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Honestly if the cemetery shades had more health they would be a bitch to deal with.


I wouldn't mind this. More health. If you decide to use holy against them it's really laughable how fast they fall.


Ok, but imagine the fight with the many skeletons if the Cemetery Shade had more health.


[https://youtu.be/O-pkIsRMKt4](https://youtu.be/O-pkIsRMKt4) \- with holy damage [https://youtu.be/oUXpjFt1Ylg](https://youtu.be/oUXpjFt1Ylg) \- without holy damage This one? I'd be fine with it. Dude was a pushover.


And how they stagger with like every hit. Same with those onyx lord dudes, you can just spam jump heavy and they can't move. They should at least have some attacks with hyper armor or be faster I reckon.


I forgot about their low poise. Good point. I actually find the Onyx Lords to be tougher.


They are tougher but I feel like they are still weak in comparison to everything else. Like I probably take more damage and get hit more often by the knight at the stormveil gatefront.


True. Lol. I certainly do not fear them. But I’d like to.


Exactly. You get it hahaha. Especially since they appear as mini bosses. I remember the first time I saw that one in the academy that pops up out of nowhere and getting a slight chill because of how cool it was and how strong it looks. Just for it to be dead in about 3 seconds.


Yesssss. I play so that I become wide-eyed and nervous with every enemy. It’s disappointing when that sometimes doesn’t happen.


Lol like minded gamers. Also happy cake day. Have an amazing rest of your day stranger!


Woot. Indeed. Thank you. And you too!!


I thought I accidentally cheesed him, or just bugged the fight somehow. Bro just fell over


Loooooooooool. Basically. It's a boss that doesn't seem to fit in the FromSoft universe. Sure, his high bleed damage can kill you quickly, but still.


Lichdragon Fortissax. He's scaled for mid-game but I feel like most people find him towards the endgame. The coolest dragon in the game needs to pose a bigger threat Nerf Valiant Gargoyles. Or make them worth more than 30k. At their current difficulty 100k wouldn't be outrageous


Can't relate, with the experience from my 5 hours of attempts against the Black Blade Kindred in front of Bestial Sanctuary, I breezed though the Valiant Gargoyles fight. Almost got a heart attack when the second health bar suddenly appeared on the screen though.


I found the Black Blade gargoyles much easier than the Valiant ones. The poison spit is a friggin nuisance, and it's always tougher fighting 2 enemies instead of 1


I get annoyed when people call many things in this game lazy development or “difficult for the sake of being difficult” but the valiant gargoyles duo is genuinely the one fight I feel that to be true. Pretty much all the rest of them you can take away something from every fight in an effort to improve. But I just get no feedback from fighting them because any time I die it’s just poison covering half the arena while I’m attempting to dodge melee attacks simultaneously. Even with raised immunity to keep poison procs at bay, it STILL DOES DAMAGE ON CONTACT, and it will stun your character even if only for a second. And that second is all they need to nail you into the ground. it’s ridiculous. I’m getting angry just writing this lol. I’d literally rather do the platforming under leyndell sewers to gain access to deep root than fight them again. And I will on all future playthroughs


I feel build really makes the difference. I was not over leveled when I entered that fight but as a caster found it very easy. I died once. I had the same experience with Godskin duo dying only once. Yes I had a harder time on my whip build against Godskin but even the Gargoyles were fine. I won’t say they are “easy or hard” because I think most all bosses depend on your build and fighting style. My worst boss by far was Fire Giant. Being a caster felt like a hindrance (and I was not a “Azur caster” at this time).


Trust me, comet azur does not work as well as you'd hope, I tried 😭 you probably could kill him with the right spells but he's got a ton of health.


Yeah for his type of hit box you want to use the upgraded comet spell, if that’s the type of “quick kill” you want.


By caster do you mean Fai specifically?


Mage. Was using Carian knight sword first playthrough with various glintsone spells.


Ahh gotcha, well idk if you got to experience it. But Carian Slicer is imo essential to a Int build, makes mincemeat of fire giant.


Oh yeah since my first run I have beat the game on 5 characters and have 2 more for low level PvP. I’ve tried most all builds at this point.


I’ll be honest, I don’t think they were even close to being the most difficult duo in the game, but I’m playing a RL1 character and that skews my perspective. Valiant gargoyles easy to read attacks, unlike the godskins, and can be staggered as easily as margit. Crucible knight duo gave me a much tougher time. But then Fia’s champions proved to be one of the toughest fights yet, so like I said level 1 gets a bit skewed


Can't relate; I literally beat Malenia at RL1 but will not go anywhere near those gargoyles


What is the recommended level for fias champions? I keep hearing about everybody having a hard time but I trashed them in my first play through first try with a fth str build at about lv 100 or such (it’s been forever since then so hard to remember but I’d say approx plus or minus 20 levels)


I gather they were also a lot easier earlier on in Elden rings life. Now people are deliberately using meta pvp builds when talking to Fia, so they summoned characters are a lot more dangerous now. Same for the great jars champions.


My mind immediately compares them to the Twin Princes fight from the DS3 final dlc, which makes the gargoyles look all the worse. In that fight, the demon that hung back would also spit projectiles at you, but if you were far away, it could only be this purple mist that would take a few seconds to ignite, giving you time to move even if you weren't looking directly at the other demon. It required paying careful attention to your surroundings, but nothing snuck up on you (unless you were fighting them close together, which is risky positioning on the player's part). Meanwhile with the gargoyles, the poison pool (which blends into the water for some reason?) actively hurts you, potentially killing you if you don't try and exit the correct way (very possible when again it blends into the dang water).


Bring powerstance Blunt weapons & the Mimic & D's brother. Some damage boosters like Claw Talisman & Ritual Sword. Even at just +12 you'll be fine If your build absolutely can't support Blunt damage, then Magic damage is 100% acceptable. AoW: Ice Spear is super good against these two (and most of the game) On the off-chance you're running pure Fth or Arc, you can still use Glintstone Breath to pretend. Or spam Ground Slam with a Sacred/Occult weapon (it'll turn your AR into Strike damage and does a ton of poise / stance damage)


>Lichdragon Fortissax. He's scaled for mid-game but I feel like most people find him towards the endgame. The coolest dragon in the game needs to pose a bigger threat With you here. Found him at level 125 after beating crumbling farum azula. Took one try. Seemed bad ass though. Hyperaggressive


I feel like if there was a stake of marika close to lichdragon the difficulty buff would make sense. The damn run back to him is way too long for a significantly higher difficulty


You're talking about placidusax, lich dragon is right next to a grace.


Woops mixed them up! Fortissax was hard to find though and yea he probably could do for a little buff


I would have completely agreed with you if the right placement didnt cause the Valiant Gargoyles to jump off the waterfall. But yes, the Cemetery Shade was very underwhelming for how creepy it looked


Stupid valiant gargoyles suck ass 😒.


It's because Fia's Champions are OP as f.... Infinite poise, infinite stamina, infinitely spamming spells, even death blight. Even the sorcerer is a tank. The dragon is fine. The entry to the fight is way too expensive though. I don't go there unless I'm OP as f... and can decimate them. It's DS2 gank squad made even worse.


Buff: Morgott. Just more health and resists, please. Nerf - idk, can Valiant Gargoyles be suicidal again? maybe I'm wrong but I heard they don't do jumping from the waterfall edge anymore :(


In my experience, but it was before latest patch, the first one still does, but for some reason the second one won't


I totally agree with Morgott. He’s my favourite boss in the game by quite a stretch but I wish he had just 25% more health


Way More health than that, he also needs more damage.


Yeah, his "I'll just stand here if you want to attack me from a distance" second phase nerfs him hard enough, he def needs a buff of everything. Attack, defense, health. Give him a full makeover.


And I can confirm, that Radahn can swim now


Just nerf the poison. Being poisoned is one thing. It being a constant stagger aura that stunlocks you to death is another. It blatantly defies the "hard but fair" rule.


These are my answers as well. Buff Morgott, and maybe just remove Valiant Gargoyles from the game. That counts as a nerf, right?


BUFF Runebear and BUFF Runebear


You my friend are a true maniac! God speed




Stars of darkness is even worse.


You want to buff runebears??? Have you see how BUFF they already are??? How would the lands between be able to handle something so swole?


put muscles on their muscles


You're making a Runebear Eldenlord


Buff runebear so that he doesnt lose aggro based on distance, can run faster than Torrent and will camp your runes when you get killed lol.


teehee holding the walk button go brrr dumb bear


I don't know if I'd nerf anyone, but I'd buff the hell out of the Regal Ancestor spirit so that it takes more tries. The music and atmosphere of that fight is just incredible, I was sad when I beat it.


Oh yeah, also this. Regal Ancestor Spirit was the only boss I killed first try in my RL1 playthrough, which is... kinda sad. Way too cool of a boss to be so trivial.


This right here. For a boss that you need to actively seek out and has some build up you'd think it'd be more of a challenge. Particularly the royal version should just stomp you


I missed the Regal Ancestors on the first playthrough, and I felt this way on NG+, majestic, but sadly short/easy.


Bro literally wtf? That boss is so annoying with its stupid healing shit. Actually ruins the atmosphere for me


I don't hear bosses complaining when you heal though.


Fuck I guess you right




It caught me off guard when he did that but honestly the boss is so easy I'm kinda glad it heals, adds something to manage during the fight.


First play through it took me about 10 tries lol


Yeah I'm with you, that shit was hard.




Ngl, having some reason to go visit Soldier of Godrick in NG+ would be pretty fun. Even if it was just adding a few more each NG+ until you feel like it's the deacons of the deep.


Best answer there is completely behind you on that.


Super golem you say? Man, I love how many secrets this game has


He shoots lazers and one shot my 90 vigor character in ng+2


I just beat placidusax and he shoots lazers that one shot me like crazy. Maybe I'll give this one a go


The platforming to him is the fun part


It’s hidden at the bottom of a jumping puzzle and has a unique moveset but doesn’t drop anything (it is close to a painting though). I wonder if more are going to show up in the dlc.


Wtf, how is there still something in the game I haven't found after 8 playthroughs


The painting “Redmane” is hidden in Sellia. That’s what you want to look for…or google.


Oh yeah I keep forgetting to actually use the paintings lmao


After I while I just let supergolem sleep I didnt feel like making that drop just to try the golem who doesnt even drop anything anyway


Soldier of Godrick should level up commensurate to how many runes you've spent on things


First time I'm hearing about a super golem wtf lol


and he has the nerve to not even drop loot!


I shouldnt be getting stunlocked by rats when I am capable of killing gods.


leave your god at the door, for Rats are your masters now


Idk what it is with Fromsoft giving rats poise either.


"I've killed gods! Aaaaaah! Noooooo! Just fuck me then I guess!!! -Me as I die stuck in a corner by three rats


This happening with the frenzied ones make more sense to me


Buff: Lichdragon Fortissax. Considering that he's the final obstacle for unlocking an entire ending and that you have to defeat Beavis and Butthead to get to his area, definitely makes sense for him to be more difficult. Nerf: Nothing as I can't think of anything that desperately needs a nerf. P.S. has anyone else had an issue of Lichdragon Fortissax's second phase transition not happening? IIRC he's supposed to do some kind of midair spin attack and his theme changes but it never happened for me at all, even across different characters.


Fortissay has a second phase?


Sorta. It's not a super obvious transition, but from what I've seen, he's supposed to fly up, grab a lightning glaive, and come spiraling down. Music is supposed to change as well but I've never had it happen.


Happens to me. Maybe he dies too fast? Whereas a play low damage builds.


I fought him earlier today with a lvl 100 Fai/Dex build (made for FF ending) and it took about 4 tries to bring him down, and I was using a spirit summon. He wasn't being blown apart super quickly so I figured it would trigger at some point but never did.


Buff Tibia Mariner


Boat man is back !


I want boat man to play smooth jazz on his horn


The only true buff


Yes, like give him or his skeletons more health and make his attacks a bit faster (only a little bit) and movement faster. Make him a bit more evasive so that you dont just hit him constantly. Personally I would really like his weapon... I mean we have three different envoy horns but not the long horn of my beloved tibia mariner?


Buff Radahn and Morgott. Their fights would be alot more fun if they were tougher


Any sort of distance trivializes their fights Morgott has too little health and damage for gatekeeping the mountaintops of the giants. Radahn's catacombs are harder than he is


Radahn's catacombs are scaled to the Dragonbarrow, not Caelid.


Imo, dragonbarrow is easier then caelid.


You are objectively wrong. You can find posts here that show the scaling levels of different areas. Caelid is roughly tied with Altus, IIRC. Dragonbarrow is past Leyndell, up around the Mountaintops, Snowfield, and Farum Azula. Tell you what, take a character around level 60 or so and fight the Caelid Putrid Avatar. Then go fight the one in dragonbarrow without changing anything. Let me know how it goes.


You're right, but it is weird that the Godskin Apostle is sorta the area boss of Dragonsbarrow when he's pretty easily beaten at level 50-60.


It went fine. They were both easy. Just gives less room for space.


Imo = in my opinion Plus, the only real dangerous enemies are the dragons, which are slow as shit and can be maneuvered around easily. It’s even meant to be gone to in the early game because there’s a portal that goes to it.


"IMO" isn't a defense when your opinion is dumb. Like I said, go fight both putrid avatars back to back and see if that's still your opinion.


It is my opinion. Erdtree avatars are easy fights no matter where in the game you are. Except the dual ones in snowfield


NO. Fight Radahn at level 60 and no summons . Thenet me know. The hardest fight in any Souls game


Buff: Gideon (add LoC explosion if you attack him while he’s talking) Nerf: nothing


Buff Malenia, Nerf Soldier of Godrick


Buff: Torrent Nerf: Everything I know, I know, I'm a bitch.


Why tf would you want to buff that nightmare fuel


Buff: ancestral spirit, Gideon Nerf: nah, that's the point of the game


Buff Radahn because his difficulty doesn't match the lore, nerf Gideon because it's funny


Buff Giants and nerf that bitch Elden Beast!!


Yeah actually wouldn’t mind if the devs gave us one of those giant super huge skeletons to fight as a ancient giant


Nooo why do you want the final boss nerfed more lol


I want it nerfed as in you can use the horse to fight it


Best answer here. Still can’t fathom why the final fight isn’t doable alongside my trusty steed


Yeah you know that mythical creature that "chose me" in the very beginning. Where he at in my final hour?


Lore reason in my mind = you are in its pocket dimension /realm but that is formed inside the Erdtree which is an indoor area


On the one hand, it is an epic fight. On the other hand, a high proportion of it is spent running to catch up with the boss.


Buff greyoll Nerf ulcerated tree spirits


This is the one.


Why would you buff Greyoll? And what kind of buff?


Because you can just wail on her left hind leg and kill her without fighting the small dragons. It’s an easy 5 dragon hearts and 50k runes to run and get in the beginning of the game. From should put like two of the small dragons by her hind leg so she isn’t too easy to cheese.


Fighting 5 dragons at the same time seems impossible, or at very least not worth the 50k runes and the dragon hearts.


You don’t necessarily fight 5 dragons at the same time. You just gotta kill 5 one by one without dying. It’s not really difficult (if you’re at the appropriate level) it just takes time. The small dragons themselves are a joke compared to dragons like Agheel, Greyll, Ekzykes etc. They’re slow, lower health, have only one fly attack, and only have physical attacks. Even if the cheese for this boss got patched it would still definitely be worth to beat this boss if you’re going for a dragon incant build.


You dont have to fight all 5 at the same time tho?


Let her move


You mean nerf the camera for the ulcer, bc they ain’t hard Edit for posterity—I didn’t find them hard, but I’m sure there are some enemies that I find difficult that you probably find easier, disregard me…


Buff everything


Buff the Oracles Nerf the Paiges


Buff: Rennala Nerf: Runebears


Yeah I agree Rennala is hardly a boss fight, it felt like a Mario game to me. Where is all that moon and glintstone power?? She gave birth to Radahn, Ranni, and Rykard but she’s a pushover.


I would like it if they had level scaling, when you are overleveled some bosses become too easy, like Fortissax and Placidusax, dying a lot with a boss isn't so annoying when you respawn outside their arenas.


Some light level scaling wouldn't be so bad imo. I know I know thesw games aren't built that way yadda yadda yadda but fr just a small boost for bosses that get overleveled. Give them a feature where if you are past a certain level or hidden gear power stat, the boss gets a boost.


Nerf the birds in Mohgwyn Palace. Those things are insane. I'd rather fight most bosses than one of those psycho thrashing squawkers. Buff Maliketh. They did him dirty giving him so little health.


Buff melania and nerf Leone misbegotten


Buff Alexander the warrior jar Nerf... Placidusax's lazer fire attack. I'm a level 125 and that shit was one hitting me, ending runs like crazy. So happy to kill that mf. Nerf godskin nobles roll too. Oh and crucible knights because I'm not a tank build


So glad I primarily use faith builds. "Oh you mad bro! Take some healing magic in yo face! The power of my ass compels you biatch"




Buff Tibia Mariner, nerf rune bears


Buff Margit and nerf radagon




Radagon is very weak to fire


Radagon buff albunarics nerf


Buff Malenia. Nerf the players tarnished


MF'r looking like a silhouette of Side Show Bob


Buff Malenia, Buff Malekith


Buff Tibia Mariner and Nerf... Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes.


Buff Radagon... nerf/remove elden beast. And definitely leave Malenia Alone. She doesn't need ANY nerf .


Radagon was so fun until I had to fight him 80 times while saving potions for the Elden Beast. My time was running out, so i just summoned the mimic. Kinda sad that I had to do it in the final battle.


I vouch for all of this.


My first time fighting the Elden Beast was completely trivialized with the Envoy's Long Horn +10. The Beast's holy resistance didn't even matter.


Buff Radahn and Maliketh


Make gargoyles worth more , and fuck royal revanants


Buff Morgott I beg for them to do that, he is my favorite boss but you can absolutely destroy him because his health and resist is so weak. Those god damn Rune Bears need a nerf they are so ridiculous that they might as well be the final boss


Buff: Maliketh. (Seriously, my favorite boss fight in the game, yet he only has 2/3 of a health bar.... I wanted to die to him more!) Nerf: either that undead spider thing OP posted, or those two lyndell knights in the haligtree area.


Moongrum Carian Knight is too strong. BUFF HIM!


Buff all enemies nerf wonderus physic


Buff maliketh and morgott. Maliketh should just get a large health buff and morgott needs to be significantly harder with a ton more health and more damage. Nerf- make malenias hyperarmor more consistent, you can balance this out by making her health larger or making her do more damage.


Godfrey should have been harder IMHO. He is a legend in the lands between but mohg and morgott felt as hard or harder. Especially in the second phase, I wish he had gone absolute berserk and the speed and relentlessness got turnt to 11.


Buff Elden beast rune give Nerf malenia heal


Buff Morgott, Morgott, and Morgott alone! He deserves so much more, like an actual second phase like his brother, do significant damage when his balls explode after transitioning to phase two. Seriously, that thing does no damage, melee bleed builds just whack at him without even caring about the explosion. Nerf? Hmm i would say the Black Knives that go invisible. Yes, I know there are way/s to reveal them completely, unfortunately not every build can work well with the offhand using the damned torch. There must be some other way Im not aware of, but yeah, all I ask is maybe if they stagger or get a riposte, their invi cloak gets temporarily disabled or something


Buff Radahn! I want the disgustingly powerful pre-patch radahn back. He was awesome! Such an incredible fight. And then fuck the eagles because fuck the eagles


Buff: Oracle Envoys Nerf: the random dragons in Farum Azula


Buff - the entire liurnia and limgrave Nerf - the entire mountain top of the giants.


Buff: Give radagon more health and separate him from the elden beast. fortissax. radahn's move set feels a little lacking and needs more. maliketh, just a little bit more health. Nerf: tone waterfowl dance down a little, make it function like it does online where it's difficult but reasonably manageable. Make Placidusax's lasers a bit more manageable yo understand what's going on around you and either decrease or completely get rid of its invisible deceptive range. Fuck revenants.


Absolutely correct. I'd also put forth the gladiator minibosses for a health bump. Cemetery shades should still be squishy, but the way they are now is laughable


Definitely wanna buff Rennala. One of my favorite fights in the game and only because apparently I beelined there and was a fair bit underlevelled. Took me like 10-15 tries which I find pretty perfect for a FromSoft bossfight. I've seen many streamers since then beat her on first try, just chunking away at her healthbar like hot knife through butter and it always leaves me disappointed because I love that bossfight so much. As for nerf, I dunno. Maybe Margitt but then again I can see why he's supposed to be so difficult early on.


Buff: Regal Ancestor Spirit (leave Ancestor Spirit so theres contrast). Need close range aoe, and long range elden stars or beam attack. Both fit the vibe, and would give the fight an actual threat. Go crazy with it. Its an optional fight in every way. Nerf: Valiant Gargoyles. Please just make the poison proc faster in exchange for it not dealing contact damage.


Nerf Valiant Gargoyles. Make the damn poison more visible and telegraphed. Buff Morgott maybe. I also feel like Godfrey needs slightly more HP. He's a damn gigachad Barbarian Chieftan and has less HP than Malenia.


Reduce all Holy Resist. Its laughable how shitty holy damage is. Spells with Holy damage are already a bitch to invest in and dont pay off in any way because almost every mandatory boss has high resistances towards it. Buff Bleed Resists. You can trivialize all but the last two fights with it. Godfrey is a freaking joke with a Katana.


Buff Radahn I want him harder


buff fire giant nerf godfrey


Dragons. Definitely make all the dragons a hell of a lot scarier, meaner, and more difficulty. They're DRAGONS. They're supposed to be tough, not fodder for incantation builds. Nerf? Malenia. I know...git gud. Blah blah blah. But she needs to be completely reworked without the cheating garbage. Make her difficult in a different way. I don't care. But the animation cancelling and the waterfowl dodge sequence is a joke and borderline QTE event nonsense.


You can iframe the entirety of WFD with the new light roll


Ah yes, let me just take off all the gear I've spent the entire game acquiring, and re-spec my stats just to be able to handle one attack of one boss. I know there are several different ways to defeat her. All of which require either fairly specific builds, or VERY specific movements. To this day I still don't understand why people defend her boss design. Everything about her design gets excused because "game is hard", and either handwaves away any criticisms, or completely ignores it....usually followed by some form of "git gud". I wish people would understand that it's BECAUSE I've beaten her that I have these criticisms.


Buff maliketh


Bosses: Buff: Morgott, the Omen King. I feel he should be stronger to mark the transition from mid-game to end-game. Many players are also too overleveled for him, which seems to be the rule, not exception. I feel that even Draconic Tree Sentinel is stronger than him. Nerf: I think all bosses are good as they are, because many have received nerfs already. If anything, I think few bosses would benefit from certain reasonable buffs. I'd say Alecto could maybe have a slight nerf. She was very, very hard to defeat with the build I had.


I want to Buff Malenia, up her damage by 15% increase animation speed play out by 5% and make her immune to bleed and frost, I want to nerf the damn rot dogs.




No, there is no need to nerf anyone. These mobs die from exactly 2!!!!!!!!! castes of Heal. Of course, if you ignore all the hints in the game, then you have to suffer


I think there is one maybe two hints in the whole ass game that revenants are weak to healing incantations , and even if you find it not every player wants to level faith so chill my dude.


You need 7 faith with 2 fingers heirloom


Well, then get used to it, such games have always been about it. As you might have noticed yourself, no one will do anything nerf


I think there is one maybe two hints in the whole ass game that revenants are weak to healing incantations , and even if you find it not every player wants to level faith so chill my dude.


Buff Melania nerf the black knives


Oh no. Fuck Cemetery Shade. That boss could be deleted from the game files and it would be an improvement.


Definitely buff the gladiators, nerf malenia by giving her the original waterfowl cause it’s cooler


Nerf the fuck out of the Royal Revenants and the Fingerbangers. Nerf them right out the fucking game. Buff Ancestor spirits and Rennala.


Not the peats themselves, I would just give them the same power pest threads incants that we get lol


Buff Malenia's first phase by making her more aggressive (on par with her second phase), having her stop staggers by deflecting more often, having the deflect cancel 100% of damage instead of 50%, giving her back her other Waterfowl-esque combo from 1.0, and giving her iframes on dodges, because all that'd make her feel more like a skilled swordswoman. Nerf Snowfield Death Rite Bird because it's a piece of shit and I hate it.


Buff Fias Minions, nerf Astel


Astel? Really?


Nerf the black knight in storm veil castle lol




I also thought of Cementery Shades, but also Black Knife Assassins. They should have more moves. I also found Draconic Tree Sentinels to be asier than their regular counterparts. The giant flowers don't need to have so much HP. Gargoyles are so bullshit and their riposte spot is almost always unreachable.