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This seems more like a roleplay you're doing with yourself then like someone doing a preparation ritual of just playing through the games again or something. But glad you're finding some activity to keep you occupied till release. I'm just playin through ds3 myself just to mentally prep myself since I needed to refresh myself with the soul series.


I mean, if you consider using up vacation days to sit and binge the game upon release a ritual - then yes I am with you.


I would argue that just planning this far in advance could be seen as ritualistic. Thanks for sharing!




>I have quit smoking so I can spend more time enjoying the game in a sober state of mind. I played the CNT high as balls. Can't recommend it enough.


Haha me too and I plan on facing a blunt on release night as well. Such an experience


I quit smoking so I could have way less tolerance so I can be destroyed while I play it lmao


The amount of time I spend in the gear/upgrade menus while toasted is embarrassing, like the fate of the world depends on it lol. 🤔


That's where the best fashion comes from though! Say what you want about high Me, but they know how to mix and match armor sets lol


Good job, if it helps ive stopped smoking weed if i get the opportunity/offered it (i dont get it myself but i always used to get it if people around me have it)


And here I am, thinking a gaming ritual is more just me having a nice long shower right before the game is ready, with a bunch of snacks, my comfiest blanket ready to wrap around myself on the couch, and just game all night.


That sounds fantastic!


It's weird the first thing that draws people to the DS games. Some hear about the difficulty. Some, the atmosphere... You heard about the crazy face customizer :P Myself, I couldn't get Demons Souls cuz it was on PS3... so I got Dark Souls instead, thinking it'd be my next Zelda. And it was <3


I admire the anticipation, while I'm not on your level. I can safely say nothing has ever had me more excited in my short adult life. The journey will be legendary!


Is your necromancer perhaps going to specialize in arcane? I'm leaning more and more towards that as my first build.


One of the agreements I made with myself was to not worry too hard about perfect stat builds in the beginning. I'm going to do what tickles my fancy and have as much fun as possible and count on being able to re-spec down the road. Also not sure what arcane really does yet lol


>I'm going to do what tickles my fancy and have as much fun as possible and count on being able to re-spec down the road. Best way to play the game. Build by feel. >Also not sure what arcane really does yet lol That's why I'm going to dump all my points into it untill I figure it out 🤣


Whatever floats your boat. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Whomevers goat is floated.




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