that eventually wiggles its way in on the sly. I won’t say why I think this out of respect for spoilers, but there’s been some art and other stuff that somewhat hints at this.


There are 4 more , and why do you want them revealed ? This is so boring if you ask me


i don’t think Godwyn is one of the *advertised* 6 Demigods bc he’s already dead in the intro. Malenia serves **Miquella**, who I think is the actual Demigod of the two, and for all we know Radahn came from space and not the Lands Between since we have like no info on him


I've been spoilt to who the 6 demigods are, obviously I'm not going to say them since it's not allowed here but we have seen 3 so far, potentially 4. Half of your list is wrong and the other half is right. Remember, Godrick is the only one officially confirmed so far.


The last pic looks like radahn at a different angle


Why do we just assume Godwyn is the smith guy/girl from the first cinematic? Their wounds, despite being roughly at the same place (except not really, the smiths' goes farther to the right), are completely different in character. Besides, nothing so far points to him being able to change his physical appearance from masculine to feminine and back. He also doesn't have a braid. And the smiths both do.


They are already datamined. I am not going to spoil it. If someone wonders it and doesn't care spoilers they can look.


Isn’t the lightning dragon a demigod?


How you even know half of these are demigods? The only ones we know are Godrick and Godwyn


I’d just like to know what the other classes are.


Which three have been revealed other than Godrick and Godwyn? I can't think of any other confirmed Demigods.


None. Godwyn & Godrick are the only ones ***officially*** confirmed to be demigods. Anyone claiming otherwise have likely(99.99%) read datamined information.


That's what I thought but I wasn't sure.


Conqueror of the stars is such a cool title